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Hey everyone!  Here it is - my reaction to the RWBY x Justice League crossover!  WOW!!  I knew this would be a fun time, but it turned out to be even better than I thought!  I loved getting to see how our different JL members interacted with our RWBY crew.  It was fun to see the awkward love triangles lol, the rapport between Superman and Ruby, Jaune and Green Lantern's friendship, whatever was going on between Weiss and Batman (which btw YES PLEASE, loved Bats in this!!), etc.  The plot was pretty well done too, lots of hints but still a lot of mystery right up to the end.  The fights were cool, the fakeout Pyrrha stung, and best of all - we still have Part 2 to look forward to!  Great movie!  Enjoy!  ~ MH

Google Drive Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1D5Tq1oEQPsh919YsbDZxKZbS3Prz9lO2/view?usp=share_link



When Superman said he's not it Kansas anymore it took me a few seconds to realize how great of a line that was seeing how he was in The RWBY universe. Gotta love The Wizard of Oz reference. Oh, and happy and fun huh....just like Chibi no tears here.....right

John J Ronald

My ship name for Weiss x Batman is either "Fledermaus" (German for Bat) or SnoBat (because that spelling incorporates the word snob because they're both stinking rich....Wayne Family + Schnee Family)


Hi Hime :) Same as you, I wasn't necessarily expecting much, the trailers didn't thrill me, but I was quite surprised with the result. And actually, looking at it I thought there were a lot of themes that resonated with Volume 9, whether it was Ruby and the weight of being a leader, Bumblebee or even Jaune with his guilt and his desire to to feel useful. I was also confused with the timeline at first, but from the moment Blake recovers memories dating from after volume three and the arrival of Ozpin who becomes Oscar, I quickly understood that we were in a virtual world and therefore, probably closer to the timeline in RWBY than we think. Personally, I think we're about halfway through Volume 7, when Ruby and the others have been promoted and started their missions and training with Ace Ops. I really appreciated the touch of humor, which necessarily refers to the time of volume 1, 2 and 3, but it feels good. Blake who is jealous of Diana at first, because Yang seems to have a crush on her was adorable, but the fact that they become friends afterwards makes sense. As well as Weiss and Bruce, the two heirs of a wealthy family who are more than their names. Ruby and Clack also form a good duo, they are the two leaders, the two symbols of hope, on whom everyone relies (and with special eyes lol) and yes, seeing Ruby trying to win and having some wrong with being a leader, after volume 9 it's very close to home. I also enjoyed the "triangle" Ren, Nora, Cyborg, especially having Ren being the jealous one for once. But we can clearly say that Nora is the MVP of this film and it's also good to see her having fun as she does. The duo Jaune and Jessica was quite cute, Jaune has progressed so much that he is perfect for helping others, it is also the very principle of his semblance of supporting others. I looked a little more at Jessica's story, because I mainly know her through DC Super Hero Girls (the second version directed by Lauren Faust), so just for the story and in a simplified way: Jessica and her friends go into the forest to hunt, they come across two guys burying a corpse who end up killing her friends and nearly killing her too. She survives but is traumatized, which attracts a green lantern ring possessed by a malevolent spirit that psychologically and physically tortures Jessica into wearing it so that her trauma attracts a monster. She will finally be helped by other heroes, freed from this ring and will be offered a new pure ring. Yay, that's joy... Anyway, yeah, she's been through quite a bit of trauma too and so her pairing with Jaune makes sense, especially with the fake Pyrrah and Jaune having to relive that. Besides, I can't help but appreciate that Jessica uses the shield and spear of Pyrrah created by her rings during the final fight, a nice touch that reassures both herself and Jaune. For Part 2, I don't know if it's already ready, which I think it is, but I can't wait to see what's next. I wonder if the one who would be responsible for that on the RWBY side would not be Watts, all that touches electronics is his department normally.


