Minisode 27 - Escalators are Stairs (Patreon)
Thank you patrons and welcome back to this month's Minisode. This month Tim's allergies are flaring up as we talk about these minute annoyances.
Microwave Beeps
Peek of Summer
Internet of Lies
The Speed of Luxury
Under the hood microwaves have changed very little, sure they're more energy efficient, and bigger and have more settings. The biggest change to your microwave is the interface, we went from functional buttons, to lousy membrane buttons, now I'm sure touch sensitive buttons. With all of that customization we haven't added a goddamn setting to stop the beeps. Fuck your beeping. I know there is shit in there.
There is a saying in Oklahoma, "If you don't like the weather, wait an hour." Last week certainly held that we had weather in the 40s, 90s, rain, it was crazy. I loved it, crusing around town with the top down, Tim hated it, because he's a pod person.
What do you do when the internet tells you that what you can see with your own eyes is wrong? We count on this system to tell us the truth and there's absolutely no recourse for it being incorrect. I spent months getting google maps to actually navigate to my apartment. So what do you think when the internet says someone is a Cuck? You believe them because Cuck science is more advanced than the internet.
You want something with the 2 day shipping you're already paying for? Then you gotta buy the expensive one. Amazon is prioritizing shit because Jeff Bezos needs a bailout and if it looks like he can continue business as usual then he can't steal more of your money.
Well that's it for this month. Thank you for supporting the show and be sure to go vote for the movie commentary while you still can!