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Hey everyone!  Here it is - my reaction to season 3, episode 22 of REBELS!!!!  OH DANG!!!  We got some amazing helping from Sabine and her family, and even from Bendu!!  He was really not pleased with either side lol, but he came through when we needed him.  If Thrawn thinks he could take him out with a blaster, he's got another thing coming!!  And that ominous foretelling of Thrawn's future...!!!!  We're gonna need another base, but we managed to pull off an amazing feat once again.   I loved watching Pryce and Thrawn watch their plans totally fall apart haha.  And Kallus is officially with us now, yay!!  What an awesome season, I can't wait for - omg - the last season!!  Great ep!  Enjoy!!!  ~ MH


Rebels 3x22 full reaction.mp4


Jonathan Bruser

I remember what Thrawn said a while back this season. "Victory and defeat are often decided by the smallest details." Ezra escaped in Part One. Just one ship, with one pilot and a droid, and they brought back enough reinforcements to get rid of the second interdictor cruiser, and it allowed Our Heroes to escape. Something I noticed back in Part One was that Thrawn didn't dwell too long on Konstantine's utter idiocy, but simply moved on. As the man in charge of the operation, Thrawn's the one who will have to take responsibility to anyone higher than him. And just think... If Tarkin hadn't insisted that Thrawn take prisoners to be made examples of, he could have simply bombarded them from orbit without stopping, then sent in ground troops to confirm the kills. This was Thrawn on a leash of sorts. Let's hope we never see him off of one.


This two parter is the perfect culmination of everything we’ve seen of Thrawn so far. Everything in these episodes shows that his plan was perfect, if it wasn’t for incompetent subordinates and “Jedi devilry” he would have won. All of his failures come from things he couldn’t have seen coming, which we now see he learned from in Ahsoka cause he was at least a little prepared for what got thrown at him there. Along those same lines, Bendu’s last words were so great and amazing foreshadowing. I’m curious what it looked like from Thrawn’s POV, cause he was looking right at Bendu and then he was gone. Did he fade away like Obi-Wan? Did he just pop out of existence? And now we got season 4, which is some of my favorite Star Wars, period. Those last few episodes never get any easier to watch. 😭


Sorry I never saw this Jonathan! It's crazy to think that this was more of a restrained version of Thrawn, isn't it??


It's awesome! It's always the silly oversights/overconfidence that wrecks the Empire's plan isn't it? I loved Bendu's dialogue too! Oh that's a great question about Thrawn's perspective lol! OMG those last eps :(((((((((((( The whole season is peak though, I agree!!!


Eugh, right from the off we see why Star Destroyers would be terrifying to a local populus, when they can orbital bombard like that. Sabine's shield held, but it wouldn't have lasted much longer had Thrawn not stopped the attack, since he was under orders from Tarkin to capture the rebel leadership. Great to see Sabine having Ezra's back after his pleas for the Mandalorians to get involved. She has always seemed quite distant with Ezra in their earlier days, but its warming to know that after everything they have went through now, she trusts that Ezra can make 'the impossible possible' if given the resources. I've noted throughout the series that you have stated Mel, that Zeb would have fit right in with the clones. And we have to remember, he was a military man himself on Lasan, as head of the Honour Guard, so immediately sees some of himself in Rex; which is partially I feel why they are teamed up together here. He is 12 years older than Rex we have to remember also, which is always weird to think about with Rex's rapid ageing. Love the line from Hera that if she is going to be killed here, she is going to 'go out' on her beloved Ghost. She loves that ship as much as Han loves the Falcon. :D Bendu transforms into a Force Storm, one that fires indiscriminately at everyone. It provides cover for the remnants of Phoenix Cell to escape, something Thrawn couldn't have anticipated, but Bendu only wants rid of everyone to restore quiet to his world, and if that means also taking down rebel ships escaping, so be it - he is the one in the middle after all. Just as well the Ghost has strong shields, else he'd have killed everyone on the ship. Bendu gives a warning to Thrawn that he sees his defeat; the force does frustrate Thrawn as he doesn't quite understand it since he isn't force-sensitive, and its an annoyance to him especially when his plans get undone because of it. Bendu seems tied to Atollon in some way, and it appears he just transformed again into another form that will stay there and guard that planet for aeons to come. I love what Kanan says to Kallus at the end : "thank you, for risking everything...", its a line that hits hard because he has been a long-term antagonist, but after his experience with Zeb on the ice moon, he has indeed risked it all to ensure the rebels are one step ahead as best they can be in this sector. If not for him this season, all might have been lost. Our rebels lose the base at Atollon, Sato, countless ships and pilots, and Pheonix Cell is all but destroyed; but they live to fight another day, and that counts as a win for those that survive. Kanan is right, they have got to want freedom, but he sees it coming for them if they keep fighting. Next stop Yavin!

