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Hey everyone!  Here it is, my reaction to the fourth and final ep of Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan!!! OH WOW!!!  This one felt different right from the start with Rohan's intro showing off his injury, ouch!!!  Once again we have something totally not Stand related, although this one really REALLY looked like it was gonna be a Stand!!!  Yes it was technically another supernatural occurrence.  Watching this guy turn into such a jerk throughout the ep was rough, and poor Rohan just happened to get competitive with the wrong guy!!!  I really, really hope he's not still after him - what a way to end us off, sheesh!!!!  I'd watch a whole series of this, it was so good!!!  Great ep and great series!  Enjoy!  ~ MH

Google Drive Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/18v0GznHCgDreIJFxZg7G9mC59U_-y1rC/view?usp=sharing



Hi Hime :) About part 5 and liking this one, personally I don't really like the Jojo of this season, but part 5 has one of the best jojobro in my eyes. In the background, at the beginning of the episode you can see Akira Otoishi (Red Hot Chili Pepper) walking past, with his guitar behind his back. On the editor's collar, you can see a logo in the shape of a pirate, it's the logo of shonen jump, the magazine in which Jojo was published at the time, a nice little nod. Little thing that I find amusing : - Before arriving at the villa, Rohan is scolded by his editor who reproaches him for his egocentrism and for taking himself for the main character (which he is here but hey) and that he should be more humble. - Rohan a few minutes later, challenges the mountain god to save his editor and his loved ones. Rohan remains Rohan. Yes this episode is really about how someone becomes addicted and sinks deeper and deeper into this addiction to the point of losing themselves. I really like this one for the muscle part obviously, but also the reference to Hermes the Greek gods. As a lover of mythology, I couldn't pass it up. Besides, my OC from My Hero Academia, who has wings on her ankles with the heroine name Air Miss, to make a nod to Hermes. This isn't the last time you'll hear the name "Hermes" in jojo either, but you'll see for yourself. On a more personal note, since you're talking about running. I'm not particularly a fan of sport, but since I have weight to lose and I want to have a butt that turns heads, I started doing a little sport at home again last month. Start with just 20 squats to start again slowly and today, I reached 90 squats, 90 leg lifts each, 90 bridges and 50 abs. In several series, such as 30 then 3 series of 20. I continue to increase little by little so we will see at the end of the month if there are any results ^^.

Brian Settles

On top of everything else, can you even imagine how bad his gas would be with all those eggs?!

Leonie2003 (edited)

Comment edits

2023-10-04 20:53:43 Hello Melissa and with these two super great episodes, the brilliant Rohan series is also over. The Millionare Village episode is the one I like the least of all. I think I have only seen it once or twice. I can't even tell you exactly what bothered me about that episode. But now that I've rewatched it, I don't think it was that bad. Maybe it was because of your super funny reaction? The Run episode on the other hand I find super great. By the way, you still have Millionare Village in your title for the episode. I love the fact that Araki brings up an insane concept like the avatar of a greek god, which makes you question the entire history of the Jojo world, in a random spinoff chapter of all things and then never bring it up ever again. That man is insane. What has always bothered me though is that Hermes is not the god of muscles. At least not in his Greek form. In his Roman form Mercury he is also only the messenger of the gods and the god of merchants and thieves. Maybe Araki made a mistake there. I think you can see that I am very interested in mythology (mostly Greek/Roman mythology). I think a god of muscles doesn't really exist in Greek mythology or I just don't know him. I would most likely associate Hercules/Heracles with muscles. But now enough of the little history lesson. Now it's time for: PART 5 HYPE !!!❤️🤩 OMG I can not wait for next Monday. I'm so excited to see what your first impression is of Golden Wind overall and of course my favorite jojo. As you can see from Spadeas comment he's not the most beloved one in the franchise but I'm sure you'll take him into your heart just like every other jojo before him. And of course you will soon meet the best jojo bros in my opinion. Since I'll be flying to Tenerife (an island near Africa but still part of Spain) with my family on Friday for two weeks, I'll probably comment on all your videos a bit later than usual. But I'll try my best to send you again as many fanart as possible. I have already created a folder for almost every week. I'm really looking forward to enjoying my favorite part with you.🥰
2023-10-04 17:32:58 Hello Melissa and with these two super great episodes, the brilliant Rohan series is also over. The Millionare Village episode is the one I like the least of all. I think I have only seen it once or twice. I can't even tell you exactly what bothered me about that episode. But now that I've rewatched it, I don't think it was that bad. Maybe it was because of your super funny reaction? The Run episode on the other hand I find super great. By the way, you still have Millionare Village in your title for the episode. I love the fact that Araki brings up an insane concept like the avatar of a greek god, which makes you question the entire history of the Jojo world, in a random spinoff chapter of all things and then never bring it up ever again. That man is insane. What has always bothered me though is that Hermes is not the god of muscles. At least not in his Greek form. In his Roman form Mercury he is also only the messenger of the gods and the god of merchants and thieves. Maybe Araki made a mistake there. I think you can see that I am very interested in mythology (mostly Greek/Roman mythology). I think a god of muscles doesn't really exist in Greek mythology or I just don't know him. I would most likely associate Hercules/Heracles with muscles. But now enough of the little history lesson. Now it's time for: PART 5 HYPE !!!❤️🤩 OMG I can not wait for next Monday. I'm so excited to see what your first impression of Golden Wind overall and of course about my favorite jojo is. As you can see from Spadeas comment he's not the most beloved one in the franchise but I'm sure you'll take him into your heart just like every other jojo before him. And of course you will soon meet the best jojo bros in my opinion. Since I'll be flying to Tenerife (an island near Africa but still part of Spain) with my family on Friday for two weeks, I'll probably comment on all your videos a bit later than usual. But I'll try my best to send you again as many fanart as possible. I have already created a fanart folder for almost every week. I'm really looking forward to enjoying my favorite part with you.🥰

