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Hey everyone!!!  Here it is, my reaction to the first half of Tales of the Jedi!!!!  WOW what an amazing series so far!!!!  I had a blast dissecting all the subtle things that started to crumble apart the credibility of the Republic for Dooku, loved seeing him interact with other Jedi, LOVED seeing young Qui-Gon, and ADORED baby Ahsoka!!!!!  I can't tell you how happy this show makes me, I wish it was 100 episodes and not 6!!!!!  Can't wait for more!  Enjoy!  ~ MH


Tales of the Jedi eps 1 - 3 full reaction.mp4



SURPRISE!!!! This wasn't on the schedule but I got a chance to film my reaction to a few eps while Buffy was getting groomed today :D Enjoy!!!!


You are a good egg Melissa! Been watching Blind Waves thoughts on the episodes, then I'll get round to these, and perhaps get onto watching your Andor reaction tonight too! What a time to be a Star Wars fan! :D


This is more about visual story telling. These are essentially tone-poems, that the first episode with adorable infant Ahsoka encapsulates. "you must face death Ahsoka, don't fear it." No, she never does unlike a Sith, or her master. Even as an infant, what a boss she is, taming and riding that huge sabre-tooth tiger. If listen to the sound again Mel when Ahsoka touches the nose of the beastie, you can hear the sound of the force emitting from her, calming the beastie down. This is the same sound they used for Ezra in the pilot for Rebels, when he senses Kanan. "Jedi... Ahsoka is Jedi." - I have a theory on Ahsoka's eventual fate, and is that line confirming it for me? Can't lie, that line about Qui-Gon being 'a far wiser man than I' from Dooku hit me. Knowing what he becomes is all the more sadder now, a disposable tool to bring around Palpatine's grand plan for unlimited power; especially since Qui-Gon will essentially become a force ghost that will end up saving the galaxy. And you are right Mel, Qui-Gon thinks outside the box as we see this is what Dooku is doing, as he sees the corruption already happening with the Republic and how closely tied the Jedi are to it. Qui-Gon I think we can see now, takes the best traits of Dooku to help him become the Jedi he did. Vanessa Marshall, Hera's VA is back in the second episode, good to see her involved with Star Wars once more. "... your devotion to rules is sometimes inspiring and sometimes maddening" - yep that sums up Mace Windu. I think you are right again Melissa, that the Republic isn't what it was, and Palpatine - who I believe is the Naboo Senator in the third episode timeline - is fanning the flames undermining it, and the Jedi already. Dooku is seeing this, but Mace and his dogma, doesn't.

Tyler Stobbe

Did you know this was coming out or did you make an “executive decision” once you got wind of it? Just curious. Is it just me or did the Ahsohka episode have some serious Lion King / Circle of Life vibes in it? And the funny thing is… she might’ve stared down a sabretooth tiger creature as an infant… but compared to some of the other things she’s had to face? This seems benign by comparison. I am a little disappointed you went and looked up that was Qui-Gon since they actually revealed it at the end of the episode, even if you knew in the back of your mind. Either way, that’s not really the point: it seems that senators are living on the backs of their people - and some are being extremely neglectful. So you can see how Dooku’s wheels got turning. The last episode shows people addressing that very problem… and the kind of “this is not our problem” attitude that the Jedi had. Rules are important - but it’s also important to ask the right questions. Which Dolly is doing… and he ended up feeling slighted because of it. The Jedi are all so close to the situation they kind of got their keener senses of purpose dulled. Anyway, I imagine having to push out an extra late day reaction is stressful on top of Andor so I’ll just point out for the next batch - your Wednesday morning release window is still free if you don’t want to “cram” film and edit again next week. :)


I haven’t had the chance to watch your reactions to this yet, Melissa, but I will today, and then post some comments/ thoughts later. I can watch your reactions now because I binged all 6 episodes last night with my son :-D And loved them!! For now, I just wanted to say thank you for fitting this in and posting the reactions so quickly.


Seeing Qui Gon was something. I really missed him. And the love shown protecting Ahsoka was so amazing it hurt to watch 🥲😭🥺👏


Great reaction Mel, and I totally agree that more of this in the future would be no bad thing! I was originally very intrigued when I saw the trailer but seriously underestimated how good this was all going to be. The animation, music, voice acting, storytelling, and overall atmosphere created each episode was awesome. Some individual highlights for me I will comment on separately so posts don’t get too long


Episode 1. Ahsoka’s mum looked like Ahsoka’s mum! And I loved the voice acting for this character. I guess the village lived a relatively primitive lifestyle much closer to nature than city dwellers, hence the hunting ceremony and initiating Ahsoka into the whole life and death cycle. Ahsoka was fearless with the sabre tooth creature and I think was using the force. Fearlessness has always been an Ahsoka trait, and in the episode when she was kidnapped by those lizard type creatures in Clone Wars I remember Anakin mentioning this to Plo Koon. The animation generally in all the episodes has a real Bad Batch look to it, and that was particularly evident in the nature scenes this episode.


