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Mutually Beneficial Proposition

Perhaps it was his own bias at play, but he found her fascinating. While they were all competent in their own right, she stood out from the rest. Not only was she an officer in the Navis Imperialis, but a high ranking officer at that despite the odds stacked against her; A rarity given the prejudice against the abhumans in the imperium.

His attention wouldn't go unnoticed as she glanced back before flashing him a playful smile. "Is there something in my face, my lord?" She asked as she tilted her head and gazed up to him with those mesmerizing cat-like eyes.

"My apologies Lieutenant," He replied as he smiled back, "I just found your smile rather distracting." The woman was simply charming. From the way she confidently carried herself and the way she speaks, he found himself drawn to her. Dare he say, he was attracted to her; Something his Knight would have a field day with.

"I hope it wasn't too distracting as it would be quite troublesome having to explain things all over again," She replied as she stalked towards, leaning closely as her soft chest pressed against his before she reached down. As he gulped, she smirked as she grabbed the files of his hand and pulled away.

For a moment, he felt a pant of disappointment, before it gave way to desire as she sauntered off, hand and file behind her back, beckoning him over. Trailing behind her, she slipped atop the desk before pulling him closer. Almost tipping over, he found himself trapped between her legs as she looked up at him with half lidded eyes, "Though, if it's you my lord, I certainly wouldn't mind."

"I wasn't that distracted Lieutenant," He smirked back as his hands slipped behind her before he leaned close, "Besides, wouldn't you rather have us talk over a bottle of wine?" With their lips just inches apart, all it would take was a simple nudge and their lips would meet.

Biting her lips, she reached up and wrapped her arms around his neck. Feeling her body against his, he felt his pants tighten and her touch sending shivers up her spine. He came here looking for a captain, but it seems that he found something more. With her eyes on his, she whispered "Your place, mine, or maybe here?"

He was so lost in her eyes that he didn't notice that tall and broad figure beside them. "I would prefer it anywhere but here," The figure rumbled out and he nearly jumped out of his skin. He quickly pulled away, whirling around and shrinking under the man's hardened gaze.

Pushing away, she yelped as she slipped off the table. Pulling herself up, she quickly fixed her uniform as she saluted. "L-lord Captain!" With her face still flushed, she was unable to look the man in the eye. "My apologies, I didn't know you were there!"

With a thousand battle scars upon their grizzled and scowling face, the old greybeard was a terrifying figure to behold and he had just been caught red handed with their red hand woman.

"For shame Amelia, I thought I raised you better than this!" The man boomed and the girl shrunk under his glare. Turning to him, he straightened himself up, looming over them as he growled, "And you! Don't think you're getting off the hook just cause you're of noble birth, brat!"

Crossing his arms across his massive chest, the man narrowed his eyes as he asked, "So, what do you two have to say for yourselves, hmm?"

Flashing the older man a nervous smile, he replied, "I was merely trying to get to know her better?" There was a beat of silence as the woman looked at him in horror before they froze as the older man started to chuckle. Fear gave way to bewilderment as the man let out a shoulder shaking, full bellied laughter.

"Come here you little shit!" Swept off his feet, he found a massive paw knuckling his hair as his captor crushed him in their bear-like hug, "How's my favorite godson doing?" As his bones creaked in protest and his lung ached for air, he tapped on their hands, freeing him from his uncle's grasp. Gasping for air, he nearly bowled over as the man patted him on the back, "You've certainly grown a lot since I last saw you. I almost didn't recognize you!"

"It's good to see you well, Uncle Scipio," He coughed, wincing at their strength, as he looked up at the man's beaming smile. For a man well past his hundredth year, he didn't look an age beyond 50. "I see that you're still up to your practical jokes, but did you really have to scare us like that?" He chuckled as the woman looked at them in confusion.

"Lord Captain, you…," The young lieutenant trailed off as she stared at them in wide eyed surprise and disbelief, "You know each other?"

"Know each other?" The older man asked as he slung his arm over his shoulder, "Girl, I've known him since he was a wee lad! He's my godchild!" One of the benefits, or perhaps detriment in this case, of being the son of a powerful noble house is how many powerful people he's related to. Scipio Africanus, was one such connection and he was one right bastard.

Sighing out fondly, the man reminisced, "Why, I still remember when he was baptized before the God Emperor. Gave us all a scare when he glowed!"

