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Hey everyone!  Here it is - my reaction to season 4, episode 15 of REBELS!!!!  DANG IT GUYS!!!!  I'm so dehydrated right now :'D  What an amazing way to end the series.
Bringing EVERYTHING full circle, from character arcs, to Ezra's journey, to Lothal, and more.  The scenes with You Know Who were SOOOOO intense and made me incredibly upset lol, but I knew our boy would make the right call.  They did it - it took a lot of sacrifice (RIP Gregor and omg Ezra we will find you), but they did it, they freed Lothal!!!!  And how bout that, the retaliation never came because of some other Jedi and Rebels we know and love!  I was so incredibly proud of Ezra at the end - and I know now what the Ahsoka series must be heavily focused on!!!!  And OMG, Kallus gets fully redeemed, JASON IS BORN OMGOMGOMG, and it seems that although it wasn't without its losses, our crew more or less lives....well...happily ever after???  I cannot wait to see Sabine and Ahsoka's journeys!!!!!  Great ep, great season, great series - it's in my heart forever now!  Enjoy!!!  ~ MH


Rebels 4x15 full reaction.mp4



I am really happy you watched this entire show. Cant wait to get to Ahsoka show as well!


I may go back to the first episode of your rebels reaction video and watch it all over again xd

Brian Settles

I love the way they paid off the prophecy from the Bindu regarding Thrawn. Speaking of which I really hope they bring his theme back if/when he shows up again. The use of the organ is so good! The wild thing is that most of his real losses were the result of someone else making a mistake. Makes you wonder what would happen if he were really in charge hmm? Filoni and company walked a tightrope with Rebels. The balance between a lighter and more serious tone is very well done. It never feels like they are just taking a detour into gooftown or grimville. It all feels like it's part of the fabric of the show. Having all these elements be such an integral part of the finale is testament to that.


Firstly I'd like to offer my thanks Melissa for your wonderful reactions, interesting chats and joyous enthusiasm for this series on your watchthrough. This was the main series I patreoned to your channel for, and it's been a thorough delight all the way! Its been a pleasure to watch see how hooked you became for this show, and realise how much of a great addition to the Star Wars universe this show is, when you adored the mighty Clone Wars. Aside from The Bad Batch, you have now caught up with the rest of us to speculate on what we'll see going forward. Looking forward to discussions on all that! :D


In the opening of the very first episode when we meet Ezra, the two low-level officers harassing the goat fella fruit seller, tell the audience watching that they are the Empire, and "whose going to stop us?"; someone walks between them - Ezra. He stops them and sends the Empire packing from Lothal. From street rat to true Jedi Knight who stopped Sidious twice gaining 'unlimited power' and made sure Thrawn wasn't around for the Battle Of Endor to wipe out the rebel fleet - Ezra did alright!! You mentioned in a previous episode, that Kanan's death is a pivotal point. The Emperor himself says it changes Lothal's fate, and we see now just the events Kanan's death spurs into motion. He takes down Thrawn's TIE Defender factory, which will be a huge help to the Rebel Alliance as they won't have to deal with those nasty buggers; then through his spiritual guidance, he helps Ezra seal up the World Between Worlds and enables Ezra himself, through everything he has learned under Kanan and the crew, to realise his own destiny of freeing Lothal from the Empire. Thrawn killing civilians as he bombards the city. I dunno how those who read the books felt about that (though the writer of them, Timothy Zahn was an advisor on the show) as I believe he's more of an anti-hero in them, but to me it shows he has no qualms about doing war crimes just to strategically re-establish the upper hand. He isn't sadistic like Tarkin, Pryce or Sidious; he does what he feels is necessary, and in that regard, he's more like Vader. The part where Ezra decides to leave them always brings a lump to my throat. The hatch opening is a really poignant recall to the early episodes as he says "one last time". Hera can't let him go, she has already lost Kanan and doesn't want another of her family to leave, but thats the lesson Ezra has learnt now after being in the World Between Worlds - he loves both his biological and found families, but as a Jedi he has to let them go in order to accomplish the task. His training is complete. Sabine and Ezra now take the lead on the mission. Early in the series, it was Kanan and Hera providing the missions and plans; now 'the kids' have become great leaders in their own right. Interesting discussion between Thrawn and Ezra before he is taken to the Emperor. Thrawn sees the power in the force to act the Jedi have, but he can only think about what they can do as a weapon. Ezra rightly answers that Thrawn is essentially close-minded here, that he can only see the force as a weapon, when its anything but. Thrawn's line about all that matters is who has power, is what drives him. He is not power-hungry per se, but the Empire to him represents that control, order and power he thinks the galaxy needs, and is why he supports what they do and is willing to take orders from Vader, Tarkin and Sidious, as he sees them as people with similar mindsets. Love the Emperor's disguise hologram. He is portraying himself as the kindly old Chancellor, and is essentially Lucifer changing form to appeal to those he needs to convince. Before the Jedi Temple on Lothal was closed off, he took the entrance to it, rebuilt it, and I think done some of his Sith Alchemy on it, to try to open this portal of it to the World Between Worlds. Indeed, when they face off in that episode, it was probably this piece of the temple, Sidious was using to try and get Ezra before. Here he is trying a subtler approach, using the images of Ezra's parents to manipulate him into opening the portal. We don't know had Ezra went through, that he would have went back with them, or if it was just an illusion (which it probably was), and had he done so, he would have undone everything he did with the Spectres, giving the Emperor Lothal back and 'unlimited power'. However, though the decision causes Ezra pain, he is beyond the Emperor's tricks now, through all his teachings, and the decision here to let his parents go as well, not only stops Sidious in his tracks, it ascends him to Jedi Knighthood as he has has now applied everything taught to him. Haha I did mention that Hondo's Ugnaught pal, Melch, was a bit of a legend, and here we can see why with all his shenanigans! Love the line Zeb says to everyone as they embark to get to the generator room, "let's go rebels" when that squad includes Kallus and Hondo, who have come so far along such a winding path to end up here, supporting the Rebellion. Gregor dying is sad, but as he said, he was at least fighting for something he and Rex chose, finally. I love they brought the Purgil back to destroy the imperial fleet around Lothal. For one it shows, even that episode with them wasn't a 'filler', and two, it shows again nature fighting back against the Empire. And as they grab Thrawn, Bendu's prophecy comes to pass : "I see your defeat, like many arms surrounding you in a cold embrace". That whole scene is wonderful, the visuals and sound design are superb, as is the music, which ends with a final heroic version of Ezra's Theme, as he and Thrawn depart to who knows where; its so good. I like how Chopper throws Ezra's lightsabre to Sabine as they make their escape from the dome. For one, we've seen over the series that she knows now how to wield a lightsabre; and two, for those thinking that these two have a thing (I personally don't), its an important item of his as a Jedi for her to have - like Anakin wanting to give Padme his sabre in Clone Wars. So they did it. They free Lothal from the Empire, the first world to do so. Filoni has since said, that the Empire would have come back to try to massacre the world to make a point about rising against them (or worse since the Death Star was nearly online by this point); but within a few weeks, the Battle of Scarif and A New Hope happens; so they never did, as the Rebel Alliance showed them they were a force to be reckoned with. Speaking of those films, this ending is also a convenient way of showing how Luke was the only Jedi active in the Rebellion at that time, with Ezra gone and Ahsoka staying out of the picture; as well as having Thrawn out of commission for the Imperials. In the epilogue, I always tear up at seeing Kallus be shown the Lasats weren't killed off. I'm sure that lifted a huge weight off his chest, as he would have regretted what happened at the Massacre Of Lasan of which he was a great part of orchestrating. Rex made it back to the rank of Commander and took part in The Battle Of Endor. In fact, there is a famous scene in Return Of The Jedi now, that if you want for your headcanon, shows Rex behind Han Solo! https://www.denofgeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/star-wars-return-of-the-jedi-bushy-beard.jpg That character was originally called Nic Sant (Saint Nicholas, Santa Claus - yes really!), but for those wanting it to be, he is now Rex! A fitting end for him too, he through no fault of his own, or his brothers, was forced to bring about imperial tyranny; but he was able to fight back to help bring them down, and restore his Republic. Great hearing Hera and The Ghost also canonically took part in The Battle Of Endor as well; they have been fighting the imperials all this time, and for them to be present when the Empire was all but destroyed, is more than fitting. And now we see that she had a son to Kanan, Jacen Syndulla. We see at the start of this episode, Hera briefly holding her stomach, an animation's way of showing a character is pregnant. This is also one of the things that I believe Kanan could have told her on the rooftop before the end - that he knew through the force, that she was with child, which makes his sacrifice that night even more poignant. In the last scene we see Sabine and Ahsoka The White complete with staff (another Gandalf comparison) go off to search for Ezra. Thats why Ahsoka in Mando was looking for Thrawn, as he and Ezra are still off together into wild space someplace we reckon. Thats what we believe a lot of the Ahsoka series is going to be - Rebels season 5, and I'm all for that! There was a mini-trailer at Star Wars Celebration for the Ahsoka series, though it was still filming at the time, so I have seen some things relevant to both shows, including the mosaic at the end that Sabine touches, it looks like they redid that scene for the show! Also I showed you early in the series, real Chopper with Rosario Dawson on stage there which is a heavy hint at least that little madman is in it! Anyway a fitting and wonderful finale to a masterpiece of a series. It has the lot and is pure old school Star Wars with everything that entails crammed into it. And as a nod to the original trilogy, we end with the outro music of the original films, whilst finding out finally who voiced Chopper! A fitting way to end it all! :D


