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***Still processing but can be downloaded, I'll keep an eye on it throughout the day to make sure it does, sorry!***


Hey everyone!  Here it is - my reaction to season 2, episode 22 of REBELS!!!! OMG..........what a whirlwind of emotion!!!  I KNEW Maul was Palpatining the crap out of Ezra!!!  Ick!!!  Maul really shows his true colors in this one and things go to HECK.
Kanan...!!!!!!!!!  I KNEW Kanan would not get out of this unscathed, ugh!!!  But guys, nothing, NOTHING could have prepared me for Vader showing up.......and the fight I never wanted to see!!!!!!!!  D':  When his face and voice came through for just a moment, I thought my heart was gonna rip out of my chest!!!  What an epic scene, and although I know she'll be back, it doesn't change the fact that this is the end for her as far as all her friends are concerned.  It's a dark time, as is reflected in Ezra's eyes at the end of the ep.....shudders!!!!!!!!!  What an insanely awesome finale!
Enjoy!!!  ~ MH


Rebels 2x22 full reaction.mp4



Been rewatching your Rebels reactions Mel and have reached here, and now you know Kanan's story, its interesting that in the first two seasons, even though he is doing his best with Ezra and trying to reconnect as a Jedi once more, he is struggling as he is still wrapped in doubt and fear. It takes him to get physically blinded, to finally let all that go, and is thus able to 'see' better than before. From there he truly then becomes a great Jedi Knight.


Oh wow, thank you for rewatching my reactions!!! Kanan's journey here is interesting, and that's a really good point that the physical event actually unlocked a lot more true "sight"....!


So unfortunately I was spoiled on this duel, I had videos of it constantly popping up on YouTube years before I finally watched Rebels. Was still an amazing moment, but I can’t help but wonder how much harder it would’ve hit if I hadn’t known and didn’t see her in Mandalorian. And yeah the Kanan thing really stings, especially when the last thing he said to Hera was “We’ll see each other again”. It’s kinda funny how the crew has been struggling with the Inquisitors this whole time, and then as soon as Maul shows up we lose 3 Inquisitors in one episode lol. And of course they leave it off in the worst way by teasing Ezra using the Dark Side.


Oh that's too bad!! But I'm glad you still had fun with it! OMG Kanan! That for sure makes it hurt even more!!! LOL Maul really trumps the Inquisitors by a long shot haha. OMG seriously, like why tease that on top of all the other stuff right lol?? What an ep!!!


