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Google Drive Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tfMQwtahsCCNaQr0O2gGGkkNv3sbT6S3/view?usp=sharing

Hey everyone!  Here it is - my reaction to Red vs. Blue season 14, episodes 13 - 16!!!  Wow, we got a little bit of EVERYTHING in this one!  The Death Battle was so awesome and intense!!!!  The grayscale Reds and Blues made an interesting point and wow, what a varied tone that one had!  The Caboose friendship tales left me in tears :'D  And I almost felt bad for O'Malley by the end of that last one!!!!  Dang, you never know what you're gonna get in season 14!  What a great batch!  Enjoy!  ~ MH


Pinkandahalf (edited)

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2023-06-06 18:07:01 So, seems like you figured it out, but Death Battle is another Rooster Teeth show that they've borrowed an episode from. And Boomstick being Sarge's abandoned son was supposedly always part of the character in the head of the guy voicing him, and in this episode he finally got a chance to make that a reality. Not to be a downer, but Grey vs Grey was a lot funnier when Ryan Heywood just pretended to be a creepy weirdo for comedy purposes, instead of proving he's a creepy weirdo in real life. I genuinely love Caboose's Guide to Making Friends, and I knew you would too. I laughed, my eyes misted up, and I left thinking about life. I was even more of a cynical jerk back then, before I met my wife, but it completely melted my heart. Really goes to show what a special talent Joel Heyman was. I don't know if anyone brought this up at the time, but when Miles Luna wrote the show, he used to just write "Caboose yells something" into the script during dialogue heavy scenes and let Joel come up with something. Lazy writing trick or genius use of a talent actor? Either way, a lot of what Caboose said in seasons 11-13 was improvised. I know you've still got a third of the season left, but I did call episode 15 as your favorite for Season 14 and I'm sticking to that.
2023-06-06 14:10:32 So, seems like you figured it out, but Death Battle is another Rooster Teeth show that they've borrowed an episode from. And Boomstick being Sarge's abandoned son was supposedly always part of the character in the head of the guy voicing him, and in this episode he finally got a chance to make that a reality. Not to be a downer, but Grey vs Grey was a lot funnier when Ryan Heywood just pretended to be a creepy weirdo for comedy purposes, instead of proving he's a creepy weirdo in real life. I genuinely love Caboose's Guide to Making Friends, and I knew you would too. I laughed, my eyes misted up, and I left thinking about life. I was even more of a cynical jerk back then, before I met my wife, but it completely melted my heart. Really goes to show what a special talent Joel Heyman was. I don't know if anyone brought this up at the time, but when Miles Luna wrote the show, he used to just write "Caboose yells something" into the script during dialogue heavy scenes and let Joel come up with something. Lazy writing trick or genius use of a talented actor? Either way, a lot of what Caboose said in seasons 11-13 was improvised. I know you've still got a third of the season left, but I did call episode 15 as your favorite for Season 14 and I'm sticking to that.

So, seems like you figured it out, but Death Battle is another Rooster Teeth show that they've borrowed an episode from. And Boomstick being Sarge's abandoned son was supposedly always part of the character in the head of the guy voicing him, and in this episode he finally got a chance to make that a reality. Not to be a downer, but Grey vs Grey was a lot funnier when Ryan Heywood just pretended to be a creepy weirdo for comedy purposes, instead of proving he's a creepy weirdo in real life. I genuinely love Caboose's Guide to Making Friends, and I knew you would too. I laughed, my eyes misted up, and I left thinking about life. I was even more of a cynical jerk back then, before I met my wife, but it completely melted my heart. Really goes to show what a special talent Joel Heyman was. I don't know if anyone brought this up at the time, but when Miles Luna wrote the show, he used to just write "Caboose yells something" into the script during dialogue heavy scenes and let Joel come up with something. Lazy writing trick or genius use of a talented actor? Either way, a lot of what Caboose said in seasons 11-13 was improvised. I know you've still got a third of the season left, but I did call episode 15 as your favorite for Season 14 and I'm sticking to that.

