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Hey everyone!!  Here it is - my reaction to the ep 8 of RWBY ICE QUEENDOM!!!!  Wow guys, the weirdness continues in this one!!  We get our confirmation that Weiss is really more or less trying to protect her friends in the dream, the relics seem to have something to do with that, Negative Weiss is being lured closer and closer to "sleep", and more!  But guys, nothing, NOTHING could have prepared me for Ruby to get caught in her own nightmare INSIDE the nightmare!!!!!!!!!  NOOOO!!!!
Well, add that to our growing list of problems.  Can't wait to see what's next!  Great ep!  Enjoy!  ~ MH


Ice Queendom 1x08 full reaction.mp4



Hi Hime :) Small analysis from my part, about the relics and their location Red/Ruby: In their bedroom with the bunk beds, where all the things Weiss loves are, representing Weiss' feelings for Team RWBY. White/Weiss: In the family room, representing her responsibility as Schnee heiress. Yellow/Yang: Protecting everything that is fun and childish, like Yang as a big sister protecting Ruby. Black/Blake: Remains to be seen for the next episode, but with the Faunus and surely representing her desire to understand them through Blake (we may have Sun in this mansion ?). Breaking them seems to break her own feelings associated with them in addition to letting the nightmare grimm in. So now only Blake and her relic are left to save Weiss with probably the option of making her accept the faunus. For Ruby, I don't worry too much, she will come out of her nightmare alone, with surely a new resolution to save Weiss and make her find all the feelings she destroyed via the relics, since the people they represent, are still there.

Kayleigh McRae

So either Ruby will overcome the nightmare on her own. Or... When Blake and Yang get through to Weiss. Weiss will go after Ruby. Either way, I will be quite on edge until Ruby is safe. We all know based on her songs in the official series and her plot stuff involving Summer. That her sort of Nightmare could be quite strong. Possibly just as strong as Weiss'.

John J Ronald

Just waiting for Lindsay or Barbara to drop a line in the dub like "Big Nick is a Big DICK!!" for this episode, either as an actual line or an outtake. This episode has Gen Urobuchi's handiwork all over it, feels like....as things go from bad to worse to utter despair.....ooof.

John J Ronald

Am I the only one who was disappointed we didn't get to see a Jaune vs. Weiss sword fight? She just glyphed him away instead....her dream, her rules I guess but kind of a let-down. It would've been cool to see her sword fight and maybe disarm Jaune in the process....though with his shield in play that might not have worked....

John J Ronald

RWBYinception with a Evangelion TV ending.....whooboy....

John J Ronald

It is interesting that Jaune rescued at least a few of the baby Weiss sillies and Pyrrha is looking after them. I feel like Negative Weiss was probably more intent on saving Pyrrha more than Jaune in that earlier scene....Jaune just got lucky because he was with her (Pyrrha).

