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Hey everyone!  Here I am with Jojo season 2, episode 33!!! Seeing Polnareff get the upper hand was amazing!  And when Jotaro showed up....!!!!!  OMG, tiny Jotaro!!!
He was so cute but even back then he was a tough little cookie!!!  It's amazing that this isn't even the first time we've used a mirror so cleverly lol.  Also, turning someone way back to a fetus was really disturbing!!!  The way Polnareff handled seeing that woman at the end was kind of sad but mature!  Wow, all our crew's had a weird morning haven't they?!  Except Iggy, who's just been enjoying stolen food :P  Great ep!  Enjoy!  ~ MH

Google Drive Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gmb0KnKPQZ2V-SJeHQNWYEtJ24791RaV/view?usp=share_link



This is my LEAST favorite encounter of Stardust Crusaders. 😒However it's only worth it for the fact that in the Capcom Jojo fighting game, Alessi can use this attack on ANY character... I know some people turn into kids(and plus show which characters might or might not have a stand at that age), but there's other effects depending on who it's used on. DIO turns into a Head with a zombie carrying him(The Vegeta looking guy), One version of Anubis turns into the Kid that tries to throw the blade at the climax of his arc, and Old Joseph turns back into Young Joseph. Iggy also turns into the first appearance version of his design. 😂


Hi Hime :) Before talking about your reaction, it's still fun to have this double episode right after the Justice League VS RWBY movie, since both have antagonists rejuvenating our heroes to make them vulnerable. Regarding your discussion about ice cream, without saying too much, just keep it in the back of your mind if possible, you will understand towards the end of the series. Alessi est inspiré des Alessi brother pour le nom, mais physiquement, c'est Jack Nicholson. C'est pour ça que effectivement, la scène ou il brise la porte avec la hache, est clairement Shining. Funny detail, Alessi is one of the playable character of the fighting game released on Dreamcast, with his power allowing to rejuvenate everyone, when it is used on Joseph, his Stardust Crusader version is replaced by Joseph Battle Tendency version, without hermit purple, but with hamon on the other hand. You have to remember that the manga series was at the same time as Dragon Ball, so showing a little boy all naked like Polnareff or Goku was not so strange at the time. I knew the bath scene was going to be "bizarre" and a bit awkward, but it's so crucial. Polnareff has grown into a child and is naked, so in his most vulnerable state, despite the short time, he was able to bond with the lady who takes care of him and thus make her want to protect her even more. Plus, it shows even more how twisted Alessi is. About Polnareff and his poop, if I remember correctly, that's going to be the last crappy joke about it. No more toilet or poop jokes. I warn you in advance, but even if you still have a double episode with humor (the 36 and 37), from the next one, the tension goes up a notch, we are approaching Dio after all. La fin avec Polnareff qui s'en vas sans explication, pour protéger cet femme, est certes un peu triste, mais aussi très beau et chevaleresque de sa part. Ca montre encore uen fois, que malgré tous l'humour apporter par ce personnage, il est bien plus que ça. On avait déjà eu le cas avec l'épisode ou il retrouvait le tueur de sa soeur ou quand il a fait revenir sa soeur et Avdol à la vie, mais oui, Polnareff est un chouchou des fans pour une bonne raisons. In any case, it is the most enthusiastic that you have been it seems to me. I couldn't help smiling and laughing a little to see you screaming so much and being involved in this double episode. Definitely, it was a good thing to get into Jojo, which despite all its "bizarre", remains a great experience to live.


Alessi might just be the creepiest stand user that we’ve seen so far.

Tyler Stobbe

“9-1-1, what is your emergency?” “Yeah, the woman next door is screaming at the top of her lungs about bath water, defecation, kids, Stand Users, and something about a misbehaving dog… she sounds rather hysterical again.” “Again…? Does this happen regularly?” “Now that you mention it, she does this on the same day every week.” First, look, Alessi got everything he deserved even from the start but why did it have to be the… number two jokes? Seriously? We HAD to go there?” Regarding the timelines I think the Alessi stuff happened after the Mariah fight wrapped up due to the Iggy scene - that’s also why Joseph and Avdol were waiting. I guess that trick with the mirror from The Sun episode paid off in this one? Also I think Polnareff was genuinely concerned for the woman who helped him and wanted to keep her out of whatever it is he knew he was getting dragged into. Don’t know if you caught it because you were screaming pretty loud but younger Jotaro was doing the HORA HORA punches by himself. Polnareff spent most of the episode running around in his birthday suit. That’s… unsettling. I don’t know what’s coming next but hopefully everyone keeps their pants on this time. 😂 (Oh come on, I had to get at least one clothing shot in! 😎)