Also the nod to Pyrrha weapons that Green lantern created starting from 1h.10m.38s you will see the shield an lance, please just rewatch that bit in ya own time and let me know if ya notice it lol respect to that, also Nora giving the respect to ruby, nora will always look out for them dearest to her, an nora is just having the best day smacking things lol also it looked like it was during their time as licensed huntsman in the middle of v7 similar to when the game came out too

Kayleigh McRae

Only other guy I can think of is Dr. Marlowe from Grimm Eclipse. But my money is definitely on Watts.

DeAnthony Potts

Well, the timeline is during the early timeline of V7. Based off the flashbacks and the were using virtual training in Atlas

John J Ronald

From what my comic book friends tell me, Jessica Cruz aka Green Lantern has anxiety issues and these definitely get explored in this movie, too. I like her chemistry with Jaune and Jaune's kindness and empathy towards Jessica. They make a good team. It gave me goosebumps when, thanks to Remnant rules, Jessica was able to tap into Lantern powers at least partially without her ring.

John J Ronald (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-04 05:24:18 If they had more time, Jaune could probably woo Jessica romatically, because as we know, Green Lantern's weakness is the color yellow ("Jaune" is French for yellow)..... <3
2023-05-04 01:01:08 If they had more time, Jaune could probably woo Jessica romatically, because as we know, Green Lantern's weakness is the color yellow ("Jaune" is French for yellow)..... <3

If they had more time, Jaune could probably woo Jessica romatically, because as we know, Green Lantern's weakness is the color yellow ("Jaune" is French for yellow)..... <3

John J Ronald

And yes yes before some rando comic book nerd "well akshually"'s this, I know that's not Green Lantern canon anymore....it's a JOKE, let it go, comic book guy.

Bryan Forquer

I definitely enjoyed this one, I don't think it's actually cannon with the other RWBY volumes. At the end of volume nine, everyone appears in vacuo. But in here, it looked like they were still in Atlas at the end. I did love all the moments of Blake and Yang together! I definitely hope they there will be a part 2 of this.

John J Ronald

I guess Superman lore has always been a little vague on where Smallville actually is other than "midwest USA somewhere" but Kansas is just as plausible as any other rural state....

John J Ronald

Yeah, fake Pyrrha was quite the twist of the knife....we all wanted to believe somehow it was her ghost or spirit in the fabric of this fabricated world, etc.

John J Ronald (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-04 07:20:15 This movie could be classified as "canon-adjacent"...it clearly takes place *sometime* during the events of middle RWBY7....I definitely blame Watts, who had the motive to want to trap RWBY &amp; JNR in that digital realm.
2023-05-04 04:19:11 This movie could be classified as "canon-adjacent"...it clearly takes place *sometime* during the events of middle RWBY7....I definitely blame Watts, who had the motive to want to trap RWBY & JNR in that digital realm.

This movie could be classified as "canon-adjacent"...it clearly takes place *sometime* during the events of middle RWBY7....I definitely blame Watts, who had the motive to want to trap RWBY & JNR in that digital realm.

John J Ronald

Like RWBY: Ice Queendom, it's a side story that doesn't affect the main plot and you can believe it to be canon or set it aside.

John J Ronald

Not sure if it happens before or after the #Renora kiss....I'm thinking just before. But I could be persuaded to it being after, too.

John J Ronald

Probably overthinking this, but fake Oscar looked how he looked in RWBY5, which was the last time the henchmen of Salem actually saw him in the flesh. None of them but Neo actually saw Oscar in his new threads after his afternoon retail therapy trip.