Tyler Stobbe

Rooster Teeth woke up this morning and chose violence. 😅 It’s interesting that even the Jacques were affected by the Tiny Weisses, and it seems, that deep down as a kid, Weiss just wanted her dad to spend time with the rest of the family, but we all know the scumbag he is. So that’s rather tragic. Also Negative Weiss transformed him into a strange version of her Arma Gigas summon, which is the “test” she was forced to pass to be allowed to attend Beacon. There’s a lot of “meta” levels going on here. As Shion said, the dream is changing too fast and too quickly, so Weiss is resisting the alterations. It’s like surgery: you don’t slice quickly when operating you do it very slowly and carefully, and somehow this turned into a very large bandaid rip. Also, why’d Jaune waste a coin calling them, we didn’t get any new information from that? Seems like a waste. I wonder if there’s anything to deduce in the fact that Jacques “popped” Titan size Ren but Weiss went after the out of control Nora herself? It still was a one hit “kill,” but I wonder if there might be some jealousy there? Weiss’ Semblance is going super overboard now since she can teleport people on a whim - also she was overpowered enough for V1-V3 Jaune at Beacon. The poor boy has no chance here. You gotta respect him for trying though! The Relics do indeed seem to be security against the Nightmare as the confusing signs were all wrapped up in vines. Not only was the Sillies’ jail overrun and that sign, but also the tower based on Team RWBY’s dorm room where the red relic was previously found. It was also overrun by the nightmare. Also, while Bat Whitley’s getting flung to and fro, Klein isn’t having a good time - they’re dropping. Grumpy Klein was killed last episode by Negative Weiss after the tiny Weiss attack affected him, Dopey and Sleepy are frozen shut and vined over since the jail and the tower have been overrun, and Sneezy, the dog, is not with Weiss in her room anymore and has been replaced by Arma Gigas Jacques so it might be safe to say something happened to it as well. That leaves Doc, the fireball in Weiss’ room, Bashful, and Happy, the factory manager. The staircase that’s been previously referred to as Weiss’ heart has some imagery that’s interesting as well, since it appears to be two snakes constantly devouring each other. This could actually be a metaphor for the “good” and “bad” sides of Weiss struggling for the upper hand. When they get to the fountain area after Ruby uses the Relic it does pull back to reveal RBY is only on one level and the inside of Weiss’ heart is much more complicated. There are several skyscrapers with tons of levels that look similar to this one. I mean, it makes sense. Weiss was, is, and always has been an extremely layered individual. Also, the Nightmare may have been able to affect the scroll directly because Ruby was holding it specifically, because unlike Blake and Yang, she’s lost her “protection” inside the dream. When Jaune tried to escape the jail using a coin, he managed to save Pyrrha but Ren, Nora, and a lot of the little Weiss kids didn’t make it. Will this have repercussions for the future? Weiss managed to use her Semblance to teleport Blake and Yang during the fight in the concert chamber. A couple things about the fight itself: first off pulling Yang off to who knows where right when the fight starts? *cough someone watched V8 recently *cough… Okay, seriously however, Blake managed to land a hit on the Nightmare before being sucked away. The vines did part for a second but then reformed. Also the dress floating above the Nightmare is now shorn and tattered - could this be a representation of the toll this is all taking on Weiss’ heart? Dreams don’t tend to follow complete logic, so it kind of makes sense Ruby would be able to escape using her Semblance and fool a dream version of Weiss. We know she hasn’t paid a whole lot of attention to Ruby’s weapon, so she probably didn’t really study her Semblance either. Heck, at this point in the series, even Ruby doesn’t know exactly how it works. The reason Ruby dropped the Relic was because of the Nightmare Corruption. I’ll get into that in a moment. The sword is still stuck in the train where Jaune left it, and since he came in with it, it might be a representation of his “immunity.” While it is true that Weiss herself is able to detect Jaune, it may be that the Nightmare only reacts to Jaune when she does, and is otherwise unable to sense him. Also Pyrrha’s playing mother to all the Weiss kids… all ten of them. There were fifty… Um, is it okay to riot over this yet? The house Blake and Yang was teleported to gets even more creepy with Bashful Klein’s explanation, and if you look at it you can see statues of a stray cat and a wolf’s head on the front gate. Well, that’s just great… Ruby’s comparing herself to JNPR and being unfairly hard on herself because of the Nightmare. Now you seem to have forgotten a critical piece of information here: Ruby was pierced by the Nightmare’s thorns recently in their last encounter. This is why the Nightmare can sense her, abs why it’s able to influence her the way it has. The more she thinks about the things she worries about the less heart she’s taking because the Nightmare is siphoning her will to resist, same as Weiss. Speaking of Weiss, there goes the White Relic. And we also have a clock striking midnight - which correct me if I’m wrong, ISN’T a trope for Snow White - and she’s about to close the coffin on herself (literally!) So Weiss is trapped - Ruby is trapped inside Weiss’ dream -who ordered the Inception spin-off? A couple of things have my wheels turning: first, the Yellow Relic. It wasn’t found anywhere Yang would have any relation to. But Jaune’s main color reference is also yellow. Is it possible Team JNPR have relic references too? This is probably a long shot, but it’s worth mentioning. Second, and far more important: the only relic left of Team RWBY if the last theory isn’t true is black, which we know ties to Blake. Considering that Weiss and Blake are probably still the furthest apart at this time, it seems that their acceptance of each other’s strengths and flaws are going to be key in solving this puzzle. Blake may very well be the critical piece to the puzzle as far as Weiss’ situation is concerned… but can you accept a person for who they were, who they are, and who they are trying to be when so much if that clashes with some of your own ideals? Blake’s response to this inquiry will be critical. Now, last but not least… Ruby getting trapped in a Nightmare of her own inside of a dream might actually have a positive impact. What is the one thing we know Weiss cares about? Her friends. And we know one of her strongest friendship bonds is with Ruby, who very likely might be the first friend she’s ever had. So if Weiss senses Ruby is in danger, perhaps her emotional response to that information will cause her to start snapping out of it and resisting the Nightmare plaguing her more. Well, we still have four episodes to go, I don’t think predicting is going to help that much yet. But you know what they said in the actual show: “Things always seem to get worse before they get better…!” 😅


