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Hey everyone!  I'm back with Jujutsu Kaisen season 2, episode 19!  WHAT?!?!?!!?  Guys I really just have no words.......like I knew it was gonna be unpredictable, but I'm pretty sure this is against the rules for them to do this right after Nanami!!!!  On the plus side, what a great and heartfelt backstory episode for Nobara.  I don't think it's any coincidence that Saori was thinking of her at that moment.  And she was so positive and strong right to the end.  God!!!  This show is trashing me big time this season!  Can't wait to see what happens next!  Enjoy!  ~ MH

Google Drive Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SCWLdRCoP7fZp1j2Fv2TrUnayhEVr4XN/view?usp=sharing



Mahito is the very definition of evil. At this point the only person worse than him is Sukuna

Tyler Stobbe

“Hey everyone, welcome back!” Me: Aaaand it’s only gonna go downhill from here… 👀 You know, I’m not someone who has advance knowledge of what’s coming (for the most part I watch these episodes the same way you do, without manga knowledge.) Something occurred to me after finishing this chapter, and that’s this whole Shibuya Incident Arc could very well be compared to the Red Wedding scene from GoT. It’s pretty infamous for its… well, I won’t spoil it for someone who hasn’t seen it, but suffice to say like this arc, IT HAD NO CHILL. The two characters to focus on in this episode for the most part, are Mahito and Kugisaki, for different reasons. Mahito, as I said last week, he has the demeanor of a rambunctious child, but he’s not stupid. He’s got some very intelligent strategy to how he fights. For instance, when he realizes that Kugisaki is remotely affecting him, he recalls his double to his location so he can deal with the problem directly. Here’s what happened in the subway: Nobarra let her guard down just for a second, because the clone she was fighting did not have the ability to transfigure humans - only the main body did. So it threw both her and Yuji off when they ran PAST each other. The REAL Mahito traded places with his clone and touched Kugisaki. It adore realizes this mere seconds before it happened, but his screaming at her to run away came back too late. “I’ve been done with Mahito ever since Junpei…” If I recall my interpretation of the events right, it was actually Junpei’s negative energy that spawned Mahito. So who’s the blame go on? The pose Kugisaki makes us one she’s holding in the intro… (of her holding her face.) Now it makes sense. The flashback I think was intended to give some context about how Kugisaki developed her own personality - she was affected by those around her, like Saori and Fumi. When she’s talking about people who are crazy, she looks at Gojo, Yuji, and Fushiguro on a couch together. Either way, it seems she’s accepted her lot. She said this at the start: “sometimes you have to do your best, even if you know it’s futile.” I don’t think she entered this battle expecting to win, she came back because she was worried about her friends. She doesn’t want them to regret her choices, because she wants to leave a positive influence on them the way others left one on her. Of course, how Yuji is going to take this after thinking he’s finally got people behind him - it seems like the author is really making a point yo beat him down. (There’s a lot of late Volume 3 vibes going on in this season.) Also, I think we need to stop trusting the intro and endings for this show… remember how they messed with everyone with Junpei last season? I’m starting to think I don’t trust anything they put in there… 😅 “You know, I think she’s going to be fine, there shouldn’t be a reason to worry about her…” …You just had to go put it into the universe, didn’t you…? 😬 Four episodes left.


I was not looking forward to reliving this after I watched. I just… I freaking hate this show. I just can’t do it anymore. I’m about to quit. Ugh. Like I half expected this to happen but not so early. Ugh she was a rare personality we don’t see that often. She was always like that. I felt her so much because she was me. Shopping, wanting that pampered life and getting out and seizing the world when she could. And she wanted the best for her friends too. She was so certain. She knew what she was all about and what she wanted. This hurt so much. That chair scene at the end with her friends hurt the most: “There are only so many seats open in my life, and I don't want to let my heart be swayed by anyone who's not sitting in one of them. Of course, there are also people like you who bring their own seat and sit down.” Nanami last week still hurts immensely. From what I hear he was trying to go to the lower level to help rescue Gojo and anyone else in need. Haibara, his friend who departed early was basically telling him it was time to let go and that he’s done enough. It was time for him to relax and let the students handle it. I get like he could have fought back but that would have made trouble for Yuji. So he went willingly. With his last breath he kind told Yuji some words he needed to hear to possibly give him incentive. I’m feeling for Yuji so badly right now. How much can he take? It’s just so devastating. And the mangaka loves these characters. But he’s not holding any punches. I have to give it up to him. But this is too much for me. It's odd, usually I wonder if creators ever have the guts to kill off main characters and now I understand why that's not a constant thing because it gets harder to watch. I was still mourning Nanami & then this...Nobara was really one of my favorite female leads. And I just adore Yuji like a puppy, so I am taking these last few episodes personally. I applaud the mangaka for not being afraid to kill off leads or fan favorites. The story is compelling and is written well enough to make me this sad losing the characters. In all reality both sides would take heavy loses. It just sucks. And I swear if we lose Panda I am officially done! :,( 🔨 💕


