Absolution: Chapter 4 (Patreon)
The Parable of Asia Argento
The day finally came and all the children of God, or rather his children, gathered beneath the feet of Mount Sinai once more. Under the cover of night and much like the Israelites of old countless peoples from all walks of life and from every corner of this earth marched through the desert while guided by a pillar of fire along with a few of his angels with them. Large caravans of vehicles and people who were just willing to walk all the way headed to his hidden adobe and they were being tailed.
He could already see some journalists trying to follow the spiritual leaders of his people at this seemingly insane recreation of Moses' journey but they’d soon find their equipment failing, their vehicles breaking down, and all around bad luck befalling upon them. His ophanims had set their sights upon them and they were powerless to fight back against such an invisible horde. He forced them back as he rather not have them see the supernatural just yet.
He pet a purring Ophanim as he sat upon his throne, watching over the multitude as they were guided to the true location of his mountain and to see why it’s true location had been hidden all this time. Hidden deep within a series of mountain ranges and far from civilization was a holy barrier unlike any other. It glowed with an intensity much like the sun yet it did not burn the eyes. This was the barrier that Genesis made after he made his covenant with their people and only the faithful could see it with their own two eyes.
Reaching down from the heavens with his pillar of fire, he parted the barrier and allowed his people to behold the wonders that had been hidden from them all these years. As the barrier parted, a lush and beautiful valley appeared before them. It was a rich oasis amidst the desert landscape filled to the brim with all sorts of animals and plants. Bathed with the light of heaven above, they grew and thrived in an abundance like no other. It was a paradise that harkened to Eden and in the middle of it all was the mountain of legend itself, Mount Sinai in its lonesome; a tall towering mountain of red sandstone.
“Ladies and Gentleman, this is your God speaking. You’re now approaching Mount Sinai. Please gather at the foot of the mountain and await further instructions,” He called out from above as his people gaped in awe at the wonders before them.
As soon as the people passed the edge of the barrier, the first of his many gifts were bestowed upon them. The blind could finally see, the deaf could finally hear, and the mute could finally speak. All sorts of ailments were cured as they were bathed with the holy energy of this land. The innocent? The guilty? It did not matter as all sorts of incurable diseases and injuries healed; all thanks to the properties of the valley.
This place wasn’t just where Moses received the ten commandments, no this place was far more special. This was the closest physical place to his plane of existence and this was where he shall remake his religion.
As they got to the foot of the mountain, his people started pitching their tents as they set up camp. With his angels helping them along and arranging them in an orderly manner, a temporary city was erected before him. There was a site dedicated for cooking, for housing and even a prison for those that he would be judging soon enough. LIke the stories of old, a place was set aside for him; a tabernacle. He could only chuckle at the angels having to break up a fight on how long is a cubit as they tried to recreate it as closely as possible.
His attention would soon be called upon as he heard the voice of a particular maiden praying to him. He closed his eyes and listened closely, picking up her voice amidst the sea of prayers. “Heavenly father, today was a wonderful day. Today, I got to meet the bravest little girl I've seen. She was a tiny little thing, frail and balding from the medicine administered to her.” The girl started to feel her devotion pour from her. Faith was powerful, not only augmenting what he had but empowering the very wishes they had. Truly, this world ran on the faith and will of its people.
“She was expected to die this month as nothing could beat back the malignance afflicting her. I wasn’t not even sure the gift you entrusted me could beat it back, for her very own body had turned against her, but she didn’t give up. She still believed in you and when all hope seemed lost, you came there to save her just like you saved me, She recounted, giving him pause. Half forgotten, and almost drowned out by the others, he felt the voice of the tiny girl call to him as well.
“Thank you! Thank you so much. I knew you did it when I healed her weakened body. This might not mean much but seeing your miracles reminds me why I want to help people. The smile you bring to those you’ve helped warms my heart,” She then thanked him and he held it close to his heart. Her prayers reminded him why he kept going. If just one person smiles from his effort, then it was all worth it.
