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Hey everyone!  Here it is - the schedule for this week!  Please excuse me, I had to do some major surgery on the schedule this week - tomorrow is my BIRTHDAY (!!!) so things are moved around a bit!  Please look for the JL x RWBY movie on Thursday instead of Tuesday, because I'm waiting for the physical release on Tuesday.  Also, Spy x Family *might* get recorded on Tuesday (I'm gonna try to film it really quick tomorrow before heading out for the day, but just a heads up), and I'll be recording/releasing Gotchard on Weds.  Thanks so much for your patience!  The next few weeks are a bit over-packed for me so please bear with me as I try to shuffle everything into a place where it fits!!!  Enjoy the rest of your Halloween weekend and stay spooky/awesome!!!  ^_^  ~ MH



ABHB Ya-iba

Have you come up with something with no relation? Last week, I suddenly think of the scene where Raphtalia take care of all after she get "freed" from Naofumi's slave curse "without" her intention. I suddenly want to re-watch the scene, so I went back and watch some of those episodes. Come to think of it, there are a spin-off series talking Bout Motoyasu the spear hero who somehow bad-ended, but then get rewinded back into when he was first summoned. And that, he start redeeming for himself. Not only Motoyasu, but Clayman from Tensura also got his spin-off series where he was sent back in time after his execution at the hand of Rimuru, and have a chance to make things good again. I never read though.

Brandon Dodge

Happy early Birthday lol

Tyler Stobbe

You know, for a minute there I misread that and thought you were ACTUALLY having surgery… 😅 It’s too bad you couldn’t get the film out on Tuesday because it would’ve lined up perfectly with a certain… date, though! You know what I mean. Blasted physical shipping limitations! XD (Spoken like someone who does most of their stuff digitally these days.)


Hahahah oh dang no, thank God I'm not!! I know, I was hoping to get it out for RWBY Tuesday / RWBY's bday but oh well :/ All I can find right now is digital rental for $20 and if I'm gonna spend that, I might as well get a physical copy to have something to show for it! And/or try to Redbox it once the physical copy is out. I hear you though, I do almost all digital now too!!


Hello I can't find the RWBY X JL part 2 video or am I just not looking right lol x


Hi Darren! Right now it's on the "Now It's Showtime" tier! I'll unlock it for the "Plus Ultra" tier this week!!!