Hi Hime :) “I'm extra done with Mahito” oh boy, saying that even before this episode, I know in advance that it's going to be even worse afterwards. "I was worried for nothing" famous last words... I told you three episodes ago that the next three or four were going to be the hardest for me, since I told you last time that Nanami and Nobara were my favorites, you see what I meant. When I read these chapters, I was in denial for weeks and weeks waiting for an answer. Between the death of Nanami and the death (?) of Nobara, it was hard to accept and above all, for whom to continue the series without my favorites. Readers of the manga knew that when it was announced, this arc was going to break numbers of anime only and we were right. I also told you a while ago that I counted three big impacts in this arc, the first was the revelation of Geto being "Not Geto" and Gojo being sealed. The second is everything that follows until the deaths of Nanami and Nobara. Like you said, it's like if they killed Sakura, it was inconceivable, but JJK did it. But that's only two, there's still a third impact to come.


Regarding the birth of Mahito, it was not Junpei's negative energy that created him, completely. Just as Hanami was the incarnation of the fear of humans towards nature, Jogo was the incarnation of the fear of fire and the earth, Dogon the incarnation of the fear of the ocean and the seas, Mahito is the the embodiment of humans' fear of other humans. Jogo said it well a few episodes ago, Mahito is the mirror of humans, in other words, he reflects back to them their own failings without artifice or filters, the hideous image of humanity as it is.


hey Melissa, this episode was very emotional, but it's the first episode of this season that I didn't particularly like. I'll explain why later, but first I want to talk about how much I liked the fight scenes in this episode. It was of course very satisfying to see Mahito getting beaten up by Yuji. I think he really deserves it. Nobara also did well in the beginning against Mahito's doppelganger. Because of some scenes in the intro I could guess that something will happen to Nobara, especially when she had covered her eye like that. At first I just thought her eye would be hurt somehow, but I didn't expect her to die. What you have to give mahito is that he really plays a very good role as Villian and he is also a strong opponent. He really shouldn't be underestimated. He is also very unpredictable. Mahito knew immediately that Nobara was a bigger enemy than Yuji at the moment and was able to eliminate her in a short amount of time. Now I come to the reason why I didn't like your episode so much. I was never a big fan of Nobara, which is why I didn't find most of her fights particularly interesting. Her comedy moments were actually very good, but I could never really get into her as a character. I also didn't find her backstory, which was given to us shortly before her death, really interesting. It didn't really give me a reason to like her more and understand her more as a character and it just wasn't exciting for me either. It sounds mean and some people will now don't agree with me either but that's just my personal opinion towards the episode. I'm a bit shocked that they actually killed off one of the main characters, but since I'm used to that from a lot of other anime, I don't think it's quite as bad for me as it might have been a few years ago. I don't want to allude to an special anime, but I think you know which one I mean.


Hi Spadeas! :) Ugghhhhh now I'm REALLY done with him lol! Oh man, I said a lot of stuff I ended up regretting in this reaction! Nooooo I actually thought of you after because you mentioned you love Nanami and Nobara! I'm so sorry :(((( I'm kinda in denial about it right now too. Yeah manga readers knew what we were in for....they tried to warn me but I wasn't prepared! It really is just against all the rules!!!!! I can't believe it! WHAT there's more!!! Omg, I really don't know if I can take any more!!! :O