“This prayer is probably getting too long so I’ll have to cut it here. Before I go, however, I just want to ask you to keep watch over little Fatima. She's the girl I talked to you about. She’s still recovering and your gift could only push her body so far. Please, please don’t take her just yet,” She begged him; and who was he to deny such a heartfelt plea?
Opening his eyes, he then held up his temporary companion. The heavenly mechanism blinked as its inner rings spun within. To this ophanim, he whispered the girl's name and tasked it with one task; watch over her. As he released the angel, he then reached out to Asia and promised her, “Don’t worry Asia, I’ll be sending an angel to guard over her.”
He could feel her beaming with such happiness even from all the way to his throne as the girl cheerfully thanked him, “I hope you have a good night!” With that the prayer ended and he couldn’t help but feel but smile at the warmth he felt in his heart. Hopefully, his command would have her released. He wanted everyone there and she should be there. The fact that she was healing someone earlier filled him with hope. As much as he wanted to check on her, however, he had to hold back as he still had duties to attend to. He then directed his attention back to his followers once more.
Jumping off his throne, paced around as he wondered how he should approach his followers. He could just lie and step down physically before them but that could injure them with his presence, so that was not a course of action he’d want to take. He could project his image as he had planned but it was far too boring and impersonal; so he came upon a compromise. He could simply just be there but not really be there at the same time.
Gathering the clouds and heavenly energy of his throne room, he fashioned himself a copy. Letting his body guide his hands, he created a form for him to control. It was a weird experience overall. To create something, he needed only will it. It’s just a thing that happens, but it was not something he’d truly mastered just yet. His body might know how to do it but his mind had yet to catch up with what he could do. He would compare it to suddenly being given the console commands of a game without a guide. He had to keep experimenting to relearn old tricks (for his body at least) but with its limitless potential, he wouldn’t be getting tired of it anytime soon.
Soon, the amorphous blob of heavenly matter turned into something vaguely angel-shaped. It was a lumpy approximation of his shape, but it was good enough. With a simple breath, he gave this facsimile his presence and it started to melt and take shape. Cloud turned into flesh as an angelic avatar complete with wings stood before him.
“Not to self, either get used to having two bodies or keep only using one body at a time,” He said to no one in particular as he blinked and stumbled around. Seeing things through two sets of eyes was disorienting but it quickly faded as he closed the eyes of his doppleganger.
He hummed as he examined his copy, testing it around as he had it walk around. It still looked like him but his presence was extremely muted and he sported wings. It was a perfect replica, at least for as far as this task went, but now he had to put it to the test. Feeling the presence of his seraphs closing in he smiled mischievously as an idea popped inside his head.
Fashioning himself a set of false wings to mirror his copy, he then stood before it and closed his eyes. Opening the eyes of the double, he dismissed the wings before dampening the aura of his main body. Flaring the aura of his duplicate, he turned just in time for Gabriel and Metatron to enter the room. He smiled as his avatar waved at him.
Immediately upon setting eyes upon him, a red haired rocket crashed into his winged form, “So cute! Your Avatar looks so much like you! I just want to pet him and cuddle him all day long,~” She squealed out as he felt her touch him all over. He had to bite his lips as Metatron nuzzled against him, not knowing it was him.
“Metatron no!” Gabriel shouted in alarm as she flew up to try and pry her off but Metatron clung as tightly as she could.
“Metatron Yes!” The younger looking Seraph shouted in glee as pressed her cheeks up against him. He couldn’t help but laugh as he cut off his connection to the copy who was looking at them with exasperation and allowed it to fall limp.
The two angels cried in alarm as his copy fell to the floor but they soon realized something was up as they turned to his grinning visage while his “wings” turned to motes of light, “To think my own daughters would not recognize that it’s merely a facsimile of my true self. Truly, I am hurt,” He lamented, feigning heart break as he clutched his chest. He had to look down to hide how he was holding back his laughter.