Octavius rolled his eyes at his godfather's boast. "Now, now, uncle, that was just the machine spirits of the spotlights being temperamental," He corrected him. Yes, the spotlight suddenly cranked up in brightness, but there's nothing holy about such an event.

Groaning, the woman reached up and pinched the bridge of her knows. "God damn it all, why do you have to ruin everything I like," She muttered as she let out a long-suffering sigh of frustration. Octavius could only give him an apologetic smile as the Lord Captain bellowed in laughter

"Oh come on Amelia, you know I was merely teasing," His uncle replied as he reached over and ruffled the girl's hair. Despite the man's appeasing tone, his shit eating grin told otherwise. The man lived for this kind of teasing and all of them knew it.

Batting his arm away, she shouted shrilly, "Teasing? Teasing!" Her tone filled with exasperation and incredulity as she pointed out, "You scared us half to death with your 'teasing'!"

Octavian nodded in agreement as he added, "You do tend to go overboard, Uncle Scipio."

"Bah, all I see is your glaring lack of situational awareness!" The older man waved off their concern, earning him the ire of the two as they glared up at him. Smirking back, the man slung his arms around his junior officer as she poked her on the cheeks. "Just because you found yourself a young strapping man doesn't mean you have to act like some lovestruck sister fresh out the schola!"

Stiffening, the girl's cheeks turned flushed as she fired back, "I-I do not! He's merely distracting, that's all." Despite her denial, her flicking tail. Seeing her like this, he couldn't help but chuckle. This earned him a glare, but it was well worth it. She was simply adorable.

"Distracting she says," The man replied with a knowing smirk. "My boy must be one hell of a distraction because you were all over him!" They laughed, making the woman let out a keening whine. As the girl covered her face and her ears flattered atop her head, his uncle winked at him, "Be careful lad, she's a feisty one!."

The woman let out a shout of frustration as she stomped her feet. Glaring at him, she waved her fist as she hissed out, "I-I swear on the God Emperor that I will write to the Lord Admiral about this if you don't cease at once!" With her teeth barred, she threatened him, "I swear I'll do it this time!" Still, the man remained unflinching as he smiled back.

"You are free to use the Choir as you see fit," His uncle replied as he called her bluff. Glaring at him, the woman looked just about ready to sock him before she huffed. Muttering darkly, she stormed off. Just as she pulled the door, his uncle taunted her one last time, "Tell them that we'll need more transport next quarter while you're at it!" This caused another frustrated scream as she slammed the door behind her.

Shaking his head, Octavius looked up at his uncle before he asked, "Are you sure it's a good idea teasing her that much, uncle?" The man was ruthless, utterly so. He was surprised that the woman hadn't left him long ago.

"Don't worry lad, she's easy to work up, but she'll burn herself out," The man sighed as an easy going smile settled on his lips. Shaking his head, he gestured at the seats as he walked over the cabinet. "While she works out her frustration on some poor Astropath, why don't the two of us share a drink?"

"A fine glass of Amsec or two ought to be perfect at night like this," The man replied wistfully as he grabbed a bottle from the shelf along with a pair of crystal goblets. Seeing the Gates of Cadia on the bottle, Octavian felt a pang of sadness in his heart.

"A bottle of Cadian Vintage huh," Octavian noted as he walked over to the man's desk and sat down on one of the chairs. Plopping down on his own chair, the older man poured them both a drink before setting the bottle aside. "His favorite," He noted as he picked up the glass and swirled the deep amber liquid

"Your father had good taste," The man smiled as he poured himself a full glass before downing it all in one go. As he let out a satisfied sigh, he grimaced, "But damn is this stuff hard to come by and cost an arm and a leg out here!"

"Maybe I'll get a barrel for you," Octavian suggested before considering the risk involved, "though that might be tricky given how uncertain things are getting… I have a feeling that we'll be living in interesting times." With the 13th Black Crusade just over the horizon, the fields of Cadia would once more run red with blood of heretics and martyrs alike.

"I could try pulling some strings if you like," The man offered before he frowned as he looked at him, "But it looks like you're determined to get it yourself."

Octavian smiled as he glanced towards the star maps and sighed, "It's half the fun of being a Rogue Trader." Taking a sip from his glass, he considered where he'd go. From far flung frontiers to the xenos empires such as the tau, he was free to do as he pleased.

"You know lad, if you're looking for an adventure, the Navy is still an option," The man offered, "You have a good head on your shoulder. We could use a man like you. We wouldn't say no to another Cruiser in the fleet."

