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Hey everyone!  Here I am with episode 11 of Spy x Family, yayyyyy!!!  OMG!!!  My baby girl Anya was SO brave in this!  Not only is she under a ton of pressure trying to get one of these Stellas, but on top of that her big wonderful heart shines through and saves a life!!!  Which yeah, got her a Stella, so it all worked out really well haha.  Also am I crazy or are they teasing getting a dog?!?!!  Cause that would make me LOSE IT!!!!  See you for the last one!  Great ep!  Enjoy!  ~ MH


Spy x Family 1x11 full reaction.mp4


ABHB Ya-iba

Fun Fact: Anya is the fastest student in Eden College to gains Tonitrus and Stella. How ELEGANT!

Tyler Stobbe

So, when Anya was telling Loid there was someone drowning in the pool she was playing out how the scene would go in her head if she played it that way. Anya’s “help” has always been not so “helpful” - see Loid’s snide remarks when Yor moved in. Though, to be honest - I can’t really blame her for stopping to read manga. Imagine if she had a Rimuru printing press… I swear the way Anya starts devious scheming to get 100s and then kind of gets an air after her Stella, she’s giving me serious early Weiss vibes. This could be dangerous… 😅 The people in the kennel seem to be holding dogs for people to take for less than scrupulous purposes, as the bomb dog comment seemed more like a “this is what these people might be wanting to do with them” conversation. Also, Yor…? Knife puppy? I think Mom might need to have a sit down… 😅 Speaking of ESP, think you’ll knock out the 1-hour Mob Psycho OVA next week since you will only be without an episode of either it or SxF for one more week? Just a thought. :)


Sigh these comments. It’s Starlight Anya you guys! 🌟 ✨


Yes, I started to put that together! Hahah welllll sometimes she helps and others....not so much. Omg who wouldn't love a Rimuru printing press!! Hahahahaha I can totally see Weiss vibes!!! Those poor doggies!!!!!!! It boils my blood!!! Hahahah Yor always goes to violence in her head! Ohhhhh I totally forgot about the OVA!!! I'm behind on filming this week and into next week due to some real-life stuff so I was not accounting for that. Is it one I definitely need to see before the next season? Or more or less filler? Thanks!

Tyler Stobbe

I did a quick search on it for info since I haven’t seen it myself (I kind of wait for you to get to stuff before I pull it up myself) - apparently it’s kind of a “recap” of events up to this point but Reigen adds his own insights and details to the story, if that helps. Which might be useful to you since… it’s been a while since it stopped? I don’t know. But that’s what I have on it without digging too deep.


Oh was that the one right after season 2? I did react to that one I believe! I did however see that there's two My Hero OVAs that came out in August that I probably need to see before the new season, so I'll try to squeeze those in!

Tyler Stobbe

Oh no, you didn’t react to this one, you watched the hot springs one. This one’s like an hour length and called Reigen The Miraculous Unknown Psychic


Oh gotcha!!! Do you know where I can watch it by any chance? I looked on Crunchyroll and didn't see it. Was it after season 1?

kamenriderhime (edited)

Comment edits

2022-10-16 21:05:37 Oh nevermind I see it. I think I thought that was the one I watched. It looks like it came out in 2018, wonder why I never watched it??? I honestly can't remember my reasoning at the time lol. I will do my best! Not sure which one is more important to watch - this or the My Hero ones. I'm not sure I can do both before they start back up >.<
2022-09-24 20:41:20 Oh nevermind I see it. I think I thought that was the one I watched. It looks like it came out in 2018, wonder why I never watched it??? I honestly can't remember my reasoning at the time lol. I will do my best! Not sure which one is more important to watch - this or the My Hero ones. I'm not sure I can do both before they start back up >.<

Oh nevermind I see it. I think I thought that was the one I watched. It looks like it came out in 2018, wonder why I never watched it??? I honestly can't remember my reasoning at the time lol. I will do my best! Not sure which one is more important to watch - this or the My Hero ones. I'm not sure I can do both before they start back up >.<

ABHB Ya-iba

Wow, another precise guess... Anyway, I might say that part 2 will start with the first major long-event ever in the series. I think it might long for about 2-3 episodes, and it's my favorite part of the series! Can't wait!

Nathan Poulain Cigrand

Forger family and dogs and ESP...yeah girl, just wrap it up xD Oh if only your past self knew....You made me have a good laugh, can't wait for your reaction for the part 1 finale :D