“F-father! I didn’t mean to-” Metatron stammered out as she pulled away, looking all lost and confused as she looked back and forth between his two forms in concern. With that, he let out a full bellied laughter as he reached out and patted the angel on the head. He really should stop teasing them.
“Just kidding,~” He replied as he pulled her into a hug and rubbed her back soothingly. He could feel the girl sag in relief as his real form held on to her, “Besides, if it's good enough to fool you then it’s good enough to be my body,” And in flying colors did it manage to pass in its purpose to be his body. If his own angels thought it was him, it should serve him well enough to be his avatar down below.
“It never fails to amaze me how good you are at making things father,” Gabriel whispered in awe as she poked the copy on the cheek while it laid prone on the floor. The way his copy’s face scrunched up almost made it look like he was asleep but it was merely just an automatic response, a way to sell the illusion further.
Unlatching from him, Metatron then walked up to the copy before lifting him up. His body double dangled from her hands as she asked him, “Can I keep your spare body in my room if you’re not using it?”
“...” He paused as his mouth hung open at the woman's brazen request. She even started feeling him up, but before it could get a little bit too spicy he called upon his favorite daughter to correct this wayward angel, “Gabriel? If you please.”
“Certainly father,” Gabriel replied as a Metatron suddenly found her head being grabbed by her older sister before the two met with an earth shattering headbutt. Metatron dropped his body and fell down on the floor, clutching her forehead while Gabriel helped the double to stand up once more.
“Ow! Ok ok, I get it. Jeez,” She groaned out in pain as she looked up and pouted at Gabriel in betrayal and petulant anger. Gabriel only stuck her tongue out to her in response. Rubbing the bump on her forehead and healing it with her heavenly magic, she then asked, “So, you’re going down as an angel, Father?”
“Yup! It’s as personal as I can go without melting their faces,” He replied as he gave the body a pat on the shoulders, “Of course, there are times when I’ll have to go to some places in person but this body should be good enough for exploration and fun,” he then added. Oh he was definitely going to have fun, but first he needed to learn how to use multiple bodies at once.
Walking up to his throne, he then said, “Before I go, any word from Azazel?” He had instructed Michael to spare Raynare and have the woman pass on his message. The silence that met him all but confirmed his suspicion. Did Kokabiel really want war that much?
“Nothing huh? Should have expected that,” He muttered as he sat down on his chair. It was a shame he couldn't just send a message directly to the man. There was a reason why the Fallen were not all smote and it was all thanks to Azazel. He had to give where credit was due as his limited omniscience couldn’t find the man, which forced him to go the old fashioned way.
Shaking his head, he turned to Metatron and instructed her, “Can you get Sandalphon to send this to Azazel? I feel like there’s a certain rat sabotaging my efforts. Best to bypass him altogether.” The kunoichi nodded before she disappeared. He would have appreciated the girl's effort at recreating the body flicker if his mind wasn’t preoccupied with what he needed to do with the fallen angels. He had a feeling that he’d be meeting Kokabiel very soon and he had some choice words for the manchild. “Oh, before I forget. Gabriel?” He then started as he turned to his other daughter.
“Yes?” The woman perked up as she stepped forward.
“Can you go to Kuoh Town and take over Michael’s talk with the devils there? The man should be on vacation but I accidentally dropped a job right on his lap,” He asked her, hoping to relieve Michael of the burden he gave him. He shook his head at how stubborn the man was. That boy was on break and he chose to follow him around for it which landed him a job as soon as an emergency popped up. He needed someone to stop him from being a smart ass and Gabriel just so happened to be the best girl for the job, “You have my permission to pester him until he gives up.”
“Metatron would be far better at pestering Michael,” the woman mused out loudly, taking a jab at Metatron.
“Oy!” The kunoichi cried out in protest from behind a pillar, making him snort in amusement.
Gabriel giggled as well before she continued, “But you can rely on me father!”
He was soon left alone on his throne as Metatron and Gabriel squabled about the latter ruining the ninja’s exit. They were quite the lovely bunch, he admitted, but now his attention fell back to his followers once more. It had only been a few hours but they had settled down and erected their tent city without much problem. He could now visit them.
