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I needed an updated version of my cleric of the Raven Queen, Siobhan. She's now level 16 and her amulet makes her flesh feel like it has the chill of death on it all of the time. Her shield is the Aegis of the Raven Queen and it has an eerie, red glow to it and snuffs out all non magical flames within 30' of it while it's being wielded.



Ye Olde Phart

I'm a bad man. I'm just exploring the comical value of that shield. Walking into a tavern, annoying the cook... I'm laughing so hard. Sorry again.


Yeah, if Siobhan were a little less dour/creepy she might do something like that... but she's very serious when RP'd so it's not something she would do.


wait, that means she cant be near the campfire for sentry duty, or any torchbearer in a keep or dungeon. Oh man, :-/


She has the Light cantrip so she can make magical light. Her AC without the shield is still higher than most people's so she can stand watch without the shield worn and if there's an attack, wear the shield as part of an action.