This final reply is to tidy some stuff up about things we have now seen in all the movies that relate to this show; specifically Rogue One. There are multiple nods to Rebels in Rogue One, and firstly we hear throughout the base on Yavin, a call come through for a "General Syndulla". Soon after, we also see Chopper briefly!!!! https://preview.redd.it/jimhgxnb0nz71.jpg?width=960&crop=smart&auto=webp&v=enabled&s=4c93bb1149f40ae066bdfbbb637ebba3aa8e6aa8 https://preview.redd.it/udoi6wnb0nz71.jpg?width=960&crop=smart&auto=webp&v=enabled&s=8ddef74155e9fd529eff78f8a8917e3522b12560 Rogue One was made before the end of the series, so people knew Hera and Chop made it through Rebels, and when in season 4, Hera and Chopper head back to Yavin, to deliver the flight recorder data to the Rebel Alliance; many got worried for the rest of the squad in those episodes. The Ghost is also seen in multiple blink-and-you'll-miss-it shots throughout the later half of the film. And it takes part in the Battle of Scarif itself. https://preview.redd.it/zhrpownb0nz71.jpg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&v=enabled&s=704bfafb6f270dacf0c2859cb052a7a34a2b1e1d https://preview.redd.it/5u7slwnb0nz71.jpg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&v=enabled&s=9b97476e4571aea90b68c7a2d9d295c78a184c26 https://preview.redd.it/qy1dwvnb0nz71.jpg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&v=enabled&s=c623259f3e54703b855e3349feedcaecf85d526f As we also spoke about when you saw the Leia episode in Rebels, some of the Hammerhead Corvette's she gives Phoenix Squadron, get to Scarif, and one of them takes down a Star Destroyer to bring the planetary shield down, getting the Death Star plans out from the surface. https://preview.redd.it/s6nmxvnb0nz71.jpg?width=1080&crop=smart&auto=webp&v=enabled&s=15a0e2fd1fdbe46d1c3741f820d200fa9d7fcefd Even "Karabast!" gets mentioned as well! Knowing these easter eggs are in Rogue One, adds to the fun of the film, whilst adding to the rest of the story knowing our Spectres were there too!! There is also a couple of nods to the series, in of all things, Rise Of Skywalker. The Ghost (and it has been confirmed it is the Ghost - Hera or Jacen Syndulla flying?) is seen on the right of the Millenium Falcon, as Lando jumps in with the fleet, to take down the new Star Destroyers. https://i.redd.it/jvbn3w6nrxt31.jpg Caleb also speaks to Rey at the end as she 'summons all the Jedi' to help her take out Sidious finally. Note Ahsoka is also heard. https://img.ifunny.co/images/0870aaa4112e2b93b5b6a98b71d8b77de648c1e5e5bb268e759de4b55f721ded_1.webp All the Jedi that tell Rey that, are dead; but is Ahsoka at that time? I doubt it tbh, as we have heard multiple Jedi speak through the ether along vast distances, who are very much alive. And for me that would fit in with my theory, as to the eventual end of her story; where she, Ezra, Grogu, Rey and perhaps Cal Kestis (if he survives his game series!), rebuild the Jedi Order post-sequels.