Turning to his copy, he had it walk up before him before he started pouring his essence to it. Closing his eyes, he filled the angelic body with his essence and soon his consciousness left his original body as it took residence within this new form. Blinking, he raised his arms and moved and found that his movement was smooth and fluid, almost as if he just simply changed his shirt rather than transfer to a new body. It was far weaker than his original but it was never really built for war, it was, after all, built so that he could talk face to face with his followers.
Extending his many wings, he left his throne and flew down to the world below. Escorted by his host, he descended upon the central tent. People gawked and pointed at him but he paid them no heed as his feet touched the ground below. Arrayed before him was the kneeling form of the highest priests of each of the major sects.
“My lord, your earthly adobe is prepared and ready for you to inhabit.” His followers declared as they bowed down low before him.
As a jest, he asked, “Does it have Wifi?” They looked all too serious and he wanted to tease them.
The priest looked among them in confusion, but, surprisingly, their attendants nodded confidently. He blinked in surprise as the attendant knelt before the patriarch of Constantinople, bedecked in his plain black robes, and whispered to his ears. Smiling, the man looked up and happily replied, “Yes. Yes my lord. We placed the router inside the tent.”
He laughed at the absurdity of the situation, but he did ask if an internet connection was available for use, “Remind me to give each of you a gift after we create the new covenant,” He chuckled as the various priests before him sighed in relief.
“Your generosity knows no bounds, my lord,” They praised him as they stood up in attention.
Looking around, he noticed that they’d kept the tabernacle separated from the crowd gathered around his dwelling. He’d find that there was also a distinct lack of people inside, aside from the priest and the various attendants inside the its walls, “Now, before we draft the new laws, I want to meet those that I blessed! Where are they?” He inquired, wondering where they were. He had been looking forward to having Asia greet him as well, but she was nowhere to be found
“This way my lord,” The pope gestured at the entrance before they led him to a jubilant crowd that cheered as he walked out. He waved at them as he soon found those who were blessed with his system. Separated from the crowd who stood a fair distance away, they knelt before him. They were those lucky enough and faithful enough to be born with Sacred Gears or wield holy swords made in his name.
He should have been happy but the more he looked around, the more he grew disappointed. “Is this all of them like I asked?” He asked, as he tried feeling her presence in the crowd yet she was still nowhere to be found.
His followers seemingly picked up his mood at the Pope's harried response, “Of course. My lord. These are all those that volunteered to become your soldiers my lord. They were your warriors, your holy maidens, wielders of powerful relics and sacred gears alike,” He turned to find his followers sweating but he held back his disappointment for now.
“Hmm… someone’s missing,” He said out loud as he closed his eyes and extended his presence, trying to find the one person he had been meaning to meet.
“W-well, some of those condemned and to be judged held sacred gears so that might be why. There are also some currently on important missions so they couldn’t attend,” The man reasoned out as he fumbled with his words.
“No, not them. There’s someone in particular, some one I’ve been meaning to talk to.” He waved him off as his senses reached out beyond the valley and into the surrounding country; Asia was still absent. He frowned as frustration soon started to well up his veins.
“Can we ask who they might be, my lord?” The man then asked.
He frowned as he turned to the man. Had he not been clear with his instructions? “The purest holy maiden I’ve yet encountered in this day and age, Asia Argento,” he then said, hoping he wasn’t wrong.
There was a pause as the various heads of his faith looked between each other. Worry and dread filled their faces as they turned back to him and asked,“I beg your pardon, my lord?”
“Asia Argento,” He repeated as he looked at them expectantly, hoping that they listened to him. It was a simple instruction, and while he didn’t specify her, she was supposed to be included. “She’s been a very good girl and I wish to pat her on the head,” he explained, hoping that they weren’t going to be obstinate. That was when his headache started to grow as the pope's face turned ashen.
“Asia Argento… is currently under house arrest for her sins my lord,” The man mentioned before he slowed drifted off as he looked down and turned his gaze away from his own.
