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Hey everyone!  Here I am with Jojo Part 4, episode 32!!!  Oh man you guys, that was an epic battle with Superfly, so much back and forth!!!  Mikitaka was awesome, Josuke was awesome, and in the end, I guess this dude wasn't all that malicious after all, so I'd call that a win!  But wow, we are getting into some weird territory with Rohan's situation, what on earth!  Not to mention we get some help from Highway Star, which I didn't see coming, to go handle this kidnapper situation!!  OMG, the tension at the very end when Josuke gets that piece of paper....I can't take it!!!!!!!!!  I do NOT like Enigma so far lol!!!  Great ep!  Can't wait for more!  Enjoy!  ~ MH

Google Drive Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Z93i5f19JAJH2-4TsGLJvYeA1nLYOE1m/view?usp=sharing



Hi Hime :) You made the remark with Anubis, the Stand sword which had a will of its own, in the same genre you had Empress who had caused a sort of parasite to grow on Joseph's arm but also Thot, the book of Boingo or even Bast from Mariah, seeing that these stands were not strictly speaking under the control of their users. But you can also think of The Strength or Wheel of Fortune, since these are also stands visible to non-users. Superfly is in some ways the culmination of its two genres of stand. And that's when you see that Araki really wanted to have fun and give free rein to his ideas for the stands and the fights. Something that we also see with Enigma since it is one of the hardest he had to draw given the inspiration of MC Escher for the design of his capacity (which must have probably been confusing and asked the animator questions about how to make it on screen, poor guys). But here it is, a stand trapping things in paper, may seem simple at first glance, but with Araki's brain, it can quickly turn dangerous.

Brian Settles

The plot notwithstanding, I feel like being an appraiser for renovations could be an interesting job. Meet new people, see interesting architecture. Getting to know the contractors on a first name basis and working out deals and whatnot.


So in the manga while the events did play out the way they did in the anime, the manga had focused on one stand encounter at a time. We didn't get teases or glimpses of the next stand encounter until the current one was done and over with. So it didn't really feel much different than any of the other stand encounters in Jojo. I can get why the anime would want to try having the scenes mixed up so that they play in chronological order(like watching Star Wars 123-456-789 Instead of Stars 456-123-789), but I feel like it just makes the episodes feel a little sloppy. Though I might just be complaining because I read the manga first. xD I can only talk about Super Fly, whose arc in the manga is called: "Let's Live on a Transmission Tower!" ...Honestly it's one of my favorite encounters in the season because of just how bizarre it is. xD Like if you were to tell me that's not actually a stand but a super natural entity, then I'd believe it. It certainly falls under the kind of weird stuff you'd see in Rohan's spin-off. ...Of course now that we're getting towards the end of the series, here's a scary thought for you: "Does Rohan's Spin-Off series takes place *before* or *after* part 4?" ... Honestly I don't know about living in a Transmission Tower, but I'd love to make a make-shift camper out of a car or van... Just would be fun for roadtrips to have the option to REALLY kick back and relax. ...So Toyohiro doesn't have an appearance in All-Star Battle. Let's talk about his Anime VA anyways, he's Kōichi Tōchika. He played Daigoyou from Shinkenger, Hawkmon from Digimon 02, and Neji from Naruto. I think Enigma should have fought Shigechi earlier in the series... But I'll have to wait until next week to tell you why.

Jorden Gonzalez (edited)

Comment edits

2023-09-12 02:54:13 Stand Name: Enigma Stand User: Terunosuke Miyamoto Name Sake: Enigma (Electronic musical project) Destructive Power: E Speed: C Range: C Persistence: A Precision: C Development Potential: C
2023-09-12 00:09:31 Stand Name: Enigma Stand User: Terunosuke Miyamoto Name Sake: Enigma (Electronic musical project) Destructive Power: E Speed: C Range: C Persistence: A Precision: C Development Potential: C

Stand Name: Enigma Stand User: Terunosuke Miyamoto Name Sake: Enigma (Electronic musical project) Destructive Power: E Speed: C Range: C Persistence: A Precision: C Development Potential: C

Jonah Fewell

One small detail the anime added is to have jouske do his biting his lip fear tell in the conversation with the banker in shegechi’s debut arc

