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Hey everyone!!!  I'm back with episode 7 of Andor!  Oh dang guys!  Lots going on in this one - Luthen and Mon butting heads on how best to handle the rebellion, Cassian possibly being hunted down by the very people who "hired" him, and also him learning some tough lessons about just what it means to try and shrug it off while living under the Empire's rule.  Also, you just know Cyril and this other Imperial officer are hot on everyone's heels!!!  Not to mention all parties are now after Cassian, jeez!!!  This might be my fave ep so far!  Great ep!  Enjoy!  ~ MH


Andor 1x07 full reaction.mp4



Ha, Anakin's Admiral in the Clone Wars shows up tonight! I knew the other head guy was a Major, and knew that Admiral Yularen resigned from the Imperial Navy to become a head at the ISB as Colonel; and here he is telling everyone how the Empire will respond to Aldhani. Dedra took Blevin down a peg or two and gained the respect of the major. They'll be looking at her closely though to see if she'll slip up. Mon Mothma and Luthen having a disagreement about how to proceed now that the heist has been done without her knowledge. Got a feeling this is going to be a tetchy partnership. I like how she is looking to an old friend though to try and get access to her private funds, but can he be trusted. She is going out on a limb there. Maarva staying behind to fight her fight along with B2-EMO who I always feel sorry for! I don't think its going to go well for her, but she's done hiding and thats to be respected. All the while Cassian tries to hide as much as he can, yet ends up in trouble; and has Val on his tail to kill him!! This is going to get messy. Easter egg for the episode, the Jedi Temple Guard mask in Luthen's gallery.

Tyler Stobbe

The path to open rebellion is like a stone being thrown in the river. Depending on where it lands it can make a big enough splash. So I am only in the first season of Clone Wars, but I know it’s more or less how a tale of how the Empire gained power. This might be its mirror: of how the rebels became an actual threat. You do have the character’s name right but it’s spelled Syril Karn. Also Eedy (his mom) giving him grief about how he’s dressing? Boy, every young male has been through that one. I speak from PERSONAL experience. :D There’s another show you’re currently watching that’s much lighter in tone but it does keep hammering home a very key point: “everyone has a side to themselves they do not show to anyone else.” I get the feeling that’s especially relevant in this episode. Everyone is doing SOMETHING while appearing to be doing something else. Like Mon Mothma said, Palatine was a good teacher. Speaking of that, the scene in the art gallery was really good acting. I mean, we already know Stellan Skarsgard (Luthan) is capable of killing whatever role he’s in but it’s pretty fun watching him and Mon Mothma “pretend” for the sake of the driver spy while throwing barbs at each other. Vel is being told to hunt down Cassian now, the poor guy just can’t catch a break. Of course the rebels would be paranoid about any loose ends but still, the guy’s starting to look like he’s got a bad luck charm… oops, that’s a different show… Meanwhile, over in the ISB, Dedra’s gotten smart enough to manipulate the system to her advantage and now she’s holding all the right cards. However, Partagaz is right: she needs to watch her back, I’m sure Blevin won’t take too kindly to being overruled. Hey… when did the imperial bureaucracy turn into a Game of Thrones plot line? I think I missed that memo. 😂 I think what Maarva is trying to convey to Cassian is that by choosing not to do anything, you’re playing right into the Empire’s hands - and at some point he’s going to have to decide if he wants to just sit around taking it like she has or actually live a life he can be proud of. Speaking of, I guess his retirement plan didn’t go over too well… leave it to the Empire to ruin the “beach episode.” We really can’t have nice things with them can we? 😅 Oh, quick side question, related to Star Wars but not the show itself: you get a chance to play a character in a Star Wars series yourself. But you get to choose which side you want to play on. Does Melissa go with the “good guy rebels” saving the day or would it be more fun to be an imperial character and play the bad guy - yeah, you’d lose eventually but imagine how much fun chaos you could cause leading up to it… which way to go? 😁


This one was very very cool. I also do not appreciate them having me root for the other side a bit. But it’s a testament to those who are willing to put in the efforts. A lot of standpoints are made left and right in this episode, it just has me thinking none stop about the risks and actions throughout the entire story. A lot of set ups and risks being taken under careful watch is something I never wanted to explore bc it always leads to sympathizing with the other side a bit. It’s so unfair to do that so late in the game. 😣


Ohhh is that who it was!!!!!! Yeah, Dedra won this round but definitely has to be careful. Yeah the disagreement was interesting! Mon's definitely going out on a limb with this friend. Poor B!!! Lol. Yeah at this point I doubt she even cares about the success of it, it's more on principle. I know, Cassian can't catch a break!!! Ohhhh I missed the mask, will have to go back and see!!!


Right?! Lol. So true, every single choice is a huge risk. And so true, like wow guys, way to hit us in the feels haha!


Yeah it was good acting between Stellan and Genevieve in his gallery. You could feel Mon Mothma's fear as she calls him out on the heist; but he's also right that this is a wake up call, an 'announcement' to the galaxy that there are people out there who are willing to rise up and not take this tyranny any more. And it will get bloody, but when has there ever been a revolution without blood being spilt? I think Melissa is a goodie, would be interested to see who she picks though! :D


Yeah Yularen is quite interesting. He isn't a 'bad guy' but he's a military man who believes in order, and of course saw the chaos of the Clone Wars for himself being there from day one with Anakin, Obi-Wan and Ahsoka. So he stayed on and became an imperial, and is seen on the Death Star in episode IV before Anakin's son blows him up along with your best mate Tarkin! :P


Oooh, well said! Awesome that you're watching Clone Wars, and yes, I think you're right that what we're seeing here is how the Rebels got to be on their radar. Hahaha sorry that scene hit a bit close to home for you!!! I think this show is doing such a great job with all the scenes of Syril and his mom (Eedy)!! OMG the acting was off the charts in the museum scene, I agree! Hahha Cassian is a bit of a bad luck charm! :P I know, he just can't catch a break. Yeah Dedra's made some strides but this is a dangerous game she's playing. That's the thing, but not doing anything, you're giving the Empire just what they want. HAHAHAHAHA this was totally the beach episode!!!!!!!! Nope, we can't have nice things with the Empire around for sure. Oh I'm definitely going with being a rebel! I couldn't pretend even for a second to be on board with the Empire or serve under Palpatine!!!! Good question!!!


Saltire - couldn't agree more!!! They did a great job with that! And you guessed right!!!!!!!! XD


Great point! It's interesting to know the whole journey beginning to end too. Hahaha couldn't have happened to a nicer fella! :P