A strained smile soon graced his face as he grounded out, “That shouldn’t be a problem. I told you to bring everyone and when I told you to bring everyone, I meant it,” Frustration welled up inside him as he took stock of the situation. One thing was clear and that was Asia was already in trouble and he was a dumbass for not actually checking on the girl.
He had arrived far too late to influence the events leading to her getting in trouble but why was she so happy when she talked to him? That was when he realized that the girl was far too pure to even get angry at anyone. This was the girl that healed a devil on her own volition simply due to that fact that said devil was injured. This girl was in trouble all because of how deeply his people believed in the mission to fight the devils that they’re willing to punish one of their own even when what she was doing was good.
“But my lord, she’s currently punished? She’s to be judged for her crimes against humanity,” The pope argued as if to punctuate his point even further.
He could correct the situation and have her released but that did not solve the root of the problem in the first place. So deep were these people in their dogmas that they didn’t bother to think with their hearts and mind. She was simply following his predecessors’ teachings with her heart like she was supposed to, but it ran up against the hard line and literal interpretation.
Yes, the devils were the enemy but did they hate for them to forget his very teachings? He could correct it all he wanted, but situations like these would prop up over and over again if he didn’t solve it at its very base; he needed them to think not only with their mind but also with their heart. But how? How would he have them think and realize that yes, you can go against his literal word if it meant those very words made you an ass.
Inspiration soon struck him as he realized that the victim of this problem could very well be the solution. He had something planned, and it could be cruel, but it might just snap them out of this thinking. But first, he needed to set the stage. Schooling his expression to mirror the seriousness of the situation, he then asked him, “Oh? Do tell what her sins are then.”
He gazed at him in challenge, daring the man to explain himself before him. Even now, the people around him could sense where the wind was heading as they inched away from the head of the Catholic Church and glared at accusingly, but it only made his headache worse as she wasn’t only the one; just the one currently worst off and that he knew of.
Swallowing and wetting his lips, the pope reached for his pockets and dabbed at the sweat dripping down his forehead before he answered, “W-well, she healed an injured devil spawn.” He saw the man shaking like a leaf before him, but he powered on as he slowly poured his essence into his avatar and had those who stood before him feel the weight of his presence.
“And?” He asked leadingly, wishing for him to elaborate even further.
The man nearly buckled yet he managed to catch himself. He almost felt bad for the man, but he steeled his heart as he listened to what he said, “That’s about it my lord.”
He took deep calming breaths as he pinched the bridge of his nose. All of this was caused by such a simple thing, “So you’re telling me that even when she did something fundamentally good, healing out of the goodness of her heart, she sinned against mankind and deserved to be punished?” He questioned the man pointedly as he flinched before him. If glares were being thrown at him earlier, now it was full-on jeers as his fellow priest called for his head, “To think that you will be so blinded by your hatred that you fail to see the purity in her intentions.” He whispered as the man finally collapsed to his knees.
“I… don’t deserve the mercy you gave me my lord. I thought I was heading down the right path but I failed once more. Please, have mercy,” The man begged, but the old ways were what caused this, so he’d just have to show them the errors of the ways they had grown so used to following without question.
Looming over him, he fired back, “I’m not the one you should be asking for mercy. Now, if you can back up a bit. I need to pick up your judge.”
The man scrambled away with a whimper as he closed his eyes and returned back to his throne. There, he reached out to Asia and found her deep inside the wards of the Vatican. She was in her room but she was guarded by two halberd wielding priests, “Asia?” He prodded her away, doing her best not to disturb her too much,“It’s time to wake up.” He whispered into her ear as she stirred and did as told before he whisked her away.
With merely a thought, he pulled her from the resting place of St. Paul to the base of his mountain. His followers gasped as the maiden appeared before him. He almost dropped character at the sight of the sleepy blonde wearing her floppy bunny ears and her comfortable looking pajamas.
