Jojo's Bizarre Adventure 2x01 "The Man Possessed by an Evil Spirit" - reaction & review (Patreon)
2023-01-19 12:35:24
2023-04-25 12:42:10
Hey everyone! Here I am with Jojo season 2, episode 1!!! Oh wow, here we go with a whole new era, a whole new story, a whole new power system....AND ONE VERY FAMILIAR VILLAIN!!! NOOOOOOOO!!! I cannot BELIEVE he got Jonathan's body, after ALL THAT!!! I'm not quite sure about Jotaro yet, because we honestly haven't seen much of him aside from...well...some of his more coarse language! It's cool to have Joseph back and meet Holly, and get introduced to this very interesting new power. I'm curious to see where it's all going!!! Great ep! Enjoy! ~ MH