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This month's winner comes is 1st-time-winner, Xander H., who won, eeking out 1 extra point from what was a 3-way tie to win 34 to 33 to 33.

Patron requests included: Vera’s normal hair color; Vera is nude; Blues: blueberry for the prof, Vera slowly getting there; and a juicy, gushing Vera pussy.

Alternate version of grOw/cinema 1-10.

When Vera goes to juice Celeste, she drinks the blueberry juice. However, due to her condition and how aroused she is, the growth is centered in her breasts and pvssy. Breast size 20 (leaking blueberry juice), pvssy size 18 (as shown in breast scale), ass size 13, with ass size thighs.

Additional swelling may be added throughout the body as it is a blueberry inflation event. Celeste could make a muffled comment something by to the effect of “Keep svcking on my nipple so I can keep cvmming!”

1 - Rough sketch
2  -  Line art
3  -  Color flats
4  -  Skin tones, areola
5 -  Lighting
6  -  Shadows
7  -  Blue hues
8  -  Veins
9  -  Background placeholder*
10  -  Background: shadows
11  -  Background: puddles
12  -  Background: sprays and drips
13  -  

*Final background will have some more detail.


Line Art
Rough concept
Line Art
Flat Colors
Skin tones and Areola
Blue hues
Background: placeholder
Background: shadows
Background: puddles
Background: spays and drips



Hot damn. Maybe because it’s Vera chugging blueberry juice but the idea came into my head of Vera having a wine mommies party with her friends and Celeste is rolled in to be the blueberry wine and naturally it ends with like a whole neighborhood flooded and covered under giant blueberry MILFs I have too much time on my hands

Coco Wren

Vera asked Nayshya to kiss Vera at the end of the previous chapter but I don't recall a payoff to that foreshadowing. I've been wondering if it might show up in a what-if request like this.


Oh, oh, even better, Vera brings along the girls to have some fun (and more room to grow) and they see Carl and Celeste and Nayshya’s trait causes extreme growth for everyone involved because juice or milk has stronger effects than water and soon Carl is up to his chest in blueberry milk/juice and he thinks maybe he went to far because now there are several gigantic blueberry ladies that are so big they can be seen 2 miles away because Nayshya’s condition plus Vera’s gigantism and milk plus Celeste’s juice mixed all together with Carl results in kaiju berries


Can see a sequel where her greedy gulping down of the juices and a large blast of cum from Carl, causes her to outgrow the cafeteria.