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Hey everyone!  Here it is - my reaction to episode 3 of the third season of The Mandalorian!!!!  DANG guys.....we got incredible philosophical, complex, and downright dark in this one!  Was not expecting that after two eps ranging from mystical to extreme Grogu cuteness!!!  This one really left me feeling a lot - the idea of the rehab program seems really good at the start, but there's clearly a lot wrong on the New Republic's end in terms of how they're handling it.  I get that it's a very gray area situation, but still!  This one really left me feeling icky, but also gave me a lot to think about.  And last but not least, Bo-Katan joined our little group!!!  Wow!
It sucks that her home got taken out, AGAIN....not sure exactly how long she'll be sticking around here, but maybe she can find some peace!  Can't wait to see where they take things next!  Great ep!  Enjoy!  ~ MH

Google Drive Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Om8qKOU7TgYWMFYmGFlNKn6ngxumPuEU/view?usp=share_link



Just to clarify, because I was pretty emotional and didn't get to say this in the reaction - I get that this is a very tricky situation. The folks in the rehab program probably did some pretty awful stuff while working for the Empire, and the rehab program is nicer and more positive than actual prison. I get that this doctor can't just be allowed to run wild with his very controversial research, especially before proving over time that he can be trusted as a new member of the New Republic. But it's just too bad that things couldn't have been handled differently - that no one could even have a conversation with him about it. Also, his "friend", who was working for the New Republic apparently, really goaded him!!! Maybe it was an "acid test" to see if he could be trusted? But it's still super shady!!! And I think we can all agree that the mindflayer was not the answer lol. Actual prison and a trial would have been better than that! Just wanted to clarify that I'm aware it's not like this doctor's hands are clean....but still......!!!


Hehe you should do a Holiday Special reaction for Christmas! I'll have several eggnogs before I start it though for Dutch courage! Or maybe even the original trilogy sometime as well if you like? Could see Rex behind Han Solo on Endor! :D Yeah Chopper is only in the animation intro's just now - but he'll be in live action soon, so hopefully we'll see him back in the intro's then! I've started Rebels with another reactor, and already they love our murderous little madman! :D Anyway : TIE Interceptors!! My fave ships in all Star Wars are back! Obviously the Imperial sending those out is better equipped than Gideon seemed to be in the earlier seasons. Could it be Thrawn? I heard that the Ahsoka series is possibly set before this time, so perhaps he is back and rebuilding an imperial navy? Of course Bo-Katan is an excellent pilot, she is played by Starbuck after all! Bo-Katan losing her ancestral home is sad (and it was a cool place) on top of her planet and followers. Its interesting what they are doing with her. Stripping away all that she has known, had or cared about to leave her with nothing. However with her seeing the Mythosaur and perhaps seeing the community that Din's Watch have and how they are with the old ways, may get her in touch with what Mandalore used to be, and she could perhaps rebuild it anew. I like the shift onto Pershing this episode, his story, and how he is genuinely trying to better himself after working with the Empire on cloning technology used by the Kaminoans (and is indeed something getting touched on in season 2 of Bad Batch). Unfortunately Kane is sent to use him to gain access back to some of his work before its destroyed, and manipulates him into helping her. We can see that the New Republic isn't quite an idyllic place yet just a few years after the Empire largely fell. Some criticise Mon Mothma's government as some of this has been covered in books about the failures of the New Republic and how the First Order arises from the ashes of the Empire for the sequels. I will back Mon here though, as change takes time. Its difficult to restore everything back when the old Republic was corrupt, and then the dystopian Empire took over; the New Republic needs to find its feet, and is far from perfect as we see in this episode. This whole section was more like a story in Andor. Quite interesting to hear the ex-imperials be referred to by their "Amnesty number". Thats quite an imperial thing to do; but perhaps its a middle ground for when they finish the programme and can be known by their own names once more. There is a lovely through-line this episode, that connects several era's of Star Wars, using the Opera House. Here we see Pershing speak about his crimes as an imperial, and how the New Republic is trying to build a better society. If you remember from Revenge Of The Sith, the last time we saw this place was when Palpatine was seducing Anakin into turning to the darkside. And the music in that scene is echoed later in this episode, when Pershing makes the decision to restart his work; because we all know the inevitable outcome of this work - to bring back a cloned Darth Sidious in the sequels. I got chills when I heard a variaton on Palpatine's Teachings from the series composer. This is beginning to marry up to the sequels now. Some aren't liking this, as they would like to live in ignorance that the sequels never happened; but from my point of view, I'm interested to see where is all started. Bless you though Mel for not seeing Elia Kane was playing Pershing from the beginning. This episode was constructed in a way to question whether the reintegration system is flawed, since a person like Kane can infiltrate it and bring some former imps back to her side. Two little side notes too here, when Pershing's office supervisor first meets him in the episode, he states "Happy Bendu Day" - interesting! Also later when Pershing and Kane get on the train, they mention to the big alien guy about "Taungsday". This is something I never picked up on, but heard elsewhere that its a day to celebrate the Taung. They were the native species on Coruscant before human's settled there and kind of threw them off the place after a series of wars broke out between them; but interestingly the Taungs moved off and resettled on another world - Mandalore!! They became the first Mandalorians, which brings it back to all thats going on with the rest of the story. Favreau and Filoni are such Star Wars geeks, haha! :D Tut tut, you referenced the "It's a trap!" line in Rebels all the time Mel, then when Pershing actually says it to a Mon Calamari akin to Admiral Ackbar, it went right over you! :D

