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Hey everyone!  Here it is - my reaction to season 1, episode 6 of Chainsaw Man!  WHOA!!!!  Things are really picking now you guys, holy cow!  The mission was interesting enough with just getting to see everyone in action together, but now you're throwing in the Eternity Devil?!  Wow!!  Gotta say, the fear and paranoia and its effect on the newer recruits may have been as scary as the devil itself.
I liked getting to know the relationship between Aki and his partner more too.  And finally, Denji's going in, chainsaws blazing - what an epic sight!!!  I'm dying to know what happens!  Great ep!  Can't wait for more!  Enjoy!  ~ MH

Google Drive Link:  https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jpCgMif41d9RPE1bOZvr91Qpe3ukZz-V/view?usp=sharing



Hi Hime :) The famous prank that Denji and Power talk about, was revealed by the author to be that Denji put a little poop under Aki's nose when he woke up... Himeno is voiced by Killua's voice actress, so that's a reason for you to like her. But yes, Himeno and Aki's relationship is rather touching, you'll see more about it later, but already, you see that she prioritizes Aki's life before everyone else's. Kobeni is known for being the girl who is scared and panicked all the time. But she has a good number of fans in the community, one of the reasons, you will see it later. Generally speaking, almost all the female characters in this series have fans and are "waifu" for some. Now that you know that it's the Eternity Devil, you understand why floor number 8 and that the clock stops at 8:18, the 8 being like the symbol of infinity but oriented differently. You can already see an evolution in the Aki, Denji and Power relationship. Aki no longer sees Denji as a demon, he says it himself, devil hunters only kill devils, so he will not kill Denji. He even protects him at the end, it's not something Aki would have done a few episodes ago. Even Power, not sure she would have tried to save Aki a few episodes ago. This arc is known as the one that kickstarts Chainsawman's addiction, so you're not alone. It was also while reading this arc that I told myself that it was a good series and couldn't stop until I caught up with the manga.


I'm glad Denji are still platonic friends even though the squeezies didn't live up to his fantasy, they're a cute friendship

Tyler Stobbe

It’s kind of ironic that we started this arc with Aki saying he was going to kill his “pets” for that prank and ends with him taking a knife because he doesn’t want Denji to die. But first… I can respect Denji’s willingness to make the most out of a bad situation - “time is frozen, I can get eight hours of sleep without losing a minute!” I mean, if you had the power to film all your reactions for the day and not lose a minute… huh? I’m just saying. (Although that would be concerning for the rest of us, because you’d drop the rest of JoJo all in one day knowing you! 😆) - Hey, though, being able to catch up on all your shows in a single day… (I think I know what my Stand power to have is now… But I’m getting off track!) The interesting thing about how the Eternity Devil is working is very Salem-ish in its turning everyone against each other while remaining “hands off” itself, for lack of a better turn. Also, being stuck in the same enclosed space with “normal” people would drive someone crazy after a while. Imagine what it’s doing to these people. You can’t really blame Power for laughing at Kobeni’s fear, it’s like telling you not to smell when dinner’s cooking. She’s not really able to control it. Of course this is only exacerbating the situation to the point the more “normal” members of the group become irrational and turn on Denji. Himeno seems to be like the quiet intelligence of the squad - especially since Aki is a little hell bent as we’ve said before. But apparently him using the sword would be even worse than feeding Denji… By the way Denji was none too pleased about his life being saved - just in terms of now he was indebted to Aki. “I’m sick of owing people, we’re even after I do this.” Keep in mind, he’s NEVER not been owing someone in his life, so it had kind of a reverse effect than what you thought it could be. Look, whenever something suspicious, crazy and off the wall happens, and it’s causing a problem, if you just automatically guess Power is responsible, you’re going to be right more often than you’re wrong… Himeno said the Devils are most afraid of the Devil Hunters that have a screw or two loose. Do we know anyone who might be fitting that description? 🙃

Leonie2003 (edited)