Maul hobbling around as if infirm in the first episode, then jumping around kicking and killing Inquisitors in the second, always playing games! For once they should listen to Chopper when he says its a bad idea to hang around, it truly is for many reasons! The exterior of the temple and its levels were designed to be challenges, the higher up, the greater the challenge. First tackling Inquisitors; Ezra being pushed and pulled one way and another by this place, he is on the precipice; then once they deal with the Inquisitors, Maul needs to be dealt with as he drops the act and reveals his plan; and then Vader, the ultimate challenge for one of them. Sam Witwer kills it as Maul's VA here : "... which I shall use to exact my revenge, on AAAAAAAALL my ENEMIES!!!" - so good. He is so villainous, but also kind of great! Kanan being blinded by Maul (after promising Hera in the last episode, he'd see her again note), is horrible. Something else he now has to learn to deal with, as if Order 66, self-doubt, fear and guilt wasn't bad enough for him!! At least he kicks Mauls ass after, not many outsabre Maul, and none of these opponents were actually blind! "Running away again Lady Tano" - Maul referencing their escape after the Siege Of Mandalore, again people wondered what that meant when this aired. Fits in beautifully now. Ventresses VA voices the holocron. The voice is known as The Presence, an ancient Sith Lord put their essence into it so that future Sith would use the power within it and the Temple. Its never been revealed who the Sith Lord was (and we are talking 4000 years before this time), but as I said to you Mel when Malachor got mentioned, it comes from a game, and this generator was used to kill off the Sith and Jedi storming the temple, hence why the ground was scorched. In that game Knights Of The Old Republic 2, your character is guided along by a fallen Jedi Master named Kreia, who in the end becomes corrupted and you fight her as the end boss when she becomes Darth Traya; and this is who is heavily hinted at, is the voice we hear here. Enter Vader standing on that TIE, lightsabre activated. He always had a touch of theatricality to him! If I was Ezra I'd have force-pushed him back as he jumped in the air, even just to stall him for a few seconds - he's coming to kill him anyway! The dialogue between Vader and Ahsoka is perfection : "our long-awaited meeting has come at last" - many wondered if Ahsoka would ever meet Vader from when she was brought into the Clone Wars show. And the "I'm no Jedi" line from here shows what a boss she's become! Filoni calls her the fearless Jedi, and we could see why throughout her story. I always remember you Mel saying when we saw 'evil Ahsoka' on Mortis when she duelled Anakin, if she'd ever meet Vader, well we knew she did hehe! And in fact there is a callback here to that duel when she jumps on him to sever his mask. He disarms her on Mortis, and she jumps up on his front as she does here, to recover her lightsabre. What is slightly annoying now, is that we've seen Vader's mask be severed in the Kenobi series, which takes away from this fight slightly. However, both were done to show Anakin underneath. While we got Haydn's Anakin appearing in the Kenobi series, here we have Matt Lanter's Clone Wars Anakin, and it hits doubly hard, because this is Ahsoka's Anakin, and hearing him say to her through Matt's voice "now you will die..." is hearbreaking to her. She won't leave him as she thinks she can save him, but he won't be saved yet. Lucas and Filoni believe in the poetry of Star Wars, and I heard this about the mask stuff, which ties it all together with Vader and the mask. Obi-Wan sliced the left side, Ahsoka the right; but only Luke could remove the mask. Thats why I think that scene was included in the Obi-Wan series also. When I first watched this, I and most thought Ahsoka had stumbled to her death, and Ezra's painful look of acknowledgement to Rex when they get back, is gut-wrenching; even if we do know now she makes it. Hera's look of horror at Kanan too as he arrives back knows this episode cost them greatly. Kanan is blinded, Ahsoka gone, and Ezra is teetering towards the darkside, fueled by his pain of what happened here, and him looking to bring down the Sith in vengeance, as he opens the holocron in the final shot. When most more casual viewers think of Rebels, these tend to be the episodes they think of. One of the best episodes of Star Wars out there. The music too is top notch again, as they use variances of Ahsoka's Theme during her duel with Vader, and in the final sequence. Wonderful.


A great reaction to the last two episodes of season 2. And this isn’t even peak Star Wars Rebels (imo) - it gets better, and I can’t wait to see how you react :-)


By the way, Melissa, if you want to avoid spoilers to the rest of Rebels (seasons 3 and 4), assuming it’s not too late, my suggestion would be to avoid finding out what is publicly known about the forthcoming Ashoka series. [It looks like the Ahsoka series is in many ways a continuation of Rebels]

Brandon Dodge

This moment was a long time coming. The fight, the mask, the revalation. The Parallel of Anakin saying "Revenge is not the Jedi Way" in Clone Wars and Vader saying it here. It really makes alot of later moments even more impactful when you think about how she knows Anakin is Vader and how she didn't want the same thing to happen to Grogu. I love the idea of Kreia being the voice of the Presence. This Temple does have some resemblance to the Temple of Darth Traya on Malachor V. As Ahsoka said, "There's always a bit of truth in Legends." Really really really looking forward to the next Season. P.S. Will you be reacting to the Tales of The Jedi series when it comes out?