Tyler Stobbe

So Ezra going back to the Mandalorians - this is completely off the beaten path but is this the official “meet the parents” moment for him? Had to dig that in there. :P Thrawn could’ve ended this all if he just kept the bombardment up but he decided to get “cute” and do things personally, so perhaps there’s a bit of imperial arrogance there as well. Also, Kallus DID try to warn him… ;) I think you may have misunderstood the Bendu “attack” - he wasn’t there to help anybody. It seemed more like you’re both fighting a war, so… I’m gonna wipe ALL of you out and settle it that way. It definitely wasn’t friendly. It also wasn’t predictable which is why Thrawn got thrown off his game by it. Sabine made a snarky comment about Ezra having “little thrusters” instead of a jet pack - I’m wondering if I should read into that at all… anyway I’m off on the wrong topic again, but him yelling “Chopper get us out of here” sounded suspiciously like something Han yelled to a certain Wookiee. So Thrawn shot Bendu after his revelation but he “disappeared…” and you could hear Bendu laughing all around him, very unsettling. Pryce didn’t follow Thrawn’s orders either, and the rebels escaped. Also… this has been bothering me for a while… why does the Empire trust stormtroopers to do anything right? You knew Kallus was gonna get away from just two of them. 😂 Like it was said by Sabine in this episode, “the impossible is possible” if enough people believe it can happen. Also… AP-5 was talking about jumping several times before going to Yavin. We’re not that far from A New Hope if the base on Yavin is established now. A couple years at most, maybe? Wonder if anybody else will turn up?


Hi Mel. I’m sure I’ll have more to say later when I have a bit of time but for now I just wanted to say how much I have enjoyed your reactions to the last three episodes. I’ve always loved your Star Wars reactions (although I haven’t seen them all yet), but the quality of the last three Rebels episodes, along with your insight and love of the show shining through in your reactions, really makes my day when I watch them :-)


Yeah Bendu felt like an entity, I was surprised up until he “went away”; I don’t think he could have been done by a blaster. And even though he was outdone, having to bring in something/someone like Bendu to escape from Thrawn’s attack says something. He’s a evil and deadly strategist. But I’m glad even when cornered Hera denied giving him satisfaction of defeat. I’m hopeful in some ways for S4 but still worried. Cannot wait for more.


Yavin huh.....I think we are really closer than you thought.


Thrawn didn't destroy the base from the orbital bombardment as he was under order from Tarkin to capture the rebel leaders there; as Hera says, he was just softening them up. As for the timeline, yep we aren't far off A New Hope now; this show leads right up to that timeline.


Yeah, I second that. We all know the love Mel has for Clone Wars especially, as we all do, but its great to see how much she has embraced Rebels and appreciates the show for what it is, and is trying to do.


Yes, Mel definitely ‘gets it’ :-) I’m not sure how popular Rebels has been: quite a few people I know who like some Star Wars, even Clone Wars, haven’t seen Rebels. My impression is that the show is underrated/ under-appreciated/ under-watched, but then I am clearly not a neutral observer in this at all :-)


Yeah I agree, I doubt he's gone gone, but still! And yes, it shows what level of threat we're dealing with with Thrawn. Hera was still able to compete with that level though which is amazing. I know, I'm hopeful and worried too!!!!! Me neither!!


Mel, now you are about to start season 4, please can I point out a choice that you might like to make for yourself before watching the latter half of this season. I can’t explain why now (spoilers!) but it will make a difference whether you have the subtitles turned on or not. Certain things said will have a clear meaning with subtitles on, but if the subtitles are off you might miss the meaning or just not be sure of the meaning. One thought Is that’s you might like to be clear on the meaning, but another perspective is that the ambiguity is part of the fun and interest in watching these particular episodes. Anyway, I just thought it worth pointing out :-)


Yay!!! I'm so happy to hear that!!! I'm really happy that my love, passion and enthusiasm for this series and this franchise really show through in my reactions!! Thank you both :D I've unfortunately not heard a lot about Rebels either, compared to Clone Wars and such, so I think it's very possibly underrated / underappreciated! But maybe as time goes on, that will change!


I know, the Star Destroyers are pretty freakin scary!!! And yeah, the shield was not long for this world. I love that Sabine has warmed up that much and has that much respect for Ezra too!!! It's awesome that we were able to get her and the Mandalorians onboard. Oh that's true about Zeb, no wonder I can see the connection so much! That's really funny about the age difference too! Oh yes, gotta love Hera being willing to go down with the ship, literally. She for sure loves her Ghost like Han loves the Falcon! I can see how the Force would be frustrating to Thrawn, since it's not something he can understand / manipulate, and it's a bit of a "wild card" to his machinations. I'm glad Bendu survived even if he did take another form. Oh I know, who knew we'd grow to be so respectful, loyal, grateful, etc. to/of Kallus!!!! He really did come through for us a lot though. We lost so much here for sure, but anytime the rebellion goes on to fight another day can be counted as a win I guess. Yay, Yavin!!!!!!!