Tyler Stobbe

Given that the title of this particular arc is called “July 15 (Thurs.)” - you can get that either from the title card or the non-preview announcement at the end - is it safe to say we might be doing the Jojo version of a season of 24? Getting out of Superfly seemed to be a lot simpler than I thought it would be… Josuke might not be exactly like his other iterations but he’s definitely inherited some of Joseph’s sass. “I have had a healthy fear of what this show might do since Episode 9…” —-fast forward five seconds later —- “There’s absolutely no way they’re killing Koichi off screen.” Me: And are you 100% positive you can dictate terms to this show after the previous statement? It’s a little weird what’s going on with Rohan’s architect… why do I get the feeling there’s more to this… anyway, you may have missed it but when Rohan started trying to trick the guy, before the abrupt cut away, he stepped on a rug and it started to sink. Also, speaking of which… do you have something similar because we never see YOUR back, now that I think about it…” 🤔 The Stand user near Josuke is playing with fire… seems his ability is to trap someone once he sees their tell… in your case it might be clasping both hands in front of your face during a reaction if something scares you, but that’s the trigger for the Stand to attack… oops I’ve said too much. Anyway the concept is very similar to the Grimm in RWBY it seems. I guess the arc is already in full swing… Details of the plot are… UNFOLDING nicely. 😁 …I’ll see myself out. 😉


Yeah I don’t like Enigma either. 😨


Hello Melissa, it's finally time Time for the most eventful day of Morioh's Summer, in the year 1999, a whole day of bizarre things came to happen. I found the concept of everything happening on one day but at different times very confusing at first. I remember the first time I saw these episodes. I was completely lost. But the different stand fights are all very exciting and unique. The Superfly fight is super exciting as you see more of Mikitaka and Josuke's fighting skills and Superfly itself is a very cool stand. Although I must admit that I would not like to own this stand myself. I would not survive 3 days on the electric pylon😅🤣. The Enigma fight is also very good. I am very happy that Yuya decided to help Josuke. I really like his stand Highyway Star and also him as a character. In the next episode you will see that he is really a good guy. For this time, I couldn't pick out any fanarts because I'm still on the road at the moment. But tomorrow I will try to find some great fanarts for the new episodes.🥰


Hi Spadeas! :) Oh that's true, there are other examples too! And it is visible to non-Stand users too, that's true. That's really cool that Superfly is all those ideas combined! Oh wow, no kidding about the design for Enigma! That had to be tough on the animators too lol. Oh yeah, just watch Araki take a seemingly simple concept and take it to the extreme!!!! I love the way his brain works lol!


Ohhh ok, so they didn't go back and forth? Interesting! I felt like jumping around built the tension a bit more but also confused me a bit, I'm sure it would make more sense on a rewatch! Superfly is really bizarre alright!! I could totally see it being a haunting situation too lol. I can't wait for the Rohan spinoff!!! Ooohhh I always kinda assumed it took place after, but I have no idea what it's about, so who knows?? Oh yeah, I hear you - a transmission tower might be too out in the wild for me but I'd be down for some glamping lol. Oh no kidding about the VA, WOW!!! Neji, seriously?! That's quite a resume!! Hmmmm I can't wait to see what you mean!!!


LOL we are totally doing Jojo 24 :P Oh yeah, Josuke's got the sass for sure!!! He's totally his own person but I see so much Joseph in him sometimes, just another reason to love him! Hahahah I kinda contradicted myself there huh?? Yeah there's for sure something going on with the architect! You know what I totally missed out on? The perfect opportunity for a "THERE'S SOMETHING ON YOUR BACK" joke hahaha. Oh yeah I noticed the rug sinking! I figured he was trying to trip him or something so he could satisfy his curiosity. Ahhhh don't give away my tell!! :P This Stand user would be my worst nightmare because I'm 99% anxiety lol. Yeah it is kinda like the Grimm! I think this person's gonna regret messing with Josuke though. Hahahaha I see what you did there! Save some puns for the rest of the arc for heaven's sake!!! :P


Hey Bellana!! What a day huh!!! I found it confusing too, I think a rewatch would probably help! It does build up the tension a lot though! I love the fights too!! I loved seeing more of Mikitaka, and just how cool it is to see how Josuke's mind works in a fight! Oh yeah me neither, I'm all about my creature comforts haha, I would not last! That was so cool that Yuya helped Josuke!!! It's not where I saw things going with it, but I really like that development. It's awesome to have Highway Star on our side, too! Oh no worries at all, it's great to hear from you! Safe travels :D I can't wait for the fanart!!!


Yeah, in the manga you didn't know Koichi was in trouble until Toyohiro confirmed it at the end of the encounter. There's also the fact that they took out the final bit of the Super Fly encounter, where while Toyohiro was unconscious after the last attack, his dripping blood made it harder for Josuke to hang on. However Toyohiro didn't mean for this to happen, because as soon as he woke up and saw the situation he gave up to save Josuke. Now if it was made into a building with the Tower as the base, I'd give a night there a shot. But as is? ...Naw, Toyohiro can keep that place. I have a feeling he's the only one who can bring out the full potential in Super Fly. xD ...Also Enigma's user looks a little lost, shouldn't he be a villain in one of the Yugioh series? xD He's got the look down for sure.


Ohhhhh interesting. It's not a big change but it does change it a little doesn't it! Lol I think you're right about him being the best user for it! Hahahaha I've never seen Yu-Gi-Oh but the style fits for sure!!