I thought of Filoni when Ahsoka said "there is always a bit of truth in legends". He brings in some of the better stuff from that old material (like something else coming in the very next episode) and ties it all in seamlessly into the stories they want to tell now. That trailer for Tales Of The Jedi looks amazing; only 6 weeks till its out as well. Shame Bad Batch season 2 has been delayed until January, as thats the thing I've been most looking forward to this year in the franchise; but good things come to those who wait - I suppose!

Tyler Stobbe

I forgot to say this in my last comment, but remember “penultimate” is what you use for second-to-last. :) So this is totally your fault, you know. “We’ve got Maul in the picture, who else are they gonna throw at us?” -YOU DRAW A VADER CARD.- So, it seems Maul’s a lot more brutal than everyone else because he took out both of those Inquisitors in several seconds. Not bad for a “grandpa.” Funny side note: the second you yelled out “he’s Palpatining him!” your lights behind you all lit up like you had figured it out! 😆 I think we all knew the question wasn’t if Maul was going to cross us, but when. The scene with Kanan fighting blind kind of gave me vibes from when Obi-Wan was training Luke with the droid on the ship and he had the blast helmet on. Same concept, but way more severe? So I don’t know if he’s gonna be Star Wars’ version of Daredevil or not. You might not have wanted to see Ahsohka and Vader face their demons but come on, we can’t be dramatic without rectifying that at SOME point. The whole sequence does look pretty cool. Since I’m not up to date on CW, there are underlying tones I’m sure I’m missing. So the biggest question is what’s going on with Ezra since only a Sith can open the holocron. I think Maul may have inadvertently succeeded. He told Ezra if he hesitated he would die or his friends would when he killed “Buffy.” Right before all this went down. Now he thinks Ahsohka is dead and Kanan’s been hurt badly, and he probably blames his own unwillingness to act. On top of the residual pain he already carries. This is a problem. I imagine we have a whole season to figure it out though. Quick note: Star Wars Andor starts next Wednesday if you want to stay up to date with all the new SW material, so might want to plan ahead now! I have more news for you which I’ll try to DM later. 😎


Oh wow a great deal of remorse before, during and after. Man Im really hurt about Kanan. 😢 It was really sweet how Chopper was walking him to Ezra. Chopper does it right when it counts. What champs during this showdown. And Ashoka was phenomenal! From beginning to end (not really the end I’m sure). But it still felt like a what if this was a final showcase for her and it did not help with the rising emotion. The suspense and unknowing changes is something totally different. I’m not sure if I’m ready for such a change up next season. I don’t know if Ezra is going down a path like Anakin but I hope the crew can reel him in again. With what happened to Kanan and Ahsoka, there could only be one thing on his mind right now. 😬😱😰


Ohhh good call! Hopefully it's not coming out too soon, I'd love to be caught up before then!


Oooohh good call on the parallel! Yes, it does make them even more impactful. Yes, it seems there is always a bit of truth in legends. Oooh, I saw the trailer for it, YES I wanna react to it! I'll have to see if it fits in my schedule! Saltire - good call that that line had Filoni written all over it! I didn't even know Bad Batch was getting a season 2, I still need to watch season 1 (after Rebels haha)!!!


Yes!! Me too :( I know, that was a sweet moment! Ahsoka was AMAZING!! Couldn't agree more! Yeah it was on another level. I really hope the crew can reel Ezra in too! I'm excited and scared for next season! So true, he must be in a bad way...!!!!!


Penultimate is a good word, I do use it sometimes, when I remember! HAHAHAHA I should know better, dang it! Yeah he's one dangerous grandpa for sure. HAHAHA no way, I didn't even know that about the lights!!! Perfect timing! Yeah there was no way he wasn't gonna cross us. Yes I agree, Kanan fighting without eyesight was very reminiscent of the training scene. Yeah maybe his other senses will be heightened like Daredevil! Oh I know, as much as I didn't wanna see it, I totally wanted to see it! That's the thing, Maul's short-term plan may have fallen apart but long term...did he plant the seeds for Ezra to get in touch with his dark side??? Looks that way, and this is certainly an all-time low for our crew! I can't wait to see how we deal with it. Oooh!!! That's right, Andor snuck up on me! Thanks for the info!