Octavian frowned considering it, before he shook his head. "I appreciate the offer, but the Navy is really not for me," He replied, "I'm far too much of a free spirit for that kind of life."

If he had just found out earlier, he might have considered, but he didn't have time. Things were simply happening too fast and he couldn't afford to work his way up the ladder. Then there was the matter of hierarchy. He might be the master of his ship, but he still was beholden to a higher authority. It simply wasn't as appealing as his other options.

"It's not all hard tack and rations you know, but I get what you mean lad," His uncle nodded as he poured himself another glass, "All these rules and regulations can chaff on a man." Sighing he looked at glass before setting it aside as he drank straight from the bottle. Wiping his lips, he muttered, "It's making me wonder if taking this new posting was even a good idea to begin with."

Octavian frowned as he asked, "Is there a problem with your ship?" A step up in rank often meant another posting. Given the cutthroat politics of the Navis Imperalis and the competing Houses involved, it wasn't too all that common for delays to happen; Most often to cause frustration than anything else.

"It's not a problem of where I'll go, but rather who I can't take with me," The man sighed as he ran his hands across his grey mane. "As much as it pains me to leave such a promising officer behind, I'll have to leave Amelia behind in my old ship."

Octavian raised a brow at this news. "Can't you just promote her?" He questioned him as he set his drink aside, "You are the Lord Captain now." It was not all too uncommon for officers to take their subordinates with them.

"If it was as easy as that, I would, but the Nemi already has a full detachment. There's no more room for another officer," He answered. That would explain such. Rare as it may be, senior officers could go forward alone, often due to how far they'd be posted or due to their untimely demise.

"And before you suggest that I have her captain her own ship, I already tried," His uncle cut him off, making him frown, "Oh how many times I tried." Glancing at a photo of a young scruffy looking felinid flanked by the much more massive man, his uncle continued, "Never could have I asked for a better first officer. She's loyal, dependable and a model for any future officer, but my peers don't see things the way you and I do."

"All they'd see is her blood, not her deeds and the countless honors she earned," He spat out as he set his empty bottle aside, "They'd see it as an insult if I have her take a ship before all those officers that came from much storied houses."

"What a waste," The man sighed and Octavian nodded with him.

She was an amazing woman yet none of it would matter because she simply looked different. For every lucky bastard like him who lived their lives in luxury, countless more toiled away, striving to be recognized only to be ultimately discarded. The fear of the unclean simply ran too deep in Imperial space… but what if she didn't have to deal with the Imperium or at least not directly?

"What if she could have a ship of her own?" Octavian asked as he looked at his uncle.

Mouth hanging open, the man was left dumbstruck for a good while before he gathered his wits. "N-now, now Octavius, let's not be hasty," The man shifted on his seat as he leaned forward, "Donating a ship is not unheard of, but it's usual for those of close kin!"

"Oh I wasn't thinking of donating from the navy," Octavian replied as the man gave him a questioning look. Grinning, he clarified, "Rather, I was hoping to take someone off their hands…"


Amelia had always believed that good things come to those who strived for greatness. The God Emperor was always there for everyone and it was now just up to true believers like her to make use of the chance they are given. She hoped and prayed that her efforts would be recognized, that her valor would not be in vain, but here she was still stuck behind the Lord Captain's shadow.

He was a good man and the best captain she could have ever asked for, but he can be vexing at times. Just because she had spent her entire career under him doesn't mean she can treat her like a child! She was a grown woman for the Emperor's sake. Can't she have a bit more respect?

Muttering to herself, she marched back to his office before pausing. Hearing the laughter behind the door, she braced herself for the inevitable teasing as she opened the door. As the laughter died down the godfather and godson looked up at her, she asked, "You want to see me, Lord Captain?" Seeing the sudden serious air around them, she frowned.

"Ah, Amelia. Please, sit down," Her captain replied as he gestured at the seat beside the young lordling. As she sat down, the man offered him a glass before pouring her a drink from one of his finer vintage; the ones straight from the Gates of Cadia itself. Staring at the glass, she swallowed; He usually avoided giving her a drink.

"My apologies for the sudden call, but it concerns your future in the Navy," The man answered and her worry only intensified. He made jokes about her love life and other matters, but never her career. Even he wasn't so heartless as to make such jokes.