Tyler Stobbe

I probably won’t be going nearly as crazy on the analysis of this particular release for a couple reasons - first, I’m not nearly as familiar with the Justice League, and second, this feels more like Ice Queendom did - it seems like it’s “canon adjacent.” As in, it fits in the timeline but there’s no evidence in the main show that it did or did not actually happen. First, here’s your obligatory bug spray because it’s me. Now that I’ve finished with that little tidbit, I’ll get on to the actual thoughts on the movie: It caught my attention minutes in that Yang was in her Beacon outfit but was using a robot arm, which is the first thing that didn’t add up. Of course when they all started talking about Beacon like it WAS our school, that’s when the red flags went up. But even though there’s a bunch of characters from a completely different series in here, and the Grimm were absorbing Dust, you want to know what the REAL clue something was wrong was? Weiss. She was actually getting along with Jacques. When that happens you KNOW something is completely out of whack. It’s interesting how they paired different characters with counterparts who had similar situations: Ruby relates well to Superman with the whole leader complex, Weiss and Bruce are both rich people trying to use their power and influence to make a better world, and Blake and Diana both have been basically fighting non stop for what they believe in from very young ages. I get the feeling while Jaune was helping Jessica deal with her issues, he probably could relate to what she was going through a lot with anxiety, expectations, and the fear of not being able to do what he needs to. Honestly though the best part of this was we finally got to see Ren and Nora, since as you know, they were MIA in Volume 9 - Nora’s got an ability as a character to immediately crank up the fun meter whenever she’s on screen. The whole sequence with the Justice League trying to figure out the different rules of Remnant (Dust, Semblance, Aura) is pretty funny and it’s very relatable… they might actually be trying to break the fourth wall here (yeah we know are rules get rather confusing!). Am I using my Aura or my Semblance? Yes. When Weiss was fighting Batman, I kind of like to think the pianist is Jeff. He didn’t write the music for this, but it would fit, right? Also the lady from the Volume 7 party who Nora splattered was there, and got splattered again. You pick up on these references. I’d say fifty percent of the movie was fight scenes and fifty was plot driven, but honestly, it came out a lot better than I expected it to, because crossovers are usually a hit or miss proposition but it does feel like they gave enough time to each character so that one group didn’t overshadow the other. I believe I read somewhere that CRWBY said they purposely changed the JL into teenagers to achieve that effect. You said you hadn’t heard Ozpin’s voice in a while (ummm Volume 9 Chapter 8, lest you forget) - but it does really seem like they’re twisting the knife with certain characters who have passed. Jaune might still feel like he couldn’t do anything for Pyrrha, but that was her choice - and it’s also one of the driving forces that make him who he is now. Even if you could fix it (I feel like we’re getting into What If territory here), would you want to? Also going Star Wars trash compactor on the two of them was kind of uncool. I think the reason they kept harping on “the Grimm is a wyvern” is because that’s Kevin, and a lot of people after V3 kept calling it a dragon. So, here’s what I’ve put together: we’re somewhere in Volume 7. Here’s why: 1. Atlas is still standing, in fact, it’s floating like normal and you see that in the doorway. 2. At the end, they’re all wearing their Atlas Arc attire. 3. The events of Volume 8 (and the latter part of V7) took place in a span of 2 and a half days. They would not be stopping for a training mission if Salem had already arrived. So, based on all this criteria, I came up with the same conclusion you did: it’s Watts. The technology aspect just makes too much sense and it would have to be someone we know, not just a random person. But now I’m wondering how the JL will get involved in Part Two if we’ve all exorcised ourselves out of the digital space. Also, Atlas, technology, Volume 7 situation - one wonders if a certain “friend” may be showing up… 👀 Now that I say that why was it Jessica’s Semblance was looking similar to a maiden..? What was it Nora said? “I don’t know if understand exactly what’s going on, or if I have a million questions!” As of now, we don’t know when Part Two is releasing. But after watching this it’s pretty clear why CRWBY was delayed releasing Volume 9. Look, if Warner Bros. thinks it’s a worthy enough IP to make not one, but two movies colluding a crossover and it boosts interest in RWBY, that’s a good thing. I really think we don’t have to worry about Volume 10 getting greenlit, the question is more when than if. I imagine any release date info for Part Two, announcements for V10 production and the like, will come out in July at RTX, but I’m sure we’ll hear something. In the meantime, I don’t know how long Casey will take with the soundtrack, with her dad it was normally about a six month gap (V8 was an exception due to personal issues.) so, I guess we just sit back and wait in the meantime. If only they could make more RWBY Chibi while we wait though… right? Either way, this story got a lot more interesting than I thought!

