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Hey everyone!  Here I am with more Mob Psycho 100 - episode 1 of the third season!!!!  It was so great seeing everyone again and catching up!!  Poor Mob, he's so overwhelmed by his future career decisions!  Reagan is back and better than ever with his signature blend of BS and wholesomeness!  Dimple's up to something, not sure what.  This was a really sweet look at the growing pains of being a kid trying to figure out your place in the world.  I can't wait to see what they have in store for us this season!!!  Great ep!  Enjoy!  ~ MH


Mob Psycho 3x01 full reaction.mp4


Tyler Stobbe

Well, it certainly doesn’t feel like we’ve left. Everyone’s still up to their usual… shenanigans. :D I think what’s probably pushing Mob the most is when he heard Tsubomi might actually go overseas - his explosion meter went straight up after he heard her say that. Career paths are hard for anyone, most of us don’t really know what we want to do especially at a young age. For some it takes quite a while to find the niche that works for them. Interesting grade ranks which might come back later: the one body builder who wanted to be a vet ranked 2nd in the school, Tsubomi was 4th and Ritsu was 5th. Which means I get the feeling Mob may be asking for study help. Onigawara wants to be a manga artist and join a coed manga club? Why’s that a problem? 🙃 How to get the reactor to cringe: put a bug on the screen. I suppose negative energy was responsible for that, if you’re depressed you’re going to bring down everyone else around you. The show just kind of… took it to a new level here. Dimple’s gonna take over the tree and try to get people to worship him again, isn’t he… 🤨 I imagine there are few characters who have perfected the art of doing absolutely nothing and getting away with it better than Reigen. Makes you wonder what his next special move will be. The previews show images from the upcoming episodes but they’re not especially spoilery, it’s usually just Reigen mentioning the title and talking about what’s happened and the title of what’s coming next. Oh, and he also tells everyone to watch the show in a licensed format and not to pirate it XD. So it’s kind of your call there. You were ignoring them before, if that helps.


Cannot believe they do this in Japan. I can’t even imagine taking entrance exams like they do for high school. I remember them asking me senior year what I was good at to see where my options lied. “Professional snacked” was not an option though 🤭


I don't think I could take the pressure for sure! Cultural differences I suppose. Hahahaha well clearly that school needs to broaden their horizons in terms of options because Professional Snacker needs to be on the list!!! XD


Yup!!! :P Yeah, I noticed he had an uptick in his percentage after that! So true, a career is not an easy thing to choose and many ages, especially in your teens! Oh I didn't even catch that about the ranks!! Good call. Hahha yeah I see no problem with Onigawara's plans! Yeah.....they found a way to spread that negative energy alright!!!! Bugs are the no. 1 way! Yeah, Dimple's def up to something! Hahahaha Reigen is such a boss and has totally perfected that art in its fullest. Oh thanks about the previews, I'll just keep skipping them!!! Sorry, I had a few where it was safe to watch past the credits recently so I got mixed up :P