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Sorry for the long delay on the second part of the miss fortune animation. I ran into some issues regarding a university project which had to be prioritized and cost me a lot of time.

Regarding the animation, it should be out before the end of the month and in case anything happens that would delay it again, ill go ahead an pause pledges so you wont get charged for nothing this month. 



Sena Walker

It's alright life can be such a hassle but as long as you take care of your stuff first I'm sure a lot of us are willing to wait for the animation.


life sucks, we roll with the punches. out of curiousity, are you going to make a mega-video of all the miss fortune animations?


Im soooo exited about it. <3


take your time this animation is amazing im sure everyone can wait a bit longer


I'm sure it'll be worth the wait 😛