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Apologies patrons to this long delayed minisode that I edited and then completely forgot to release because I have Corona Brain. So enjoy it now as a second minisode for May. Last month we meant to talk about.

The Newspeak
Library Books
When Your Car Gets Dirty Right After Leaving the Car Wash
Poorly Packaged Lunch Meat

Wuhan Flu really brought to light a lot of problems with our world. For years it's been bothering me how the general public just forgets about problems once the news moves on to something more exciting. Remember how Epstein killed himself and they were gonna investigate the guards, did anything happen with that? What's shocking now is that with literally nothing better to do, people cannot keep track of the media narrative regarding the lockdown. The story changes every 2 weeks and nobody seems to remember 2 weeks ago. Wake up sheeple!

Library Books is literally the worst version of having a book that exists. They are covered in other peoples weird dirt and stuff. I've found food in books. Weird book marks. Man library books really suck. E-books are the real winner.

This is a very specific issue to me, and if you don't empathize it's because you're a Mustangaphobe and I am reporting you for discrimination.

Why can't people figure out how to package lunch meat. I want big sheets of meat, not picked apart shredded meat that is now falling all out of my sandwich. If I wanted pulled pork I'd go to a terrible barbecue restaurant. Instead I'm at home trying to make a nice little sandwich and you've ruined it, you've ruined it. The Earl of Sandwich would be greatly disappointed in you.

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