Thanks for a great reaction to my favorite Star Wars show (including movies). I am so glad it touched you the same way that it did me. I hope we get to see all of these characters again in the future.

Tyler Stobbe

So, apparently one of the key mottos of Jedi is “the worse the plan, the better the outcome?” Yeah… I can see how that works - I mean it wouldn’t be Star Wars if there wasn’t general insanity happening on a regular basis, right? I think the main lesson Ezra took from Kanan’s sacrifice is that you have to choose what matters most to you and then you have to, once that choice is made, protect it no matter what. Actually, the seeds for this train of thought were planted with his parents: Kanan just expounded it more. Ezra knew there was no way he was going to let anything else happen to the others - it kind of resonates with when he’s talking yo their picture in the first scene and Hera overheard him. Sabine and Chopper went from seeing Ezra’s presence as a constant annoyance to being the ones most ready to cover for them. They grow up so fast. Rukh got cooked, courtesy of Zeb - and meanwhile you knew Thrawn was going to be involved in this - but I do have to admit I didn’t see a Palpatine/Ezra discussion taking place. Even after so many years he’s still trying to pull the same trick. What he is good at however is, using just enough truth and desire to cloud a person’s judgment if they’re emotionally unstable. It’s easy to see the big picture when you’re thinking straight but he tries to hit you in the personal feelings. Fortunately Ezra has his head on a bit straighter than someone else did. Have you ever noticed when you try to get all of the Imperial troops in the same place it usually doesn’t go well… for anybody? 😂 I think the point Gregor was trying to make to Rex during his last scene was that unlike at the beginning, they were able to choose who they wanted to follow and believe in - which is more freedom than a lot of them ever got. So what was the point of Lothal? It wasn’t the biggest victory against the Empire of course - but it seems like it was the first major setback. Belief has to start somewhere. The cause can only take you so far before you need to see a result. This might’ve been the turning point. I believe Ahsohka was looking for Thrawn in Mandalorian Season 2 after she helped him. But hey, you wanted him to be thrown off his guard… I guess all those Purrgils were one whale of a surprise huh? You asked about the continuity? Well, I’m pretty sure Dave Filoni is in charge of it now, not just for his two series but a lot of the other series have used him as a reference guide to make sure everything matches up. He’s kind of like the Star Wars version of Kevin Feige (who’s in charge of the Marvel universe). Very interesting series, if I had to sum it up, I’d say it’s very more of a character piece than a space opera but all the characters were definitely good at getting you to feel a certain way about them, even the villains. The main plot line seems to focus on who you fight for is just as important as what you fight for. I’ve typed a while, now, but it was a fun ride. PS: And speaking of RWBY since you mentioned it… we’ll, let’s just say the whispers are growing to a fever pitch as of tonight…


Dang the painting got me. Remember the first episode?! Dang it seems just like yesterday. They really did through us a bone here. I'm sorry but Kanan and Hera barely had enough time to sneak in a little kiss, when did all this happen 😅 but it was so cute 🤧 Dang it I'm so sad we won't be seeing them on a regular basis but who knows. I really can't wait for Ahsoka. I'll be crying for awhile on this this 😢


Yes Rebels and Clone Wars have been such a great addition to the franchise, and I do agree that they are even better than almost all of the movies themselves with the exception of the faultless Empire Strikes Back. In my own personal rankings of everything we've seen it starts of with this : Empire Strikes Back -> Rebels -> Clone Wars -> A New Hope -> the rest...


Thank you!!!! And me too!!! Oh yay, I hope you enjoy the journey all over again!!! Thanks for watching along with me :D


Yeah they really did! The theme was SO good! Yeah that's actually a good point, had he actually had total charge, it would have been a different story. They certainly did achieve a great balance here! And they brought everything full circle so beautifully.


YAY!!! Thank YOU Saltire, for the great discussions, the support, and for watching along with me! I'm so happy my love for this show comes through and that you enjoy that. It's so true, I adore Clone Wars but this one has gotten in my heart in a way I never thought possible! I'm looking forward to those discussions too, there's still so much to take guesses on and lots of great content coming soon!!!!


James, you're so welcome and thank YOU!!! It's a good one to have as a fave! It truly did find its way into my heart in the best way. I hope so too! Saltire - I think you've got a point there! Of course Empire is pretty flawless haha but these series are definitely right at the top.


OMG yes!!!!!!!! :'D They certainly did. Hahahah I guess it didn't take long :P SO cute!!! I know, I'll miss them, but I have a feeling they'll pop up again in series like Ahsoka!!! I'm crying right along with you lol. Cannot wait for Ahsoka!!!

Dusty V

Got say everyone got an ending but Sabine. She got a beginning. I’d already been shipping them up to that point because of their bond and banter but this episode sealed it. The looks before Ezra left and the trust he put in her. Plus if you look back to the parallels between Kanan and Hera’s last real moment together and Ezra and Sabine’s they’re very parallel. Plus everyone else left to fight in the war while Sabine stayed behind to protect his him. She made his home her home. Literally. How it started after the time jump with her in the same spot Ezra was in when we first met him was a beautiful nod. And shows she cares for him more than a best friend or sister. Potentially reading too much into it. But I just feel I’m not. And can’t wait for the Ashoka series to confirm or deny it. Also a fun bit of trivia if no one else has mentioned it. Sabine’s actress told that after they filmed the last scene Dave Faloni held her back. And she was afraid she was in trouble. That’s when he handed her the epilogue script and they recorded it in secret just him and her. It’s why there was so much emotional intimate weight in Sabine’s voice during that. This series is a masterpiece and as far as I’m concerned is a must watch for any Star Wars fan. Enjoyed Retraveling this road with you!


I hope they confirm it in the ahsoka series, I ship them as well. There is just lots of hints in every season. They should not just say"yeah they are just friends" i mean what would be the point of all those moments right?


Hi Saltire, I totally agree with what you write here. I joined in here because of Rebels and Mel is just the best.