Tyler Stobbe

I’m unfamiliar with this Holiday Special you are referring to so that point of reference was lost on me… but, full disclosure, I do always make every attempt to watch the shows you’re reacting to on an official source before going to your reaction. (Well, except for Kamen Rider - because we know how hard those hoops are to jump through for English speaking viewers.) Anyway, I’ll start with the “intro…” - Bo doesn’t seem quite sure that she really did see what she saw in the water, I think that might’ve been why she was asking Din about it. They also mentioned seismic activity caused by the bombs must’ve changed the topography so perhaps that’s why no one’s seen this creature until now? They mentioned it was an Imperial warlord after Bo-Katan, but it seems this isn’t just any warlord as they have access to a ton of TIE interceptors as opposed to fighters. Whoever bombed her castle is someone with resources. You seem to always get the concerning mom vibe whenever Grove tilts his head, but I read it a little differently. I translate more as like “all of you are just crazy…. And R5 why are you sliding across the floor AGAIN? Stand up straight!” 😂 (You like to speak Bakugo, maybe I should do this more often.) It’s super weird to see Coruscant post Empire - when you think about it we hardly see it at all between Episode III and Episode VI. Really strange when you consider it’s kind of where this whole saga got centralized around for such a long period of time. I immediately got rather uncomfortable when the doctor was talking with the people after his speech. They were being polite, but their comments were still rather demeaning. “Ugh… the Outer Rim… I can’t imagine.” You know, bureaucracy is kind of part of what caused these issues in the first place… Referring to everyone as a designated serial number is kind of demeaning. They’re right that not everyone who served the Empire shared it’s ideals, but the system they put into place is very hands off from any sort of personal interaction. The whole interview process feels a lot like pulling teeth or having someone fill out your tax forms… it’s very matter of fact but if I had to answer the same questions that often I’d probably go a little crazy. “How are you feeling? You’re not mad are you?” “I wasn’t before until you made me have to think about it.” I also should point out Dr. Pershing’s work space looks a lot like the same thing Syril Karn was doing for the Empire in Andor. And just like the Empire, they’re taking a lot of technology and just scrapping it. And nobody’s asking any questions… 🤨 Couldn’t a lot of this be repurposed? I want to point out you kind of indirectly called it a couple of times during the episode, you just didn’t realize it: “Come to the dark side, we have cookies!” And when he goes to touch the mountain and gets stopped by a droid, “she set him up!” G68 (Elia Kane is her make) was giving me weird vibes for the entire episode. I’m like “you’re really into seeing this guy get what he’s looking for… and yet you don’t seem to gain anything by it… that’s odd…” Honestly, I was not really surprised by the reveal that she set him up. What is MORE interesting to talk about is WHY would she set him up, so let’s think about what was said during the episode: she used to work for Moff Gideon, there’s a rumor that Gideon escaped the war tribunal, and others surmise that it’s a cover because he was zapped by a mind flayer. But what if it really wasn’t a cover and she’s still working for Gideon? Speaking of the mind flayer, that is being repurposed it seems, and it sounds like the way they are using it is actually intended to be beneficial but unfortunately, it still has its potential for much darker use, which happens when we see Elia crank up the voltage. Honestly I had to stop myself a couple times during the episode to make sure I was watching the same show. “This is still Mandalorian, right?” We spent an entire episode really focusing on a couple of side characters. This is something you get poetic license to do in a series you can’t do in a movie. But if we’re devoting THIS much time to it - then you know it’s going to be important. So I thought about it and I came up with an answer: what was the focal point of the doctor’s research, and why did Elia pull the plug just after Pershing got what he needed? The answers all point to one spot, and you’re not gonna like it…. Its Grogu. Meanwhile, it seems Bo-Karan sort of unintentionally got “adopted” by Din’s clan? (Paz is the name of the Viszla character btw.) Congratulations, you’re both part of the family now? I mean, having more allies isn’t ever a bad thing… and her house did just get destroyed so it’s not like there’s a better option for the moment…? Maybe some good will come out of this if she can just wrap her head around what she saw earlier… As usual, lots of different story plot balls in the air, but you always have to keep in mind, everything is connected somehow. This is the way.