Hey Leonie! :) Oh wow, interesting! Yuji and Nobara both did great in their fights. Ohhhh good call about her eye....I didn't even catch that. Yikes! Yeah you wouldn't expect her to actually die. Mahito is an amazing villain, who else could put us on edge like this! Not many. He's unpredictable too, and that's true about the strategic move he made with Nobara. No worries at all, it's perfectly valid to have those opinions about a character! The shock is incredibly real though isn't it? Ohhh, I can think of a few anime you might be referring to :P And that's true, as anime fans we're no strangers to main characters getting killed. I guess I wasn't expecting it to be this fast and back to back with another death though!!! Like I thought there were some rules about how taking out a character this big should go lol....and they just broke all the rules!!! :O


OMG same!!!! I was feeling just the same way honestly, like how can they do this?! I'm sure it makes it even sadder that she was so relatable :(( And right after Nanami too!!! That scene at the end was so sad!!! The chair :((((( That's such a good point, like there was something about Nanami's that he was somewhat at peace with you know? Poor Yuji!!!! Yeah this mangaka does not play! For sure, there's no way anyone can say it's boring or predictable at this point! I'm so sorry!!!!! Nobara was so much fun and this was WAY too soon for her....she was so young! And to see Yuji go through all this is just devastating. If Panda goes, we're both out!!! I can't take that either!!!!!!!!!!


Hahahaha I hope you enjoyed that last look of happiness in my intro :((( WHOA this is totally their Red Wedding isn't it?! Yeah Mahito might act childish but he is in no way unintelligent, that's for sure. OHHHHH that's what happened, ok! I knew they switched places, thanks for clarifying the rest. Thanks to both Tyler and Spadeas for weighing in on what spawned Mahito! That's so true, the eye-holding pose......yikes! Yeah the flashbacks were meant to flesh out more about her personality, I think. I agree, I don't know if she expected to win either. Ohhhh the crazy people line was really fitting for those particular friends haha. OOF they are totally Volume 3-ing Yuji right now! I really have to stop saying things like "I was worrying for nothing" lol!!!! >.<

Imani Brooks

I'd argue Fake Geto is up there too. Using a man's best friend's body to trap him while pretending to be said best friend to make him suffer more is pretty evil. Not to mention *insert various manga spoilers here*.

Dusty V

I literally raged quit this episode. This was horrible to do two in two episodes. Make it worse. It showed her eye literally fly out… and poor Yugi has to watch it after seeing his mentor die just minutes earlier. That poor kid. I’ve not been this mad at an anime in a long time. I’m just hopping that’ll she’ll turn out alive. It was just her eye it looked like. Maybe. Just maybe she survived. I’m clinging to a thread. Side note. Think I got a new most hated anime villain.


OMG I totally get it, this was brutal!!!! I know, like that's totally against the rules right?! Ewwwww I didn't notice the eye, maybe that's for the best :( Poor Yuji!!! I hope maybe she's not really dead too! I get it, I'll cling to hope for as long as possible too! Oh yeah, I think you're right about most hated anime villain >:(


