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Hey everyone!  Here it is - my reaction to season 1, episode 11 of Chainsaw Man!  Wow, the Future Devil was NOT what I was expecting!!!  Also, confirmed that Makima is one of the other ones who has it.  Speaking of which, that scene with the mob, WHOA!!!  Makima does NOT play, like dang you guys!  I have a feeling there's a lot more to her story too.  We also got to meet tons of other devils and fiends in this one!  Something to look forward to for next season, perhaps?  Meanwhile, Aki's coming face to face with snake girl and.....the Ghost?!?!!?  This should be interesting!  Great ep!  Can't wait for more!  Enjoy!  ~ MH

Google Drive Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wh-Q2nbS3Kuc1ellGloBvggH0doY_-0Y/view?usp=sharing



Whew. Looks like they fixed the subs for this episode! The line they tried to use originally was: "Your Death is going to Rule!" for the subs. I can understand why people would THINK that line works if they haven't read the manga. Future Devil is still a Devil, he'd probably be hyped to see human suffering and death... Probably going: "THAT'S RAD!" the more f-ed up the suffering and death is. ...However it paints the foreshadowing in the wrong light, because Aki's future really is something to DREAAAAAD about. ...Also is that Kamen Rider Seeker's design? ...I mean probably not, but I feel like both use deer themes in their designs so they seem a little similar. All I know is that whenever I look at Seeker's ID Core, it just looks like Future Devil to me. xD


Fun fact: Chainsaw Man takes place during the Cold War (hence, the term "Soviet" popping up multiple times by now) I think that's interesting because that means this is during the time where the BIGGEST asset, both in warfare and in society, wasn't controlling through war, but rather with secrets :) Makes you think about all the interesting secrets always popping up, I think it's pretty fitting (plus it just reminds me of spy movies or Metal Gear Solid)

Tyler Stobbe

“I’m going to live inside your right eye, because your death is going to be the F—— worst.” And on THAT cheery note to Aki, we get back to our regular schedule. Kishibe and Makima seem to be having a conversation as equals of sorts - so is there something the two of them are aware of that the audience isn’t? /shakes magic 8 ball: “HOW much anime have you watched bro?” Makima actually DOES play, but her playing with the mafia might not be nearly as fun for them… Also, she wants names. After we saw what she did with the last group of names she had, I’d be slightly concerned. There seems to be a bit of a misconception: it was previously mentioned certain devils can contract with more than one individual at the same time - they’re not exclusive, like, say, Stands, under the right circumstances. Also, the Future Devil told Aki his power was the ability to see slightly into the future… but then why did his assailants start dropping like the ones at the mafia meeting? Oh, and the term “necessary evil” was used because Division 4 is made up of worse threats than the criminals… but they’re slightly off. It might be better stated… “better the Devil you know…” As for the Angel Devil, yeah, I got nothing for you! 😂


Ohhhh was that what was wrong!!! Yeah that's totally different, what the heck! Glad they changed it! Jeez, I'm scared for Aki! Hahaha oh yeah, didn't even pick up on that but you're right lol. The mangaka is a Kamen Rider fan maybe?


Ohhhh really?! I didn't even pick up on that! That makes sense though! I can totally see why that would make a great backdrop for all of this too.


Hahahaha dang, like bro did not even try to sugarcoat it! Yeah there's definitely more to this when it comes to Kishibe and Makima! Well yes technically Makima was very much playing here lol. Sheesh, I'm scared of what she'll do with any info she gets. Oh right, I knew that about devils! I'm not sure why I said something otherwise. That's a good question about what was happening when everyone was dropping, I'm not sure. I can totally see how "the devil you know" fits in lots of ways! Hahahaha Angel Devil, now I've seen it all!!!


He's got two years left at most... What's the worst the can happen? And I wouldn't be surprised if the mangaka is a Kamen Rider fan, though the people who made Seeker might've been inspired by Future Devil since he came first. o:

Maia Brodsky

I think you were led astray by the comments. Aki didn't kill those guys with guns. It was Makima using her power to kill them from a distance. Aki's Future devil power had nothing to do with it, which is why he looked so surprised when they dropped dead. The Future devil simply lets Aki look a few seconds into the future to see attacks coming for him, but this has its limitations, as we saw in his fight against the Ghost devil.