"I see," She replied as she took the glasses before glancing at the young man beside her, "Though I see that your nephew is still here…" Still, something was off. She couldn't figure it out, but they were definitely playing a joke. "Has he not chosen a captain yet?" She asked before taking a sip.

"He actually did and it's the reason why you're here," He replied before he grinned, "Congratulations Amelia, you're now the captain of a Cruiser!"

Amelia choked on her drinks as he coughed and sputtered. She was about to retort before he saw their smiles. They weren't laughing at her. "Y-you're serious, Captain," She asked as she wiped her lips. She almost couldn't believe it. Was her prayers finally being answered?

"Dead serious," The man replied with a grin as he pulled out a data slate and pushed it towards here. "I finally got you a Captain's posting, Amelia." Shakily, she reached for the Data Slate before her face fell. The document before her was not that of another posting, but rather of her discharge.

"As you have served me faithfully, it's well within my powers to have you discharged honorably," The man replied as a sad smile settled on their lips, "I know this is not what you've asked for, but can finally captain a ship of your own." As he got up from his seat, she remained silent. Walking over, he set his hands on her shoulder before he whispered, "Just like you've always dreamed off."

Unable to contain herself any longer, she slapped his hands aside. Tears streaked down her face as she gritted out, "I refuse." She could take his mocking, his jibes, but not this. Standing up, she shouted, "I worked blood, sweat and tears for this and-!"

"And it would be all for nothing!" The man shouted back, cutting her off. As she shrunk back, he took a moment to compose himself. "The Navy does not want you," The man whispered, "As painful as it is, the Navy never wanted you." She knew, she always knew deep in her heart, but she dared believe, believe that the Lord Captain, her father, would never give up on her.

"I fought as hard as I could, but it was never enough," He replied tiredly as he looked at her, defeated and bowed down. "You're a good officer Amelia, the best I ever had in my century of service in the navy, but there is no place for you here," The man told her, "At least not one treated with dignity and respect."

She tried to speak up, to scream at him for this indignity, but all her hate would melt away as the man wrapped his arms around her. "I can't have you waste your life here, not when you could be so much more." Holding her tightly, the man begged her before he pulled away, "Please Amelia, just take this chance."

She stood there in indecision, unsure at what to do. For the first time in her life, her path wasn't so clear anymore. As she looked at the young lord that had offered her this chance, he replied, "I won't claim to understand what you feel right now, but know this. The choice is yours and always will be."

Glancing back at her hopeful father, she nodded. "I-I understand." Standing in attention, she saluted the man that had been his Captain for all her life, and the man that took her all those years ago, and asked, "Permission to take this new posting, Captain?"

The man returned the gesture as he saluted back. "Permission granted," The man choked out with misty eyes before he asked, "Make me proud, Amelia."

Dropping her salute, she leaned forward before hugging the man tightly. "Thank you, Papa," She whispered as she cried bitter sweet tears. In her pursuit of greatness, she almost lost sight of the man that had helped push her forward. Now that she was about to lose him, she wished that she could stay, but she knew that he wouldn't have it any other way. She was going to show him what she could and hopefully, she'd make him proud.


Took me several rewrites, but finally got it write. I hope you guys like it.



I'm not crying, it's just raining is all.


Damn onion cutting ninjas. His promotion posting better get him off planet before things go to shit.

travis btmb

Tftc great job but you do need to do some editing


Great chapter as always. Just some suggested edits for things that were bothering me, feel free to ignore them. "A rarity given the prejudice against the abhumans in the imperium." → Capitalize "imperium". "Is there something in my face, my lord?" → "on my face". "leaning closely as her soft chest pressed against his before she reached down." → "against him" might read better "pant of disappointment" → "pang". "her touch sending shivers up her spine." → "his spine". "before they froze as the older man started to chuckle." → "before she froze". "pinched the bridge of her knows." → "nose". "as she poked her on the cheeks." → "he poked her" "her ears flattered atop her head" → "flattened". "the Gates of Cadia on the bottle" → "a depiction of the Gates of Cadia" might be better? "chaff on a man" → "chafe". "her flicking tail" → "Despite her denial, her tail flicked." OR "Despite her denial, the flicking of her tail betrayed her true feelings." "She was an amazing woman yet none of it would matter" → Add comma after "woman". "it was now just up to true believers" → Remove "just"? "doesn't mean she can treat her like a child!" → "he can". "Standing in attention" → "at attention"


Love the story so far