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Hey everyone!  Here it is - my reaction to eps 4 - 6 of Red vs. Blue Zero!  WOW!!!  Looks like I was right in my theory about East!!!  Dang....!!  And OMG TUCKER!!!!!!!!  Ahhhhh it was such a treat to have him back, I can't believe they really tried to take him away!  As if!  And we get some background on the origins of Zero - I never even put it together that we have characters called Zero and One, sheesh!!!  Speaking of One, what a speech!!!  Sarge would be proud!  Next time's the finale, can't wait!  Great eps!  Enjoy!  ~ MH

Google Drive Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FUINo7U8JIoJupaBDFjnOqvS9HCryZij/view?usp=sharing



I would like to mention that a massive plot hole is present: Tucker surviving means his sword shouldn't be able to be used. As he said, it only turns on for him. (bow chicka bow wow) That is a *major* plot point in past seasons and the fact it still turns on is, in all honesty, stupid. I love the action in this season, but the way they attempt to skirt around a major rule of the RvB universe is just not cool. And of course, the way tucker acts is not faithful to his character. He's *not* that selfish anymore. Knowing how he's grown, his biggest concern would *never* just be his sword.

Tyler Stobbe

Carolina’s speech to One in the first episode has a subtle “ever wonder why we’re here” tone to it as well. Also, the way you formatted the visuals this week so that everything (like captions) was visible is a 110% improvement on last week. 👍 Nice shirt, what’s the occasion? :P Also, the RWBY merch allure is real -especially since you get a discount as a FORST member - and they just came out with Halloween-related stuff. 😂 Okay, I’m glad you’re enjoying the show, but I think this is when a lot of people started to get turned off of it, including myself, for several reasons: They’ve opened all these plot threads that they don’t try to explore in detail - it’s kind of the same as when Phase asks Zero if he knows what the ultimate power is and he responds with a generic answer. Obviously, A LOT of people had an issue with these new guys coming in and “killing off” a beloved character. But you also need to remember, they sat on that until the next episode, so people were left with “Tucker is dead” for an entire week. And then he pops up in the first frame of the following episode. A lot of people felt like their feelings were just being “toyed with.” Following g that, as mentioned earlier: if Tucker is still alive, Phase should not be able to use his sword. This was established when he first got it in S3, became a major plot point during the Chorus Trilogy, and it felt like the people writing for this show just kinda glossed over it without doing any research. I will add, the explanation we were given was “he actually was dead for a few minutes, that’s why she could use it” after the fact - but that just seems like a cop out and a cheap trick. And then, there was the whole “rousing speech” by One at the end - it was supposed to be motivational, but a lot of people felt it was just hollow dialogue - you’re talking to characters you’re just getting to know, their dynamics are still developing, and there’s not really any subtext to the meaning behind the words. By contrast, look at the speech Sarge gave in S8 -there was a ton of plot and development he could use behind every line. Or, one of Team RWBY’s characters delivering dialogue after we know what it’s being founded on. I think you actually were saying this, but at this point, nobody really had much of an affinity for any of these characters, so the pep talk seemed… misplaced. Overall the feeling was they were inserting dialogue and random plot points just so they could get to the next cool action scene - but action doesn’t resonate if you have no investment in the characters involved in it. Since most of this is about everything that missed the mark, I should at least mention the whole idea of Phase, East, and the Holo Echo is a fascinating dude plot and was one of the few things in this season that felt like it had a lot of potential. Every time Phase throws her knife, she can teleport to wherever the knife is, which is pretty cool. Sorry if I’m ranting a little - but like I said, when this was airing this particular section just made it feel like all the fans were showing up for - in this case, a new restaurant opening for business and it turned out it was just another McDonald’s - which is fine if you’re expecting that, but you can get that any time. Hopefully that explains why people got a little turned off - especially since there wasn’t nearly as much humor to at least make fun of the situations. Just like Tucker said, it was half the show it used to be. Anyway, see you next week for the finale!


I noticed the sword thing. I’m guessing he flatlined enough for it to transfer over. They stated they had the best tech and if they didn’t bring him in on time he’d be dead. Idk if that’s the answer but I’m going with it.


Man a lot of twist and turns here. It didn’t fully dawn on me that not only are we new to them but they’re all getting used to this team as well. And last week had more than enough of getting to know the newly established crew that this twist of betrayal from East was so surprising. See they haven’t known each other that long but it’s hard to believe with all the ground they covered. I also wish it was lengthier because there really is so much awesome potential with this group. It has so much promise in it already. I mean the action is insane, the guest stars, drama, nailed speech deliveries and dad jokes, it’s all there! And TUCKER! So nice that zero is giving more than what’s promised. These surprises keep popping up and I’m loving it! Even though it’s not fully about RVB it’s sweet to see small bits of our crew whenever they get together. Aw Wash really needed that pep up. That was sweet. Alright can’t wait for more!


Ohhhh I didn't catch that, you're totally right! I think Manny's got a good point of how they could get around that but without the explanation it isn't clear. Also a fair point about the motives!


I know right! Yeah they're still adjusting for sure. I know, the twist with East was something! I agree, they've come a long way in a short time and I'd love to see even more of some of that character development! There's so much good stuff here right!! TUCKER!! I agree, it's definitely exceeded my expectations in a lot of ways! It is nice to see the old crew too isn't it? I know, Wash needed this right!!! Next time is the finale :O


Oh good call on Carolina's speech! Yay!!! Thank you so much for the feedback on the subs! So, I totally get where you're coming from here!!! There's a lot of great stuff in this season but I think the issues you brought up are valid. Also a great point on the whole sword thing, which really should have been clarified if that's the explanation they were going with. I loved the speech but it was missing an awful lot of great attachment we could have had to these characters if they'd built them up more like what we had in Sarge's speech. I agree too that action is great but it's best when you have the emotional attachment to back it up. The concept of the holo echo is really cool! No worries at all, I totally get where you're coming from! Honestly, I was feeling like we were missing out on what could be some really great character stuff here and sort of jump-cutting to what were supposed to be emotional moments. There's a lot I'm loving and I'm curious to see how they wrap it up, since that will give me a better idea of how I like the story as a whole, but I get it! Next time: the finale!