Nick (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-27 03:09:19 Mel, apologies for commenting so late, but I’ve been locked out for the last week - something to do with not receiving my two factor authorisation on my phone. Anyway, I’ll have to read the posted comments, and save most of my comments and replies, for the weekend due to work, but I have just seen your reaction and loved it! You are the best :-) I’ll just say for now that Ahsoka coming back a few episodes ago was the biggest secret kept here, closely followed by the Purgil and Ahsoka coming back in the last episode, and the links to the forthcoming Ahsoka series, where they will presumably be looking for Ezra and Thrawn. I personally think the Purgil saving the day is pure creative genius, as well as - as you said - a testament to the way the Rebel crew conducted themselves. I absolutely love this. I guess someone will have mentioned that in the Mandalorian, when Ahsoka turned up, she was asking where Admiral Thrawn was: directly as a follow on from Rebels, as she was presumably looking for Ezra at this point. She looks amazing as a Gandalf look alike at the end of this finale episode, waiting for Sabine to go with her. Such a beautiful, heart crushingly beautiful thing to find out about Jason at the end.And Kallus reuniting with Zeus people. Ezra surely deserves full Jedi knight status - such a journey for him through this series, and you can see Kanan’s influence is strong with him. Kanan would be proud of Ezra but also should be proud of himself for what he achieved as his Jedi master, especially as Kanan himself never completed his Jedi training. And of course, it’s not just Kanan that influenced Ezra’s development do positively. Oh, I can now say that you see the Ghost in Rogue One at the battle of Scarif during the acquisition of the Death Star plans - and surely, at the least, Hera is flying in it, but likely all the Ghost crew were there. You also hear ‘General Syndulla’ being called over the tannoy system at one point at the rebel base. Oh, and you see Chopper at one point on the base as well. Awesome stuff. Rebels is my favourite bit of Star Wars along with Clone Wars. I love them both but not all for the same reasons - Rebels overall wins in the emotional depth and character development category - although Clone Wars certainly has its moments!!
2023-01-26 23:31:08 Mel, apologies for commenting so late, but I’ve been locked out for the last week - something to do with not receiving my two factor authentication on my phone. Anyway, I’ll have to read the comments already posted, and save some of my comments and replies for the weekend due to work, but I have just seen your reaction and loved it! You are the best because you really appreciate this show in all its aspects. I’ll just say for now that Ahsoka coming back a few episodes ago was the biggest secret kept here, closely followed by the Purgil and Ahsoka coming back in the last episode, and the links to the forthcoming Ahsoka series, where they will presumably be looking for Ezra and Thrawn. I personally think the Purgil saving the day is pure creative genius, as well as - as you said - a testament to the way the Rebel crew conducted themselves. I absolutely love this. Nature fighting back against the Empire again. I guess someone will have mentioned that in the Mandalorian, when Ahsoka turned up, she was asking where Admiral Thrawn was: directly as a follow on from Rebels, as she was presumably looking for Ezra at this point. She looks amazing as a Gandalf look alike at the end of this finale episode, waiting for Sabine to go with her. Such a heart crushingly beautiful thing to find out about Jason at the end. And Kallus reuniting with Zebs people is lovely. Ezra surely deserves full Jedi knight status - such a journey for him through this series, and you can see Kanan’s influence is strong with him. Kanan would be proud of Ezra but also should be proud of himself for what he achieved as his Jedi master, especially as Kanan himself never completed his Jedi training. And of course, it’s not just Kanan that influenced Ezra’s development so positively. Oh, I can now say that you see the Ghost in Rogue One at the battle of Scarif during the acquisition of the Death Star plans - and surely, at the least, Hera is flying in it, but likely all the Ghost crew were there. You also hear ‘General Syndulla’ being called over the tannoy system at one point at the rebel base. Oh, and you see Chopper at one point on the base as well. Awesome stuff. Rebels is my favourite bit of Star Wars along with Clone Wars. I love them both but not all for the same reasons - Rebels overall wins in the emotional depth and character development category - although Clone Wars certainly has its moments!!

Mel, apologies for commenting so late, but I’ve been locked out for the last week - something to do with not receiving my two factor authentication on my phone. Anyway, I’ll have to read the comments already posted, and save some of my comments and replies for the weekend due to work, but I have just seen your reaction and loved it! You are the best because you really appreciate this show in all its aspects. I’ll just say for now that Ahsoka coming back a few episodes ago was the biggest secret kept here, closely followed by the Purgil and Ahsoka coming back in the last episode, and the links to the forthcoming Ahsoka series, where they will presumably be looking for Ezra and Thrawn. I personally think the Purgil saving the day is pure creative genius, as well as - as you said - a testament to the way the Rebel crew conducted themselves. I absolutely love this. Nature fighting back against the Empire again. I guess someone will have mentioned that in the Mandalorian, when Ahsoka turned up, she was asking where Admiral Thrawn was: directly as a follow on from Rebels, as she was presumably looking for Ezra at this point. She looks amazing as a Gandalf look alike at the end of this finale episode, waiting for Sabine to go with her. Such a heart crushingly beautiful thing to find out about Jason at the end. And Kallus reuniting with Zebs people is lovely. Ezra surely deserves full Jedi knight status - such a journey for him through this series, and you can see Kanan’s influence is strong with him. Kanan would be proud of Ezra but also should be proud of himself for what he achieved as his Jedi master, especially as Kanan himself never completed his Jedi training. And of course, it’s not just Kanan that influenced Ezra’s development so positively. Oh, I can now say that you see the Ghost in Rogue One at the battle of Scarif during the acquisition of the Death Star plans - and surely, at the least, Hera is flying in it, but likely all the Ghost crew were there. You also hear ‘General Syndulla’ being called over the tannoy system at one point at the rebel base. Oh, and you see Chopper at one point on the base as well. Awesome stuff. Rebels is my favourite bit of Star Wars along with Clone Wars. I love them both but not all for the same reasons - Rebels overall wins in the emotional depth and character development category - although Clone Wars certainly has its moments!!


Thats a nice story about Sabine's VA and Dave. He's very good at that, and did something similar for the finale of season 2 of Mando to avoid leaks about the Jedi coming in being Luke, as he managed to get away in the script of using Plo Koon arising from the dead (though I kind of would have loved seeing Plo come back as well I have to admit!), and it was only on the day of filming that the crew saw Mark Hamill turn up on set.


