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Hey everyone!  Here I am with Jojo season 2, episode 33!!! WHOA!!!!!  Another crazy powerful Stand!  I was so rooting for Joseph, this felt like one of his classic schemes!
But I was NOT prepared to see his or Polnareff's soul get taken, ick!!!!  Jotaro seems like the likely next choice for this game, but I'm worried!  This Stand is no violence, all strategy...possibly the worst kind to be up against!  Dang it guys, we're running of out time too!  Great ep!  Enjoy!  ~ MH

Google Drive Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1N9vwPDEYTIwLEvn3y3DrRjc1r4DiGaw7/view?usp=share_link



Good ol' D'Arby, named after musician Terence Trent D'Arby. However the gambler's name is Daniel J. D'Arby, though he hates being called 'Danny'. Something that Dio brought up in the spin-off manga when we saw a flashback of their meeting, not to mention bringing up the fact that Dio *used* to know a Danny. ...This arc is one of my favorite encounters, especially at the end there. Dude reminded D'Arby that getting THE best hand isn't *all* there is to Poker.

kamenriderhime (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-16 02:26:49 Ohhh ok, thanks for letting me know about the reference! OMG no way, that was a callback to Danny! THE Danny?!?! Oooohhhh to think that Dio would dare to even mention sweet Danny.... >:( It was an awesome arc! That's the thing, there's way more to it for sure!!
2023-05-15 13:10:40 Ohhh ok, thanks for letting me know about the reference! OMG no way, that was a callback to Danny! THE Danny?!?! Oooohhhh to think that Dio would dare to even mention sweet Danny.... >:( It was an awesome arc! That's the thing, there's way more to it for sure!!

Ohhh ok, thanks for letting me know about the reference! OMG no way, that was a callback to Danny! THE Danny?!?! Oooohhhh to think that Dio would dare to even mention sweet Danny.... >:( It was an awesome arc! That's the thing, there's way more to it for sure!!

Tyler Stobbe

No, it totally makes sense you’d be excited to get up and watch a show after it puts you through the ringer, or emotionally destroys you, or punches you in all the feels…? Why do you think anime sells again? 😅 Can I say this…? Polnareff is getting slightly dense for my liking - he’s kind of like the big kid who doesn’t seem to use logic to guide any of his actions but we all picked up on D’Arby before he did, characters included. You’d think our crew would exercise a little more caution when they find what they’re looking for. I think so far I’m finding this particular Stand user by far the most interesting. He’s using skullduggery of course, but he doesn’t seem quite as over the top as some of the others we met earlier - he’s up front about what he’s doing, so I guess it’s better to be playing with all the cards on the table, no pun intended? I knew Joseph was in trouble because this is Part 1 - it’s too early to solve everything. I’m not quite sure I understand everything regarding the surface tension, I feel like we need someone from a science class to really break this little truck down, but I think I got the jist of it. Also this episode is a lot more tense because of how they used the background music score so I want to point that out, cause it’s cool! Since you’ve already seen Part 2, I should get a move on.

ABHB Ya-iba

Wow, I feel like this one is one of the episodes that I like the most for part 3.


Dang I thought Joseph had it there! In some way I thought he’d conquer and the story would still expand since this is a part 1 but man that was crafty. I’ve never been to Vegas but if it’s like this no thank you


Me too, but yeah, it was too early for it I guess!!! I hear you there!! No Vegas for me, I'll be keeping my soul thank you very much :P


Hahaha, I mean, that pretty much describes every show I watch, every anime, and perhaps every show worth watching :P LOL poor Polnareff!!! I mean, he certainly has his moments, like last arc. But sometimes it's like he's not quite thinking :P That's so true, he's not over the top - in fact, he's hardly using any kind of special power. The Stand is really only for the soul collecting - the rest is just grounded yet super powerful gambling strategy. So true, the Part 1 thing was a giveaway! The music was amazing, I couldn't agree more!!!