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Hey everyone!  Here it is - the schedule for this week!  Wow, we have SO much going on!  Dying to see new Ice Queendom, can't wait for you to see my Rebels reactions, SO excited for whatever the heck is next on RvB, etc.!!!  I hope you enjoy my reactions as much as I enjoyed the eps!  Thanks for being so awesome and have a great week!  ~ MH  ^_^



ABHB Ya-iba

Something really bad happened, it make me feel really sorry. But no one died. 4 episode left for Revice! And Geats has launched its press conference!

Level Up Gamer Max

Next episode of Revice is gonna make you scared of George and sad for our main character 😭😭😭

Tyler Stobbe

I think I’m obligated to point out that Thursday, August 11 is your two year RWBYversary! If you’re not sure what that means, just look at your post on that date two years ago. 🎉 PS: Oh good, nothing’s wrong over there - you stopped all comment responding after only the first Slime reaction last week so I had started to wonder…


Whoa, it is?! I knew it was late summer but I didn't know the date!!! So excited for my RWBYversary! Also, I was just about to comment your comment on Moon Knight - I thought I was current with all the others! Did I miss one? Was responding to everyone for that ep this morning but ran out of time and was planning to get to yours as soon as I got back!

Level Up Gamer Max

one thing about Geats' main character that we will say tho, He has got some DRIP! like HOT D*MN! :D

ABHB Ya-iba

I really cannot predict how the story will be and how can I get some inspiration from the series. And hope there are more gimmick items for other riders to use.


Hehe yeah another couple of good Rebels eps this week for sure. Looking forward to seeing how you react to them!

ABHB Ya-iba

Well, we still don't know him much, and more description will be spoilers...

Tyler Stobbe

Hey Melissa, I’m not sure what’s going on with Patreon at the moment, it’s telling me I can’t reply to my own comment thread without becoming a patron - which is weird - but you might want to check the comments section for Slime 2x8, and not just the one I left for you.


Oh a gamer character is always cool!!! Can't wait to get to know him! Definitely cool that you guys are always careful about spoilers, thank you!!!! I already knew it involved gaming so that's ok :) But I definitely wanna be as surprised as possible!!!

ABHB Ya-iba

Well, you have it, we did not learn much from the trailer. There are some characters that they still kept secret, and their rider form power is still kept as secret, so we still know nothing about their power.


I just saw them, wow!!! That's a lot of comments to miss - wondering if maybe I never got email notifications about them? That's how I keep track of what I need to respond to. I'll see if it lets me reply to any of the comments - if it's just a glitch, maybe refreshing your browser or app might help? Thanks for the heads up!

Tyler Stobbe

No such luck here, so I submitted a support request on my end, but don’t think they’ll see it until tomorrow. What about you? As a card carrying RWBY fan, any time there’s a technical issue we immediately blame Watts for it. :)


Oh no! It's letting me comment, I'm going through them now. If you're looking to solve it sooner, some other things that might help are logging out/back in, using a different device, or even restarting your device....hope that helps! Hahaha it's gotta be Watts :P


So far w anime has been pretty great and it was amazing w transformation animated nicely it only there was time but again I get not everything can be done


That's awesome!!!!! I'm dying to see it! I guess it's better to have one really nicely animated one than a bunch that aren't!


Yeah because if it animated it has the chance to show the transformation with more detail