Wow, that scene really came full circle!!! I'd say Ezra did pretty well for himself hehe! I know, Kanan truly was meant to die, sad as it is. But the events his death set in motion helped save Lothal for sure! Hmmm, interesting about the contrast between Thrawn in the books and here. Oof, that scene where Ezra leaves is an emotional one for sure! Awww our kids are all grown up! I agree that it's not exactly that Thrawn is power hungry, more like he's playing a game of chess. Ohhhhh the "Chancellor" made me so mad! Good point that we'll never really know if it was real or not. YAY Melch! And poor Gregor, but so true about the way he went out. Purgil was a nice touch. And Bendu's prophecy really did come to pass! The scene was absolutely stunning! That's interesting about the ways that the lightsaber going to Sabine could be interpreted. Ohhhhh that's a great point about Luke being the only "active" Jedi. I know, it's so touching to think that Kallus could have that lifted off his shoulders! AHHHHHH no way, Rex was ACTUALLY there, holy cow!!! That exploded my brain!!! I can definitely see the St. Nick vibes too hahaha but perhaps that's because Rex is just so magical :D I love that Hera was there too. WHOA, I totally missed the stomach hold, but that makes sense now. Oof, if Kanan knew, that makes it even more meaningful. Ahoksa the White!!!!!!!! OG!! Oh man, if Ahsoka is essentially Rebels season 5, I'm all kinds of down for that! Ohhhh hahaha I do remember that photo you showed me of Chopper!!! What a great reveal! I loved this series so much. It was a great finale indeed!!!!!!!


WHOA!!! I need to go through these all individually but just reading through, I am loving all the tie-ins and nods! I'd love it if there was perhaps an even newer Jedi order beyond the sequels like you said. Thanks for sharing!


Haha so true, it's the motto at this point! I think that's a great point about Kanan's final lesson to Ezra. I know, our kids grew up so fast :/ Cook Rukh!!! Lol. Yeah that's what's so frustrating about Palpatine, his lies are just believable enough. But yeah, our boy has a better head on his shoulders than, erm, some. Hahha that's so true about the troops! Aww good point about Gregor, they kind to choose who/why they were fighting. Yeah that makes sense as to why Ahsoka would be looking for Thrawn. OMG Purrgils!!!!!!!! He's doing a great job with the continuity! Character piece is a great way to describe it. It was a great ride! So excited about the recent RWBY news too!


That's such a great point actually!!! I can see how this is ship material for sure. We'll see what they do with it in the Ahsoka series I guess! Whoa, that's such a fun story about Sabine's VA!!! I'm sure they impacted the scene a lot! Thank you so much for joining me on this epic journey! Saltire - what a cover story, whoa! That's quite a secret to keep too!!

kamenriderhime (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-27 16:32:07 No worries at all, thank you for stopping by to share your thoughts! Sorry for the hassle you went through! OMG Ahsoka coming back was such a well kept secret, I can totally see how she and the Purgil were kept under wraps too! So that's what Ahsoka meant in the Mandalorian! The Purgil save was epic!!!! I'm so glad you agree. Loving Ahsoka the White! OMG Jason <3 And Kallus!!!!! So many happy tears haha. Ezra was such a Jedi by this point!!! So true, they should both be proud!!! That's so awesome about the mentions and references!!! XD I think you summed it up perfectly about Rebels and Clone Wars - they're both amazing in so many ways, but Rebels hits pretty hard in the feels haha!
2023-01-27 15:09:47 No worries at all, thank you for stopping by to share your thoughts! Sorry for the hassle you went through! OMG Ahsoka coming back was such a well kept secret, I can totally see how she and the Purgil were kept under wraps too! So that's what Ahsoka meant in the Mandalorian! The Purgil save was epic!!!! I'm so glad you agree. Loving Ahsoka the White! OMG Jason <3 And Kallus!!!!! So many happy tears haha. Ezra was such a Jedi by this point!!! So true, they should both be proud!!! That's so awesome about the mentions and references!!! XD I think you summed it up perfectly about Rebels and Clone Wars - they're both amazing in so many ways, but Rebels hits pretty hard in the feels haha!

No worries at all, thank you for stopping by to share your thoughts! Sorry for the hassle you went through! OMG Ahsoka coming back was such a well kept secret, I can totally see how she and the Purgil were kept under wraps too! So that's what Ahsoka meant in the Mandalorian! The Purgil save was epic!!!! I'm so glad you agree. Loving Ahsoka the White! OMG Jason <3 And Kallus!!!!! So many happy tears haha. Ezra was such a Jedi by this point!!! So true, they should both be proud!!! That's so awesome about the mentions and references!!! XD I think you summed it up perfectly about Rebels and Clone Wars - they're both amazing in so many ways, but Rebels hits pretty hard in the feels haha!


There is a couple of further things about Ezra I theorise about. He was the first force-user from Lothal in 1000 years. Why was he born specifically at that time? Was his destiny to free Lothal written through the force before the Empire even formed properly (perhaps like Anakin rebalancing the force before Sidious put into place all his plans)? Also is he a guardian now of the World Between Worlds, since he from the off had a deep connection to that place? If you have seen the logo for the Ahsoka series, it looks a lot like the portals and paths in there - will we see it back? I personally hope that series is bonkers, with Ahsoka and Ezra going in and out of the World Between Worlds, the first we see of Ezra is him riding on the back of a giant Purgil like Paul Muad'Dib (if you have ever read or seen Dune - which some Star Wars is based on), and Chopper killing imps for breakfast! As for the Sabine stuff, I know a lot want to ship them, and if thats where their relationship ends up, so be it, especially since Ezra saw his own master manage his own lovelife well enough considering the times. However I have never bought it. Sure he has a crush on her throughout season 1, but after that I feel he devotes more of his efforts into becoming a Jedi. They are close, like brother and sister in my book, and work well together; but I've never seen the seeds of anything romantic blossoming between the two, especially from Sabine's side. Though perhaps absence makes the heart grow fonder, and by the time of the Ahsoka series, it will be something like 10 years that Ezra has been missing, and with the galaxy a quieter place, and Lothal and Mandalore safe (perhaps, though I think we'll be getting more of that place in Mando season 3), then Sabine may be a bit warmer to Ezra. We'll see. I'm not against it, as I love both of them, and they probably would be good together; but we'll see what happens when they remeet, since we don't know what Ezra has been upto, nor Thrawn. On Thrawn, it will be interesting to see what they do next with him too. A while back, when all the series were announced, it was apparently with an end goal of having some sort of huge story, where everyone would come together in bringing down a foe. We have seen some remnants of the Empire still flourish in certain parts with Moff Gideon and other sects (which may start to bring about the formation of the First Order for the sequels); and I am wondering when Ahsoka battled that lady in her episode of Mando, when she was looking for Thrawn, if that lady - who helped built starships for the Empire - might again help Thrawn in some way if he was back but remaining hidden? If so, and he is back and building up a fleet again, which way they could go with that. Either everyone comes together to take him on, or something else. I said that Thrawn isn't power hungry like the Emperor; but in his original books, he joins up with the Empire as he sees a new threat for the galaxy and that the Empire would be best placed to deal with that. The threat was called the Grysk Hegemony; I don't know much about them other than a brief search, but apparently they were a major threat to the Empire in his books. Could the developers perhaps bring them back, as a new threat for our heroes to deal with, and they'd reluctantly team up with Thrawn to take them down? Something you said in your reaction blew my mind Mel that I'd never before put together; the stance Ezra does is a mirror image of Kanan's! In all my watchthroughs, I'd never thought that before! However, like with everything else, it completes the circle, and shows that Ezra truly was Kanan's student. One thing about Rebels ending despite Ezra's future being up in the air; is the joy it brings. Clone Wars and the prequels was about the rise of tyranny and the Empire, so had to end on a downbeat way. Rebels though can begin to show that the Empire can be defeated, and that the freeing of Lothal from them, was one of the snowballs, like Scarif soon after, rolling down the mountain, that would soon bring about an avalanche as the Rebel Alliance eventually brings them smashing down.


