Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Part 4 Ep 19 "Shigechi's Harvest, Part 2" - reaction & review (Patreon)
Hey everyone! Here I am with Jojo Part 4, episode 19!!! WOW!!!!!!!!!! Things got SO real here you guys!!! The tension of that scene in the bank, Shigechi totally losing it and actually trying to take out our boys, etc.!! Like he seriously went in for the kill, what the heck!!! But he's never dealt with anyone as smart as our Josuke!!! I've gotta say, I hate what that winning ticket did to this little group!!! I was half expecting them just not to get the money somehow at the end of all that, but wow, I guess they really did!!! Should we look for everyone to have some fancy new clothes in the next ep lol?? Great ep! Can't wait for more! Enjoy! ~ MH
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