Zach Feifel (edited)

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2023-06-06 18:07:01 There is technically only one song for the Season 14 soundtrack. Enjoy! "Slingshot" by Trocadero- https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-verizon-us-rvc3&sxsrf=APwXEdcR-uDMuE2G4f057FB5tlNE79rO5g:1686062953753&q=slingshot+trocadero+lyrics&tbm=vid&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwihlLX78a7_AhXEFVkFHf8HCzgQ0pQJegQICRAB&biw=360&bih=643&dpr=3#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:321f243e,vid:n3NhSDqqAcM
2023-06-06 14:51:48 There is technically only one song for the Season 14 soundtrack. Enjoy! "Slingshot" by Trocadero- https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-verizon-us-rvc3&sxsrf=APwXEdcR-uDMuE2G4f057FB5tlNE79rO5g:1686062953753&q=slingshot+trocadero+lyrics&tbm=vid&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwihlLX78a7_AhXEFVkFHf8HCzgQ0pQJegQICRAB&biw=360&bih=643&dpr=3#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:321f243e,vid:n3NhSDqqAcM

There is technically only one song for the Season 14 soundtrack. Enjoy! "Slingshot" by Trocadero- https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-verizon-us-rvc3&sxsrf=APwXEdcR-uDMuE2G4f057FB5tlNE79rO5g:1686062953753&q=slingshot+trocadero+lyrics&tbm=vid&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwihlLX78a7_AhXEFVkFHf8HCzgQ0pQJegQICRAB&biw=360&bih=643&dpr=3#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:321f243e,vid:n3NhSDqqAcM

Tyler Stobbe

So I’m surprised you didn’t say “I am back for more RED! vs BLUE!” after last week’s ending. So Death Battle! Is a show that Rooster Teeth annexed and now distributes: the two characters, Wiz and Boomstick, are normally drawn in animated form and are the hosts. What you are seeing here is basically a full on template of a Death Battle episode. The only difference is, in this case, the two combatants come from the same story and canon. There is pretty much only one thing that is guaranteed to happen in one of these: ONE is going to die. There will be no draws, peacemaking, or other resolutions. The whole idea is to pit characters against each other who would normally never meet and see which one would kill the other. They’ve done this for a while, and are on their tenth season. Just to give you an example of how this works, I believe the first matchup they ever did was Superman vs Goku. RWBY characters have been in this, Star Wars characters, etc, etc… the only drawback with a reactor such as yourself regarding this particular series is it assumes you are completely up to speed on everything involving that character. Which is why we’ve told you maybe you don’t want to look at certain ones yet, as you’re still reacting to those series. But hopefully that gives you a better idea of how it works. Regarding Boomstick being Sarge’s long lost son… he certainly did enjoy torturing Grif… and I’m reminded of a line uttered in early RWBY: “spare us the thought of you procreating…” Grey vs. Gray is the one where you shouldn’t adjust the color on your set. I imagine it’s just another experiment Freelancer was doing, but it turned into a bit of CSI:, Grumpy Old Men, and Among Us. Why do random soldiers keep dying of heart attacks? Also I kept thinking with Marlowe’s little commentary on the side that he was trying to be the Palpatine of the episode… So Caboose’s friend story made you think about season finales huh, are you sure it wasn’t two of them? There’s that dog gone F word again… Also every time you wear that particular shirt it seems to attract emotional turmoil, ever since a certain volume finale ended… have you noticed? You did say you wanted to give Caboose a hug, but do you think he knows they make you feel this warm? (Sorry you left it up in the strike zone and it’s too easy to hit! 😂) Caboose himself though, he doesn’t really dwell on sad stuff, he - oh good grief, I did not do this intentionally, but you’ll never believe me… keeps moving forward. 👀 The last one is just Omega realizing he’s in over his head, but it should also be pointed out all these hijinks and different iterations if people’s mind make a certain farm boy’s problem seem a lot less of a problem. Oh, and this episode was written by Barbara Dunkelman. So, are you really surprised the title was a pun? 😁 Out with a Yang!