Yes in the old EU stuff, as I think you know, where Luke got married; he rebuilt the Jedi Order. Obviously they went down a different path under Disney with Luke, which many were miffed about (though I'm fine with what they did with his story in The Last Jedi, it was the best thing about the film for me); so I do think that they will rebuild it down the line with Rey and Grogu at the least in the end. It would also be a fitting ending for Ahsoka now; she saw the downfall of the Jedi and that they weren't what they should have been, so she could help restore them to their prime. Until they do so however, I don't think they can move forwards past that timeline.


I’ve wondered if we will see Bendu in the Ahsoka series. It will be a great touch if it happens: perhaps with the absolute legend Tom Baker voicing him again.


Yes, and I’ll have to start watching some of your other stuff too - not just Bad Batch and the forthcoming Star Wars content, but other stuff. I don’t know anything about most of your other contents; is it anime?


Yes I was going to post on quite a bit of this, Saltire, but you have beat me to it :-) However, I will just reiterate my particular agreement on some of what you write: On Thrawn, I suspect psychologists might recognise a personality trait or two in him: he isn’t a sadist but he is incredibly ruthless. He is an interesting mix because he obviously can read people very well, but at the same time is also clinically distant from them and treats them as pawns for his own reasons. As you say, Kanan’s death has all sorts of positive ramifications in the fight against the empire, and I wonder how much this was by design on his part, and how much it was unintended consequence. I think there is certainly some evidence that a lot of it was by design, and of course my loyalty to him, and attachment to him as a character, makes me want to believe it was ALL intended :-) I thinks it easy as a viewer to be wrapped up in the moment, watching Ezra and Palpatine together and lose sight of what those scenes were all about: presumably this was Palpatine trying to access the World Between Worlds through Ezra. Is Ezra somehow special, and so absolutely necessary to open the portal, or would any other light-side (or at least non-dark side) force wielder do for this? That scene with Ezra leaving and saying “One last time” kills me every time. That simple, quietly to himself, phrase, is absolutely layered with emotion snd meaning when we have watched the whole series. It’s one of my favourite ever moments. It’s the same a few episodes ago after Ezra’s escape from the World Between Worlds, when Ezra stares at the wolf and says quietly and calmly to himself “Goodbye Kanan”. And I love the deep, no words necessary, understanding, between himself, Sabine and Chopper at this point too: incredibly moving. And then the way Sabine briefly takes charge and then defers to Hera to see if she agrees is beautiful too. After all, by this point the Ghost crew is full of highly capable leaders: Sabine, Hera and Ezra, but there is no contention between them, just love, respect and cooperation. I think letting go is a deep lesson that both Ezra and Ahsoka have learned the hard way, and we see this in the World Between Worlds. Tied to this is another lesson Ezra learned from Kanan and Ahsoka in the World Between Worlds: the willingness to do what needs to be done through personal sacrifice for others - this is surely a sign of a true Jedi. Just as the purgill are about to jump into hyperspace we see the quiet determination and acceptance of his own fate in the same way we see saw that when Kanan sacrificed himself; okay, so even writing that out is making me too tearful to see the screen 🥺😁😁 More later: my battery is low!


I wonder if at some point in the Andor series in the future (assuming there will be more seasons) we will see Cassian and some of the Ghost crew together? There is surely a good chance they knew each other. Oh, on Rex fighting in the Battle of Endor, it’s at least possible that the character in the image in the following link is Rex: https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Nik_Sant This was at least the rumour.


Yes it will be interesting to see Thrawn's thoughts now since the Empire is mostly gone, and whether he is trying to rebuild it if a threat is coming. He certainly knows now not to underestimate the force, with his experiences with Bendu and the Purgil. I don't think he is a nasty commander to his men though, and would laud merit where its due. Captain Palleon mentioned briefly in this episode was one of his commanders in his novels for example and must have been a capable officer, unlike so many we see throughout the Empire, who are full of hubris, arrogance and are generally inept. If Thrawn is to be the new leader of what remains of the Imperial Navy, he will have to be even more adaptable and comprimising if he is to achieve his end goals. I do think Kanan sees a lot of the big picture when in meditation at the start of Jedi Night, and had probably been meditating and listening to the Loth-wolf all night to finalise his own decision to sacrifice himself when the time came. We actually hear through all the voices at the start of that episode Ezra say to Sabine from this finale "I know I can count on you", which shows Kanan saw through the force to that point, if all went well. As Ezra himself says in the holo at the end, he saw several paths open to him, and took the one he had to, which was a lesson Kanan taught him. And yes another question you ask about whether Ezra has sole access to the World Between Worlds (I need to abbreviate that to WBW moving forward!), or if other lightsiders could use it. There certainly would be no harm in Ahsoka or Luke using it surely; though whenever Ezra went to that Jedi Temple, he was allowed access to it from the off. Perhaps he must become a guardian of that place going forward, to keep any potential dangers away, and now that he has learnt his lessons, will know how to respect it and will use what it tells him properly. We also might not see it again as Filoni may not want to make it a permanent MacGuffin. Oh yes "one last time" always chokes me up. It is as you say, all the meaning behind it through all the experiences Ezra and us have seen throughout the series. Its weighted with emotion, which is the same with "Goodbye Kanan"; where Ezra has accepted painfully that his master is now gone, but for us the finality of that line is devastating. Clone Wars had plenty of emotion through it with all the characters we followed; but there is something about following a cast of characters throughout every episode, seeing their development, everything they go through, that makes series like this (and it was also done brilliantly well recently with Andor too), just full of emotion. Even the way Hera looks down here as Sabine notices that she is thinking of Ezra, hurts, because we have seen how grief-stricken she has been with Kanan's loss. Rebels is definitely for a broader age range, than what Clone Wars was, which in the main was more for teenagers and adults; but that doesn't mean it doesn't nail the themes of loss and grief that we will all experience - in fact because this is even more of a character driven show than TCW, it hits all the harder. Absolutely, what Ezra learns in the WBW definitely shows that Jedi in the end must follow the will of the force, and not try to manipulate it (ahem Anakin) for ego. We see Ahsoka give Vader an opening in their duel, as she sees in that moment the temple is about to blow up, that she will save what remains of Anakin even to the expense of her own death. Afterwards though when Ezra pulls her out, she also sees that final lesson, of having to finally let her master go, as Ezra learns with Kanan. Then as we see Ezra commit to taking Thrawn off into the unknown regions, he is unconcerned about his own fate, as long as his family, friends and Lothal are now safe; he has become a Jedi Knight.


