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New weekly build is up on the Bunny Tier dropbox link!  The first draft of the  Femboy Rival Adventurer encounter is up, including their battle.  They can use magic and taunt the player as well, for those looking for an easier way to be able to top.  Their encounter is multiple parts, with the second part having a diverging outcome, and the third part having a battle (and not much else yet).

To round out the month, we're going to expand the enemy chatter, implement one more bonus encounter, and introduce ranged combat!



Was "topping" in the last build because no matter what I did I could not do it.


Gotta be in offensive stance, fully erect, and the enemy has to be kneeling, supine, or prone. Getting erect is the tricky part currently as the only way is to bottom first or, now, get taunted by an enemy that can taunt.


hey I just got a fatal error when trying to use pervert mode in the current build.


Yep, just fixed that - as well as a few typos and an accidental duplicate scene in the encounter. Thanks!


Hey so I'm pretty sure I met all these requirements and still couldn't top. They used knee up so that they were on there knees, but I didn't have any options.