Hello Melissa and with these two super great episodes, the brilliant Rohan series is also over. The Millionare Village episode is the one I like the least of all. I think I have only seen it once or twice. I can't even tell you exactly what bothered me about that episode. But now that I've rewatched it, I don't think it was that bad. Maybe it was because of your super funny reaction? The Run episode on the other hand I find super great. By the way, you still have Millionare Village in your title for the episode. I love the fact that Araki brings up an insane concept like the avatar of a greek god, which makes you question the entire history of the Jojo world, in a random spinoff chapter of all things and then never bring it up ever again. That man is insane. What has always bothered me though is that Hermes is not the god of muscles. At least not in his Greek form. In his Roman form Mercury he is also only the messenger of the gods and the god of merchants and thieves. Maybe Araki made a mistake there. I think you can see that I am very interested in mythology (mostly Greek/Roman mythology). I think a god of muscles doesn't really exist in Greek mythology or I just don't know him. I would most likely associate Hercules/Heracles with muscles. But now enough of the little history lesson. Now it's time for: PART 5 HYPE !!!❤️🤩 OMG I can not wait for next Monday. I'm so excited to see what your first impression of Golden Wind overall and of course about my favorite jojo is. As you can see from Spadeas comment he's not the most beloved one in the franchise but I'm sure you'll take him into your heart just like every other jojo before him. And of course you will soon meet the best jojo bros in my opinion. Since I'll be flying to Tenerife (an island near Africa but still part of Spain) with my family on Friday for two weeks, I'll probably comment on all your videos a bit later than usual. But I'll try my best to send you again as many fanart as possible. I have already created a fanart folder for almost every week. I'm really looking forward to enjoying my favorite part with you.🥰

Tyler Stobbe

Some housekeeping notes before I forget: First, the episode title on this post is incorrect, it’s the same as the previous episode. Second, you will be going back to Crunchyroll for the next part - however the FOLLOWING part is only on Netflix as we speak, so you’ll need to re-familiarize with the interface. Third, when the screen shrinks at the end of the credits, if you click on it to enlarge it again, it’ll cancel the next episode auto play. Regarding the episode itself, I got the impression that Yoma didn’t start out with this attitude - at some point he got “taken over…” - because he kept becoming more and more aggressive and one-track minded. But wow, not having control over your own actions - that’s pretty frightening, actually. Look, you girls like to tease us when the show’s on the other foot regarding certain… scenes. All I’m going to say is what’s good for the gander is good for the goose, and I may need to get the hose out again. I’ll do it! You’re staring too hard. But seriously why is it the most physically attractive dudes end up with the most off-putting personalities? And the girls don’t seem to mind until it gets too far. It’s a trope, but it does make me roll my eyes a lot. The reason Yoma threw the dumbbell through the window was that the treadmills were going so fast that you would have been flung out of the building if you stopped running. But Rohan’s Door saved him and instead Yoma flew out the side. I suppose his manga will have to take a temporary hiatus. Information on the next part reveals it’s 39 episodes in length. Oh, and… Shouldn’t you be visiting iTunes now? 👀 You did ask to be reminded.