I'd love that!!! I do watch lots of anime, as well as some non-Japanese animation like Red vs. Blue and RWBY :) In the past I've done live action shows too, like Marvel shows, although I'm not doing many at the moment. I'd love it if you decided to watch along!!!


Omg, I would LOVE that! Particularly if they're planning on bringing Rebels into live action with the Ahsoka series, that seems like a great idea. OMG!!!!! Someone else shared this photo and it made my whole life!!! I love it!!!!!! Rex in all his glory!!!!!!!!!


OMG, you two bring up so many interesting points!! It's interesting to ponder about Ezra and what his placement in this means for the bigger picture. I've never seen Dune but know the reference and I think that would be amazing haha! "One Last Time" was SUCH a great line!!! These are interesting points about Thrawn too and I never quite realized his role in the books so that poses some interesting topics to play with - maybe even a team up which would be so wild! I'm also not sure about the Sabine/Ezra ship but I could kinda go either way like you were saying Saltire. I agree about the lesson being to let go - omg Nick don't get me started, I will start crying too lol!! Great discussion from you both as always, I enjoyed reading it!


When I was a kid I remember Tom Baker as Dr Who. Can you believe I haven’t seen any Dr Who since then! His voice is so unique and resonant. Another great voice in Star Wars is Alec Guinness, of course. His voice was very, very noticeable in the World Between Worlds episode, but I don’t just mean easily recognisable: I could listen to him talk all day because of the way his voice sounds. Maybe it’s associations with childhood for me eg watching A Bridge Over The River Kwai, if you know that film?


Given you know I like Rebels so much, which of your reactions would you recommend to watch first? On anime, have you ever seen the Studio Ghibli animated film When Marnie Was There? I have the feeling you would love it: https://ghibli.fandom.com/wiki/When_Marnie_Was_There


I’ve more to write here in reply to Saltire when I get the chance but for now I’ll just comment on Dune :-) Saltire, I know people say that Dune was an influence for Star Wars but I’ve never seen much similarity and haven’t thought about it much. Mind you, I’m probably missing some obvious things? [I know the books, and have seen both the 80s and more recent film] Mel: so you haven’t seen any Dune movies or read any of the books? I think the second Dune film is coming out the end of this year, and I can’t wait, given how awesome the book and the first film by Villeneuve was. Would you be tempted to watch them for this channel? Not sure if this is your kind of thing for your channel? The first film was pretty long, I seem to remember.


Yes: perhaps a headphone warning might be in order if that happens :-D


I'm the same about Doctor Who, I chiefly remember Tom Baker mainly in a few episodes of the mighty Blackadder back in the day. I watched a bit of it in the 80's when Peter Davison was in the role, but it never piqued my interest (same with Red Dwarf which I didn't get into until much later), even when Doctor Who got rebooted in 2005. Its a UK institution as well. As for Alec Guinness, he for me was the finest screen character actor of all time. The man was a master years before he donned the Jedi Robes. You should look out Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy with him in the lead about finding a mole in the intelligence sector (and Patrick Stewart playing his Soviet counterpart). One of the best series ever made.


There are many loose similarities from Dune that Lucas incorporated into the original trilogy. Tatooine as a location which is similar to Arrakis/Dune. Royal families, heavy politics, the force and the voice; and the heroes being descended from the villains. Even Spice is bang on the nose for what a lot of Dune is about, the control of Spice. The novels are tremendous, I've read them about 3 or 4 times now, seen the David Lynch bonkers version of the film (great soundtrack though), and the tv series back in the day with James McAvoy and Susan Sarandon. I haven't seen the new film though, I had recorded it on a movie channel, but I recently upgraded to a 55" tv (and new Sennheiser headphones also) and looking to get the 4k version as I missed it at the cinema shamefully, and want to get as much of a cinema experience as possible. Dune is heavy, but the politics of that universe are fascinating.


Yes I see what you mean. And actually now you mention it I have thought of Tatoinne and Arrakis for comparison, but VERY oddly the comparison between the Bene Gesserit use of the voice and the Jedi using something remarkably similar hadn’t occurred to me: so obvious when you point it out! In fact, that’s probably the strongest parallel. One of the things I like about Dune is that the semi-feudal politics of the universe makes sense - it seems a very plausible political structure. Personally I like the Lynch version, including the music, although I can understand why fans of the books might not be keen. I really liked both the Dune series you mention - they were really well done so long as the costumes are ignored :-) The recent Dune film is unbelievably good in every way possible: I really rate it as one of my favourite ever films. Soundtrack, casting, acting, script, cinematography, … It only takes us up to the point where Paul fights and kills Jamis, though. A phenomenal first part that’s going to be hard to equal in part 2. Have you only read the Frank Herbert Dune books, or have you also read the other ones written by his son and Kevin J Anderson? I love them all but my favourite is God Emperor of Dune.


Yes I should try watching Tinker Tailor, … `I’ve never seen it but always planned to some time.


Nick, I've never seen or read Dune!!! But I've heard about how good it is all my life and have seen clips and/or heard about certain scenes! Oh btw Saltire, I forgot to comment on what you said about realizing Ezra's stance when I pointed it out! Wasn't that an awesome nod! I'm so glad I could catch something like that, I'm usually pretty obtuse when it comes to subtle nods haha!!!


