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Hey everyone!  I'm back today with Kamen Rider Geats episode 32!!!  WOW............I mean, I'm speechless!!!!  It's bad enough that we had to see Ace in tears, my poor baby!!!  But on top of that, Michinaga won?!!?!  Keiwa and Ace are gone?!?!!  The whole world is reset and is now a Jyamato World?!!?!?  What the heck!!!  I honestly had no words at the end of this one.  I have no predictions or theories, I'm just shocked!!  I really thought this would be the one where Ace gets back on top of things, but wow....it couldn't have gone worse!!!  Dang!!!  No clue what's coming next, but I guess we'll find out!  Great ep!  Enjoy!  ~ MH

Google Drive Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/19piYXxXYRhW86PkcSK7q22kd-rfXxwdk/view?usp=share_link



I'm honestly speechless, I genuinely didn't expect any of this to happen. Not gonna lie as sad as I am at Geats and Keiwa being erased I'm rather excited to see the villains win for a change. I wonder what Buffa's world is going to be like, how strong is he going to be now? I have a million and one questions!

Senpai (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-28 22:16:22 I'd say I'm disappointed in Buffa, but at this point I know better than to expect better from him. 😂 ...It's not exactly a wish, but I had a feeling that at some point we'd get a 'World without Ace' kind of like this....Unfortunately Keiwa had to get dragged into it too. :c I know Ace probably has something else up his sleeve at this point to get him out of this, but Keiwa is the one I'm more worried about since he doesn't have that same safety net. :c Since we're past episode 32, what are the odds that Ace will make a comeback with the final form? > o> I honestly did not expect the Desire Royale to be showing up. ...Again. o: Also is Punkjack alive?! I'm going to guess that the ID Cores are all going to be players in the Desire Royale, but if that's the case... Punkjack's core is RIGHT there on the table. ...Also there's a new guy, I can't tell if it's Ben's ID Core, the Rat ID Core that one of the Glare Remote Controlled Riders had, or someone completely new. ...I'm just worried that whoever that Game Master is, that since I'm going to assume he's the HEAD of the DGP(I'm assuming there's someone above 'Producer')... That he's going to have his own special version Vision Driver that I'll have to buy. 😨 ...Oh and also I guess he might be like one of, if not THE final boss of the series, but I'm mostly worried about my wallet here! ; O; Man wouldn't it be crazy if identity of this Game Master was actually Tsurumi? 😂 I mean I doubt it since it'd go against Tsurumi's actual personality and character, but there's still that part in the OP where she pulls out a gun on Ace... 🤔
2023-04-28 12:05:46 I'd say I'm disappointed in Buffa, but at this point I know better than to expect better from him. 😂 ...It's not exactly a wish, but I had a feeling that at some point we'd get a 'World without Ace' kind of like this....Unfortunately Keiwa had to get dragged into it too. :c I know Ace probably has something else up his sleeve at this point to get him out of this, but Keiwa is the one I'm more worried about since he doesn't have that same safety net. :c Since we're past episode 32, what are the odds that Ace will make a comeback with the final form? > o> I honestly did not expect the Desire Royale to be showing up. ...Again. o: Also is Punkjack alive?! I'm going to guess that the ID Cores are all going to be players in the Desire Royale, but if that's the case... Punkjack's core is RIGHT there on the table. ...Also there's a new guy, I can't tell if it's Ben's ID Core, the Rat ID Core that one of the Glare Remote Controlled Riders had, or someone completely new. ...I'm just worried that whoever that Game Master is, that since I'm going to assume he's the HEAD of the DGP(I'm assuming there's someone above 'Producer')... That he's going to have his own special version Vision Driver that I'll have to buy. 😨 ...Oh and also I guess he might be like one of, if not THE final boss of the series, but I'm mostly worried about my wallet here! ; O; Man wouldn't it be crazy if identity of this Game Master was actually Tsurumi? 😂 I mean I doubt it since it'd go against Tsurumi's actual personality and character, but there's still that part in the OP where she pulls out a gun on Ace... 🤔

I'd say I'm disappointed in Buffa, but at this point I know better than to expect better from him. 😂 ...It's not exactly a wish, but I had a feeling that at some point we'd get a 'World without Ace' kind of like this....Unfortunately Keiwa had to get dragged into it too. :c I know Ace probably has something else up his sleeve at this point to get him out of this, but Keiwa is the one I'm more worried about since he doesn't have that same safety net. :c Since we're past episode 32, what are the odds that Ace will make a comeback with the final form? > o> I honestly did not expect the Desire Royale to be showing up. ...Again. o: Also is Punkjack alive?! I'm going to guess that the ID Cores are all going to be players in the Desire Royale, but if that's the case... Punkjack's core is RIGHT there on the table. ...Also there's a new guy, I can't tell if it's Ben's ID Core, the Rat ID Core that one of the Glare Remote Controlled Riders had, or someone completely new. ...I'm just worried that whoever that Game Master is, that since I'm going to assume he's the HEAD of the DGP(I'm assuming there's someone above 'Producer')... That he's going to have his own special version Vision Driver that I'll have to buy. 😨 ...Oh and also I guess he might be like one of, if not THE final boss of the series, but I'm mostly worried about my wallet here! ; O; Man wouldn't it be crazy if identity of this Game Master was actually Tsurumi? 😂 I mean I doubt it since it'd go against Tsurumi's actual personality and character, but there's still that part in the OP where she pulls out a gun on Ace... 🤔