John J Ronald (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-17 06:24:48 I definitely didn't trust G68; I'm less well versed in the deep Star Wars lore as the other commenters here but it just felt like way too many stories of how our actual FBI works IRL....identify an unstable individual, lead them on, to the point of starting to commit a crime then swoop in and arrest them. It skates the definition of true entrapment but....yes, it feels icky. G68 made sure Dr. Pershing handled and had in his possession the incriminating evidence, etc. Very FBI-sting-y. See the podcast "The Alphabet Boys" for an elucidation of these methods. At first I thought G68 was flipped and works for New Republic Intelligence, but when she cranked the settings on the Mind Flayer, my gut instinct was more like no, she's a double agent....she wants to completely wipe his mind lest he turn state's evidence on HER and her shadow network....the Empire may have collapsed into competing warlord factions but we all know that eventually it reconstitutes itself as The First Order. My only question is was it just incompetence & stupidity that allowed G68 to be alone with Dr. Pershing in the end, or was it allowed to happen that way through bribes, certain people looking the other way, someone disabling the safety-limits of the device...? You can't really be a "Communications Officer" and not be involved with Signals Intelligence at some level. For all we know, Kane was an ISB (Imperial Security Bureau) plant in the Imperial Navy going way back. Genuinely happy that Bo-Katan got redeemed for her official apostasy by the convenient loophole of having also technically bathed in the living waters and having kept her helmet on by tactical necessity. With nothing left to return to, she at least has a community now, and a chance to start anew.
2023-03-17 04:42:55 I definitely didn't trust G68; I'm less well versed in the deep Star Wars lore as the other commenters here but it just felt like way too many stories of how our actual FBI works IRL....identify an unstable individual, lead them on, to the point of starting to commit a crime then swoop in and arrest them. It skates the definition of true entrapment but....yes, it feels icky. G68 made sure Dr. Pershing handled and had in his possession the incriminating evidence, etc. Very FBI-sting-y. See the podcast "The Alphabet Boys" for an elucidation of these methods. At first I thought G68 was flipped and works for New Republic Intelligence, but when she cranked the settings on the Mind Flayer, my gut instinct was more like no, she's a double agent....she wants to completely wipe his mind lest he turn state's evidence on HER and her shadow network....the Empire may have collapsed into competing warlord factions but we all know that eventually it reconstitutes itself as The First Order. My only question is was it just incompetence & stupidity that allowed G68 to be alone with Dr. Pershing in the end, or was it allowed to happen that way through bribes, certain people looking the other way, someone disabling the safety-limits of the device...? You can't really be a "Communications Officer" and not be involved with Signals Intelligence at some level. For all we know, Kane was an ISB (Imperial Security Bureau) plant in the Imperial Navy going way back. Genuinely happy that Bo-Katan got redeemed for her official apostasy by the convenient loophole of having also technically bathed in the living waters and having kept her helmet on by tactical necessity. With nothing left to return to, she at least has a community now, and a chance to start anew.

