Dva X Tracer Animaton Preview (Patreon)
I wanted to have Dva Finished and fully rendered by now.
Unfortunately i had to deal with more health issues In the last two weeks.
Nothing dangerous but very unpleasent. Its called Positional dizziness and basicly sent me on a rolercoaster ride every time i try to move my head or hold it in certain positions.
I was told this can last for multiple months but its already gotten much better and im able to work without problems again.
I will need just a couple more days to finish up Dva and have her rendered out so this is a viewport render of the still unfinished animation. Her face and Hands are still not fully animated. Boob and Hair physics as well as Fluids are still missing.
I would estimate to finish her up and Render her in the next 5-7 days and have Tracer done by the end of this month.
Full Viewport Render: Download