Comment edits

2023-10-27 09:47:55 Hi Melissa, we are back with CSM. I have to admit on my first Watch I was not invested in the characters at all. Except for Denji and Aki, I found the others all unlikable. But now that I know what happens next, I already like characters like Power and Himeno more. I've never seen it in a shonen before that there are so many erotic moments. Somehow I like that, because in today's shojo anime there are almost never erotic moments and you have to wait forever for a kiss scene anyway. Only the "relationship" between Denji and Makima bothers me a bit. Denji is 16 years old at the time of the first season and Makima is estimated to be 22-25 years old (her real age is never stated). I don't think it's bad when teenagers fall in love with an older person as long as the relationship stays on a healthy level. But I always get a sick feeling in my stomach when I see how Makima treats Denji. She manipulates him a lot for her own purposes (which we don't know yet). But I have to admit that Denji can be easily influenced. Which is understandable if you know under what circumstances he grew up. The infinity devil is pretty cool. I really like the concept of his power. But the episode itself was a bit hard to watch for me because I found Kobeni obnoxious and still don't like her even the second time. I felt a bit sorry for her in the beginning because I could put myself in her shoes. But as time went on, I just found herunlikeable. Since I am anime only I don't know if she will get better later but she seems to be popular among manga readers. I remember when the episode came out I was on My anime list reading the comments on the episode and the discussion post was full of hate comments about Kobeni. I've never seen anything like that before, so I thought: Wow, this must be one of the most disliked characters ever. And I agree with their opinion so far. Maybe my opinion will change in the next season. But I think Himeono and Aki's relationship is pretty cute. To answer your question: Yes, they are shipped together by many people. I am one of them. Why exactly you will see in the next 2 episodes. I'm really looking forward to our meeting tomorrow ;)
2023-10-27 06:09:42 Hi Melissa, we are back with CSM. I have to admit on my first Watch I was not invested in the characters at all. Except for Denji and Aki, I found the others all unlikable. But now that I know what happens next, I already like characters like Power and Himeno more. I've never seen it in a shonen before that there are so many erotic moments. Somehow I like that, because in today's shojo anime there are almost never erotic moments and you have to wait forever for a kiss scene anyway. Only the "relationship" between Denji and Makima bothers me a bit. Denji is 16 years old at the time of the first season and Makima is estimated to be 22-25 years old (her real age is never stated). I don't think it's bad when teenagers fall in love with an older person as long as the relationship stays on a healthy level. But I always get a sick feeling in my stomach when I see how Makima treats Denji. She manipulates him a lot for her own purposes (which we don't know yet). But I have to admit that Denji can be easily influenced. Which is understandable if you know under what circumstances he grew up. The infinity devil is pretty cool. I really like the concept of his power. But the episode itself was a bit hard to watch for me because I found Kobeni obnoxious and still don't like her even on the second watch. I felt a bit sorry for her in the beginning because I could put myself in her situation. But as time went on, I just found her unlikeable. Since I am anime only I don't know if she will get better later but she seems to be popular among manga readers. I remember when the episode came out I was on My anime list, reading the comments on the episode and the discussion post was full of hate comments about Kobeni. I've never seen anything like that before, so I thought: Wow, this must be one of the most disliked characters ever. And I agree with their opinion so far. Maybe my opinion will change in the next season. But I think Himeono and Aki's relationship is pretty cute. To answer your question: Yes, they are shipped together by many people. I am one of them. Why exactly you will see in the next 2 episodes. I'm really looking forward to our meeting tomorrow ;)

Hi Melissa, we are back with CSM. I have to admit on my first Watch I was not invested in the characters at all. Except for Denji and Aki, I found the others all unlikable. But now that I know what happens next, I already like characters like Power and Himeno more. I've never seen it in a shonen before that there are so many erotic moments. Somehow I like that, because in today's shojo anime there are almost never erotic moments and you have to wait forever for a kiss scene anyway. Only the "relationship" between Denji and Makima bothers me a bit. Denji is 16 years old at the time of the first season and Makima is estimated to be 22-25 years old (her real age is never stated). I don't think it's bad when teenagers fall in love with an older person as long as the relationship stays on a healthy level. But I always get a sick feeling in my stomach when I see how Makima treats Denji. She manipulates him a lot for her own purposes (which we don't know yet). But I have to admit that Denji can be easily influenced. Which is understandable if you know under what circumstances he grew up. The infinity devil is pretty cool. I really like the concept of his power. But the episode itself was a bit hard to watch for me because I found Kobeni obnoxious and still don't like her even on the second watch. I felt a bit sorry for her in the beginning because I could put myself in her situation. But as time went on, I just found her unlikeable. Since I am anime only I don't know if she will get better later but she seems to be popular among manga readers. I remember when the episode came out I was on My anime list, reading the comments on the episode and the discussion post was full of hate comments about Kobeni. I've never seen anything like that before, so I thought: Wow, this must be one of the most disliked characters ever. And I agree with their opinion so far. Maybe my opinion will change in the next season. But I think Himeono and Aki's relationship is pretty cute. To answer your question: Yes, they are shipped together by many people. I am one of them. Why exactly you will see in the next 2 episodes. I'm really looking forward to our meeting tomorrow ;)