I don’t think there is a release date yet but 2023 seems certain. Very excited for this!


Well with the delay Mel, you'll probably not be far behind everyone else now. You are halfway through Rebels at this point, so around 18/19 weeks then you'll be finished and be able to watch Bad Batch consecutively, so its worked out well for your good self! :D


Oh well that's good! Not about the delay, but that it will time out well for how I'm watching hehe!


Oh I know, Maul was being such a faker! Lol moral of the story is ALWAYS listen to Chopper! Oh interesting about the ascending difficulty of the terrain here, that makes sense. Oh Sam Witwer killed it here, total chef's kiss performance!!! AHHHHHH he did say he'd see her again, ohhhhhhh just now letting that sink in!!! It hurts!!! Poor dude for sure had enough to deal with without piling this on. But good point that not many can fight Maul like that. In a way, having to rely totally on the force may have actually been a good thing. Yes, that line from Maul fit so well! Ohhhhh thanks for explaining about Darth Traya!!! And I'm glad I was able to pick up it was Ventress' VA! The meeting of Ahsoka and Vader was perfect and heartbreaking. I'd always wondered! And the line - SOOO boss!!! Ohhhhh I didn't realize that move was a callback!!! Ugh, I totally predicted it back then lol. Fearless Jedi fits so well. Oh I know, it was shot for shot the Obi-Wan scene! Oh yes I love that about the mask, ugh, that hits so hard and is poetic for sure! Getting to hear Anakin's voice, and what it said....devastating!! It's still so powerful even now that we know she made it somehow, having to tell Rex and whatnot..!! This is definitely our lowest point so far!!! Oof, Ezra....really worried for him! SUCH great eps! And I couldn't agree more about the music, the combo of Ahsoka's and Vader's themes is magnificent!!!! So sorry it took me forever to write back!!! Thanks for sharing your thoughts!


As Vader would say "apology accepted!" :P And at my end, I'll try to shorten some of these dissertations in future! I just love some of these details in the shows, as they are packed with some brilliant stuff. Onto season 3 next, plenty of good episodes to come there I'm sure you'll enjoy too Mel!


On Kanan beating Maul, I agree with comments here from Saltire and yourself that it’s not many who can say they have bested Maul, or even survived a fight with him. I also agree with your comment in the video that being blinded temporarily really centred Kanan, and allowed him to let go of his fears on the day (eg about Maul’s manipulation of Ezra) and be really in touch with the force and his surroundings, which allowed him to best one of the most formidable fighters in the Star Wars universe without even being a fully trained Jedi, and having just been blinded. Seriously impressive!! My feeling through the last two episodes was that Kanan was really out of balance up to the time where Maul blinded him because he was rightly worried about Maul’s manipulation of Ezra and so this was distracting him: the inquisitors twice caught Kanan unawares as a consequence. You will of course form your own opinion as you continue to watch Rebels, but Kanan became my favourite Jedi along with Obi Wan and Ahsoka. And one of my favourite ever characters in the Star Wars universe. This is partly because of the adversity he overcame (not completing his training and the loss of the Jedi order that provided structure and meaning for him, order 66 and the death of his master, and being blinded), whilst remaining a good person who never lost his compassion for others or his willingness to fight against the empire and help others (once he overcame his initial, understandable reluctance). He even became a full Jedi knight in season 2, which, under the circumstances, adds to my admiration. In addition, I remember your comment about Ahsoka being an ‘in between’ Jedi, I think it was. I think the same applies to Kanan, as the end of the Jedi order left him having to forge his own path, including a loving relationship with another (you have spotted this already and so it’s no spoiler to mention it). In many ways, I think Kanan having to forge his own path (and being blinded) ultimately made him a better Jedi than he otherwise would have been (the same with Ahsoka) without order 66 happening, and that he perhaps managed to strike a better balance - in terms of being force sensitive and having feelings and relationships with others - than Jedi did before order 66. I could say a lot more on this topic - a topic close to my heart - but that would introduce spoilers, and so I’ll stop here for now :-)


Haha thank you! And please feel free to write as much as you like, definitely didn't mean to ignore your comment, I really enjoy reading through your comments!! It just takes me a bit to repyl because I'm a bad procrastinator!!! Watching 3x01 and 3x02 today, cannot wait!!!


