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Hey everyone!  Just wanted to let you know I'm a bit behind on comments/messages!  If you haven't heard from me, please know I'll be jumping in soon to see what you have to say about my recent reactions!!!  Really sorry about that, these last few weeks have been a bit overpacked for me on the personal side!!!!  Can't wait to tty soon!!  ^_^  ~ MH


John J Ronald

Hey, no worries...we know you'll get to it when you have time. Sidebar, I just got back from Oni-Con XX in Galveston, Texas and I spotted some Poochita plushes (Chainsaw Man) in the wild, aka Dealer's Room.... https://www.instagram.com/p/Czhk7tepaiV/ https://www.instagram.com/p/CzhlCk8J7_1/