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***Fresh upload - this is the right ep but might need to be downloaded since it's still processing.  Thanks!!!***

Hey everyone!  Here I am with Jojo season 1, episode 25!!!  OMG!!!!  You guys, I will never, EVER get over the squirrel!!!  Shudders!!!  So Kars is all powerful and god-like now, AWESOME :(  But that won't stop Jojo from thinking up an epic plan that while on the surface looks like he's running away, once again, involves leading the bad guy away from bystanders.  The volcano idea is pretty cool and watching Kars manipulate different animals is fascinating and disturbing all at once....!!  But, did we actually do it?!  Like can we have a clean win this time?!?!  Guess we'll see...!!  Great ep!  Enjoy!  ~ MH


Jojo 1x25 full reaction.mp4



I just started the video, but in your recap you talk about squirrel... I started the 26 too and they are the same. I think the upload has failed and the reaction to ep 26 has uploaded in both.


No worries but I'm to much of a jojo fan, I read the "oh no" with Joseph voice lol

Tyler Stobbe

Hello Melissa. There are times in the lifespan of every reactor, when they reach certain scenes in their shows… and then they hate everything but you can hear their fans rolling on the ground in the background. THIS is one of those times. 😁 In other words, we knew the squirrel scene was going to drive you… nuts. 😎 I mean do you ever look at your reactions and just start laughing at yourself? Because I’m pretty sure when you edit this for YouTube you won’t get through it with a straight face cause we sure didn’t. 😂 Not much to say here but just to describe it: Vampire squirrels attacked each other, took out a Nazi cyborg at the behest of a vampiric being invincible to sunlight. So someone flew a German warplane into an active volcano and had to get help from the Nazis because he was attacked from flying piranhas. “It’s over Kars. Jojo has the high ground now!” I’d continue this comment but I’m too busy rolling on the floor with everyone else in here. 😂


Why with the squirrels? 🐿 How with the plane? ✈️ What with the piranhas? 🐟 Where with the octopus? 🐙 Geez with Stroheim? 🤖


We've covered all the why/how/what/where and even geez, sounds like a Jojo ep alright!!!! I love the visual representations btw haha!


LOL!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm glad it was amusing!!!! Omg YES, sometimes when I'm editing I'm like, "ok I can see how someone would get a kick out of this" lol. I'm glad I could bring some joy hahha! Great description, and I mean, that's still not even the weirdest thing to ever happen so :P HAHAHAHAHAHA the Star Wars comparisons are so on point!!! Hahah have a good time rolling on the floor, I'm glad you enjoyed my reaction :D

Alex R

Loved this reaction! So close to the end of part 2. And about name changes, one thing to look out for is listening to what they’re saying vs. what’s in the subtitles. Sometimes it’s tough, but they will often say the English name for things. Like in te case of Santana, you can hear the characters call him “Santana” albeit in a Japanese accent. Sadly Crunchyroll won’t really help as they have the localized versions that use the changed names. But I’m sure patrons will point out any names that do change :)


Yay! Thank you! Good point about listening, I tend to read first and listen later but once it's pointed out, I can totally hear it! Too bad about the changes, but thankfully I have you guys to help me out, yay!