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Hey everyone!  Here it is - my reaction to season 2, episode 4 of Vinland Saga!  WOW you guys, we are brining on that heavy drama!!!!  So Thorfinn really does have some motivation to live.  And we get to work through a lot with both Einar and Thorfinn here!!!  It must be torture to
live with the past the way that Thorfinn does, and it also must be awful to be faced with someone who was fighting on the side that killed your whole family like Einar...!!  But I'm proud of him that he managed to look past that and see what Thorfinn was going through.  I really think they're gonna help each other a lot!!!  Great ep!  Enjoy!  ~ MH

Google Drive Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1F7w47tfZ1Ie8ObCmaeeg9TWfada1sBvy/view?usp=sharing



I was very happy to meet Einer last time. Because I already got the impression that some bond would most likely happen. The feeling of gratitude didn’t quite sink until now. Thorfinn’s story from how it began to how it ended in season one was really devastating. The death of his father was his whole story, at least for us the viewers. And he’s grown into a savage killing machine in hopes to battle the man responsible. And at the end of act one he didn’t get to do what he set out to do. A comment confirmed the woman in Thorfinn’s dream was the woman in an episode from last season. Her and her daughter helped clean and feed Thorfinn while it was his mission to give signal to the soldiers who were looking to pillage their village. That woman stuck out to me because even though he had a mission there was a feeling of a new place to call home and forget about his vengeance. As the soldiers take over we just see the woman disappear amongst the invaders. Implying she most likely died as the village was being run over. The episode just ended with a feeling of there is no going back to the peaceful life. :,( “Thorfinn is already dead inside” I couldn’t agree more. But I got the same feeling last season but now it’s different. He was an animal with a shell ready to perish if it meant Askeladd would died. That was the ugliest we’ve ever seen him. He was just miserable, wailing after Askeladd’s death. Now after the first ordeal he seems broken and empty. Askeladd was his whole reason for sticking with that crew and now he’s miserable because there probably is no point anymore. I love Einer’s disposition of how he could question living. True, he may not know Thorfinn’s whole story but for someone who lost his family, he has a right to not want to care. But like Einer said, there were people who kept them alive. I’d like for Thorfinn to go back and visit his family. It would be a nice way for him to see the world as it was before.


I know, I love Einar so far! Yeah I didn't realize that was the woman from the village, makes total sense he'd dream about that though. I know, that episode really solidified Thorfinn's emergence into a totally savage, violence filled world with no turning back. So true, I feel like he was already dead inside last season but he had something to keep him going. Like you said, he devoted his whole life to revenge and once that became impossible, well, now he's just an empty shell. I know, the contrast in how Einar sees this is really stunning! Especially since he's kept on living for his family. I'd love for Thorfinn to see his family too! Remind me really quick....where did we leave things with his mom and sister? Were they still alive out there somewhere? I'm so sorry if this is a stupid question!!! It's been a while and I don't remember them mentioning it in the recap vid I watched!


I love episode 4. It’s great to see Snake give the other guests a dressing down after what they just did as he gets the meal he wanted. It’s interesting to see the interest Snake shows in Thorfinn as well as being able to sense that if his life was truly in danger he would move. I love the that Thorfinn sensing Snake’s killing intent is reminded of Askeladd especially with the animation of him in the reflection of Thorfinn’s eye. Also seeing his skills snap right back into action was really cool. I love Snake giving him something heavy/deep to think about with the whole your body wants to live thing. And it’s such a great hook for Thorfinn’s character this season that he wants to live but doesn’t know why/for what reason that is the case. I like the animation/colors used when Snake shows his threatening aura when he warns the guests not to make more trouble like this. I love the scene with Pater in the aftermath here showing that he has a lot of kindness with how he treats Thorfinn & Einar even offering medicine and his own shirt. I think it shows the character his character has that when Einar says the guests would have killed them he doesn’t dismiss that. Love the little bit of Arnheid going all over the farm to get help showing her caring. I love the detail on character’s bodies like all of Thorfinn’s scarring especially on the hands & things like chapped lips. It’s interesting to see Einar have to internally deal with the fact that Thorfinn was a warrior considering what happened to his family. It’s so sad/disturbing that Thorfinn can’t remember how many people he’s killed having been a soldier for so long. And what a great metaphor showing all the cut down trees & sticks while talking about this. “Do you hate me now?” Is a crazy line. I think the “strong kill the weak” line really struck a nerve with Einar which probably led to what he almost did in this episode with the anger/traumatizing memories surfacing. Yeah, I personally believe that in this moment Einar thought about but couldn’t go through with actually strangling Thorfinn especially once he realized he was having a nightmare. And man this nightmare was intense. I love the more abstract animation I would call it of this nightmare as well as how it shows that Thorfinn most likely viewed many of the people he fought against as these monstrous, inhuman things instead of as actual people. And then seeing the last monster he kills turn into the woman who was kind to him is so sad because it shows the guilt he feels even if he doesn’t remember his nightmares. And this nightmare emphasizes the horrible things he went through. I love the conversation Einar has with him about someone keeping them alive & how Thorfinn is wrong about nothing good having happened to him it honestly shows the complexities about this. Thorfinn probably doesn’t agree or even understand what is being said here but it’s an important moment/step for him. The fact that Einar is willing to talk like this with his own complex feelings about this shows the type of character he is. I love that he is able to see/talk about Thorfinn not being who killed his family. I love that we can tell that Einar is waking up Thorfinn because of his own kindness not that excuse he says & that thank you is beautiful. Because of our introduction to him as a Christian as well as the philosophical conversations he had with the priest and others as soon as the religious choir started I knew this was Canute & I was so excited to see what was going on with him. I think your thoughts on the episode were great I just don’t have much to say about them. Although I do agree with others that this show definitely has an AOT feel to some degree. Awesome reaction, thoughts & keep up the great work. :-) <3