The girl stretched before rubbing the sleep of her eyes. A bleary stare looked up at them as she yawned out, “Oh, I’m dreaming all over again. Hello, your holiness and… I’m terribly sorry but I don’t know who you are.”
The pope awkwardly waved back as Asia teetered and stumbled up to stand before them. He waited for her to dust herself off before he replied, “It’s fine, Asia. I’m sorry for whisking you away while you were asleep, but I think you wouldn’t want to miss what’s happening here,”
Immediately, recognition hit her as her eyes flew wide open and stared at him, “Eep!” she cried out in surprise before scrambling to kneel before him, “M-my lord!”
“Now now, you’ve already prayed enough to me. No need to bow,” He assured her as he gave her a pat on the head. It was just far too tempting and the way she brightened up lightened his heavy and weary heart.
He helped her stand up, he asked her as he gestured at the trembling man before him, “Now Asia, you are familiar with the one before you right?”
The nun puffed her cheeks as she glared at the man. For a second, he thought was actually angry before she opened her mouth, “Why yes, Father Vittorio, how’s your hip doing? I hope you didn’t throw them off again after I had just healed you last month! You should be more careful, you know,” The girl scolded the man as she walked up to him and helped him up. The man gave her a bewildered look but Vittorio resisted not as he stood up.
Shaking his head, he smiled sadly as he replied, “Unfortunately no my child. It has come to my attention that Vittorio has done a great misdeed not only upon yourself but also unto me.” He had failed him for the second time and while he would have forgiven him, this would always mark him, even if he did change, and he needed to remove that stigma.
The girl blinked as she dusted off the dirt that clung to the man's pure white vestments. “He did? I’m sure he didn’t mean no harm,” She defended him without any hint of hesitation. As soon as she said those words, accusations soon ran out as those around them declared the man's crimes. Even through their conflicting shouts, their words were clear; he had sinned yet still the woman asserted his innocence, “No! He must have not realized something was wrong.”
“Asia, I asked him to gather all those whom I blessed with my relics and he had failed. Not only that but he also kept you locked away. Is he not worthy of punishment?” He asked her, yet she was adamant in her beliefs as she shielded the man with her body, “He stands before me as a condemned and it is upon your shoulders that I give the honor of deciding his fate. Will you have him be stoned? Exiled perhaps to march ever ceaseless like Cain? Maybe even turned a pillar to a salt? He has wronged you, now I give you his life. How shall he die?” He then declared and the girl almost cried as she shook her head.
“N-no, I refuse to pick! Please don’t hurt him, my lord! If he needs to be punished, then have his punishment be commuted unto me!” The girl implored him as she knelt down and grabbed on to him. Tears now streamed down her face as she willingly threw herself into the proverbial execution stand.
“Please Asia, do not do this for me. You have your whole life ahead of you, please don’t throw it all away,” The man pleaded for Asia to see sense yet she refused once more as he clung to him.
“No! There must be another way!” She shouted and there he knew he made the right choice.
“Even after all he had done to you? You would still forgive him?” He asked.
“Yes my lord. Please forgive him. I’ve forgiven for what he had done. He was merely serving you to the best of his abilities,” The girl cried; she was all too willing to forgive.
“Would you still stand for him even if I were to declare that his sins are worthy of death?” He tested her resolve, seeing if she truly was the one that could break this cycle of ignorance.
“You will never do that my lord, I know you wouldn’t!” She wept as she sobbed. Twice more she defied him, remaining true to what was right.
“Why? Why defy me? Would you really throw everything away just to save one life?” He questioned her as he did her best to cast doubt upon her will, yet she remained resolute with her answer as thrice she denied him.
“Please Asia, see some reason! You don’t have to do this!” One of them cried out, pleading to her.
“Because it’s the right thing to do my lord and I know deep in my heart you are a just and forgiving god so please, please don’t do this,” She begged with all her heart. Despite all the voices calling her to just let the man die for his sins, she remained true to her heart. She would not be swayed nor convinced of anything other than what is just.