Right!! Yeah, the path they took was very different but I agree it had some real merits! I'd love it if they rebuilt, they'd have to be careful for sure though! It would be incredibly fitting for Ahsoka wouldn't it!!


I think Tom Baker is the one a lot of people go to in their head when it comes to Doctor Who!!! He has such an amazing presence all around. So did Alec Guiness!! I don't know that film but I see what you're getting at! Saltire - thanks for the heads up, Alec Guiness and Patrick Stewart sounds like a must see!!!


Oh, that's a good question! Honestly, Rebels reminded me in so many ways of another fandom I love, RWBY. All my reactions are here to watch and I believe you can watch most of what they've released so far for free on YouTube (this might be changing soon though)! It started as a small web video series so the production quality isn't the greatest to start with, but if you stick with it, it's really rewarding! More fantasy/folklore than sci-fi, but the character connections were similar. Oh, I love Studio Ghibli but I've never seen that one! I'm sure I'd love it! Thanks for the heads up :D


I quite like the Lynch version of Dune too; you could see where it was cut to ribbons by the studio though. The first hour everything flows well, then the last just jumps ahead in leaps and misses out on so much. Apparently there is like 8 hours filmed, but the studio took the reigns after it was all shot, and made it a bit of a mess. So much of it works though, from the designs, the characters and actors, through to the trippiness of many of the dream sequences, and how they travel using Spice. And of course that great score from Toto (whom I believe one of the members of that group is John Williams son which gives a link here to Star Wars). They have always said that Dune, like Lord Of The Rings, was unfilmable; but Peter Jackson eventually proved that wrong with his masterpiece of a trilogy for LOTR, and I was confident that once Villeneuve got involved as director, it could be very good, especially as his follow up to Bladerunner was very good too. Great to hear it is one of your favourite films though Nick. I have the 4k version of it now, but have been holding off with perhaps the intention of watching parts 1 and 2 when the latter is made. I think I will watch it soon though on reflection. As for the books, I only have the Frank Herbert ones. May actually look them out again when I decide to watch it! And Mel yes, you mentioning Ezra doing Kanan's stance (and did you see Caleb do it too on his introduction in Bad Batch this week!) just adds even more weight to what he is doing in that scene. He has adopted all his teachings and is an apprentice no more. Can't wait to see him in live action, the guy rumoured to be casted for him looks a lot like what an adult Ezra would look like.


Oh, interesting! No kidding about the music too! That's such a good point, it goes to show that anything is possible depending on how you do it and whatnot. I'm so happy I could help add to that scene for you! I can't wait either, oh my gosh.....I don't know if I wanna see pics of possible cast or not!!!!! I'm dying to yet I also wanna be surprised.....it's so hard lol!!!


I used to follow some channels that did Star Wars news, but they got too spoilery for me. Your guess is as good as mine as to what we'll see, but I think that if Ahsoka is looking for Thrawn, he should turn up at some point in the series, and hence ergo probably Ezra too if the rumours on that fella being casted are true. I permitted myself to watch the first trailer for season 2 of Bad Batch a few months back (though not the second), and there was one heck of a surprise in it, which appeared in the episode shown last night; and whilst it was great, on reflection I would have got so much more out of it not knowing what I'd already seen. It was still a good episode though, but I will again make it a point to remain in the dark going forward. That doesn't mean I can't speculate on what I think we'll all see this year. :) Still haven't seen the trailer or have looked out for any news regarding Mando season 3, so can't wait to see what the story will be for there.


I hear you, it's hard to avoid spoilers! Nice, I can't wait to see them in live action! Whoa, that's too bad about the trailer spoiler! It's why I'm always careful about trailers too....it can be hit or miss as to what they'll reveal!!!! So sorry it got ruined for you a bit. Speculation never hurts though lol! I haven't seen the Mando trailer either, we'll both be going in as blank slates I suppose!!! :)


Indeed. I'm fortunate I don't do Twitter or Facebook so don't get spoiled on any timelines, and really only try to stay in the loop about what series (or films - though I don't know if and when we'll get a new Star Wars film and its been 4 years already since Rise Of Skywalker) are on their way. I had to watch the trailer for Bad Batch though as I was waiting on it all year and couldn't resist! Visions season 2 has been earmarked for Star Wars Day (May 4th) if you are interested Mel. Season 1 was up and down, but had some interesting ideas in them with some episodes. We'll see what they do this time around, as each episode has been spread about more across the world, rather than just being Japanese studios like last time. So it looks like that will be starting as season 3 of Mando is finished, if they do another 8 episode run.


That's probably a good idea in terms of not getting spoiled! I hear you about the trailer though! I remember seeing in the comments how excited you were for it!! No kidding about Visions season 2, whoa!!!!!! Thanks for the heads up! I'll definitely play with my schedule to see how that works. Interesting, I think that's a cool idea to make it global. I was planning on doing Bad Batch season 2 after Mando ends but if the eps are super short, maybe I could knock them all out like a movie one week or something haha. Thanks!


Yes Saltire: I’ve just seen the latest episode of Bad Batch today with my son and I know which surprise you are referring to. I had forgotten this surprise was coming but I had previously heard the rumour - from Star Wars Meg, I think.


I'm glad you had forgotten the rumor somewhat, and I can't wait to see what the surprise is once we get there!


Thanks, Mel. I do like Star Wars Meg channel but watching it you do pick up on the gossip about what’s possibly/ probably coming, which isn’t always a good thing. Still, I’m confident you will really like this surprise :-)

Jonathan Bruser

As they were fleeing Palpatine in the World Between Worlds, Ezra did say to Ahsoka, "When you get back, come and find me." And it looks like that's exactly what she's doing. I like that this series didn't necessarily feel like The End, but more like, 'And The Adventures Will Continue.' Loved all of your reactions, and I can't wait to see you react to the Ahsoka show. Thank you again, and may the Force be with you, always~! ^_^


Ohhhh yeah good point!!! Wow! That's the thing, it definitely feels like a "to be continued" situation, and I'm dying to see what's next on the Ahsoka series!!!! I'm really excited for that one and I hope you love my reactions to it!!! May the Force be with you too!!!!!!!!!! ^_^ So happy you decided to check out my Patreon, thanks for all your feedback!!!