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Hey everyone!  Here I am with Jojo season 2, episode 36!!!  WOW!!!  So Hol Horse is back, and so is Boingo!!!  What a pair!  I've gotta say, it is fascinating to see how this Stand works.  And it never quite works how you think it will!!!!  The nose-jamming scene was just so bizarre and amazing all at once lol!!!!!  But as curious as I am to see how the Stand corrects course and makes things come true, this has got me a little worried for our crew!!!  Hol Horse may in fact be better at navigating this Stand, which is a scary thought!  Can't wait to see the next part!  Great ep!  Enjoy!  ~ MH

Google Drive Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1J6sMLSMs5WIQ04N_bdN93AhVVjqYkp1S/view?usp=share_link


Jonah Fewell

no, hol horse's body wasn't compelled. he was too fucking curious to find if the prediction was real.his tempation won out in the end

Tyler Stobbe

“So last time was more of a cerebral bizarre…” I heard cerebral bazaar… 🤣 There’s a few tidbits that jumped out but they’re more like, “hold onto that for later,” I think… First, it seems like DIO has some sort of “influencing aura” - he’ll make you succumb to what he wants - either by desire, which is what he seemed to do to those women Hol Horse found - or by completely breaking your will to resist. It’s interesting what he said about the body not being completely his yet, though - might that play a role in the future? The whole episode kind of did a flip and had the villains play the protagonist role for this part of the story and the actual heroes were more like the bad guys showing up at the end. Interesting way to direct the narrative, but I kinda liked it! Is it just me or everytime Mondatta/Boingo talks about his stand being 100% i’m thinking of a certain character from Zero One…? 🙃 Hol Horse: “There’s no way you can expect something that ridiculous to actually happen!” Sir, have you forgotten which anime this is? And finally: “WHY would you leave me on two fingers up Polnareff’s nose?” Two reasons: one the freeze frame is flipping hilarious, and… Two: those magical two words: “It’s Jojo.” You can just stamp that on everything. Even your license plate. It applies. 😉


Oh that’s nasty ☝️👃


Hahahaha this whole show is a cerebral bazaar :P Hmm, interesting about Dio. I have a feeling the incomplete thing will definitely play a role in the future! It was an interesting flip right! Like I don't wanna root against my friends, but at the same time, I wanna see where this goes :P Hahahaha it's hard not to think of Gai whenever percentages are involved :P Hahahahaha Hol Horse has no idea that he's working by Jojo rules here! LOL yup, applying "it's Jojo" is pretty much a catch-all for this show!!!!!! :P

Alex R

More wackiness! Haha fingers in the nose?! And Hol Horse’s fingers were animated so dramatically going up, once they reached their target the tension was immediately gone because Polnareff is just like what is happening jajaja It’s interesting talking about Hol Horse turning “face”. Araki had some intentions about making him a crusader when he was writing the manga. There’s an image that Araki drew with him alongside the rest of the crusaders!


Lol yes!! It was done so well and so goofily haha. Whoa, really! It kind of sounded that way from other comments I've gotten. That would be pretty cool actually!!! Not gonna lie, I can see it!

Jonah Fewell

don't know if you'll see this, but better late than never, there's a dog death in the next episode. two at once, actually


Hey Jonah! Oh wow....thanks!! This is kind of a spoiler but in this case I'm probably better off going in prepared lol.