“You really are far too pure for this world,” He whispered in awe. If only there were a few more of her here in this world. Laying his hands upon her, he once more petted her as he smiled down upon her, “And so he shall be saved thanks to you,” He proclaimed as she cried out with tears of happiness.
Helping her up, she clung on to him as if holding for her dear life. Rubbing her back, he then called upon his flock, “Now you see why I crown her as the purest before all. She was willing to stand up for what was right even if it meant having to defy me thrice. Never once did her resolve falter,”
Turning to the once condemned who stood there, stunned at what had happened, and reached out to him, patting him on the shoulder, “Vittorio, now you see why you have sinned. You have allowed your flock to be blinded and become close minded. You have allowed hate to close your hearts. Did I not teach you to become good neighbors to everyone? Even the Samaritan chose to help a stranger, so why won’t you?”
He then turned his attention and glared upon the priest that cried for the man's head, “And to you, shame on you! You’re no better than the Priest and Levite! You could have stepped in at any time yet to forsake him and refuse to stand up for what was right just because you were afraid of who sentenced your fellow brother,” He chastised them and they too knelt as the weight of his presence flared, “I know of your sins yet I forgive you because I know you can change so please, please don’t close your hearts when making such harsh judgements,” He pleaded. He would rather have an unruly bunch of followers than a flock of mindless sheep if it meant that they could think for themselves.
“Praise be, praise be the lord,” Vittorio cried out as he wept openly before him.
He shook his head before gesturing to the girl in his arms. “Don’t thank me, thank my little angel over here,” He replied, hopefully, they learned their lesson. He could feel his hands shaking as he held on to Asia for support. He wasn’t really the best at this, but he had to power on for their sake.
Sniveling and wiping at her tears, Asia then asked him,“Please don't do that again.”
He chuckled before reaching out and ruffling the girl's hair much to her annoyance. Holding back his hands from pinching, he replied, “I had to play the role of Solomon to drive my lesson home, you know,” He could have done this better but he was still learning. He would fumble along the way, but for now he believed that he did right, “Now Asia, why don’t you sit beside me while I bless all these people?”
Asia was all too happy and having her there helped him calm down. Despite all that happened, she still sported a smile as she greeted friends and forgave them. There was some scolding, but Asia was far too soft to hurt them so he sat back and let her vent on them. With her by his side, blessing them all felt like a breeze. They need only his words to help strengthen their hearts.
After a long night, he finally talked to those all who were gifted along with a couple hundred more people who were in desperate need of reassurance in their lives. Asia was slowly nodding off after staying up almost all night long to help him. She even went so far as to deny his blessing so that she could see that everyone got a turn with him.
Shaking her awake, he whispered, “Asia, stay up just a bit longer. I have something to give you.”
“But you already blessed me,” The girl groaned out as she started nodding off.
“No silly, not that. I wish to grant you a wish for being such a good girl,” He chuckled as the girl perked up, “Simply ask what I shall give you.”
He could feel the girl's indecision as she bit her lip while mulling over such a boon. Only a few people had such a wish granted. She could ask for anything and he would give it to her. Wisdom? Wealth? Power? He cared not for he knew what was in Asia’s heart and he knew it was good. What she asked for, however, shocked even him.
“I-I know it might be selfish but… I wish to be by your side!” She shouted, taking him aback at such a simple request. Truly, she was such a wonderful girl.
He nodded before he stood up and called out to the crowd before them, “Now everyone, I want you to close your eyes. This might get a little bit bright.”
Was he really selfish for what he planned to do? Probably, but seeing her in person, he could now say for certain that he would not regret his actions. And so, he showed her his true form and the world trembled. It was but a mere fraction of his true self with this avatar as a conduit yet his flock were forced to their knees, but not Asia who was so pure of heart.
She stared in wide eyed wonder as she stood there without flinching. He had found someone worthy of standing before him and he couldn’t be any happier to what she wished. Extending his hand out to her, he asked, “Asia, would you like to take my hand?” And so Asia walked with god and she was no more; for god took her and made her an angel.