Hi Spadeas! :) OHHHHH is that what it was hahaha! I thought they were just trying to say that Aki was mad at them for how they handled the bat situation or something. This is way better lol!! OHHHH no kidding, my son! I can't wait to see more of Himeno and Aki. I feel bad for Kobeni, she messed up big time here but I do feel bad for her. Hahaha this is a pretty loaded series when it comes to waifus! OHHHHH I didn't even put that together about the 8, whoa!! I love that Aki and Denji have made that much progress! And Power too. Ohhhh ok so this was intended to be the hook then, gotcha! Wow!!! Sounds like it really hooked you too, that's awesome!!! Can't wait to see more!


Me too!!! Even post-disappointing-squeezies I'm glad they're still getting along hehe. It is a cute friendship!


OMG that is ironic, wow! Hahaha I mean, Denji's just making the best of a bad situation :P Whoa, you know I would abuse the crap out of that power and marathon the entire rest of the series of Jojo!!! Speaking of which, you know how hard it was for me not to make a Za Warudo joke?!?!! It's a sick power for sure!!! That's the thing, you can't blame everyone for going a little mad under these circumstances. The hanger alone would make me Hulk out! That's the thing, it's not intentional, it's instinctive for Power, so you can't blame her. It definitely didn't help the vibe though, like you said. Ohhh that's true about Denji owing his life so much. I can see why it would bug him! Ohhh you're so right about the screw loose definition hahah, hmmm, let me think....!!!


Hey Bellana! (I keep meaning to ask you if it's okay to use your name in these comments!!) That's great that knowing the story gives you a new perspective on the other characters! That's a decent point about shojo too, it does seem like they stretch out the will they/won't they quite a bit from the ones I've seen! This is definitely new for me too when it comes to shonen. That's the thing, like the age difference is one thing, but it's also kind of the manipulative aspect that's a bit icky! To be fair, I don't think Denji would object if he straight up knew that their relationship was more or less "transactional".....but still, I totally get that it feels a bit off. Totally understandable that Denji is very malleable too, I'm not sure if that makes me feel better about it though lol. The infinity devil concept is amazing!!! I was pretty blown away by it. I hear you about Kobeni! I felt bad for her too but it's so hard to watch someone just making the situation so much worse!!! I'm sure there was a lot of hate online, I've seen similar situations in other fandoms. But I guess we'll see where they're taking her character! I can totally see why Himeno and Aki are so shippable!!! I like their dynamic a lot so far!!! I can't wait to see more!!!! And omg YAY!! Me too!!!! ^_^


Of course you can use my real name. I have no problem with it :)

John J Ronald

Even Himeno starts to lose her cool when Aki gets stabbed and she faces the prospect of losing yet ANOTHER partner. This episode was one long tease until Denji finally resolves to start up the chainsaws.

John J Ronald

Kobeni's parents are beyond horrible....forcing her to get a job and it had to be either Devil Hunter or Sex Worker....jeeesus.

John J Ronald

Kobeni doing the nervous double peace sign while freaking out and crying has become almost a internet meme by now....you can even buy anime stickers of her in that pose to put on your car or whatever.


We’ve gotten hints about the nature of devils during a conversation between Aki and Makima, as well as when Makima told Denji about the Gun Devil. The whole thing with devils is that not only does their power wax and wane with how much their name is feared, they’re practically created by that fear in the first place. Up until now, all we’ve seen are more tangible fears - blood, bats, chainsaws, etc. I guess someone was scared enough of tomatoes to make a devil as well. But really, anything that humanity can fear can be a devil. The Eternity Devil is that fear of being trapped in an infinite loop, straight out of nightmares. Even the Ghost Devil is kind of abstract, the fear of being haunted by an unseen entity. We’ll see all sorts of manifestations of fear, both tangible and abstract - it’s a really creative concept for an alternate universe.


Oh that's interesting! So the intensity can increase/decrease. So what happens if they all decide not to be scared? That makes sense as to why there can be tangible and also more conceptual ones. That's really creative and fascinating! Thanks for the info!


It's cool your watching chainsaw man I had a question real quick there were some that were complaining about the show using CGI did you have a problem with it or you think they should have stuck with 2d animation kind of deal


Thank you so much, I hope you're enjoying them! Honestly I think the animation has looked really good, I have no complaints!! I know a lot of people tend to complain about that though, especially about this particular studio, I don't really see it personally!!