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Hey everyone!  Here I am with more Mob Psycho 100 - episode 5 of the third season!!!!  Whoa, Dimple's really lost it!!!  I mean, I get that he's been Dimple all along, I wouldn't exactly call him lawful good - but at the same time, dang, kinda thought we were friends!!!  But I have a feeling that maybe Mob just shook him out of his power trip with his, erm, bold clothing choice lol.  I'm honestly not sure what the details are, but I know one thing - do NOT mess with Mob, because you have almost certainly underestimated just how much he's capable of!!!  Can't wait to figure this out!  Great ep!  Enjoy!  ~ MH


Mob Psycho 3x05 full reaction.mp4



Hi Hime :) Dimple does not understand one thing, having everyone under his control, being the only one aware of reality, will certainly bring him power, but above all isolation... Shigeo knows it well, through the events he has lived since season 1, he understands that very well. I stick to the theory that the broccoli has an influence, after all, when Shigeo is at root level he feels something, enough to force him to push Hanazawa away. After using his "goddly beam", Dimple seemed worried that he had hurt Shigeo, so I really think something is wrong.

Tyler Stobbe

While Mob’s argument is fundamentally correct, Dimple does make a few interesting counter arguments to it during the course of the episode. The knee jerk reaction is choice is a problem, but the point he makes is that all actions have consequences no one can see, so if you’re oblivious to them in the first place, does that make you more happy if you’re content with what you’re doing? The argument is worth thinking about, at least. Speaking of this, the more I look at what’s happening to the rest of the town, I don’t know if “brainwashing” would be the correct term. Dimple even admitted he wasn’t controlling Hanazawa. No, I think the better term would be “convinced.” The affected people have gone to the point they believe very strongly in the Divine Tree and all of their actions are based on that set of beliefs. Obviously, this point of view they’re all experiencing isn’t a natural phenomena which is why Mob and Dimple are having this argument in the first place. Dimple does also point out that the love of the tree is contagious, and it’s like anything else. If something occurs that a lot of people get interested in, you can’t help but get curious and want to find out for yourself. (How many people do you think have looked up Kamen Rider because you’ve been passionate about it? How did RWBY get as big as it did? Two examples of how something can spread using real life examples.) Okay, now that the devil’s advocate argument is out of the way, Dimple has, and always has been referred to as an EVIL SPIRIT. Remember, this isn’t the first time he’s tried something like this, and he’s admittedly wanted to get one over on Mon for a while, and we all just read into it as funny banter. Come on though, saying you have no chance with the girl you actually like? I mean, telling any guy that is going to leave a mark. I kind of view everything happening in this episode like this: Dimple’s had way too much to drink, and he’s become inebriated enough that he’s causing way too much trouble. Mob’s the designated driver, or he will try to be. I do find it funny that it wasn’t Hanazawa’s takeover… or Tsubomi’s possession… or the ridiculous amount of attacks with the word “Godly” in them that were the last straw. No, the thing that sent Mob over the edge is when Dimple made a comment about his awful monkey shirt. 😂 Of course it would, right? That shirt’s gonna end up being the key to all this, just you wait. I’m calling it now. 😁


Man I guess I always assumed Dimple let that wanted to be God thing go. Guess not.


Hi Spadeas! :) Oooh, that's such a good point about isolation actually!!! In a way, Mob really is trying to save Dimple too. I agree, there's something else going on here besides just Dimple! Good point about him being worried when he hit Mob too, I actually did notice that in editing!!! Guess we'll see what happens!


Hmmm, I can definitely see how there is at least some merit to that argument, if you scratch beneath the surface a bit! Yeah, that's a good point, that was bugging me that he wasn't "controlling" him....and convinced is a better way to put it! I really think there's more going on here. Hehe, it makes me happy that I've been used as an example of spreading the love of something like a fandom!!! I see what you're saying for sure, it's a phenomenon that happens all the time. Yeah, the more I think about it, the more I guess I should have expected this from Dimple....but I do agree that he's drunk on power at the moment, so maybe it still isn't strictly the Dimple we've all gotten to know. HAHAHAHAH you just knew that monkey shirt was gonna play some big important role right!!!! I mean, the broccoli in Mob's pocket from last season is now the focal point of the following season so, it wouldn't surprise me if the shirt was the key honestly :P