Wow not what I was expecting for a finale but it was something. This is why I don't work out. I don't wanna get too buff ya know. 💪😗 Wow that was scary in a whole other way. The others were horrific. He became obsessed and hostile when entering this career path. I was thinking of Hermes when I saw the wings o. His ankles but didn’t think it’d actually be about him. Wow. That’s intriguing. There may be something even stands can’t explain. He mooched, stole and rock climbed his way out of her apartment. Poor girl :( This was a way to end the series. Not what I was expecting but when is it ever. I thought we were going to continue to Okuyasu’s place but since it said #9 in the title maybe the rest is in the book series, and they just hand picked a few stories from this anthropology. That’s my guess. I’d definitely watch a whole series on this alone. Very thankful they have us more Rohan and a bit more time in Morioh. I loved it! Though we still didn’t get Josuke’s frontal view it was awesome. Alright that’s it. Part 5 up next! Can’t wait!


Hi Spadeas! :) I've heard that a lot of people don't consider Part 5 Jojo their favorite! I just watched the first two episodes and so far I like him (I felt SO bad for him in ep 2, omg) but it's really hard for me to rank until like, halfway through at least! YES, I loved the background cameos! No kidding, I love that she was wearing the Jump logo! Hahaa omg the irony, you're so right!!! Rohan really does remain Rohan! That's so cool that you can appreciate the mythology references! OMG what an awesome name/design for your OC!!! I love that! Oooh interesting that we'll have another Hermes reference! Wow, that is SO cool about your new exercise routine! WOW!!! That's a lot, good thinking working up to all that. I hope you get the results you want, that's a great workout for sure! Good for you!!! ^_^


OMG I did not even think of this but seriously, that would be the worst. Maybe that's how the girlfriend died? LOL sorry too soon :P


Hey Bellana! Awwww I'm so happy you credit my reaction for liking Millionaire Village more this time around!!!! Thank you ^_^ And I'm glad you were able to enjoy it a bit more this time around. Sorry about that with the title, I fixed it! Whoops! Seriously, Araki has no chill when it comes to just dropping MASSIVE new concepts like it's nothing, and in a side-series no less!!!! Like that could be a whole part's worth of exploring :P Ohhh that's interesting, I don't know very much about mythology sadly, only what I've picked up from fandoms here and there. But I'm glad you cleared that up! Hmm, god of thieves/merchants doesn't exactly translate there. Hercules definitely seems like he'd be more fitting, but oh well! Thank you for the history lesson! OMG PART 5!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok so, I JUST watched the first two eps, and without giving too much away of my initial impression, let's just say I was VERY happy to see one of my theories confirmed!!! Also I get that Giorno is not everyone's fave, which is totally fine, but after that second episode I am seriously considering adopting him!!!! Poor baby!!!!!!!!!! :O Ok, I'll let my reactions explain the rest next week! I'm dying for the fanart, omg!!!! I can't wait for you to watch along with me as I watch your favorite part!!!!! ^_^ Also I got to use my awesome new schedule for the first time which made me so happy!! Oh wow, Tenerlife sounds amazing!!! I hope you have a wonderful time! No rush at all on comments, I always look forward to hearing from you but totally get that you wanna make the most of such an awesome vacation!!!! ^_^


Sorry about that, I fixed it!! And thanks for all the info, I noticed there was no Part 6 on Crunchyroll so that's good to know! I'll get used to it in no time I'm sure lol. Yeah I think you're right, he was more or less possessed. It is really frightening! HAHAHAHA I mean here's the thing, I'm no one to ever judge someone staring at "fanservice" of the ladies, because I'm 1000% guilty of doing the same when it's a guy on the screen. :P This is Jojo's, shouldn't you just keep the hose on standby at all times?! I'm sure it doesn't apply to all guys (look at Henry Cavill!!!) but yeah, in a lot of cases the trope about the beefed up guys is true, sadly. I got that after I was done filming about the window but forgot to add something in explaining that I got it, sorry lol. Yeah I think the manga's going on a break :((( Thanks for the info! OMG just snagged it on iTunes, thanks!!!!!!!!!


I am so happy that you like Gio (as I like to call him) so far. I am sorry to tell you this but Gio was already adopted by me a long time ago. But we can come to an agreement that we will share him. 😂 I am very curious how you will react to a certain scene with a tongue and of course to the best jobro Bruno.