Don’t worry Mel we got it! That’s actually the best way to describe it. Monster trucks but with people! 😂 It was like celebrity death match! The Greys one was hysterical. Definitely a lot to unpack there yet not really since they ended up that way. But still fun darkly gray but fun 😳 And Caboose! 🤗 I’ll take a page from his guide anytime. Lord knows I could use help in the making friends department. 😭


Ohhh ok, it seemed like another show, I wasn't sure! Wow, that's amazing that it was head canon the whole time haha. Oh, I wasn't aware of any of the stuff going on with Ryan Heywood :/ Caboose's Guide to Making Friends was the best!! Aww, it's a heart-melting one for sure! Omg, that's crazy about so much of the dialogue being improvised!!! I'd say that was a wise delegation haha! You called it, and you were right!

kamenriderhime (edited)

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2023-06-07 17:40:54 Hahahaha I'm glad you agree!!!! :P I know, it was like sort of philosophical yet also not??? Lol. Omg Caboose <333333 I couldn't agree more, he's got the right idea on what's important in life! Aww I hear you, it can be hard!!!!! Hang in there :D
2023-06-07 13:30:59 Hahahaha I'm glad you agree!!!! :P I know, it was like sort of philosophical yet also not??? Lol. Omg Caboose <333333 I couldn't agree more, he's got the right idea on what's important in life! Aww I hear you, it can be hard!!!!! Hang in there :D

Hahahaha I'm glad you agree!!!! :P I know, it was like sort of philosophical yet also not??? Lol. Omg Caboose <333333 I couldn't agree more, he's got the right idea on what's important in life! Aww I hear you, it can be hard!!!!! Hang in there :D


HAHAHAHA I would have cracked myself up if I opened that way! That's awesome about Death Battle! Come to think of it, I've heard of them before with shows like RWBY, but I totally get needing to be up to speed on a series first. LOL Sarge procreating, now there's a thought! But yeah, like father like son with torturing Grif I guess! I can definitely see the references to other media that you mentioned for Grey vs. Gray! Marlowe was totally the Palpatine of the ep! Oh there have been a few finales that fit that bill! The f word, the REALLY bad one hahaha! Ohhhhhhhhh that was a low blow about the hugs, ouch! I mean, yes that hits me right in the feels but he really does honor that phrase doesn't he??? Hahaha omg I never even thought of the Oscar similarities on the last one, but they're totally there aren't they! WHOA!!!! Barbara did an awesome job!!! LOL totally not surprised about the pun then!!!! XD

Supermonaman (edited)

