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Hey everyone!  Here it is - my reaction to season 3, episode 12 of REBELS!!!!  Oh wow guys!!!!!!!  Saw is back!!!  And we're starting to investigate some....stuff....going on with the Empire on Geonosis!!!  This too had some great creepy moments in the caves.  And who knew we'd get battle droids back so soon???  It'll be interesting working Saw work with our crew.  I loved his little reunion with Rex!!!!  I can't wait for Part 2!  Great ep!  Enjoy!!!  ~ MH

Google Drive Link since somehow this post deleted the link and won't let me put it back in lol: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1B3vthGCrA95XImWXi7dV4M_TxMCuf2Br/view?usp=sharing




On the previous ep about mind links, yes in theory Ezra probably could try to influence Maul's mind to find out where he is going, but if you were Ezra, would you want to go into that mind? I know I wouldn't!!! The construction modules around the planet have been cleared. The Empire wants all traces they were there wiped away. The design on the rebel helmets of Saw's crew, is a nod to Return Of The Jedi and the helmets they wore there on Endor. We are approaching that time now, so that makes sense. Actually if you look at some of the designs of the hair and facial hair on the background characters in Rebels, it is clearly trying to emulate the very 70's look of A New Hope, which again is a nice little link up for cohesion. Great that they got Forest Whitaker back to play Saw. Thats one thing Rebels does well over Clone Wars, try to get the movie actors in most of the time. He does give Saw a very creepy and cold laugh though, indicating that he is slightly unhinged, which we know he gets by Rogue One. We have to remember that battle droids and all the tech they had, were developed and built on Geonosis, so it makes sense that some remain on the planet that Klik-Klak (the bug) can use. Sabine moaning about the sand, well we know that its the worst foe in the Star Wars universe, according to Anakin "it gets everywhere...". ;) Talk about harsh critics! Kanan shows some serious force power in this episode, force-pushing Ezra across that gap, balancing a bridge to allow Saw and Rex across, then does one of his insane force jumps - and STILL Rex says he's no Anakin! Sheesh! To me this line also says something else; that Ezra hasn't told Rex that Anakin is now Vader, as he clearly still idolises him. I have to apologise for the spoiler in these episodes sort of telling you whats going on Melissa. I rewatch Rebels a lot, but I always forget somehow about this arc, so in my reference earlier about what went on here, I kind of forgot they were going to cover it here! Oops! Ach well, it will be fun for you to sort of piece it together next time since you have a hint. The politician kid? Lux Bonteri. No we don't know what happened to him. However he became a senator for Onderon which is where we met Saw and Steela, and the Empire took over soon afterwards, so probably nothing good happened with him.


Overall, this is a pretty strong first half to the series :-) My guess, Mel, is that you are on the right lines with regards to what was being built! I know you have held back your thoughts on this, but even so ... You now have a week to develop your theory further :-D


I totally agree with you Saltire about Kanan's use of the force with the bridge, followed by his jump. It's easy to forget but he is now a Jedi knight. I think you are right that massive jumps are one of his specialities. And using the force to hold up the bridge and the weight of Saw and Rex was no mean feat - and not obviously something he could have done in episode 1, season 1; the music when this occurs drops a hint or two that in fact this was an impressive force feat: not bad for someone who never completed his training because of order 66! And I think you might be correct that Rex's comment about Anakin suggests he still doesn't know that Anakin ids Vader: it's certainly a very sensible interpretation of his comment, although I have never thought of this before. Also, love that they have Forest Whitaker back to voice the character he played in Rogue One: I love Forest Whittaker - the first time I saw him was in the film The Crying Game.


Yeah force jumps in particular seem to be a speciality of his. I don't remember, outside of Plo Koon in one episode in Clone Wars, anyone being able to jump as high or as far on a regular basis as Kanan. I've read a few comics about Caleb's early life with the Jedi and got the audiobook there of when he changed his name to Kanan and met Hera, but I don't know the whole story with that. For a long time he became Kanan Jarrus, the smuggler, just getting by perhaps before he found a purpose when meeting Hera. He stopped using his lightsabre and cut himself off from the force for years ("I lost my way for a long time" as he says in season 1 at the temple). I don't know if he was dabbling in the force just before he met Ezra, or if even season 1 ep 1 was when he started tapping into it; but now he has been back using it these past three and a half years as master to Ezra, he's rediscovering the latent force potential within him. Off screen too when Ahsoka was around, she helped mentor him and noted that he was very skilled with a lightsabre when both were at the temple, but since he hadn't used it in years, out of fear, he lost those skills and his abilities faded. Now though, in terms of his guidance as a master, his power in the force showing, and his abilities coming back with his lightsabre (which is very apparent in a few episodes), he is now becoming balanced and a full-on Jedi Knight, on his way to becoming a great Jedi. I've often wondered at the season 2 finale with its name, Twilight Of The Apprentice, whether it relates to him being blinded there, Ezra slipping to the darkside, or Ahsoka facing her own master? And yes, Ezra I think is showing compassion in not telling Rex what Anakin has become, after Rex has thought he has lost Ahsoka, knowing that painful truth would devastate him.