RIGHT?! What a way to leave us off!! Hahah there you go, why risk it when you might get possessed by the god of muscles?? Yeah this was a totally different kind of terror. Oh you're smart to think Hermes when you saw the wings!! That's the thing, I love that none of this had anything to do with Stands, that's wild. That poor girl!!!!!!!!! I feel so bad for her. I know, I would have loved to have done more with the Okuyasu story in this one!! I'm gonna get the books, I'll let you know if there's anything in them that didn't make it to these eps! Wouldn't this make a great series?? I know, it was so nice to be able to segue out of Morioh instead of having a clean break. I'm sad we didn't see Josuke but it was still great!!! PART 5!!!!! I just watched the first two eps and WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!! Monday's gonna be a great day :D


Awww that's cute, I like that nickname!! Hahaha awww well ok, I can live with that! ^_^ OH the tongue scene, why is it always the tongue on this show lol! Bruno's cool so far, I can't wait to get to know him better!!!!

Alex R

this series is nuts!! And I think it’s super interesting how engaging it is despite there not being really any stands. I think a that’s testament to Araki improving as a writer. Part 1 doesn’t have any stands, and as much as i love Jonathan, part 1 isn’t exactly the most fun but then compared to this it’s just leaps and bounds. So there is a manga, but there are stories that haven’t been animated. There’s been no confirmation that they will be animated. There was two more stories that Araki released last year actually. But I just wanted to throw that out there before you buy the manga. I’m not sure when these all take place exactly. I know the first story with the confessional booth takes place right before part 5. I’m sure the others are set after part 4, just not sure when exactly. As far as Josuke goes, I’m not sure if you’ve already started part 5 but we might or we might not see him in the new animation style 👀 that’s all I’ll say lol


It really is! I know right?! Like no Jojos and no Stands - just pure creative writing. I hear you, I love Jonathan but you can definitely see Araki's creativity for worldbuilding evolve over the course of the series. Ahhh yes I noticed there was some other stories when I went to go grab the titles for these eps.....I'm really tempted to just read them and maybe do a book review here! I'm so gosh darned impatient and I just want to inhale everything about this fandom like Kirby as soon as I can lol!!! Thanks for the heads up! Ok thanks for clearing that up about the timing! Oooooohhh I really really hope we get to see Josuke!!! I watched the first two eps this week! XD

Alex R

Yes! And and Araki’s worldbuiling and writing are only going to get better! Yes!!! I’d be so down for a book review! :) I totally understand wanting to Kirby it up hahaha Yay!! I CANNOT wait for tomorrow


I can't wait!!!! XD XD XD Oooh I'm glad to hear that! Depending on how things go once I get caught up with Part 6, manga reviews might become a bigger part of my channel so this could be a good test run (I just have this feeling I won't be able to wait for Part 7 to get animated lol)! Hahaha I'm Kirby-ing out pretty hard right now!!! :P YAY!!!! The eps are up now :D

Alex R

Yes I’d love manga reviews!! And part 7 is considered to be the best part of Jojo’s and Araki’s magnum opus. Hahaha!! Yay I’m gonna watch the first one right now!


Awesome, I'm so happy to hear that!!! Unless they announce something soon, I doubt I'll be able to wait for more of the manga to get animated once I wrap up Part 6 (spring 2024 at this rate)! WHOA, really?!?!! Like considering how good all of it's been so far, that's REALLY saying something, wow!!! Hope you loved my reactions!!!

Alex R

I think it took two years between the end of Part 5 and the announcement for Part 6. And Part 6 just wrapped up this year… so I feel like news by spring 2024 might be wishful thinking unfortunately:( I did!! I just finished watching them! I have quite a bit to say about the first two eps, I’ll try not to write a novel while commenting haha


Ohhh yeah then that might be too quick!! I'm so torn on if I should wait to see if there's gonna be an adaptation or not! I'd hate to not be able to have the anime watching experience with you guys, but on the other hand, I could die without my regular does of Jojo lol!!! Oooohhh so happy to hear it, please write all you'd like, can't wait to see your feedback!!!!!!! ^_^

Alex R

I totally get it!! Lol I couldn’t wait I did just look up part 7 on google to see if there’s any rumors or anything. I couldn’t really find anything, but I did find that the online consensus (if we are getting an anime) is 2025 or 2026. 😳 Yay!!! I’ll try to get all my thoughts down by the end of today!


Lol you know how it is then! Oooh thanks for looking that up! That makes sense based on what you were saying too! That's sooo long but if they make any kind of official announcement, I'll do my best to wait so we can all watch it together!!! I'll cry every day for those 1-2 years lol but I'll try!!!! :(((((( Hahaha. Sounds great, can't wait!!

Marta Kira Ayanami

This is my fav Rohan ova. Though it won't be anymore if they ever, as a present for me personally 😆 🤣 animate the Tonio ❤ chapter of Rohan manga. (They won't animate it. 😞 though... who knows...) ( this is not a spoiler