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It’s Good to Have Friends

The day ended as the firsts and last batch of Bagels left his oven. “You take care now ok?” He shouted at the retreating figure of a certain Arasaka Security Specialist, “And try not to overwork yourself!” He added as the girl gave him a casual wave before they disappeared in the sea of people going to work.

He waited for a few minutes, just standing there with bathed breath before he let out a sigh of relief. “Fuck, that was close,” he sighed out, shoulders sagging as he leaned against the half closed metal shuttes of his shop. To think that an Arasaka employee would come barging into his shop right after he got a certain someone.

“You said it,” Rebecca replied as she stared at the direction where the girl head off to, right towards the tower that dominated the Night City skyline.

It was a close call but by the skin of their teeth, they managed to get off with any trouble. Still, it was far too close for comfort. Turning to Rebecca, he then said, “I think we need to give our little guest a disguise.”

The girl nodded before letting out a shudder. Muttering, his output replied, “Man, bitch’s one cold motherfucker,” As she shook her head and head back to the shop to check on Toga, she then added, “I swear she was just seconds away from putting a cap on our heads.”

“She’s just…” He replied before pausing. He hadn’t really asked for her name come to think of it. He should ask her later for all he had was her nickname, “Red’s really doesn’t mean it… hopefully. She’s a little bit of a firebrand but so long as you give her what she wants, she’s harmless…” He waved of his concerns before he faltered.

Grimacing, he then reconsidered. Maybe he should have considered that given that this was Red that he was talking about. He wasn’t sure if it was the Bagels that saved him or maybe it was his burgeoning friendship with the girl. As he looked back at his shop, he nodded; Definitely the bagels.

“Sounds like a certain someone I know,” Kiwi smirked as she and Lucy slipped out of his shop with bags of bagel in hand. Maine and Dorio soon follow and was quick to leave, waving him good bye. Standing beside him, Kiwi then teased, “Heh, I thought it was Rebecca’s fiery attitude that got you but looking at our little cannibal and that corpo, I think it’s another quality you’re after.”

Her words were soon followed by wolf whistles from Pillar as he shouted, “Ha! Maine owe me a hundred eddies cause my man likes them short!” He could only let out a groan at his accusation, knowing he’ll only dig himself deeper. He was never going to get away from that label was he?

“Oy!” his output shouted from inside his shop, “I’m still here bitch,” but it was far too late.

Giving him a pat, Kiwi then said, “Anyways, good luck with your new room mate,” Pulling away with Lucy on hand, she waved at them in goodbye, “Lucy and I need our beauty sleep, later.”

Thus, he was left with just Rebecca, Pillar and Toga. Looking back at his shop, he wondered why they were taking so long when Rebecca and Toga came back out. With a grin plastered across her face, Rebecca presented Toga, “Tada! Pretty clever disguise right?” His girl then said as she gave the bundled up Toga a pat which nearly bowled the girl over. “So, let’s go?”

With towels wrapped around her face and stuffed inside her jack, Toga did look unrecognizable… but in exchange, she looked like some ridiculous penguin. Seeing how uncomfortable the girl was, he sighed, “You know what… let me call someone.”


Maybe it was just his paranoia talking but with the earlier scare earlier, he had to call in the service of a certain cab company to ease his mind. “My my, I see you finally got over your useless hang ups and as the young ones like to say… hooked up,” The all too familiar electronic voice of Delamain purring through his speaking greeted him.

Given that this was Night City however, maybe he was under preparing for his current problem. Still, if someone needed something done, Delamaine was quick to answer or more specifically this specific node.

“Good Morning Delamain, it’s nice to meet you again,” He greeted the AI with a grimace. Despite Delamaine’s abilities however… his personality left much to be desired; something which the waggle of the electronic being’s eye brow was all to keen to confirm.

“Oh god, Delamaine#53,” Rebecca shuddered as she gave the vehicle a look of disgust. Looking at him pleadingly, she asked, “Can’t we just jack Pilar’s car?” before she pointed at the innocent looking Mai Mai parked by the side.

“I heard that!?” to which Pilar was quick to pipe.

Scratching her head, she then pointed at her car before asking him, “Heck, why not just use my car?” Why not indeed.