This is an incredible episode even if it’s devastating. I like that we get to see Nobara making the decision to get back into the fight. While I agree that she did this partially because she had something to prove I also think it’s because she’s worried about her friends being alone out there. I feel bad for Nitta because she’s going to blame herself for Nobara dying thinking that she should have been stronger. Nobara walking into the veil & all the destruction Sukuna caused being right there is terrifying because they were very close to being killed just like that. And we immediately get right back to the action with Mahito once again abusing Yuji’s kindness by exploding a human to blind him. The transition from Mahito about to attack to 1 of Nobara's nails hitting is amazing & I love the metallic sounds. I love seeing Nobara in action once again & her speed, agility & reflexes are impressive with how she’s avoiding his attacks but still managing to attack him as well. Mahito & his abilities might be disturbing but man his powers are cool to see in a fight. I like the shield & the claws he creates are my favorites from a design standpoint. And I didn’t think about it but you are so right about the Freddy Krueger comparison. Also I need to bring up how good the animation looks in this episode the movements of the characters especially Yuji are so good. I love that Nobara’s resonance is able to work on Mahito since its nice continuity because I can’t remember the specifics but I believe at the end of season one she talked about her resonance technique being more concerned with the soul than the body so of course in hindsight it would work on someone like Mahito who is all about souls. Also the animation showing the connection between the 2 Mahito’s is beautiful. I love the song that starts playing at this point & I’m almost 100% sure it’s new being a Nobara song. I love how this music is awesome but really heartwarming as well with how it represents Yuji being given hope by her after what he’s gone through this arc so far. And the animation of Yuji beating the absolute shit out of Mahito is perfect with the rougher, more sketchy look, the choreography and Yuji looking like a demon. Even if it’s not a full smile I love that we see a little one thanks to Nobara. I don’t like the disturbing faces he makes but I want to point out that Mahito is actually smiling through the pain because of his love of fighting with his life on the line. But yeah this is a really cathartic moment. I like that Mahito doesn’t really have pride in feeling like he needs to stay and fight if running away will give him a better chance of surviving/victory. It makes sense that Mahito words want to take out Nobara since she is a natural enemy of his that he can actually touch. Mahito being so childlike definitely makes him creepier. Having seen how fast he is its no surprise that she wasn’t able to react fast so it makes enough having just turned the corner after the end I hate to say it but brilliant move of the main Mahito switching with his double. Man, Yuji screaming for her to run is so visceral. Sudden back story doesn’t always lead to bad things in stories but I think in this context almost everyone knew it was going to to go in a bad direction. I think it was telling about what was coming that her friend Fumi narrated most of the flashback. I don’t think hating the color blue was the reason she was bullied that was just the reason a child’s mind would think up. It was probably because she wasn’t originally from this town/was thought of as a outsider. I love that Nobara has always been a little eccentric with that tomboy side of her here as a child. I think there is an implication that Nobara is an orphan being raised by her grandmother which could explain why she acts more mature sometimes but like a kid other times. It’s so cute to see how enamored she’s Saori & it becomes more wholesome with the later information that just like Nobara she wanted a friend. I like that her experiences here helped Nobara become more in touch with her feminine side & most likely found a balance between her tomboy side and her feminine side resulting in the person we meet at the start of the show. I think the town ran out Saori because of a city project in town or close to it that the townspeople hated and they unfairly blamed her family maybe because they were relatively affluent. I like the little bit of Nobara crying representing how even a strong person can & probably should cry which could for all we know connect directly to Yuji as a character in the present. I love how genuine that goodbye between Nobara & Fumi in the past and Saori reminiscing/introspection with her coworker in the present we see are. Also I think this promise is simple but powerful/effective. With the way Saori was talking in the present it was like the death flags for Nobara were blaring like sirens. It’s really heartwarming/heartbreaking that when Nobara takes her hand off her face in her mind she’s seeing all of her friends as well as wishing her promise could have come true. Also people were wondering what the imagery of Nobara in the opening meant and now we know the hand on her face represents where she was hit & all the chairs around her represent the different chairs she imagines for different people in her life. I think there is something beautiful about how she says she had a good life knowing she’s about to die showing her own joy in life. I don’t know if this is truly a death but it really feels like it and damn the author Gege is brutal with how they kill their characters. And having it happen right in front of Yuji is just cruel. The broken & almost monotone but still emotional way he says her name at the end is rough but a brilliant/incredible bit of voice acting. I agree with what you were saying about her having stuff to live for but isn’t that what makes the most tragic deaths… Well… So tragic. Also this is a weird thing to say but honestly I think this is more tragic for Yuji. The fact that we are getting a part 3 terrifies me. About this breaking the rules I think some of the greatest stories are ones that end up deviating from established troops even if it is very upsetting. Oh yeah even if this didn’t make some people feel more for her character or extremely upset like you I think most people can agree that this was effective/efficient way to do some backstory and a death. I have been spiraling a little talking myself into and out of the interpretation that this is a death and the interpretation that it isn’t. 1 of the reasons is that we haven’t been shown her eyes yet and another is that this was slightly different from the extreme transformation/disfiguration that Mahito usually causes but that might just be because she has some but not enough resistance to his techniques. For all we know she lost her eye, is suffering from extreme trauma and is close to dying I guess that’s the hopeful option which is messed up to say. And then I’m like but that seems/sounded really bad and is a terrible place to get damaged I guess at the end of the day I’m also like I don’t know like you. Finally I too was tempted to ask someone if she was alive or dead with a yes or no question but I am managing to hold off. Awesome reaction, thoughts & keep up the great work. :-) <3


Yeah, this has been such a rough season! Yuji's really going through it! Thanks for sharing your thoughts!