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Hey everyone!  Here it is - my reaction to Red vs. Blue season 17, episodes 1 - 4!!!  OMG!!!!!!!!!
We are really doubling down on the adventure throughout time and space here you guys, I thought this was peak cleverness and awesomeness when it comes to telling the continuation of this story!  From figuring out the point in time to get to, to having Wash back in the mix, to working through some personal things for both Donut and Wash - it was so good.  I love that we're fleshing out Donut's story and I really wanna see Wash forgive Carolina too!  But things should get really interesting based on that ending, sheesh!!!!  Never a dull moment on this show!  What a way to kick off the season!  Great eps!  Enjoy!  ~ MH

Google Drive Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XwqSQiSXvSzyH5aS06Yaos5J6reUJ3OY/view?usp=sharing


Melody Dia

Oh dang, the little YouTube preview thing with the creators thanking you for watching totally minimized the cool Season 17 title sequence. Oh well. I could sit around here in the comments complaining, or I could get back to watching the reaction.... def choosing the latter.


Oh no! Was there supposed to be a different ending sequence? Maybe I could find it somewhere and watch it separately? :)

Melody Dia

I swear, every time I rewatch this season I am reminded of just how much I love it. Sure, last season also had time travel, but the everwhen being linked to memories is such a good idea. Literally just reliving all the past seasons of RvB. It's wonderful. Can't wait to be able to do it all over again thru your reactions. Keep on being awesome!

Melody Dia

It's nothing big or important. It's just an intro deal in a similar vein to the one last season. Just instead of following Muggins thru space while the intro credits roll, we follow Donut as he falls thru the Everwhen. Also Dan Godwin, Donut's VA, got top billing this season. What a step up from being the character who's most likely to be forgotten. Or wait... I feel like their might have been someone else like that as well... hmm 🤔... nope, can't think of anyone 🤣

Tyler Stobbe

Hmm, it looks like the edited YouTube version of the first episode pretty much blotted out the title sequence. That’s a bit of a bummer, but you didn’t miss anything important, Donut was just falling for longer. Donut is finally hearing what we’ve been hearing all this time - as he said at one point, “I’m reliving e dry sentence I ever said.” It’s one of those quirks that you’re completely unaware of until someone points it out to you and then you can’t unnotice it ever again. Chrovos and uh… you know, for faster work, let’s just refer to them as “her” for this little exercise… her taste in paradoxes kinda reminds me a lot of both Loki and recent Marvel movies, except I don’t think we’ve gone on a show where so much of time gets completely broken up the way it has. Should we throw in Doctor Who just to add to the fun? The ironic thing is the strongest repressed memory for both Donut and Wash is the scene where Donut got shot… Wash was so afraid the last time he’d mistakenly brought them, but Donut’s like… no, it was me that time. Trauma is hard, guys. Just remember, in order to fix time… EVERYTHING has to be put back in place… and I do mean everything. Also, Genkins is quite the scene chewer… he’s doing horrible things but boy does he love his job… but making Wash snap at Carolina to break her down like that…? Too far… Well, I can already tell you’re eating up the premise of this season, including the Dr. Grey puns… maybe Arryn got tired of letting Barb do all the one liners in that other show of theirs? Anyway you’ll have to come up with some more theories, but they’re all gonna be full of holes… just like Donut. Too soon? I think I want a maple bar… 👀


Wow this was so good! It was a bit of a doozy. I honestly couldn’t think of a way for things to get fixed during the scenes with Chrovos and Genkins. I mean things still need to be fixed but getting out of that corner feeling trapped was felt pretty relieving. I’m so glad Wash is onboard with Donut now, it’s becoming a great pairing for this expedition. They’re working really well off each other, it’s nice to see them interacting like this because of the push they both need. I think Wash needs a strong push to get back in the game after his ordeal & Donut in an area of his self-assurance. Great episodes!


Oh ok! That's too bad it's not in this version though. That sounds pretty cool! Hahahaha imagine that, I can't think of anyone either :P


It's amazing so far! I love the idea of the everwhen too. It's such a cool concept and leads to some fun stuff for us the audience. Awww yay, I'm so happy you're watching along with me!!!


Right?! We're hitting the ground running! I know right, like it felt pretty airtight! Me too, I love having Wash back and having them as a pair! They really do work well together, it's a fun chemistry. They can help each other for sure!!! So glad you enjoyed them!!


That's too bad, but thanks for explaining what I missed! I know, he finally realizes how he sounds!! It seems as if Chrovos is using she/her now, so until further notice, that sounds good! Yeah I can totally see how it feels Loki-ish, and maybe even like Doctor Who! Trauma's the worst, of course they'd both have a strong link to that memory. Everything.......like even all the crazy nonsense that they were doing last season?! Genkins was feasting on that scene lol. Oooohhhhh I agree, making Wash snap at Carolina was by far the worst offense by Genkins! OMG apparently Arryn's having some pun fun this season!!! I'm loving the whole thing so far! AHHHHH no way too soon hahaha!!!

Brandon Dodge

I'd recommend watching the opening in your own time anyway, as it's really cool. Also the You Tube version cuts off the credits for the last episode of this Season, which kinda sucks in case you wanted to actually see everyone responsible for making this Season happen.