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2023-08-08 19:23:25 This is a great batch of episodes. I especially love episode 13 because Death Battle is a web series I really love/enjoy. Advance warning this part of the comment will be just me gushing/shilling about this web series. Dawn of Awesome is a perfect name for this. Something really cool about this is how they integrated Death Battle into this show/universe in a way that at least somewhat makes sense even if it’s not canon. I love how in-depth the web series goes with the analysis they do for characters and who would win. Some people complain when they miss a power or abilities that people think would cause a different outcome in the battle but I think that’s understandable when some of the research they have to do is on characters who have such a large amount of source material that the researchers are bound to miss something that might be obscure. The little demonstrations of weapons are funny. They really did a great job of emphasizing how badass Carolina & Meta are/were. Grif & Simmons being told about Carolina’s lineage & freaking out is hilarious especially with Caboose having figured it all out LOL. And it makes it even more clear how complicated her family situation was. The scene before the battle between Church & Carolina is really sweet/wholesome. I also love that always called the Meta Maine. This fight is pure hype. The animations are always great and have great choreography & I love how they show as much of the combatants weapons, tech, skills and powers as they can although they can’t always show everything because of how much there is for certain characters so they go with the coolest stuff but it’s always amazing. They really emphasize the weaknesses and strengths especially Meta’s energy consumption & Carolina being more skilled but at a disadvantage when it comes to the Meta’s raw strength. I love that the key to her winning this was Church and his teamwork with Carolina. Also blowing off someone’s head is a savage way to take someone out. The song Slingshot is hype as well I love the instrumental that vocalist goes off. I’m sure he has some help but the music for all or at least most Death Battles is done by 1 musician named Brandon Yates although I’m not sure if he was there from the beginning or joined in 1 of the later seasons. Also he does song commissions of hypothetical Death Battles which is cool & he is very versatile with the different types of songs he can make for the DB web series. The whole who is Broomstick’s dad question is a running joke that has been done with other characters but this is my favorite version of the joke especially the way Sarge just backs out of the room LOL. I know you would like to get into Death Battle at some point and I would be excited to see you do reactions to it although you would not be able to react to all of them because some of them have spoilers for series you are or probably will be watching. All in all I am just very passionate and love this series. Also no monster truck vibes is a great way to describe what Death Battle is like I think so at least. I think episode 14 is great it’s much more enjoyable than the last story that focused on another group simulation soldiers for me at least. The voices for these characters are super entertaining. I like how this story is somewhat similar to locked room murder mysteries. The back and forth on trying to figure out what happened is done well. The reveal of them all being color blind is absolutely hilarious although I do agree that there is a lesson to be found in this. Also this was definitely some kind of experiment by the Director. I love episode 15 a lot. It’s amazing that Caboose breaks into the place where Vic is breaking the 4th wall. I would be impressed as well. It’s so interesting to get a story from his perspective it makes things really entertaining but also wholesome and adorable. So much of this episode is really funny because because of the ridiculous nature of some of the stuff he talks about. The animation is simplistic but really smooth & creative I really like the use of color especially when Church is shown shattering. Also the animation fits his character. This episode is emotional whiplash for sure. I think the way it goes from very wholesome/fun/humorous to extremely sad in a very good transition and without missing a beat. I love that the message of the episode is that when you lose a friend other friends will be there for you & help you back on your feet it’s a hopeful note to end on which I appreciate. I’m pretty sure I cried when I 1st saw this as well it’s pretty emotional. And of course Miles wrote this he seems to like hurting people with his writing. The last episode is a fun one to end on. I like the interpretation of what O’Malley saw when he took over someone’s body. I like how the mind of each character he infiltrates reflects the characters funny & interesting ways. My favorites are Sarge & Church’s minds. It makes sense that Alpha’s subconscious would remember things/be tired & that O’Malley would feel comfortable in his mind since he was originally split off from the Alpha. Which does make it somewhat sad. I really appreciate the Penny shirt you know how much I love her character &lt;3. Awesome reactions & thoughts. :-) &lt;3
