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Google Drive Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cxQN6q04axToXUsNTNAbAA5Tx-Iw6klV/view?usp=sharing

Hey everyone!  Here it is - my reaction to Red vs. Blue season 16, episodes 4 - 6!!!  Guys, please allow me to say in Darth Vader voice: NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!  A world without pizza?!!?!
I can't do it!!!  How did this even happen?!!?!?  Meanwhile, Sarge is getting distracted and having some drama with John Wayne over Jax's new movie....yeah, that all adds up actually!!
Definitely sensing some twisted rom-com vibes with Tucker and Sister this batch too, here's hoping they made it out of that attack ok!  And last but not least, O'Malley strikes again!!  How will Grif save pizza now?!?!?!  Great eps!  Enjoy!  ~ MH



Apparently I've forgotten the exact order that things happen in this season, because I was not talking about the whole pizza thing when I said you were going to have extreme feelings in an episode coming up. I remember this season only being 12 episodes, I thought we'd have gotten there already. One of the things I really like about time travel plots in RvB so far is that they are all closed loops that cause themselves. Church did it, everything Tucker and Sarge did already happened more or less that way, and I'm not sure if you caught this one, but Grif time travelled to before his favorite pizza place exploded, and blew it up himself. They keep talking about the possibility of creating a paradox, but when they actually travel, they keep closing causal loops. I've been pretty upfront about not liking the character writing in Shizno Paradox, but I actually really like the plot. It's surprisingly well put together for a time travel story. Usually they're pretty dumb when you start thinking about them too hard.


Ohhhhhh ok lol, wow, so then I still have some stuff coming, yikes!! I think my batches are all three eps a piece this time around but I'll have to check!


You were fast today, usually I have a chance to edit in more thoughts as they come to me before you respond. Although, this is a pretty light batch plot wise, mostly it was shenanigans.


Oh yeah I just happened to be jumping into some other comments this morning so I wanted to answer you about the batches!!! Looking forward to hearing more of your thoughts! Yeah it was mostly shenanigans for sure, not that I'm complaining hehe.

Chase Lazration

To this day, my brother and I still quote "Why would you wanna unfold a calzone?" in fact, I messaged him that same question earlier and he responded "Because PIZZA" Also, one of the episodes in the next batch always manages to make me tear up, so maybe be prepared for that.

Tyler Stobbe

I went out and ordered pizza for dinner specifically because of this batch. 🙃 Also if you weren’t wearing that shirt, the pizza instructions would’ve been lost forever during this reaction. I mean, one of the few things you’d actually consider negotiating regarding certain returning villainous characters, right…? Because we didn’t de-invent pizza… we wiped it from existence! The horror! Okay, well, first things first: you are remembering Church’s little time loop arc in Season 3. But the thing is, all his shenanigans actually CAUSED things to unfold the way they did. Move that forward. Sis and Tucker keep talking about someone spying on their first encounter. And yet, it only happens because they get the time gun and do back and cause the event to happen - much like Church set up Sheila to kill him because of his first body because he unwittingly disabled friendly fire. Which came first, the chicken or the egg? You also asked what happened to Captain Flowers - remember this from the last episode of Season 5? Flowers: Red Team, those old rascals. Some things never change. They still wearing red armor these days? Tucker: Umm, yeah. Flowers: Oh, Red Team. Tucker: Hey, I could use some help. Flowers: You bet. And I have some information about the Reds that will guarantee our victory. Tucker: You do?! Flowers: Ahai certainly do. Would you like to hear it? Tucker: Yeah I wanna hear it! Flowers: Great! Because I'm just about to tell you! Tucker: ... Flowers: ... Tucker: Okay, why aren't you telling me? Flowers: Good question. I seem to be dramatically pausing for some- Flowers is sniped in the head from off screen So basically THAT also already happened… but it didn’t! Until Tucker did it by accident. The reason Alexander the Great is coughing so much is because in actual history he died of typhoid fever. But of course Sarge would overlook details like that. Also that wasn’t really a spoiler Expendables wise cause everybody and their dog pops up in those films, it’s kinda their shtick. However Doc’s pizza is an abomination - no one wants you to invent the healthy option before the actual option because the healthy option more often than not ruins the food experience because it gets too bogged down on what the ingredients are. Pepperoni! Cheese! It’s not hard to make unfolded calzone! (You and Grif probably would do pretty well at a pizza lovers Podcast lol based on your rant.) Also isn’t the sauce on top called Detroit Style? I dunno never tried it but I’ve heard of it. O’Malley’a back and he seems to be on the same page with Doc…? Meanwhile SOs and Tucker were drinking… antifreeze… why? I’ll just put this out here, though - this is not the first RT show to have a clash between mortals and selected deities… But Grif is stuck in the past with Huggins… and they may take our lives… but they’ll never take out PIZZZAAAAAAA! 😂


How do you skip over pizza? The other dishes derived from it, didn’t they? I always assumed, anyway. 🧐 Man John Wayne did it again! Sarge finally met his hero and it backfired. I can’t blame Jax on that decision. 👌 🎥 🎞 Team TMI are scarring me for life with their conquests. Poor horsies. 🐴


I know right?! That's what I wanna know!!! Hahah yeah you can't blame Jax for noticing how stand-out he is!! But it really did backfire for Sarge! OMG Team TMI needs to chill lol, maybe the antifreeze and getting blasted by a god will bring them to their senses??? :P


HAHAHAHA I love it when quotes become a part of the everyday vocab like that, that's awesome :D Oooohhh I'm scared, folks have been warning me about one of these eps for a while!!!! Thanks for the heads up!


