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Hey everyone!  Buffy and I wanted to show you our costumes and wish you a crazy, noisy, bizarre Halloween!  Stay safe and have a delightfully spooky night!!!  ~ MH




Aaahhh so cute 💗🌷 have fun guys Have a spookie ookee Halloween 🎃 👻


you both look so cute. Enjoy your Halloween.❤️🥰

Brian Settles

You really went all the way here, love it!


Haha thanks!! I kinda wish I’d just made a black scarf for her to be the “censored” version though lol!!!!

ABHB Ya-iba

My Halloween costune is a japanese fox mask and a Gotchard Driver, with several cards inside my pocket. I set Geats' and Ziin's card in the driver, so it related to my mask.


The finesse Buffy! This is so cute! You guys nailed it yet again this year. The commitment and attention to detail came thru! You both look really great. I hope y’all had fun this year! 🎃 🍬 🍭


You look really pretty in this costume. Great job with it.

Tyler Stobbe

I’m gonna guess Buffy is a little more okay with this costume? So… can you two actually float? Whatever you do, don’t let anyone facing you look behind them! 🫡


Hahahaha she pulls it off so well doesn't she! Aww thank you Manny!!! You're so kind, that makes me happy to hear! We had a great time!! Hope you had a nice one too!!!

ABHB Ya-iba

Well, I got that mask and Desire Driver for last year costume. And the mask is the easiest one to access to and wear for now.


Lol she was way better with this!! From now on she needs to only cosplay as dogs because she is done with costumes! Hahha I mean I had so much sugar I felt like I could float :P I see you know the rules, good work!!!