Hi Hime :) When Ziin uses his henchin, just before snapping his fingers, he forms the fox's head like Ace does, how cute isn't it ? Ziin explains that the winner at the beginning only won a gold coin, Ace has a gold coin. So my idea that his dad might be a DGP winner back then, maybe a rider who just won over and over again, like Ace now, and whose DGP would "take care of" him, seems pretty good. The one who appears at the end, with the red hood, is one of the admins, the very one who transformed Mistume into a goddess of creation. Among the core IDs that we see we have in order. Bottom row, left to right: Geats, Tycoon, Naago, Buffa (our four main riders) Nadge Sparrow, Pumpjack and a new one. The unknown core ID is black and white, which is always black and white since the beginning of the series ? My theory is that Tsumuri will finally take action. If it's not her, I hope for Sae's return, but if it's a new rider, I wonder who it could be, there aren't many humans left after this game. The only other interesting possibility I see would be Sara, Keiwa's sister. Another funny thing, or ironic if you will, is that Nadge Sparrow sided with Beroba and Michinaga and helped them win. But this new game seems to be a survival between the Jyamatos, the Kamen Riders and Michinaga who wants to destroy everyone, so Nadge Sparrow, will not appreciate being the prey of the Jyamatos, Geats and others, but also and above all from Michinaga lol. For someone supposedly smart, that was pretty stupid of him.

Level Up Gamer Max

This aint the Jgp or the Dgp anymore......Welcome to...THE DESIRE ROYALE......It's do or die from here on out, No wishes.....Only Survival...... And if you look at the box of id cores at the end of the episode, Ur gonna notice some familiar looking id cores, including a certain orange looking pumpkin 👀👀👀 but not only that, an entirely new id core is now in play, meaning a new rider will arrive soon enough.......but who could it be??? So far those id cores belong to people with important roles so it would be weird to just introduce an entirely new character unless....... Keiwa's sister finally has something to fight for.....???? We won't know for sure until we see that core be used....but I have a gut feeling

ABHB Ya-iba

Just want to say... Ace is so tricky, and he has co-operate with Michinaga to get information from Punk-Jank before. So some fans from my fandom coming up with a theory. Is this Geats' another trick?

Tyler Stobbe

So, the more I watch this show, the more I’m convinced that the writers are fans of RWBY - because the thematic material and plot twists feel eerily similar, don’t they? Self-doubt, sacrifice, vengeance, let’s not forget falling… if next episode Ave, Keiwa and Niram find themselves in the Ever After, I’m done. 🤣 Niram seems to always be eating something every time we see him, I wonder if there’s supposed to be a clue in that? Also sounds like the DGP just wanted to cut bait and run. Archimedel (the gardener) is now at odds with Beroba over how to use the Jyamoto and while she’s loving the chaos, Michinaga seems to just want it all to be done with. I think Ziin was trying to perk Ace up with his speech, but it kind of fell on deaf ears because he really doesn’t completely understand the scope of emotions. Ace can’t help the circumstances under which he was born, yet he feels somehow responsible. Also, we THINK we know what happened with the Goddess… but even Niram didn’t confirm it when they were fighting… what’s interesting is he said “it sounds like fiction,” and when Ace accused him of lying, that’s when the Goddess resonated. I imagine the reason the stakes in the DGP went up is when Mitsume became the Goddess. Ratings went up with higher stakes. There’s a movie I saw a few years ago with the concept being a serial killer posts his victims on the internet, and the more views he gets, the faster the victim is killed. Beroba’s not wrong about audiences loving misery. Speaking of Misery, where’d they all fall to? And it seems Sara is the only one to survive? How’s she gonna take all this? It’s also important to remember there’s one player who’s been out of the ring for a while - what’s Neon doing and will she get involved again now that her two besties are “fallen”? You can’t make heads or tails of this? Here’s a gold coin to toss. Volume 8 ending vibes anyone? XD


Me neither!! It is quite a switch isn't it?? I can't even imagine what this will mean for Buffa and the world....guess we'll find out!!


Yeah I bet it will be nothing like either one! OHHHH Punkjack, I didn't even notice!! That's what I'm thinking, who's gonna take their place??? Keiwa's sister would be a really interesting choice! Hmm!! Can't wait to find out!


Hahaha I mean he's conditioned us to expect literally nothing lol! I know, poor Keiwa too! I have a feeling Ace will be alright too, it's too bold to just take him out, but I'm concerned for Keiwa too. Ooooohhhh I mean we are getting closer to the end, could it be final form time?! I know right! I didn't even notice Punkjack!!! Wow! Ooooh if it's Ben's, that would be pretty sweet! I'd love to see Ben and/or John in action XD Hahha you just know that they're gonna introduce new stuff for you to buy!!!! And if he's not even the final boss like you said....your wallet would be in trouble!!!!! I mean, there is that part where she pulls a gun on Ace in the opening, which I always kinda took to mean as a symbol of what the DGP has been doing to Ace, the Riders, etc.....but WOW what a turn that would be, seriously!!!!!!!!!! :O I guess we'll find out!


Hi Spadeas! :) I love how he imitates Ace! Oh interesting theory about the coin. Got it, I wasn't sure who that was in the hood. Tsumuri as a Rider would be sweet! I'd love it if Sae came back though! Keiwa's sister would be a great choice too. It is pretty ironic about Nadge Sparrow isn't it?!?!! He made the wrong choice lol. I can't wait to see what's next!!!


Hahaha there's definitely some similarities :P I assumed he was a foodie but there's probably more to it lol. Right, as if we needed a disgruntled third party in all this, now Archimedel is taking a stand too! Right, this is some new territory, emotion-wise, for Ziin, even if he wanted to help. Hmm, good point, we really don't even know-know what happened with the goddess. Oof, that's pretty grim about the serial killer movie comparison, but it does make a degree of sense. Are we viewers really just animals?!!? Ick!!! Yeah Neon is still safe I presume, and Sara survived, so we'll be dealing with all that!!! Oh lord!!!! I never thought I'd have to go through vol 8 level turmoil again lol!!!