Hahaha nice :D Good thing I was wearing the shirt, apparently it's the only way to know how to bring pizza back! OMG it was wiped, how?!!?!? Worst tragedy ever!!! I might actually consider giving Palpatine or Dio a chance in exchange, the horror!!! Right, that's what I was remembering! It's a total chicken and the egg situation! OHHHHHHHH that's what this was, thanks for the refresher on that scene, holy cow!!!! Hahaha!!! Of course it was Tucker that actually caused it! Right, I know Alexander the Great was ill, but apparently that didn't phase Sarge at all during the recruitment process lol. I know, not that I have anything against hypoallergenic or healthy options, but this is PIZZA we're talking about, cmon!!! Unfold that calzone already!!!! Hahahahaha Grif and I would have the most fire podcast ever!!! Ohh maybe it is called Detroit style, I'm not sure! Where I'm from it's called upside down, the cheese goes under the sauce. But they do a lot of weird food stuff where I'm from so it's possible it's not actually called that lol. Yeah O'Malley and Doc in sync could mean a lot of trouble. And omg, if I find out the Brothers are on that council of gods, I'm outta here lol!! Hahahha YES!!!! PIZZAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!


I love this set of episodes. It’s great to see more of the time travel shenanigans. I do enjoy/love these shenanigans more than the 1st 3 episodes. The double entendres when Tucker and Kai both decide to do the sex in the past plan are hilarious. I think all of us realized that Tucker & Kai were going to end up being the ones spying on themselves because of knowledge of time travel tropes. The yallright from Simmons trying to comfort Sarge kills me LOL. Unfortunately Sarge is unable to accept responsibility but after last season it’s more like a bluff and less that he believes it’s not his fault. I really like the conversation Tucker & Kai about wanting things to go back to being fun and not needing to worry about consequences because it makes you think about how much they have all been through during the course of the show. Also Kai was definitely leading this almost sexual encounter with the obvious hints of what she wanted. It’s interesting that Tucker is a lot less confident and a lot more nervous around women than his stories would lead you to believe. Unfortunately there are people who get a false sense of confidence they get even a little attention from the opposite sex & start acting like dicks instead of being more humble. Also yeah they unmade pizza the worst tragedy possible. I should have known you would have some strong feelings about that LOL. The one thing we have to learn is Grif just can’t win. I love the absolute insanity of Sarge bringing these historical figures into his plans especially John Wayne because it’s hilarious with the interactions. The voice actor does a great John Wayne impression. I like that this 1st part of this plan turns out to just be the movie that Jax is making. It’s scary seeing that Jax has become 1 of those nightmare directors you hear about it feels like his voice actor was made to play a crazy director LOL. I feel bad for Sarge that John Wayne beat him out for the part he wanted but honestly he can only blame himself having brought John here in the 1st place. It’s humorous but sad that Sarge’s guilt about betraying everyone last season has him talking in the 3rd person. It’s really interesting and crazy that this show decided to bring Gods into the mix but nothing should surprise us at this point. Also Atlus has an awesome voice. I love episode 6. I love how angry and passionate Grif is about reinventing pizza his voice actor must have been having so much fun although I think some of the voice actor’s own passion for pizza was influencing the performance LOL. Also his ideas for what pizza can be sound delicious. I don’t think any of us needed to know any of the details of Tucker & Kai’s attempted but failed sex escapades. I think Doc’s back story was emotionally impactful & I like how it gives more substance to his character. I think the interactions between Tucker and Kai while they are high/drunk on anti-freeze are amazingly hilarious and a great but ridiculous. Partially because of my immature side because of the sexual dialogue but also I think it’s really well-written. And of course this is when Atlus decides to confront them with one chance to avoid his wrath. I kinda love his over-the-top entrance it feels fitting for how gods are depicted in some mythologies. Tucker & Kai’s response to this while high is funny in a watching a disaster kind of way. I love that Grif decides to help Doc with what he wants because of his empathy & loyalty towards his friends. Unfortunately Doc’s O’Malley persona has surfaced/returned at the worst time and betrays & isolates Grif in the past. And yes anyone who knows anything about time travel was freaking out about all of them doing everything that you are not supposed to do when it comes to time travel. Also I almost forgot but I love how sassy Kai is. Awesome reaction & thoughts. Keep up the great work. :-) <3


OMG the Tucker and Kai stuff was great wasn't it! Simmons comforting Sarge was hilarious! Yeah in addition to the mentions of the "adventures" we definitely get some interesting personal stuff about Tucker and Kai here too. That's the thing, some folks don't act on that kind of attention too well. OMG I'm glad you agree that the pizza crisis is by far the worst thing to ever happen!!! It was a great John Wayne impression wasn't it! LOL isn't that scary about how Jax became such a difficult director! I feel bad for Sarge too, but like, how can you compete at that point haha. Oh I know, the guilt is both kinda funny and sad lol. Yeah bringing gods into this definitely pushes the boundaries a bit more but like you said, anything can happen on this show! OMG how can one not have that kind of passion when discussing pizza right lol! I also liked the pizza ideas!! Yeah I definitely don't need a detailed recap of Tucker and Kai's adventures. The "drunk" scenes are pretty funny! Of course that's when they get confronted. The entrance really does fit for what we know from mythology. And their response was pretty funny lol!! I knooow, that was so sad with the double cross from Doc/O'Malley!!! Right after Grif is gonna help. Omg seriously, this should be like time travel 101 that you don't do stuff like this haha. Kai is so fun, I love her sassiness too! Thank you so much for all your kindness and support, sorry again for taking forever to get back to you!!