HAHAHHA I never thought of it that way but I guess it is sort of a meet the parents moment :P I see what you mean about the arrogance and I had forgotten that Tarkin ordered them to be brought in alive too until Saltire mentioned it! But there's other ways in which Thrawn doesn't see the whole picture, especially when it comes to things like the Force. Yeah, I started to put that together that Bendu wasn't necessarily "helping" anyone haha. It worked out for the most part though! I know, the unsettling laugh was a great touch! LOL you'd think after this many mistakes they'd realize the Stormtroopers don't have a very good success rate, maybe it's going back to more of that Imperial arrogance? Love the "impossible is possible" line!! Ahhh I'd love to see more cameos once we get to Yavin!!! We're right on top of A New Hope now, so exciting!!!!!!!! :D


Oh that's a good idea! I'm gonna make a note to do that when I film the first two of the season on Friday!!! I'm so curious to see what you mean! I'm sure it will help me comprehend a bit more :D


It’s more later in the series it matters but to be honest when I’m on Disney plus now I always turn on the subtitles - even when it’s not really necessary. You could do it as a scientific experiment and see what you think :-).


I think you are right Mel about as time goes on that will change, and for some reasons you won't know of yet until you have finished the series. I've said it before, but when TCW got cancelled by Disney (and I recently found out that they didn't intend to cancel the whole series, but whomever had the syndication rights, wouldn't give them back to Disney), and Rebels was the first thing done under their tenure with the IP, alongside The Force Awakens and Rogue One; then a lot of the fanbase didn't give this show much of a chance. There was some issues with Freddie Prinze, Jr getting stick as well when he was promoting the show, but thats nothing new, recently we had the same with the actress who played Reva in Kenobi getting similar treatment. However, over time, and now that Clone Wars got a proper send-off, and with more and more live stuff coming out featuring the animated characters; more are coming round to Rebels to watch it, and many of those find its a lot better than they thought beforehand, so its slowly but surely becoming more appreciated.


I've only every turned on the subs once with this show, and coincidentally its in this little arc, where Bendu transforms after being called a coward by Kanan. He mentions something about the Jedi which I was never able to pick up until I saw the subs. I'm interested to see specifically which parts you mean though Nick. I rewatched all of season 4 - yet again! - on Tuesday, but I know it so well know that I know most of the lines! Let me know when Mel gets to it as I'm curious. Edit : Ahhhhhhhhhhh, I know which part you mean now. THAT episode!


Yes that bit about the Jedi that Bendu mentions always sounds a little indistinct to me too. As for ‘THAT episode’, as I remember it, it’s said in several related episodes but I suspect we are thinking of the same thing :-).


Saltire: “I think you are right Mel about as time goes on that will change, and for some reasons you won't know of yet until you have finished the series” Nick: that’s a really good point - I had not joined up the dots on that one, and I think you are right: Rebels will likely get more popular and well known because of this.


Saltire - I hope so!! I've heard about the cancellation, and how the whole situation impacted the feeling surrounding Rebels when it came out. Things are definitely different now, with some of the "wrongs" having gotten righted lol, so hopefully folks can revisit Rebels and see it from a fresh perspective. Nick - agreed!!!!


You'll both be happy to know I actually did remember the subtitles when I filmed 4x01 and 4x02, woohoo!! Can't wait to get to whatever that part is hehe....!!!


After trying it what did you think of having the subtitles on? [I get that for many people they would not think it worthwhile?


I didn't mind it! I watch a lot of subtitled shows and even watch another show that's in English with captions on for a similar reason to what you stated for this season!


The Good Word is slowly but surely spreading! :-D


Okay, glad it was okay. This reminds of the difference between dubbed and subtitles. I’ve never minded subtitles but dubbed has always felt a bit hard to get used to (it looks odd) and so I’ve never warmed to it. The one exception to my dislike of dubbing are the dubbed tv series I used to watch as a kid: there is a certain nostalgia associated with it. The one that I clearly remember is the tv series The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, made in the 1960s [and I love the theme tune for this - as I remember it, The Art of Noise did a fabulous version of this music in the 1980s: I’m gonna listen to it now 😎].


It was! And yes I can totally see the comparison to sub vs. dub! I prefer sub as well but totally get it that some folks might feel otherwise. I hear you, it's tough to get past the impression something makes as a kid!! Oh wow, the soundtrack sounds pretty great!!! Enjoy!!