Man everyone is being demolished by Negative Weiss. And Jaune tried he stepped up to the plate, like he does. 🛡 🗡


Hi Spadeas! :) OHHHHH that actually makes a lot of sense!!! Good call! It would be awesome to see Blake and Weiss finally have a deep understanding of one another, leading to Weiss being set free. Yeah, this is Ruby we're talking about I guess!!!! Gotta believe in our girl!!!


OHHHHHH I love that, Weiss having to go after her!!! Yeah, she'll be fine, but there's definitely some potential there for this nightmare!


Oh yeah, that would have been fun! I doubt he would stand a chance against her in her current state though.


Hahaha for real they did! There are for sure a lot of meta levels going on!!! And yes, so sad that Weiss just really wanted time with her parents, but Jacques was a jerk so that wasn't gonna happen. Too bad about the coin, maybe he thought he'd be able to get better reception and share more info with them. Also great point that the changes are happening too quickly. Oooh good call about the possible jealousy with Weiss going after Nora herself, I hadn't thought of that! Oh yeah Jaune never had a chance, but good on him for trying! She's way overpowered for sure. Yes good point about the relics! They seem to be safeguarding for sure. Oh yes the poor Kleins are really taking a hit!! Oooh the imagery of Weiss' heart is pretty chilling and also telling. Ohhh yeah since Ruby lost her "protection", it could be that the nightmare has a stronger influence. And it does make sense that Weiss is very layered and complicated, and the dream reflects that. Oh it wouldn't be surprising if missing some of the tiny Weiss ended up having consequences! Hahahahah taking Yang out early was WAY too on the nose compared to certain other recent stories...!!! And hmm, the dress being in bad shape does seem to be an indicator. Very true about Ruby being able to use her semblance without Weiss having as much awareness. OMG there were so few kids left!!! D: And makes sense about Jaune's immunity. Ohhhh the house stuff was SUPER tense and awkward and just icky....!!! I do remember the thorns piercing her but it wasn't until this ep that I knew what a hold they had on her already. They're just feeding off whatever insecurities they can find, and magnifying them! Hahaha oh yeah this whole thing feels very Snow White-ish but also is reminiscent of other fairy tales with the whole clock striking midnight thing. It's totally reaching Inception levels haha!!! OHHHH I never thought about yellow possibly representing Jaune!!! :O Ohhh interesting point that sensing a friend in danger - and her first real friend nonetheless - might actually help snap Weiss out of it! Oh yeah, we are so not out of the woods yet!!! Can't wait to see more! Sorry for taking forever to write you back!!! Thanks for all the feedback and thoughts/theories!!!

Nathan Poulain Cigrand (edited)

Comment edits

2022-12-31 00:42:20 oh the good vibes....As I remember the best (=worst) moments of Volume 03 & 08, I knew this author would deliver some Ruby losing all hope ^^ Gotta wait for the next episode now :) Oh and the dress floating in the air is the outfit Weiss has in the Mistral Arc (Volume 04 to 06)
2022-09-01 20:17:46 oh the good vibes....As I remember the best (=worst) moments of Volume 03 & 08, I knew this author would deliver some Ruby losing all hope ^^ Gotta wait for the next episode now :) Oh and the dress floating in the air is the outfit Weiss has in the Mistral Arc (Volume 04 to 06)

oh the good vibes....As I remember the best (=worst) moments of Volume 03 & 08, I knew this author would deliver some Ruby losing all hope ^^ Gotta wait for the next episode now :) Oh and the dress floating in the air is the outfit Weiss has in the Mistral Arc (Volume 04 to 06)


Oh yeah, if they're bringing in some greatest hits of emotions we've hit during later times in the OG series, then this was a must! Ohhhh thanks about the dress!!!