Manny (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-04 14:52:05 From the comments, I think this exceeded everyone’s original expectations. This was fantastic. I love and miss reading the comments for RWBY. It gave me new info on some new people. I wondered why they didn’t go with the two more well-known lantern but Jessica really fit well with their of RWBY. I loved the pairs. Like you said it fit very well and made things roll naturally because of how well or unwell every got at times. The story was phenomenal. I’m placing my bet on your Watts theory cause I’m totally stumped otherwise 🤔 I loved the Superman and Rwby moments. She’s been doubting herself, or just really been down in the dumps. It’s nice to see that comfort being given. Weiss and Batman were awesome working together. Very smooth and common work ethic from those two. I was half hoping Whitley would com out as a bat and duke it out with Bruce. Lol Diana and Blake was very interesting. See as how it started, it didn’t cross my mind how much they had in common when it came to the feeling of working with others who come from completely different backgrounds; and though they may be allies, they don’t quite understand what being a warrior means to someone like Diana. It was sweet. Cyborg and Nora . . . well that was just awesome 🔨 🤖 I loved that the fighting styles came back here. Just seeing something as simple as the characters different backflips was awesome to see. I haven’t seen those moves since 1 &amp; 2. A lot of awesome combos moves were outrageous and fun! Darn I wanted a selfish request to have Pyrrha and WW meet. Could you imagine how awesome that would be? 😭 And speaking of Pyrrha, yes that did hurt. It hurt more than a knife being twisted. It was like getting some Oreos from the kitchen, only to find someone left had licked all the white cream in the middle of all of them &amp; leave you the ends only. That’s how bad it hurt! She looked so beautiful. Idk why they had to do that to us. I knew it wasn’t her. Or at least I thought it wasn’t when I ruled out time travel or whatever I was thinking. But I also was doing some major wishful thinking only cause I wanted to believe it was true, even for just a second. 🥺 Also side note: Carl from the Walking Dead as Superman! Wow! That’s awesome! 🤠 Great reaction! Can’t wait for next weeks!
2023-05-04 10:24:22 From the comments, I think this exceeded everyone’s original expectations. This was fantastic. I love and miss reading the comments for RWBY. It gave me new info on some new people. I wondered why they didn’t go with the two more well-known lantern but Jessica really fit well with their of RWBY. I loved the pairs. Like you said it fit very well and made things roll naturally because of how well or unwell every got at times. The story was phenomenal. I’m placing my bet on your Watts theory cause I’m totally stumped otherwise 🤔 I loved the Superman and Rwby moments. She’s been doubting herself, or just really been down in the dumps. It’s nice to see that comfort being given. Weiss and Batman were awesome working together. Very smooth and common work ethic from those two. I was half hoping Whitley would com out as a bat and duke it out with Bruce. Lol Diana and Blake was very interesting. See as how it started, it didn’t cross my mind how much they had in common when it came to the feeling of working with others who come from completely different backgrounds; and though they may be allies, they don’t quite understand what being a warrior means to someone like Diana. It was sweet. Cyborg and Nora . . . well that was just awesome 🔨 🤖 I loved that the fighting styles came back here. Just seeing something as simple as the characters different backflips was awesome to see. I haven’t seen those moves since 1 & 2. A lot of awesome combos moves were outrageous and fun! Darn I wanted a selfish request to have Pyrrha and WW meet. Could you imagine how awesome that would be? 😭 And speaking of Pyrrha, yes that did hurt. It hurt more than a knife being twisted. It was like getting some Oreos from the kitchen, only to find someone left had licked all the white cream in the middle of all of them & leave you the ends only. That’s how bad it hurt! She looked so beautiful. Idk why they had to do that to us. I knew it wasn’t her. Or at least I thought it wasn’t when I ruled out time travel or whatever I was thinking. But I also was doing some major wishful thinking only cause I wanted to believe it was true, even for just a second. 🥺 Also side note: Carl from the Walking Dead as Superman! Wow! That’s awesome! 🤠 Great reaction! Can’t wait for next weeks!