Hello Melissa, Welcome to Polnareff´s bizarre adventure! Yeah the Alessi fight is not so easy to watch, but I really like this episodes. They have a bit of everything. They're funny, creepy but also a bit disturbing. Your reactions and screams were so funny, it makes me smile so bad. Alessi is just as disgusting as J.geil or Steely Dan, if not worse. I was so glad Jotaro and Polnareff sent him to hell where he belongs. Anyone who threatens small children, does violence to them and also enjoys doing so deserves no mercy. Unfortunately, Alessi will not be the last one to have a mental illness. Compared to the ones that follow, Alessi is nothing. My headcanon in this episode is that Jotaro doesn't hear Polnareff when he's chasing Alessi because his hearing is a bit damaged. Do you remember the first episode of Part 3 where Star Platinum catches a pistol bullet? Jotaro held the pistol very close to his ear and the loud bang when the bullet was fired may have damaged his hearing. But none of this is proven and just a fan theory. But it sounds pretty plausible to me. What do you think about it?


Omg that was so horrible 😩🥺😰😳😤😭 Really a fetus? That guy was scum. Picking on the little is so telling about him. And he got beat by kids, which I find poetic. He was worse the centerfold. Beating, drowning kids and letting a fetus die. This guy made me want to vomit. He deserved worse. I wanted Iggy to give him his signature move 🐕 💨 but a turd to the face was good too. This makes me wonder about so many things. Like, how was Jotaro as a kid? Did he pop out as little badass as well? Just ready to go? Were his first words “Ora Ora”? Also, it would have been something to see young Joseph again but that may have been wishful thinking I guess. But still imagine what might have been 🤩 I loved that moment with the lady and them Jotaro and Polnareff. It’s a dangerous time right now and she’s been through a lot already. And Jotaro didn’t even need to say anything. It was a cool moment. I think she knew in her heart too 😊 That’s one for the books. Man these episodes are crazy exhaustingly intense 😮‍💨


I can see why!!! :/ Oh that's interesting about the game! HAHAHAHA Dio turns into a head, that's amazing! That's actually a pretty cool effect! Good call about Iggy, I was wondering if he'd turn into a puppy!!! :O


HAHAHAHA I just can't imagine how many times my neighbors have at least been tempted to call for help :P I died during the "bath water, defecation" part LOL!!! It's always number two jokes with Polnareff!!!! :P Ohhh ok, so this technically was sort of after the Mariah fight, good to know. I know right, I was like wow, way to bring back the mirror thing! I know, Polnareff really cared! Hahah no I couldn't hear anything, I think I transcended my own existence during that scene, so thanks for pointing it out, that's adorable that he's doing the hora hora himself :D I know, WAY too much nakedness! LOL yes everyone please keep their clothes on next time, sheesh!!!!


Hey!! It was a bizarre one alright! It's cringeworthy alright, but still a cleverly done set of episodes. Hahaha I'm glad my reactions made you smile!! He's for sure as bad or worse! I couldn't agree more, hell seems merciful for someone who would get pleasure out of hurting kids!!! Yikes, sounds like I have a lot to look forward to lol. Ohhh that's actually really good headcanon! It makes more sense too, since I feel like Jotaro would at least investigate that a bit more if he could hear it. I like it!!!


I know!!!! I KNOW RIGHT?!?!!? It really is telling, and I love that it's the baby versions that beat the ever living crap out of him. Yeah I still think he got off easy as well. HAHAH Iggy's signature move would have been nice but the turd was sufficient. That's what I wanna know, we know so little of baby Jotaro!!! Ora ora as first words, omg!!! Like we know he was sweet to Holly at times, but I'd love to actually know what he was like, especially in light of this ep. Oh I know, young Joseph would have been cool to see!!! Oh well! Yeah I loved that moment too, I think she had a gut feeling about it for sure. Hahahah exhaustingly intense is a great way to describe it!!!! I feel like I've done an hour of cardio by the time I'm done with these, only weirder haha :P


Hi Spadeas! :) That's so true about the timing with JL / RWBY haha. Hmm, interesting note about the ice cream! Ohhhh thanks for clearing that up about the name reference, as well as the physical features / Shining reference! I've heard about the game!! That is true about the nudity aspect lol. It was disturbing, but it does show some different aspects of the story. Oh wow, no more toilet humor?! I can imagine we're going to ramp up the tension as we get closer to Dio! I agree that the ending is sad but beautiful. He really is more than just jokes! Hahaha I was definitely high energy for this one, and squirming a lot!!! I'm glad it made you smile lol! I couldn't agree more about Jojo, I'm really enjoying it so much! It's gotta be right up there with my favorite series already!!!!!