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Google Drive Link posted under description!

Hey everyone!  Here I am with Jojo Part 5, episode 30!!  OMG you guys, I've known Ciocolatta for all of 5 minutes and I can already tell you that I'm grossed out haha.  I did however really love watching Mista and Giorno combine their powers, OMG!!!  What a great team they make!!!  And you guys, we finally have confirmation on the Bruno situation :((((  It's about what I'd guessed, but yeah, he's already gone!  Giorno just breathed a bit more life into him.  I'm gonna be so sad when he goes!  But first, we need to see this through and dang is this new duo making it tough.  They are really living up to the "bizarre" nature that this show promises lol!  Great ep!  Can't wait for more!  Enjoy!  ~ MH

Google Drive Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1oeOWz6xisKXIXCzw0kdcLbDMluZ28OyT/view?usp=sharing


Tyler Stobbe

Had a bit of a time to carve out this afternoon to finish up with this batch… First of all, you never want any of your main characters to die, you’re spoiled that way. :P But you know very well what happens when you tell a show not to touch someone… As a matter of fact… I feel like the whole Ciccolatta / Secco thing is kinda calling you out. (Thought bubble wipe to Araki: “I hear Melissa likes to give her dog snuggles and talk cute to him… how I can I make that feel like a violation?” My impression is that Secco is, for all intensive purposes, a pet. He’s probably a result of one of Ciccolatta’s experiments and he’s just kinda like you know, the Igor to his Frankenstein. I think Trish just noticed Bruno was being a lot more “objective focused” than usual? Guys really don’t stop to ask other guys what’s wrong unless something is clearly off as a general rule, which is what Narancia is saying. Is he implying he thinks Trish might be into Bruno? She seems a bit taken aback by this idea - so there’s a lot of misinterpretation going around. I actually did pick up when Bruno fell off the edge to get Secco that didn’t seem right, but obviously it got confirmed as the episode went on. So here’s my analogy, Bruno’s kind of like a cell phone because of the life force battery Giorno gave him in Venice. The plug was pulled, and he’s still running on a battery charge until it runs out. It seems like he’s realized it’s getting low, which also explains why he’s so focused on getting the mission done. He’s still him, he’s just running out of power, and time. It’s like having to meet a (sorry for the word)… deadline. But apparently, our newest villain duo is too busy killing the entire city of Rome - it’s actually a good thing Buciaratti is in this state, because I don’t think you could match Green Day otherwise. Seems Giorno was able to alter Mista’s bullets to spawn roots - Giorno was actually guiding Mista’s sim, and Mista thought he missed, but he really was intending to hit the top of the building to get a hold of the helicopter. Just to show you just how twisted and crossed my brain can be, as we were wrapping up this episode, I started thinking of the following song lyrics when talking about Giorno’s current predicament… 🎶 We don’t talk about Bruno, no, no… 🎶 🎶 We don’t talk about Bruno… 🎶 If that number shows up in the next episode, I swear… 😅


Nononox1000 don’t make me get my hopes up with the SDC idea. I’m already aching with whatever is going on with Bruno


Ahhhhhhhhhh I know, it's scary to even hope on a show like this :P I know, I don't wanna say goodbye to him!!!!!!!!!!!! :(((((


I should know better by now than to wish for people not to die :O HAHAHAHAHAHA omg I came so close to mentioning that this was like me and my dog lol!!!! Way to take puppy snuggles and just turn them into something disturbing Araki :O Actually the Frankenstein metaphor really works. Oh ok, I couldn't quite tell what Trish was getting at there. Also yeah it kinda sounded like Narancia might be implying that, but I feel like that's way off lol. Oh well, they're both young and stressed and just trying to figure out the world! Oh that's a great way to sum up what's going on with Bruno actually. Deadline, you just had to do it didn't you lol!!! I hear you though. It actually works in our favor for this fight though, like you said. That was so awesome what Giorno and Mista did! HAHAHAHA whoooaaaaaa that song has a whole new meaning now doesn't it lol!?!?!?!