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Sunday: Sketch for Tuesday's strip
Monday: Early access to the full version of Tuesday's strip. $5+ Patrons still get the HD version.
Tuesday: Sketch for Thursday's strip.
Wednesday: Early access to the full version of Thursday's strip. $5+ Patrons still get the HD version.
Thursday: $10+ Patrons will get a sketch from the NSFW strip for the week.
Friday: $10+ Patrons get the full version of the NSFW strip for the week.
Saturday: $10+ Patrons get a NSFW pin-up. 



So no New Jack & Jules comic until Friday then?


Ok, so, I had the Bending over backwards 8-9-10 for Blizzwatch for thier sunday comics section about wow and blizzard stuff (you did say she was a wow gnome), but for some reason only 10 was displayed, I did put a note about the arc tho


the writer of Triginomitry thinks she's a great gnome :D (trig being a gnome DK :D )