Tyler Stobbe

So most of this episode is rather straightforward - but a couple of things occurred to me during it. Well, first I should point out - when it looks like someone was sealing up passageways and you can’t find the last people that went in - call me crazy but that’s kind of a red flag… DON’T OPEN THOSE! It was mentioned that Geonosians look like battle droids - if I recall correctly, Geonosis was the major manufacturer of the battle droids so maybe that similarity is intentional? Also, it might not have been a creature, Saw said his team got lured into a trap. Perhaps they just couldn’t handle the amount of droids attacking them. Let’s face it, both of our groups barely got out, and they aren’t side characters. Speaking of the battle droids, we never got a Roger, Roger… I’m disappointed. Remember when these guys were funny? I’m completely guessing here without any spoilers intent, because I haven’t looked ahead past this episode either. They captured the Geonosian, the planet’s civilization was wiped out, and there’s all this high tech equipment lying around…. Even Agent Kallus wasn’t privy to what was happening the last time we were here and he’s fairly high up in the Imperial ranks… I’m gonna go out on a limb and say this all has something to do with a certain infamous space station… 👀


We were talking about spooky stuff last episode so when I saw "Saw" I thought it meant the horror movie mask dude at first 😅


Yeah good point, I don't think anyone wants to go in Maul's mind lol! Oh, no kidding about the helmets! And that's cool that there's a bit of a 70s style to help pull things together. That is so cool that they got Forest Whitaker back for the role!!! I love that. The laugh is something lol. Ohhh good point that it was the hub for battle droid production, makes sense there would be some left there. Hahaha sand is the true enemy here :P I know, dang, Rex is not impressed by much hahah! And yeah I doubt he knows, so they must not have told him. Oh that's ok!!! Honestly, I thought it was something I was supposed to know and had forgotten LOL!!! There's still a lot I don't know so it's all good! Oof, poor Lux! Maybe he's still okay out there somewhere... :/ Oh and that's such a good point about the off screen training Kanan had from Ahsoka, and also about the episode title!!!! :O


I agree!!! Oh good, glad I'm on the right track lol! Yes, now I've had some time to think about it!!! :P


LOL yeah the sealed off doors are probably sealed off for a reason! Ohhh yeah that makes sense about the manufacturing and resemblance!!! Oh that's true, my mind always goes to getting eaten lol, but it's totally possible it was actually a trap. Awww you're right, maybe we'll get a roger roger in part 2?? Yeeeaahhh that's what I was thinking too, and I feel like at some point I knew/heard that, I just don't know if I was supposed to know that, or not? I think I just kinda assumed I was supposed to know it and had messed up lol :P But we'll find out I guess!


Hi Saltire, not sure what you mean by Ahsoka training Kanan with a lightsabre, or her saying “that he was very skilled with a lightsabre when both were at the temple”. Do you mean before order 66 or in the Rebel's series? If in the Rebel’s series I think I managed to miss this?!


I must admit that I have wondered about Lux’s fate/ story after order 66.


I know the question was for Saltire but I think I assumed it probably happened off screen once we knew that Ahsoka was Fulcrum and she was more involved with our crew!!! Yeah I'm not sure about Lux....!

Saltire (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-01 01:26:14 Here is the answer to your question Nick. A while back I posted this for Melissa during season 2, to help tidy up some background info about Ahsoka and Kanan. When Rebels aired, some asked if Ahsoka knew Caleb when they were at the temple together, and Dave Filoni tweeted this, so my statement comes from this : https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DFT98fiUMAADxnn?format=jpg&name=small https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DFT98feUwAEvpMd?format=jpg&name=small
2022-10-26 16:52:38 Here is the answer to your question Nick. A while back I posted this for Melissa during season 2, to help tidy up some background info about Ahsoka and Kanan. When Rebels aired, some asked if Ahsoka knew Caleb when they were at the temple together, and Dave Filoni tweeted this, so my statement comes from this : https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DFT98fiUMAADxnn?format=jpg&name=small https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DFT98feUwAEvpMd?format=jpg&name=small

Here is the answer to your question Nick. A while back I posted this for Melissa during season 2, to help tidy up some background info about Ahsoka and Kanan. When Rebels aired, some asked if Ahsoka knew Caleb when they were at the temple together, and Dave Filoni tweeted this, so my statement comes from this : https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DFT98fiUMAADxnn?format=jpg&name=small https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DFT98feUwAEvpMd?format=jpg&name=small


Love that - it certainly isn’t surprising that they could have at least bumped into each other before order 66, and I have often wondered if Ahsoka did at least train with Kanan after they met up in Rebels. Personally, I think it would have been better to include them training together and having that conversation in a Rebels episode. Thanks very much. By the way, I agree with you about Kanan becoming a really rounded Jedi - being blinded followed by meeting Bendu obviously helped, but it seems Ahsoka did too. Kanan lifting that massive rock bridge in the Geonosis episode has always stood out for me: he could have taught Luke a thing or two about lifting X-wings out of swamps!!