Nodding hesitantly, he turned his attention at the car. It was a beast of a car, both literally and figuratively. With an oversized engine barely kept under its hood and thicker plating to protect it, it was quite the specimen for a Chevillon Thrax but looking over to the Delamaine Cab, it had one thing that the Rebecca’s stolen Thrax lacked, weapons; specifically some exposed missile racks ready to unleash hell along with quite the heavy tint.

“You could but I doubt you’re brothers car have the necessary protection to safeguard your other companion,” Delamaine argued as the back door popped open. As the image in the window glanced over Toga who was now simply wearing Rebecca’s jacket, the AI then asked, “Is she your daughter perhaps? I swear it’s only been a month or so since I last offered you a ride,”

“As much of an ass Delamain is,” He started off slowly, reconsidering the option he had.

“Oh don’t be shy, you know you love me,” Delamaine purred back rather smugly.

“He does provide something above everyone else,” He sighed out, shoulders sagging as he told Rebecca, “He’s discrete about it,” Simply put, Delmain was a machine. He neither sleep, nor drink, nor tire on the job. He acts and drives like no other driver, able to slip through traffic and not get noticed thanks to his advance softwarres.

Everyone knows it and Delamaine was proud of it. “That I am,” The program gave a mock bow through his avatar before replying casually, “My old meat bag drivers had what they say are… loose tongue. A nasty trait that one is, part of the reason why I fired them all!”

Delamain was good at his job and if they pass by any corpo, he trusted that the AI would do its best. “But still…” Rebecca remains unconvinced however as she glanced back at his car.

“Come on, it’ll be quick I promise,” He told her as he gently wrapped his arms around her shoulder, “Plus, I think Toga can keep him busy,” he then pointed out as their little hellion was busy pressing her face against the glass of the drivers seat.

“I can hear you…. But I can’t smell you?” Toga muttered as she opened her mouth and gave the window a lick, “Where are you!” The girl shouted in frustration.

Delamain remained unphased as he laughed back at the girl. “My aren’t you adorable,” The Ai replied as he went on a tangent about himself, seemingly satisfied with his new and adorable audience, “Now you see…”

“Ok fine,” Rebecca sighed as she leaned into his hold, “Though next time, we upgrade the car got it? I’m definitely going to weapons on it,” Grinning, the girl then added, “And a folding bed, the heaviest tint…” He laughed as he ruffled the girls hair.

With that settled, all three of them hopped on as Delamaine carried them through Night City, careful to avoid the watchful eyes of Arasaka falling on to them. With Toga keeping Delamain occupied, the ride back home went far smoother than he had expected.


“Bye Mr. Delamain!” Toga waved at the car as Toga scolded her, making sure she doesn’t accidentally throw off her paper thin disguises, “I’m sorry for spilling blood on your seats,” She excused herself before Rebecca guided her up to his apartment.

“Oh it’s part of the job” The Delamaine chuckled as it formed a digital hand to wave at the tiny blonde, “Besides, it was a delight having you on board!” He then added before they were left along.

Looking about, he made sure no one was looking before he leaned over to the driver seat window and asked, “So, how much do I owe you?” Delamaine merely smiled as a quick message popped by his feed. Opening it, he gave it a quick red before deleting it. “Just drop by later and I’ll give you the goods,” He told him as he pulled back.

“This is why you are my favorite customer,” The AI replied with an easy going smile stretched across their face, “You don’t haggle when it comes to prices.”

“Hey, I’m dragging you to my mess, the least I can do is pay you, your due,” He replied as he reached into his jacket and pulled out a can of NiCola, “You sure your just fine with this?” he then asked as he opened the tab and drank it all down.

It was strange that he had to turn to an AI for help but that was just how things were in Night City. You make unexpected enemies and friends along the way. Having an AI that was willing to hide stuff from Arasaka? Now that was a good friend to have. And all of it starting when he paid the the bill he had been mailed with a non standard way.

“Why off course, this is my livelihood after all,” The Cab replied as it closed it doors. Looking up at him, the AI then added, “Plus, it gives me a bit of excitement. I’m sure the main frame wouldn’t mind,”

He smiled as he shocked his head in turn. “Never change Delamain, never change,” He had enough excitement for the day, now it was time to hunker down and sleep. Besides, he still have interviews delayed for tomorrow and he didn't want to be sleepy by then.


And I'm back. Going to try and make up for lost time especially since I have some obligations that I need to do. Still, it's fun getting back especially now that I have some reason for the MC to go out and contact someone that knows how to fix cars :3 Trust me, this will all make sense down the road.


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