I definitely didn't trust G68; I'm less well versed in the deep Star Wars lore as the other commenters here but it just felt like way too many stories of how our actual FBI works IRL....identify an unstable individual, lead them on, to the point of starting to commit a crime then swoop in and arrest them. It skates the definition of true entrapment but....yes, it feels icky. G68 made sure Dr. Pershing handled and had in his possession the incriminating evidence, etc. Very FBI-sting-y. See the podcast "The Alphabet Boys" for an elucidation of these methods. At first I thought G68 was flipped and works for New Republic Intelligence, but when she cranked the settings on the Mind Flayer, my gut instinct was more like no, she's a double agent....she wants to completely wipe his mind lest he turn state's evidence on HER and her shadow network....the Empire may have collapsed into competing warlord factions but we all know that eventually it reconstitutes itself as The First Order. My only question is was it just incompetence & stupidity that allowed G68 to be alone with Dr. Pershing in the end, or was it allowed to happen that way through bribes, certain people looking the other way, someone disabling the safety-limits of the device...? You can't really be a "Communications Officer" and not be involved with Signals Intelligence at some level. For all we know, Kane was an ISB (Imperial Security Bureau) plant in the Imperial Navy going way back. Genuinely happy that Bo-Katan got redeemed for her official apostasy by the convenient loophole of having also technically bathed in the living waters and having kept her helmet on by tactical necessity. With nothing left to return to, she at least has a community now, and a chance to start anew.

John J Ronald

Sidebar, when the "parole officer" droid was asking him the routine questions I mumbled to myself "....here is a noose, would you like to put it on?" I was also disturbed by the disallowing of proper names to the amnesty grantees. It was dehumanizing and felt like an imperial hold-over, honestly. Either let them use their old names or let them pick new identities like you would for someone in a Witness Protection program.


Very interesting situation. A lot of demure elements within the rehab for sure that could be improved or looked into. I’m really not sure how to feel about it all. It does make you think 🤔


Right! Like on the one hand it's like oh, this is a good idea....but there were a lot of issues right off the bat, even before we got to the whole trap/betrayal/mindflayer thing! It does make you think!!!


Yeah, it felt a bit off right! I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought that! Exactly - like let them choose new names or something, but taking away a name is really dehumanizing (or de-personifying, if that's a word lol, since I know not everyone in the program is necessarily human).


It's definitely icky, and there were some hint/clue moments for sure! Interesting about the tactics! Ohhh I thought she'd flipped too, but double agent makes even more sense maybe. It brings up a lot of questions about how things ended up this way exactly. It is nice that Bo has a place to belong! After all she's been through, especially!