Oof you are talking to one of the worlds great procrastinators here! I know all about that!


Hi Nick, I got your post coming through via email, but I can't see it on here. Perhaps later it will show up. I agree with you wholeheartedly about Kanan, and indeed he is in my top 5 of all Jedi (on which I DO NOT have Anakin in my top 10 controversially, despite his importance throughout the franchise). I'll keep the post for reference and perhaps we can discuss it further on throughout his and Ezra's journey, as there is a lot to go over and Melissa has to see more of their story yet. But I do like him because he is such a 'human' Jedi. He is flawed, but a good person who struggles along, but tries to work through his issues, and everything he has to deal with, including having a temperamental but talented Padawan to train, when he himself isn't that experienced; and being in a relationship, which would be frowned upon when the Jedi Order was at its peak. He's a bit like Obi-Wan, though isn't on Obi-Wan's level as a swordsman and force-user; but that isn't what makes a Jedi, its the smaller things that both excel at which make them very relatable and inspirational. For all the ups and downs Kanan and Ezra go through in their journey together, Ezra does idolise him.


Season 3 of rebels is really strong all the way through, with few episodes that could be called fillers. And those that could be considered fillers are really entertaining anyway.


Hi Saltire, I have heard that the spam algorithm can mistakenly make genuine posts disappear: maybe that's what happened. Anakin is an interesting one, and I do think there is a lot to like about the Clone Wars version of Anakin, although he also clearly displays some significant flaws both as a human being and as a Jedi. I'd be interested in knowing your top 5 Jedi?


Obi-Wan (by some distance, the GOAT) Ahsoka (though she states she is "NO JEDI!!!!", she is a Jedi Master in all but name) Yoda Kanan Luke I'd have a few EU Jedi around too, Satele Shan, Kreia, Kyle Katarn etc; as well as back to canon with Plo Koon, and am fascinated to see Dooku as a Jedi in Tales Of The Jedi coming soon. I also like Luminara as well, despite the stick she gets for the path Barriss chooses, she had an elegance to her calmness that clicked with me. I've never got on board with Anakin. As Vader he is awesome, and an infinitely complex character, as well as being the most iconic villain in the franchise (though I do love just how evil Palpatine is, even if that is more one-dimensional). And TCW did a great job developing Anakin's story, and how he became THE great hero of the war. He did a pretty good job with Ahsoka too (though by Wookie Hunt in season 3 she had emotionally surpassed him), and was there for her in her darkest times. But the rest of the stuff, just showed he wasn't Jedi material at all. He is the character in the franchise who is the one to make poor decision after poor decision, just like Tom Riddle/Voldemort in Harry Potter. His story is fascinating certainly, and helps rip the galaxy in two, to propel the story along; but I don't have the patience with him and his choices - or not choosing, which brings around his downfall.


I agree with your first four Jedi but interestingly, and probably sacrilegiously for many, I wouldn't put Luke in my top five. Having said that, I do like Luke and I loved his character and the way he was portrayed in the Rise of Skywalker - which isn't the same as giving my full approval for the last three Star Wars films to come out! The fifth slot is a tricky one for me: perhaps Mace Windu, who I would happily see come back, perhaps being the one to rescue Grogu immediately after order 66. Although in Clone Wars he does occasionally seem to be portrayed with some arrogant rough edges that can seem out of place in his dealings with others. In the films I absolutely loved Samuel L. Jackson's portrayal of Windu. In terms of great villains in the Star wars universe, I think we are spoilt for choice, but I would put Palpatine at the top of my list. I really like the way they handle Palpatine throughout the Clone Wars: often just hints in things he is occasionally seen to say, or little looks he gives that no one else notices. Ventress and Dooku in the Clone Wars I also highly rate. And of course Maul.


