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Hey everyone!  Here I am with more Mob Psycho 100 - episode 11 of the third season!!!!  Whoa, things get really heated in this one, dang!  Suzuki (Claw Man as he's known to me, sorry for not remembering his name) couldn't even make a dent, but I think he made the right choice to go with his son.  Ritsu comes on the scene and makes some pretty astute observations!  This being the part of Mob that he's suppressed does make a lot of sense.  I love Reigen just rushing in to the literal heart of the storm, no powers or nothing, just wanting to help Mob!  And finally, we make contact with....Mob?  Seems like they're both pretty sure they're the real Mob, and I think they're both right!  I'd love it if we could work together and not against each other!!!  The finale awaits!  What a great ep!  Enjoy!  ~ MH


Mob Psycho 3x11 full reaction.mp4



Hi Hime :) Another emotional episode. They really enforce the fact that Shigeo is the most powerful esper, but more importantly, as Suzuki points out, the fact that Mob kept all of that inside and tried to be normal, shows his mental toughness too. For the countdown that goes up to 100%, I think it was Ritsu's, not Mob's. To illustrate that Ritsu has grown in power to try and reach out to his big brother and be there for him. The confrontation between Mob and Shigeo will be what frees Shigeo completely. We really have Shigeo, the one who has been there since birth, his emotions, his desires, hidden by Mob who didn't want to cause another accident. But we can't hide indefinitely, if Mob had a very flat personality, he had no presence and he's always looking for what he would like to do later, it's precisely because he buried all his emotions. But over the course of the 3 seasons, they have gradually come to the surface. It's time for Mob to accept that he is Shigeo.

Tyler Stobbe

So first it’s looking more and more like the solution to Mob’s predicament isn’t going to be so much his crazy abilities, but more the friends (and frenemies) he’s made along the way, as it seems everyone associated with him is trying something to snap him out of it, regardless of how effective it’s being. Which makes me wonder what sort of hare-brained scheme turned genius idea Reigen has in that skull of his. Now, I think you fell for a trick. The percentage counter doesn’t seem like it’s one for Mob, but rather it was Ritsu’s percentage. Even so, at 100% it still wasn’t enough to snap him out of it. So I’m going to make an analogy here -all of Mob’s powers and abilities have been suppressed. Picture then brig put in a pot on the stove and then covering it and sealing it and applying heat. After a while it’s going to build up so much pressure it bursts, and that seems to be what the accident was the catalyst for - it knocked off the lid. Mob’s basically now having a crisis of identity - huh, this sounds a lot like Ice Queendom again - and is going to need to come to terms with both aspects of himself in order to for lack of a better term, pull himself together. I’m sure there’s going to be some sort of sideswipe like they’re usually is. The question is what? 🙃


Hi Spadeas! :) I know, so emotional! It really does show not only his power but his determination. Ohhhhhh that was Ritsu's, okay! That makes more sense! In a way, Shigeo is the "real" one compared to Mob, but it's so true that Mob has also developed emotions, made connections, etc. There definitely needs to be some acceptance here!!


Exactly, powers have always taken the background vs. the foreground on this show, so it makes sense! OMG, if anyone can crack this, it's Reigen! Ohhhh yes, I've been made aware of the percentage mix up!! Makes sense! Oh that's a great analogy, and not dissimilar from Ice Queendom at all! I know, who knows what they're gonna come up with! Guess we'll find out!!!


That's so interesting. I feel because of Reigens influence Shigeo took over instead of the psychic Mob. Could be wrong but I like to think if Reigen hadn't been a part of his life it would have been the other way around.


Oh yeah I think that actually makes a lot of sense. Reigen's influence as a big tipping point!!!