Oh my gosh, I'd love to do a watch of the holiday special for the holidays!!!!! I've already seen it, so maybe it could be less of a real reaction and more just a big online Christmas party hahaha. I think we will all need some egg nogs to get through it!!! :P Oh yes it would be fun to watch the original trilogy too, I'd cheer so hard for Rex fighting along Han!!! XD Ohhhh that's why Chopper got taken out, thanks for clarifying!!! Oh fun, it's always nice to start out on a new journey with a reactor like that, I'm so glad to hear they already love Chopper haha!!! Ohh good question about Thrawn, I hadn't even thought of that!!! So glad you enjoyed the TIE interceptors!!! Oh yes, can't forget that this is Starbuck we're talking about! :P It's sad to see everything taken away from Bo Katan, but I think you're onto something when you discuss how things seem to be turning out, in regards to her building a new Mandalore. I couldn't agree more that the whole main story here felt more like Andor! Ohhh, so Kane was trying to get to some of his cloning tech? I wasn't sure what her true intention was. You're so right about the New Republic, change does take time, especially when there was so much wrong with the previous models like the Empire and the Old Republic. I just got so frustrated watching it go wrong so fast!!!! Ugh, sorry lol. I think this could provide some insight into the rise of the First Order too. Yeah I was not a fan of the numbers!! True, maybe they did it to help transition from the Empire, I hadn't thought of that. Ohhhh no kidding about the Opera House! I loved what they were doing with the music but didn't even notice the other scores being played, just the one from the sequel! I know lots of folks have disavowed the sequels, but I could definitely see this being a situation where after more time, fleshing out through other series, etc. they come to be at least somewhat appreciated as part of main canon. I was a little suspicious throughout but I gotta admit, she had me pretty fooled :( OMG was he saying Bendu Day??? I didn't realize that's what he said! Wow!!! WHOA!!! Who knew there was so much mythos behind the Taungsday line, wow!!!! The way it ties into the story of Mandalore too, what a bunch of amazing geeks those guys are, I just love them! Ohhhh I know, I was too upset to even comment on it's a trap :P Missed opportunity lol!


The holiday special is pretty legendary lol but it's been very much an "underground" kind of thing until recent years when YouTubers started shining some more light on it! I don't know if there's any way to watch it on an official channel actually, but if you go on YouTube, there's plenty of reviewers and reactors who show some of the best clips lol. Good point, maybe no one's seen the mythosaur until now because it wasn't visible/accessible until the seismic activity! Yeah whoever is after her does have a lot at their disposal. Hahahaha maybe you speak Grogu the way I speak Bakugo!!!! I really hope he was trying to say "this is the way" though! That's true, we didn't see Coruscant for a while, yet that was such a big hub for so long. So true, the bureaucracy was so thick in that scene, you could cut it with a knife! Yeah the numbers thing is a bit disturbing, and in general I can see how the whole operation feels "hands off" like you said. Hahahahah the droid interviews do feel a bit tax-form-ish! And yeah, having someone ask over and over if you're mad is a good way to get one mad :P So true about the similarities to Andor, and that's EXACTLY what I said!!! I wish they'd reuse this stuff, it's a giant waste! I even get it if you don't wanna take the item itself...like maybe there's too many bad connections to the Empire...but like at least harvest the stuff for parts!!! Hahaha I accidentally called it a few times there, OMG, the scene with the mountain...when I was editing it I was like "giiiirl you have no idea how right you are" LOL! Yeah, looking back, I can see how Elia/G68 was super suspicious. She just seemed so nice :( Guess I might be a bit naïve! Good point that she might still be working for Gideon. I'm honestly not sure! OMG, the irony that the repurposed mindflayer is being used, yet they're scrapping a ton of other stuff instead of repurposing it, and not willing to hear out this doctor on his research....!! I'm sure the intent is meant to be positive, but there's just something about the connotations that would motivate me to throw that dang thing away and never ever try to use it for anything ever again! I agree, this felt like they pulled us out of the main story a bit, but then again, I have a feeling you're right that the main focus will land back on my little baby Grogu!!!! Yikes!!! I know, I'm like happy for Bo Katan but at the same time a little curious to see more about this whole situation!!!! Paz Visla, cool, thanks! Have you gotten to any Mandalore stuff in Clone Wars yet? I won't say any more if you haven't! This is the way!


It really took my brain a second to process that we got days of the week in Star Wars. So much that I somehow missed the first one they mentioned was BENDUday! I only realized it from Blindwave’s reaction cause they all shouted when it came up! XD also learned from them that Taungsday is also a big deal, cause apparently in Legends (lore before Disney bought it), the Taungs were a race of people that became the first Mandalorians!


Omg I know right!? It's just one of those things I've never thought about. OMG someone else pointed out Bendu Day here in the comments and I couldn't believe it!!! That's so awesome that BlindWave caught it lol, I haven't gotten to see their reaction yet but it makes total sense that they did! YES, who knew Taungs were such a big deal?!?! What a way to tie in some big lore into a small comment there!!!!! :O