From the comments, I think this exceeded everyone’s original expectations. This was fantastic. I love and miss reading the comments for RWBY. It gave me new info on some new people. I wondered why they didn’t go with the two more well-known lantern but Jessica really fit well with their of RWBY. I loved the pairs. Like you said it fit very well and made things roll naturally because of how well or unwell every got at times. The story was phenomenal. I’m placing my bet on your Watts theory cause I’m totally stumped otherwise 🤔 I loved the Superman and Rwby moments. She’s been doubting herself, or just really been down in the dumps. It’s nice to see that comfort being given. Weiss and Batman were awesome working together. Very smooth and common work ethic from those two. I was half hoping Whitley would com out as a bat and duke it out with Bruce. Lol Diana and Blake was very interesting. See as how it started, it didn’t cross my mind how much they had in common when it came to the feeling of working with others who come from completely different backgrounds; and though they may be allies, they don’t quite understand what being a warrior means to someone like Diana. It was sweet. Cyborg and Nora . . . well that was just awesome 🔨 🤖 I loved that the fighting styles came back here. Just seeing something as simple as the characters different backflips was awesome to see. I haven’t seen those moves since 1 & 2. A lot of awesome combos moves were outrageous and fun! Darn I wanted a selfish request to have Pyrrha and WW meet. Could you imagine how awesome that would be? 😭 And speaking of Pyrrha, yes that did hurt. It hurt more than a knife being twisted. It was like getting some Oreos from the kitchen, only to find someone left had licked all the white cream in the middle of all of them & leave you the ends only. That’s how bad it hurt! She looked so beautiful. Idk why they had to do that to us. I knew it wasn’t her. Or at least I thought it wasn’t when I ruled out time travel or whatever I was thinking. But I also was doing some major wishful thinking only cause I wanted to believe it was true, even for just a second. 🥺 Also side note: Carl from the Walking Dead as Superman! Wow! That’s awesome! 🤠 Great reaction! Can’t wait for next weeks!


I like that term! I couldn't quite place it in the moment. The exact placement is vague but that does make sense!


Gotcha! Yeah it does look like this is a few volumes back! The Bees were everything here!!! I can't wait for Part 2!


That's interesting! They do make a good team. A potential ship would be interesting - oooohhh the color details totally work haha! Lol it's a good joke though!


Oh wow, no kidding! I need to go back and look! Nora was amazing here lol. Gotcha, that makes sense about the timeline!


Wasn't that amazing haha!!! Lol no tears for sure :'D I always remember it being in Kansas but I could just be thinking of the show!


It was a quick moment but if ya rewatch that bit ya will see lol

John J Ronald (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-04 20:03:28 I also liked how the JL members were like having to learn to ride a bike all over again with their powers. As the movie progressed they eventually re-learned their superhero abilities, little by little....eventually Supes was able to fly again, Jessica got the ring back, Vixen started evoking animal power properly again, etc. They didn't start them OP AF right out of the gate....having to adjust to Remnant rules, etc. But Batman really shined with his detective skills right from the beginning, figuring all this out. I feel like Weiss &amp; Bruce staged their initial "fight" to throw off Jacques's suspicion they would be working together momentarily...or maybe it was a genuine fight but I don't know...it felt "staged" to me as Weiss's "attacks" looked more flourished and theatrical than serious. I suppose it remains open to interpretation.
2023-05-04 13:39:43 I also liked how the JL members were like having to learn to ride a bike all over again with their powers. As the movie progressed they eventually re-learned their superhero abilities, little by little....eventually Supes was able to fly again, Jessica got the ring back, Vixen started evoking animal power properly again, etc. They didn't start them OP AF right out of the gate....having to adjust to Remnant rules, etc. But Batman really shined with his detective skills right from the beginning, figuring all this out. I feel like Weiss & Bruce staged their initial "fight" to throw off Jacques's suspicion they would be working together momentarily...or maybe it was a genuine fight but I don't know...it felt "staged" to me as Weiss's "attacks" looked more flourished and theatrical than serious. I suppose it remains open to interpretation.

I also liked how the JL members were like having to learn to ride a bike all over again with their powers. As the movie progressed they eventually re-learned their superhero abilities, little by little....eventually Supes was able to fly again, Jessica got the ring back, Vixen started evoking animal power properly again, etc. They didn't start them OP AF right out of the gate....having to adjust to Remnant rules, etc. But Batman really shined with his detective skills right from the beginning, figuring all this out. I feel like Weiss & Bruce staged their initial "fight" to throw off Jacques's suspicion they would be working together momentarily...or maybe it was a genuine fight but I don't know...it felt "staged" to me as Weiss's "attacks" looked more flourished and theatrical than serious. I suppose it remains open to interpretation.