2023-08-05 04:06:01 This is a great batch of episodes. I especially love episode 13 because Death Battle is a web series I really love/enjoy. Advance warning this part of the comment will be just me gushing/shilling about this web series. Dawn of Awesome is a perfect name for this. Something really cool about this is how they integrated Death Battle into this show/universe in a way that at least somewhat makes sense even if it’s not canon. I love how in-depth the web series goes with the analysis they do for characters and who would win. Some people complain when they miss a power or abilities that people think would cause a different outcome in the battle but I think that’s understandable when some of the research they have to do is on characters who have such a large amount of source material that the researchers are bound to miss something that might be obscure. The little demonstrations of weapons are funny. They really did a great job of emphasizing how badass Carolina & Meta are/were. Grif & Simmons being told about Carolina’s lineage & freaking out is hilarious especially with Caboose having figured it all out LOL. And it makes it even more clear how complicated her family situation was. The scene before the battle between Church & Carolina is really sweet/wholesome. I also love that always called the Meta Maine. This fight is pure hype. The animations are always great and have great choreography & I love how they show as much of the combatants weapons, tech, skills and powers as they can although they can’t always show everything because of how much there is for certain characters so they go with the coolest stuff but it’s always amazing. They really emphasize the weaknesses and strengths especially Meta’s energy consumption & Carolina being more skilled but at a disadvantage when it comes to the Meta’s raw strength. I love that the key to her winning this was Church and his teamwork with Carolina. Also blowing off someone’s head is a savage way to take someone out. The song Slingshot is hype as well I love the instrumental that vocalist goes off. I’m sure he has some help but the music for all or at least most Death Battles is done by 1 musician named Brandon Yates although I’m not sure if he was there from the beginning or joined in 1 of the later seasons. Also he does song commissions of hypothetical Death Battles which is cool & he is very versatile with the different types of songs he can make for the DB web series. The whole who is Broomstick’s dad question is a running joke that has been done with other characters but this is my favorite version of the joke especially the way Sarge just backs out of the room LOL. I know you would like to get into Death Battle at some point and I would be excited to see you do reactions to it although you would not be able to react to all of them because some of them have spoilers for series you are or probably will be watching. All in all I am just very passionate and love this series. Also no monster truck vibes is a great way to describe what Death Battle is like I think so at least. I think episode 14 is great it’s much more enjoyable than the last story that focused on another group simulation soldiers for me at least. The voices for these characters are super entertaining. I like how this story is somewhat similar to locked room murder mysteries. The back and forth on trying to figure out what happened is done well. The reveal of them all being color blind is absolutely hilarious although I do agree that there is a lesson to be found in this. Also this was definitely some kind of experiment by the Director. I love episode 15 a lot. It’s amazing that Caboose breaks into the place where Vic is breaking the 4th wall. I would be impressed as well. It’s so interesting to get a story from his perspective it makes things really entertaining but also wholesome and adorable. So much of this episode is really funny because because of the ridiculous nature of some of the stuff he talks about. The animation is simplistic but really smooth & creative I really like the use of color especially when Church is shown shattering. Also the animation fits his character. This episode is emotional whiplash for sure. I think the way it goes from very wholesome/fun/humorous to extremely sad in a very good transition and without missing a beat. I love that the message of the episode is that when you lose a friend other friends will be there for you & help you back on your feet it’s a hopeful note to end on which I appreciate. I’m pretty sure I cried when I 1st saw this as well it’s pretty emotional. And of course Miles wrote this he seems to like hurting people with his writing. The last episode is a fun one to end on. I like the interpretation of what O’Malley saw when he took over someone’s body. I like how the mind of each character he infiltrates reflects the characters funny & interesting ways. My favorites are Sarge & Church’s minds. It makes sense that Alpha’s subconscious would remember things/be tired & that O’Malley would feel comfortable in his mind since he was originally split off from the Alpha. Which does make it somewhat sad. I really appreciate the Penny shirt you know how much I love her character <3. Awesome reactions & thoughts. :-) <3

