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Hey everyone!  Here it is - my reaction to the 3-part OVA episodes of That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime!  It was fun to meet some new characters, see our kids in action, and even thicken the plot a bit more with our new demon friend!!!  Did not expect him to show up, but wow, am I dying to find out more next season!  I also loved seeing the kids a lot more - their interactions, their abilities, their new spirits, their new weapons, etc.  And something tells me perhaps we haven't seen the last of characters like Tiss, Jeff, the Count and his wife, etc.!  Can't wait for more! See you in season 2!  Enjoy!  ~ MH


Slime OVAs 3-5 full reaction.mp4



Aw I wonder if all doggies think of their masters as kingly the way Ranga does Rimuru, even when they’re just simply being mellow for a day. Also I honestly do love that lamp. I’m just into decor like that. I love the color gradient on the shade. Might be a long shot but hopefully someone’s actually made something like that. Gotta get cracking to try and find it 🤩


Which lamp? There was the one on the desk and the one Rimuru was thinking of buying. And I didn't know if Ranga was actually seeing Rimuru as majestic, or he was flattering him because he was about to ask him (for?) something. Probably both.


That antique lamp Rimuru was looking to get before Jeff walked in and for sure Ranga was just buttering him up there but overall I think Ranga is always looking to acknowledge Rimuru whenever he can. That’s how much admiration he has for him 🥰


Awwwww I think they kinda do!!! <333 The lamp was pretty sweet right!!! I'd be surprised if there wasn't some kind of replica or something similar online!!! XD

Tyler Stobbe

I can sum up this story in four words: “the butler did it.” Well, maybe not technically true, but close enough! The interesting thing about this set is how little it focuses on Rimuru himself. I mean, after Chloe spikes him out of the opening sequence we only see him a handful more times. I think the main point is to show how Rimuru influences everyone and everything around him, even when he’s not there. Like when we’re away from the JTF, we aren’t worried that it isn’t functioning, and the same thing seems to be true with his students. He scores that much more with them just by treating them like equals, as he even wins over the Class A students. So now Rimuru is a doctor on top of everything else? What’s he gonna do next, invent the cure for negative emotions? (Nice Grimm reference btw). No, he’s just over there talking about how he can take it easy and nothing really happens, he clearly hasn’t learned his lesson yet. 😅


It's kind of amazing that a mere mid-level salaryman who never had a girlfriend in this world is able to have huge influence and attract multiple people to his side (including women) in the new world, despite being a slime. Is it the nature of the world that he now lives in, not just his personal qualities?


Hahahah yup, that sums it up! That's true, Rimuru wasn't the focal point of this. That's a great point, his influence is so strong that he doesn't even have to be present to have an effect! Hahaha right?! Is there anything he can't do?! (Glad you enjoyed the Grimm reference!!) Lol yeah, at the end of the day, he might be a big deal, but he doesn't necessarily act like a big deal, which is what makes him Rimuru! Donna - that's a great question, I kinda feel like it's both. The new world was a new chance to re-learn everything and forge new bonds. He probably always had potential to be a great friend and mentor (as we see on a small scale with the person he works with before he dies), but all the elements are right for him to flourish here. That's just my opinion of course!!!


At the risk of sounding grandiose, Rimuru and the world are made for each other, in the literal sense. This is my opinion, no spoilers here.