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Instead of a pin-up I figured we'd have the first part of the next page. It's effectively a pin-up but it helps get us moving along with the story. When I can finish the rest of the page I'll add it in another update... but sitting for long periods of time is still super difficult for my back.




What about making few non-NSFW pinups for main comix and few NSFW strips for "us" :) I miss non-NSFW (or just SFW?) pinups..


They'd have to come at the expense of regular comics. I'm not able to sit for too long and I can't do both a comic and a pin-up for the regular site due to my pinched nerve in my back.


I dont mean both of them, just for a few "relases" just switch them. Instead of new "standart" comic strip make a SFW Pinup and NSFW strip. (Now you making SFW strips and NSFW Pinups..) Maybe try to contact other Comix creators, if they want to draw your characters in their graphic styles.. :)