Saltire- thanks for understanding!!! Nick - Season 3 is amazing so far, can't wait for you guys to see my reactions!!


It’s something for me to look forward to each week :-). Also looking forward to your Andor reactions too. [And yes the first two episodes of Season three are great!]


Yay!!! Thank you!!! I can't wait to share the first two eps, and the first three of Andor!! Thanks for looking forward to them!!


I started to type something and then realised it might be too close to a spoiler and so deleted it. Suffice it to say, I hope in Andor references are made to other characters we know and love. Perhaps even appearances. That’s just a wish and not something I have any information about to suggest it will happen 🙂


I forget to say that this episode rates alongside the episode where Ahsoka left the Jedi order for me: I saw both of them at the time they came out and on both occasions I knew it was possible that she might not be seen again, which was a real wrench - genuinely unsettling. I think Ahsoka’s line, “I am no Jedi” (in this episode) is my favourite single line in the whole of Star Wars. As I remember it, Rex uses it first in the slavery arc in Clone Wars (and was encouraged to by Kenobi!), and it’s cool there too.


Oh wow, I can see that for sure! Such an awesome line!!! No kidding about the line from Rex, that's such a great callback!!

Dusty V

You held it together a lot better than I was expecting. I kinda rushed through the other episodes to get caught up to this episode FOR this episode. So much here. This was kind of the empire strikes back of rebels. Where things take a turn. Kanan’s injury is really showing the bubble or plot armor going forward is gone. They’re heroes yes but this is a war and they’re mortal and able to be hurt and killed. Also I imagine Hera’s thoughts are “you are not going anywhere without me EVER again, sir. Never ever again!” Also I’m thinking Kanan getting hurt by Maul after he has tried to warn Ezra didn’t help his little dark side turn here one bit. And Ashoka and Anakin… you know I think some part of Anakin always knew this was coming. He trained her from the beginning to be a Jedi who would be able to handle enemies bigger and more powerful than her. He hand designed her training and style to take on monsters like Vader. It was like he made her to be able to stop him. Or at the very least slow him down. And I firmly believe the conversation and fight was key to Luke reaching him later in the original trilogy. If I can find it I’ll send you a comic strip I had found some time ago. Was a fan comic of Luke when he first meets Ashoka. She says “you look so much like your father. I wish you could have met him…” and Luke responds “I did. At the end. He came back. Anakin came back.” She stares for a moment then breaks down in Luke’s arms repeating “he came back…” until proven otherwise this is my head canon. And I second Nick “I am no Jedi” is one of the best lines in the whole series. Will be hitting the first two eps of season 3 you posted earlier this week later today. The stakes are gonna get higher. Our little space family’s stories going forward are simply fantastic. With Kanan hurt, my two favorite space teens are gonna have to grow up fast. Season 3 is gonna blow you away


Thanks! I hope you enjoyed my reaction! Yeah good call about the plot armor. Yeah I'd never let him go anywhere again if I were Hera! Oh yeah you just know that contributed to Ezra's progression down another path. I did have a feeling they wouldn't leave a big stone like that unturned, but still....! That is kind of a scary but intriguing thought actually, he trained her for that very moment. Wow, I wouldn't be surprised if this moment influenced him later actually! OMG!!! I've seen the comic strip now and it destroyed me!!!!!!! In a good way! Such a great line too! I can't wait to see more. Awww poor space teens! I'm loving s3 so far!!

Nate Perkins

Star Wars fans argued for YEARS about whether or not she was alive after this episode, if she stumbled away, if she died, what happened etc etc.