What makes Wash yelling at Carolina, both last season and here, hurt even more is that we haven’t seen him like that since he worked with the Meta. He’s been a chiller guy for so long now that it made seeing him mad really hurt.


Yeah that's a great point actually! He's really mellowed out which makes this sting even more!


I love this set of episodes. I love the way episode 1 explains what is going on & sets up the premise of this season. I think the show does a good job of presenting how off these scenes from season one with the déjà vu continuing and how strange Church is acting which is revealed to be because it’s actually Genkins. I like the door joke that leads to Chrovos taking a physical form which has a great design. I love how her new voice sounds and I think this voice actress has a great performance throughout this season. I love that Donut was able to stop Chrovos from just winning immediately by stopping her from escaping with the hammer. Unfortunately because the paradox still happened she still has a high chance of escaping & becoming all powerful which sets up how high the stakes are. I think Chrovos’s explanation of what the timeline is currently like & how all the alternate timelines and paradoxes are breaking her prison is concise and easy to understand as well as just being really interesting. Also I agree the best alternate timeline we see is the one with Sarge & Caboose as his “cat” it sounds cute and hilarious LOL. It’s disturbing to see how she is toying with Donut because she thinks there is no chance he can stop her because of how the whole timeline thing works. It’s unfortunate that you didn’t get to see the cool opening credits but I think it’s just Donut falling through the vortex as the credits scroll by. I wouldn’t say I enjoy it but Donut going to the moment he gets shot by Washington is great dark humor. It’s depressing how futile his attempts to help his friends feel as well as seeing how his friends treat him. Also I think Wash was laughing uncomfortably. I like how Donut is realizing how much inuenndo he uses all the time it’s an interesting subversion the writers are doing. I love how clever he is to realize that there is version of Wash outside of time out there. She still is evil but I like how the scene of Chrovos talking about being alone for so long without anything happening gives some emotionality to her character. And yeah it’s rough that Donut’s all on his own right now. I love episode 3 because of the amazing Wash content & Dr. Grey being a gem of a character. Dr. Grey brightens up any episode and this time is no different. I love her interactions with Donut & how he is in a constant state of disbelief/confusion around her. I think it’s hilarious that she is using Washington’s insurance to fund her “good ideas” and insurance companies tend to screw people over at least in America so you know what screw them LOL. The funeral cannon thing is ridiculous/absolutely insane and wouldn’t work in most shows but it works in this and I love it. She has always been funny but you saying when did she become a comedian was so real. She probably shouldn’t be practicing medicine with her tone/view on her patients to heal but thankfully she’s mostly harmless. It is really sad to see what Wash is like bouncing between being completely fine and worse than before because he couldn’t be treated for a nonexistent injury. Shannon’s acting really sells how horrible this situation/existence is for a person. I love how Donut’s voice acting shows his sadness very well & reflects how the audience is probably feeling. I think it’s really cool/interesting to see how Donut is able to stop Washington from fluctuating between realities by having him realize something impossible. I love how the Butler was putting on a more posh voice for his job. Nanners bananners is a phrase I wish I could find more uses for in every day conversation. I love how Washington with his experience just knows how dangerous Chrovos is & figures out that they just have to fix the paradox involving himself. It’s so badass that he knew Genkins was behind him. Church is the best character IMO but I agree Washington is probably the coolest character in addition to being really well-written. Also I think Arryn Zech and Shannon were having a ball playing Dr. Grey & Washington in episode 3 based on the dialogue/humor/moments those characters had. The man out of time is a great title to have & it’s probably why there are multiple stories based on people out of time. I love episode 4 because of what it does for Washington & Donut. I think it’s great that after Carolina has had to face the bad things she has done like with Sharkface Wash is going back to his antagonistic days. I think it’s hilarious that every time they go back to Donut getting shot Simmons is the most confused I have ever seen him as well as just losing his mind because no one is caring that Lopez was shot. I love the speech Washington gives to try to convince the guys/Carolina to trust him about what they are facing. I love how this speech shows his trust in them and their trust in him. It’s rough to see him almost succeed if not for Genkins especially with his outburst towards Carolina which is sad to see but makes sense. I love this moment of Donut snapping Washington out of his anger that is making it harder to accomplish the mission. I love Wash being able to see how much everyone Carolina especially cares about him doing their best to save him. I love how strong Donut is in this moment being so harsh with Washington which is what he needed as well as his relief not wanting to/not thinking he can do this alone. I really like how supportive they are of each other here & the stronger friendship they have as a result of this. I like that they only need a relatively simple plan to free everyone from being unable to know what’s happening by just going back in time far enough and introduce them to Wash but of course that is easier said than done. I love the twist that Washington is back to the recovery one miniseries because it makes sense & is interesting to go back here with everything Washington has been through with all that character development. Yeah Carolina would have been more willing to listen without the interference but unfortunately in this case she trusts Church implicitly. I agree that Donut & Wash are a fantastic unlikely duo. Awesome reaction & thoughts and keep up the great work. :-) <3


Yes, this was an entertaining start to the season! There were a lot of fun moments and I think they did a great job of setting up the season with these four eps. Great stuff!