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Google Drive Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wMTmDNkshCL0wI_KGhGKoIS7ToFaE2nP/view?usp=sharing

Hey everyone!  Here it is - my reaction to Red vs. Blue season 16, episodes 1 - 3!!!  Omg, what a way to kick things off!!!  So not only do we have more to do on this show, but it's going to be a wacky and complex journey involving time travel and deities?!?!  Count me in!!!  I'm still trying to piece it all together, but so far I think we've got the makings of a really intricate plot.  Not to mention all the comedy gold, like Grif's science of laziness, Caboose's savings account, and the gang trying to decide on what to eat!!  I can't wait to see more!  Great eps!  Enjoy!  ~ MH


Melody Dia

Reminder: "Shisno" is an alien term used as an insult for Humans. It's been a while since we heard it though, so I don't blame you for not recognizing it. I believe the last people to do so were either Gamma or Andy the Bomb. 🤣 So in a way, the title of this seasons basically just translates to Red Vs. Blue: The Disgusting Idiot Human Paradox. Super excited for your reactions to this season. I originally started RvB right after the end of season 5, and then forgot about it for yeeeeeears. When I finally did start watching it again, this was the season that had just started airing, so it's the only one I couldn't binge. As such, it took up a lot more of my time theorizing what was going on, and so is one of the more memorable seasons for me! Can't wait for your next reaction!

Tyler Stobbe

Season 3: Gary: “Not really. Does a skunk defecate?” Church: “Yeah?” Gary/Gamma: “And does that in turn produce its own excrement?” Church: “Eww, no!” Gary/Gamma: “Then there is no equivalent for ‘Shisno’ in your language.” Church: “Disgusting!” Gary/Gamma: “Like you would not believe.” So remember last week I told you you had missed something? Donut got zapped but it was only on screen for an instance - and when they had the final “hero shot” he wasn’t in it. He had… other issues, as you can see. The whole knight speech trying to speak biblically of the first episode kinda fits with the theme we’re going for. As for what we’re actually doing here… well, it’s RvB and Donut was walking on water, take that for what it is. XD Poor Grif. He just wanted to go out for pizza without any interruptions, and he’s trying so hard to avoid adventure. But his shenanigans only actually caused it, he can’t win. So now we have Sarge and Simmons reliving his past failures, and… I think that’s a Star Trek reference he was making again, Tucker and Kaikana (Sister) are about to embark on a quest of fifty shades or more, Grif and Doc found the shuffle button and Caboose and Lopez are trying to get a savings account started. Being the Rooster Verse, I just want to say Caboose is looking for a Penny… nope, I don’t think you could handle that crossover! XD I will bring more foreshadowing in later but you are in fact about to witness something that might send you to a new level of anger… 😁


This is gonna be fun! I can’t even fathom how insane and nutty this is going to be. But I have a rough idea after seeing Sarge and Cabooses use of the time gun. XD


Ohhhhhhh I knew it sounded familiar! Thanks for the reminder and for not holding it against me!!! Hahah wowwww so that's the true title :P I'm so happy you're excited, hope you love my reactions!! That's awesome that you got to experience this season in "real time" and theorize, dwell, etc. on what could be happening!!! Thanks so much!!


Ahhhhh that's where shisno comes from!!! Ohhhhh that's what happened, I totally missed it! I can tell we're going for an almost religious overtone here. I know, can't we just have pizza?! Oh good call on the Star Trek reference! Yikes, I'm scared for what's next with Tucker and Sister lol. HAHAHAHA I came THIS CLOSE to saying something about the penny but my heart just couldn't take it!! A new level of anger?!?!? They're not gonna hurt Caboose are they?!!?!? Oh boy....!!