It was a cool answer from Saltire :-)


No probs. I would have liked to have seen more interaction between both Ahsoka and Kanan in the series too, I have to admit, but they spared her, as Filoni always says, you shouldn't overuse your iconic characters. They always had that issue in Clone Wars, where they wanted to use Yoda more in stories, but then they'd realise he'd just find some easy solution that was no issue for him, so the drama would be used to see how other characters would deal in these situations. Which I think is why Kanan's arc so far, is more potent here in Rebels. He has overcome so much despite all that has happened to him, has dealt with many of these issues, and perhaps is now finally becoming the Jedi he may have been at the temple, had the war not happened. We haven't addressed the topic either in this series, that he is also in a loving relationship with Hera, and how he deals with all of that, which was a big topic with Anakin (and Obi-Wan to a lesser extent) in TCW and the films. However I personally think we should cover that later as more of their story is developed.

Brandon Dodge

So I don't remember if this was mentioned before, but I remember the Geonosians had the plans for the Death Star in Attack of Clones. I wonder if the Empire wiped them out to tie up any loose ends to keep the Death Star a secret until its completion.


Personally I don’t think having a scene where Ahsoka is training, or is training with, Kanan would have been overuse in season 2 of Rebels, but would have made sense within the story. An interesting question to ask is how Ahsoka maintained her skills with a lightsabre and the force without anyone to train with after order 66. Having said that, I do think it was a good thing to not have Ahsoka’s overused in Rebels, as ultimately Rebels is about the Ghost crew and their story. I agree with you that Yoda not playing centre stage in Clone Wars was a good thing, despite Yoda being one of my favourite Star Wars characters. I agree with you about Kanan’s arc so far, although ultimately I think he is so far (carefully avoiding any hint of what happens later :-)) becoming the Jedi he would have become but with differences - differences perhaps hinting that there are other ways to successfully be a Jedi.


Yeah that's what I was thinking, I just couldn't remember if I was supposed to know that, or had heard it somewhere but it hadn't happened yet lol. Makes sense!!


Yes at the end of the day the story is about the Ghost Crew and their role in the galaxy at this time. Having Ahsoka and Vader show up every other episode would undermine that, hence why they used them sparingly, as it also affects their story all the more. Melissa here has commented on this several times in her reactions, stating that the cameos and well-known characters, aren't thrown in just for the sake of seeing them, but for a reason, and doing that in this way, doesn't detract from our newer characters. As for Ahsoka not losing her skill with her sabre, or the force. I think she kept up her training in her spare time once she got back into the fight, and always kept up her meditation anyway; so she wouldn't have any rust unlike Kanan here or even Obi-Wan as we saw in the Kenobi series, who had both drifted from the path. Anytime Mel, I like little things like that, that tie things up cohesively, even if it is done off-screen.


I think this is a little plot hole in the Star Wars universe: how can a single Jedi maintain their light sabre skills if they can’t fight against real opponents? I don’t dwell on this but it is a bit of a puzzle: after all, it was normal - and I expect necessary - for Jedi to practise with other Jedi to maintain their skills and improve. There are other things like this I could pick up on, but to some extent it’s about being willing and able to suspend one’s disbelief when watching the shows - something I am normally willing and able to do with animated Star Wars, but just briefly slipping out of that mindset here in these few comments :-)


Glad you agree about the well-placed cameos, Saltire!! Also that's an interesting point Nick, I'd never thought about it!


For me it’s just interesting to think about: maybe Ahsoka does have effective ways of training that we just don’t know about. She must have given the way she handles inquisitors :-)


She might have training remotes on her Corvette just to keep her focussed and she'll meditate through the force no doubt too to keep her abilities up. I used to watch Highlander : The Series back in the 90's, and the guy in that, used to practice almost every day by himself to keep himself sharp. He wouldn't be fighting all the time, he'd perhaps go through years without duelling, over his 400 years; but it would keep him in check if he did run into another immortal out for blood. I'd assume this is similar to Ahsoka, Obi-Wan and Luke, at this time, who all seemed to keep their combat levels up.


It's so interesting to think of how Ahsoka might be training off-screen!!! It's funny you two should bring this up now, since there's a recent piece of Star Wars media that slightly relates!!! :)