This is a great batch of episodes. I especially love episode 13 because Death Battle is a web series I really love/enjoy. Advance warning this part of the comment will be just me gushing/shilling about this web series. Dawn of Awesome is a perfect name for this. Something really cool about this is how they integrated Death Battle into this show/universe in a way that at least somewhat makes sense even if it’s not canon. I love how in-depth the web series goes with the analysis they do for characters and who would win. Some people complain when they miss a power or abilities that people think would cause a different outcome in the battle but I think that’s understandable when some of the research they have to do is on characters who have such a large amount of source material that the researchers are bound to miss something that might be obscure. The little demonstrations of weapons are funny. They really did a great job of emphasizing how badass Carolina & Meta are/were. Grif & Simmons being told about Carolina’s lineage & freaking out is hilarious especially with Caboose having figured it all out LOL. And it makes it even more clear how complicated her family situation was. The scene before the battle between Church & Carolina is really sweet/wholesome. I also love that always called the Meta Maine. This fight is pure hype. The animations are always great and have great choreography & I love how they show as much of the combatants weapons, tech, skills and powers as they can although they can’t always show everything because of how much there is for certain characters so they go with the coolest stuff but it’s always amazing. They really emphasize the weaknesses and strengths especially Meta’s energy consumption & Carolina being more skilled but at a disadvantage when it comes to the Meta’s raw strength. I love that the key to her winning this was Church and his teamwork with Carolina. Also blowing off someone’s head is a savage way to take someone out. The song Slingshot is hype as well I love the instrumental that vocalist goes off. I’m sure he has some help but the music for all or at least most Death Battles is done by 1 musician named Brandon Yates although I’m not sure if he was there from the beginning or joined in 1 of the later seasons. Also he does song commissions of hypothetical Death Battles which is cool & he is very versatile with the different types of songs he can make for the DB web series. The whole who is Broomstick’s dad question is a running joke that has been done with other characters but this is my favorite version of the joke especially the way Sarge just backs out of the room LOL. I know you would like to get into Death Battle at some point and I would be excited to see you do reactions to it although you would not be able to react to all of them because some of them have spoilers for series you are or probably will be watching. All in all I am just very passionate and love this series. Also no monster truck vibes is a great way to describe what Death Battle is like I think so at least. I think episode 14 is great it’s much more enjoyable than the last story that focused on another group simulation soldiers for me at least. The voices for these characters are super entertaining. I like how this story is somewhat similar to locked room murder mysteries. The back and forth on trying to figure out what happened is done well. The reveal of them all being color blind is absolutely hilarious although I do agree that there is a lesson to be found in this. Also this was definitely some kind of experiment by the Director. I love episode 15 a lot. It’s amazing that Caboose breaks into the place where Vic is breaking the 4th wall. I would be impressed as well. It’s so interesting to get a story from his perspective it makes things really entertaining but also wholesome and adorable. So much of this episode is really funny because because of the ridiculous nature of some of the stuff he talks about. The animation is simplistic but really smooth & creative I really like the use of color especially when Church is shown shattering. Also the animation fits his character. This episode is emotional whiplash for sure. I think the way it goes from very wholesome/fun/humorous to extremely sad in a very good transition and without missing a beat. I love that the message of the episode is that when you lose a friend other friends will be there for you & help you back on your feet it’s a hopeful note to end on which I appreciate. I’m pretty sure I cried when I 1st saw this as well it’s pretty emotional. And of course Miles wrote this he seems to like hurting people with his writing. The last episode is a fun one to end on. I like the interpretation of what O’Malley saw when he took over someone’s body. I like how the mind of each character he infiltrates reflects the characters funny & interesting ways. My favorites are Sarge & Church’s minds. It makes sense that Alpha’s subconscious would remember things/be tired & that O’Malley would feel comfortable in his mind since he was originally split off from the Alpha. Which does make it somewhat sad. I really appreciate the Penny shirt you know how much I love her character <3. Awesome reactions & thoughts. :-) <3


That's awesome about the way the Death Battles are done! They really go deep with the research and have some amazing choreography and music to compliment everything!!! I've had so many people recommend other Death Battles to me, I have a feeling it could show up down the road in a reaction!!! That's so cool about the song commissions, wow. The murder mystery style was really interesting and there's a lesson in there for sure! OMG episode 15 hit so hard!! It goes from cute/wholesome to just genuinely so tear-jerking so fast, I love the style of it too. It fits Caboose so well! It's so sweet that it ends on a positive note too. It's so fun to see things through his eyes! Miles knows just how to write powerful stuff like that for sure! The interpretation of O'Malley was great too. OMG Sarge's and Church's minds haha. It does make sense about how they all split off from the Alpha too. Awww thank you, you know how I love Penny!!!! Thank you for being so awesome and supportive!! ^_^