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Hey everyone!  Here's my reaction to episode 145!  OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!  So much tension in this one!!!!!  First off, Illumi has GOT TO GO!!!!!  No thank you, I never wanna see that face he made ever again!  Also, GOOOOOOOOONNNN!!!!  I'm so thrilled he's back, but leave it to this show to throw a wrench in the works even when it comes to that!  This means Pariston's all but won, dang it.  And the moment I've been waiting for, for 145 episodes, is finally here.......!!!!!!!!!!  You guys, we are closing in on the ending FAST!!!!  It's bittersweet!  Great ep!  Enjoy!!  ~ MH

Google Drive Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cQRUQtnKelvPkLhY4KTS6hSMDmDtTR4M/view?usp=sharing


Hunter x Hunter 1x145 full reaction.mp4


Juca Abelheira

About Pariston's reliance on Ging, it makes sense if you look deeper. We are human beings, and as such we think we are superior to others, and if we consider someone an enemy or a rival, it's because at a certain level we think that this person can be compared to us. So imagine if you are an olympic athlete and you consider such a person your rival or enemy. If this same person says that he/she will find a way to train 3x more than before, you will certainly believe him/her, because previously you already classify him/her as capable of everything, because you, in your human core thought, are also capable of everything. Back to Pariston and Ging, both consider themselves rivals, so they will never doubt each other's capability, it would be a dangerous attitude. So if Ging said that Gon would survive or be cured, it is because there really is a way to do it, even if Ging doesn't know it. He had to start his strategy with the fact that Gon WILL be cured. Pariston is a very interesting character and his mysterious personality adds a lot to the plot.


Hi Hime :) Melissa, you don't have to run to be president, you're already a princess hehe. For Ging sleeping, it shows both his confidence and his nerves, because sleeping in a full room while your enemy is about to win is not nothing. But also demonstrates what he was saying to Cheadle, he knows how it's going to end, so for him at the moment it's boring lol. Ging is an antisocial, he doesn't like to be in the crowd and is a big shy in the end, so obviously it's weird to meet Gon in front of all this crowd, after all he already didn't want to meet Gon after Greed Island if he came with one of his friends. Pariston is just like Netero, Ging and even Gon, they are people who live for fun and experiences, with enormous curiosity and a lot of imagination and dedication. This is what makes them special, charismatic, attractive (or vice versa) and dangerous, because they are all able to imagine a lot of situations and put all their confidence in their beliefs. That's what made Netero develop his nen through his prayers and exercises for years, Gon lost his mind to Pitou when his belief collapsed and Pariston for the elections by trusting Ging. This is precisely why Pariston and Ging are interesting, because they are opposites, Pariston likes to be the center of attention and always hides what he thinks, Ging prefers to be alone and is rather frank. But both are hunters at heart, everyone is a game and the best is the one who manages to lead his opponent where he wants. On top of that, even though Ging is hated because of his character, he is also respected by many, especially through all of his philanthropic discoveries. Pariston is light and Ging shadow, yin and yang, but just as there is yang in yin and vice versa, there is shadow in Pariston and light in Ging.


That's Illumi's nyahehehe laugh 😈


Ohhhh that's very interesting, and makes sense!! Pariston is very interesting indeed, he's added a whole different vibe to this arc!!! Thanks for the explanation!


Hi Spadeas! :) Awww hahaha thank you! I suppose my current title is sufficient :D Ging is definitely showing off his nerve here, but also some boredom from knowing how it will go lol. Yeah this must be the nightmare scenario for Ging's encounter with Gon, around all those people!! That is such a great point about the nature of characters like Ging, Netero, Gon and Pariston! They are extremely passionate and dedicated and live for their motivations. So true that losing that briefly is what drove Gon to the brink. Ging and Pariston really are opposites!! That's a great way to put it, everything is a game to hunters!! They are truly two sides of the same coin aren't they!!!! Thanks for sharing!