Episode 2. Was it just me but don’t you think the kidnapped son in this episode looked quite a lot like Lux Bonteri: I guess they have certain animated models they re-use but also adapt?


Awwww yay thank you Saltire!!! I'll have to check out Blind Wave's reaction too, I saw it was up a while ago!!! It's a great time for sure!!! And yay thanks Manny!


I agree, it's very visual! Ohhh I'll have to see that scene again, I didn't hear the force sound! But that's so true, Ahsoka has never been vulnerable to fear the way others have. Oooh, I'd love to see if your theory is true! It made me think of the "I'm no Jedi" line, but in a way, I feel like Ahsoka is one of the most Jedi person we know lol. Oh I know, such a sad situation with Qui-Gon and Dooku! Glad you agree that Qui-Gon took some of Dooku's perspective with him, and that's why he's so open minded when we meet him later. Oh yay, Hera!!! Who did she play? Oof, that's so Mace Windu lol. Yeah he's for sure fanning the flames!!! It's too bad not everyone could see it, and those who could were sort of laughed out of the place more or less!!! :/


I just had to make an executive decision! This was short enough that I could squeeze it in and I didn't want to have to wait 4 weeks till Andor is done! Oh I totally see the Lion King vibes haha! Oh, no worries- I didn't google anything about the episode, just wanted to confirm that that was true about Qui-Gon being his apprentice. Dooku actually says it in Attack of the Clones I think, so it's not a spoiler. I can definitely see how the wheels got turning for Dooku! Exactly, rules are great but so is, you know, actually seeing what the heck is going on in front of you! Yeah it definitely piled up some work for me but it was worth it! Trying to get caught up so I don't have to edit on my birthday tomorrow haha. That's a great idea about Weds!!! I actually already filmed it for you guys yesterday...!!! I couldn't wait! So it will be up soon!!! :D


Hope you love my reactions!! That's awesome, so glad you enjoyed watching them with your son!!!! Awww you're so welcome and thank YOU!!!! I truly appreciate you all watching along with me, it's what makes this worthwhile!!!!


Thanks so much!!! Yes I'd like to order 100 more eps please haha. The trailer was awesome but I agree that it totally exceeded even that! It all worked so well, couldn't agree more!!! :D


Lol yes she did!! Yes the primitive culture was interesting to see. So true that Ahsoka has never been vulnerable to fear. Ever apparently!!! Oh interesting about the animation looking like Bad Batch, can't wait to see it so I can compare!


I don't know if you have filmed the rest of the episodes, but if not, look out for a cute cameo at the start of episode 5 and see if you can recognise who it is. ;)


Yes: that was a real treat and made my day, Saltire :-)


I know, I had a smile on my face throughout, until that last scene.

kamenriderhime (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-01 01:25:28 OMG!!!! I have already filmed it, and I didn't pick up on the cameo!!! >.< BUT I rewatched it yesterday and caught it lol!
2022-10-31 14:07:31 OMG!!!! I have already filmed it, and I didn't pick up on the cameo!!! >.< BUT I rewatched it yesterday and caught it lol!

OMG!!!! I have already filmed it, and I didn't pick up on the cameo!!! >.< BUT I rewatched it yesterday and caught it lol!


Surprise reaction! :o I loved all of these so much, they all got me so emotional knowing what happens to Dooku and Ahsoka. Ahsoka had me crying with the first one, too adorable! Her calming the animal like Ezra does is too sweet and so beautiful. And I just had to look up who voiced Qui-Gon in episode 2, and it’s actually Liam Neeson’s son! So cool that he got to play a young version of his father’s role. And third episode was fun cause it was essentially Dooku talking to himself, his VA does Windu too.


YAY!! Omg I know right?! She's soooo cute! And yes, that was reminiscent of Ezra too. WHOA!!!! No way, that was Liam Neeson's son?! That makes it even cooler XD Wait WHAT!!!!!! Dooku and Windu are the same VA!?!?! Mind BLOWN!!!! Kinda reminds me of how Dee Bradley Baker does all those eps where he's essentially talking to himself hahaha.