Hi Spadeas! :) I'm glad you were also surprised by how good it was! And it does have some ties to Vol 9 right! I'm glad I'm not the only one who couldn't place the timeline at first! Vol 7 makes sense given the ending. The lighthearted comedy was nice for sure! I love the little love triangle between the Bees and Diana turning into a solid friendship between Blake and Diana! Also the bees stuff here was soooo good <3 Good point about Weiss and Bruce too. Ruby and Clark have a lot of common ground too, and the Ruby stuff here was just so poignant in terms of Vol 9, wasn't it! Nora is the total MVP and I loved that love triangle too! It was fun seeing Ren be the jealous one here lol. Oh I really wanna see DC Super Hero Girls!!! I've seen the toys in stores and they look so cute lol. WOW, that is quite the back story!!! It definitely helps her current state make a lot of sense here. I can see how she and Jaune would connect over their past trauma. The shield/spear were a nice touch for sure! I can't wait for Part 2 either!!! Spadeas and Kayleigh - I'm definitely thinking Watts! But Dr. Marlowe from the game would be a fun way to tie that in!


That was a fun touch right! They had to start from scratch in a way. I kind of thought that maybe Weiss and Bruce staged that fight too, that was my first guess. But yeah, it's open for interpretation I guess!


Yeah it's always nice when folks are pleasantly surprised right!! It's so cool that you read the comments and learn a lot! Yeah I can't think of anyone other than Watts! This was so well done! The Superman and Ruby moments were so great, especially in light of Vol 9. Weiss and Batman were such a great pair!! Hahaha Whitley showing up would have been pretty epic! Yeah I didn't think they'd go that route with Blake and Diana at first, but it's actually a really natural fit! Cyborg and Nora were epic! The fight scenes were amazing, I couldn't agree more! OMG, I would LOVE for Pyrrha and Wonder Woman to meet!!! I feel like that would be another natural friendship! Ahhh it's TOTALLY the Oreo scenario, what a perfect description!!!!! They almost had me going there too. I know, they've just gotta twist the knife :( I think it really added some pain to the fakeout that it was almost believable for a second. OMG that's so awesome about Carl!!! Wow haha! Awww thank you, so glad you enjoyed it!!! ^_^


Canon adjacent is a great way to put it! LOL your bug spray can't stop me, you know that! :P I feel like you may have noticed the outfit/arm on Yang even in the trailer, good call. Oh yeah, Weiss was definitely the big giveaway on the fact that something was up. It was cool to see the pairs that developed from the two sides and how they helped each other. And OMG Ren and Nora, it was amazing to see them!!! Nora's one of my top faves!!! I basically am Chibi Nora after all! Haha I feel like they broke the fourth wall a bit with the confusion on the world building :P Aww I could totally see Jeff rocking that piano interlude! It was a good move changing them into teens for a lot of reasons, and it definitely evened the playing field so to speak. I agree that it was even better than expected! Well I did briefly hear Ozpin in Vol 9, but I guess I meant *real* Ozpin, which this wasn't, so the point was moot. :P The trash compactor scene, omg!!! I know, that's the thing about Pyrrha, and it's one of the reasons that I respect that they've never tried to bring her back. Hahaha oh that's why they were harping on the whole wyvern thing! I didn't even put it together that that's Kevin, oops! Sorry, things get a little fuzzy after a few volumes. Yeah Vol 7 sounds right. Yeah Watts seems like the natural choice! OMG, if Penny shows up, I will die on the spot :O Hahah yup, Nora's words ring true here! Sounds good on all the timing, obviously I wish it was all now because I'm greedy that way haha but patience is a virtue right? OMG, when I tell you I would do just about anything for more RWBY Chibi right now!!!! This was pretty fun, glad you enjoyed it too!!!