I know right?! I think we're really into it!!! Hahaha Sarge and Caboose with a time gun - enough said!!! :P


By far my strongest memory of this season, which unlike earlier seasons I haven't rewatched since the year it came out, is Caboose really saves the season. They're talking about gods and destiny and time travel, and Caboose completely derails it every chance he gets. It's something that helps the show feel like itself, even when it's in the hands of writers who really don't get all the characters the way Burnie or even Miles did. Since someone already mentioned it, yes, this season may invoke one of your strongest emotional reactions yet. Not sure what it'll be. Sadness? Anger? Sanger? That's one of the really neat things about reactions: I have some thoughts and feelings about it, which would all be spoilers, but I'm confident they're different to what you'll think and feel. It's one of the great things about watching a thoughtful and expressive reactor who doesn't just sit there going "Wow. Cool. Huh. He did that thing that just happened." I sometimes wonder if RvB would be more popular if it were a traditionally animated show, because once you explain the concept of machinima to someone, their expectations plummet. And to be fair, RvB is THE success story for the concept. They spawned a hundred imitators and no heirs. I once stumbled across a Myspace page (yes, typing that makes me feel old) for a show called "Blue Vs Red: the Blood Gulch Disses". I don't think those guys even managed to get an episode made, or they hadn't yet anyway. All the others died on the vine while this one literally built an internet video brand.


I love that!!! Caboose is the best!! It does help ground the show a lot, I get that. Oh no, I'm scared!!! Sanger sounds about right :P It is fun to see/hear how we all perceived the same scenes isn't it? I'm so glad you enjoy my, erm, enthusiasm lol. I'm definitely a less pensive/reserved reactor :P That's interesting about the sentiment towards how the show is done, it's never really bothered me! Hahaha I used to love MySpace!!! It's definitely the kind of thing that's tough to make successful, but this crew pulled it off with flying colors. I can see how it would be a monumental task and not one that many others could follow through on, let alone do it so well. That's why the RvB creators are MVPs I guess!!


I love this season. I didn’t like it when it was coming out but for me I think it was just not a good experience having to watch it week to week. Also I think it just starts out a little too slow for me but gets better with every episode and becomes amazing in the 2nd half. I think episode 1 starting off with something as mundane as going to get pizza works well with how crazy it gets. The crazy stuff with Donut is some body horror it definitely gets you intrigued about what’s going on. I love that Caboose is almost completely unbothered by this event. I love the opening credits because the visuals & music are grand and cool. I like that pizza quest is actually what whatever is happening is called. Yeah everyone was surprised by the story bringing in light beings and trying to figure out what was at the end of the episode. I love that in episode 2 Grif’s new science is just him trying to be meta because of Jax. I love how giddy he is about it. Simmons being proud Grif came up with something stupid is so funny. Although not reading more about story structure was not the best idea LOL. Donut’s entrance was very divine so it’s not that surprising when he starts talking about God giving them all a mission. I love Kalirama’s design & that voice/speech is badass. Also I love the terrifying imagery of death and destruction reflected in her helmet. The different groups that form as they split up are interesting because some of the characters have not interacted much with each other or already have good dynamics. I know you love time travel stories so I’m not surprised you are already loving this season especially with how much you love this show. I think episode 3 is really enjoyable seeing what all the characters want to do with time travel. To be honest I’m sure there are plenty of people who would want to use time travel to have sex with celebrities like Kakaina. I like that Simmons & Sarge are at least trying to test this out 1st. It makes sense that Sarge would want to fix something military related in the past although it’s interesting to see something from his past as well. Caboose trying to interpret riddles especially involving time travel was always going to be a recipe for disaster. He & Lopez are the most chaotic time travel duo because Caboose is not the best at interpretation & Lopez is the kind of person who tries to stop things from going wrong but will give up out of frustration. I think it’s cool that time travel was shown with Caboose in the 1st episode which is then revealed here. Awesome reaction, thoughts & keep up the great work :-) <3


I'm glad you can appreciate this season now! It does start to pick up as you go on, right? Hahaha nothing is mundane on this show lol! OMG the stuff with Donut was disturbing! Omg I know, Caboose is just like unfazed lol. Hahaha Grif's new science was amazing! He's so proud of himself too lol! It was a divine entrance alright. Kalirama's design is great too! That's so true about the helmet. I do love time travel stories so you knew this was gonna land well with me! I know, seeing all the possibilities with time travel in this crew was interesting!!! I think you're right that a lot of folks would agree with Kakaina lol. Yeah like at least Simmons and Sarge are sorta trying to be careful I guess? Omg Sarge wanting to do something like this fits so well. Hahaha Caboose and the riddles, you just know it's gonna make for some good entertainment! OMG him and Lopez as a duo are amazing. Yeah that was a nice reveal about the first ep wasn't it? Thanks so much for all the support and sorry again for taking so long to get back to you!